Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 165: There Must Be Something More Of It

Chapter 165: There Must Be Something More Of It

Under the Bright artificial moon

The chilling air of the Hell desert floor enveloped my body, which was sitting on the shore of the Lake inside the Oasis.

Even though the place that I'm in right now could be said a lush green park, but the fact that this place is somewhere in the desert can't be changed.

Hence, I still can't escape from the typical chilling air atmosphere that only happened on Desert Night.

Sitting on top of the simple chair nearby the Lake's shore, I relaxedly enjoying the beautiful night sky decorated with a bright big moon, that enchantingly making a reflection on the Lake's surface with a fishing rod in my hand.

Next to me, some buckets that contained the lake water with the strange fish swimming around it and some unrecognizable stuff, could be found lying around.

Yes, after knowing that I could only use a fishing rod item to get some reward from the dungeon special place here, I decided to fish normally like what the three ladies( Anna, Anni, Alexa) not far from me do.

On the green forest nearby behind me, the three-liter fairy-like creature playing and giggling around, painted the once mysterious beautiful atmosphere here to be brighter and more festive.

They are the three elemental spirits I contracted to, Ra, Skadi, and Nir.

For some reason, when the night came, they suddenly asked to get out from their nest( Which were the three special accessories that stick in my body) to start playing around outside, here.

I have my own guess about this certain behavior of them, but the far it goes, it only stops on just my speculation.

When the night came, Alongside the falling temperature, I feel like the activity of the surrounding elemental started to change.

I can't describe it for sure, but I feel like the water elementals and the fire elementals became more active during the night for whatever reason.

After realizing this, I have this speculation that maybe my elementals spirit affected by it, so they also became eager to enjoy the strange changing atmosphere in this place.

But of course, back to the beginning, as far as it goes, it's only just my own speculation.

As for the true reason? Who knows~

Maybe when I conquered this dungeon in the future, I will get the answer to this question.

[How is it? is your luck bring you something good?


Forget it, looking at what inside your basket, I think it will be rude for me to ask that] *Alexa

While I have my head full of the thought about the strange phenomenon of elementals movement, all of a sudden, Alexa came and sat next to me, asking with a flat voice tone which was very difficult to perceive if her words are serious or just joking.

[Hey, at least I get a rainbow trout! And some pearl of youth! So my gain here is not considered a bad one!...probably] *me

Slightly triggered by her statement, I subconsciously retort her, albeit the latter part of my words sounds slightly unconfident.

Moving my gaze from her, I decided to check the wooden buckets next to me.

Inside the water there, I saw some of some small fishes with a rainbow color glistering scale.

Aside from the strange fishes, something like bright white pearls also could be found within some of the buckets.


{Rainbow Trout}

Dungeon Special Ingredient.

-In the Special Lake inside of Dionysus's garden, living a special trout which was once directly raised by the God Of Wine.

That is a Rainbow Trout.

In the Epic of God, there's a story where this trout used as one of the Legendary Elixir Of Life.

*Effect : Increase Hp by 1000 permanently upon consuming it. After the 10th consumption, this effect will be nullified.( You can make some dish out of it and the effect will still applicable. The effect only appear after consuming a total of one trout)


{Pearl Of Youth}

Dungeon Special Material.

-In the Special Lake inside of Dionysus's garden, lied a special pearl which was once coming out from the mermaid tears who was living inside the Special Lake.

Pearl Of youth, it was what God called it.

In the Epic of God, there's a story where the God Of Forging, Hephaestus, created a Legendary Necklace of youth that was saught by all the emperors of the world, out of the special pearl.

*Effect : giving a random status( Affecting Life) to the item enhanced or imbued with it.


'See? What do you guys think? Isn't my haul quite decent?'

' it should be if I not see the Ancient Book that Anna gets before'

[Leaving that aside, are you guys already finish with your fishing?] *Me

'Huh? What? It's not like I try to shift the topic or anything!'

'I genuinely curious about them, you know?'

[Ah, the two of them already stop fishing and decided to train near the camp site] *Alexa

[Is that so? then, did you guys got something decent from the lake? Don't tell me, after you mocking me just now, you guys also didn't get something decent~ Pupupu~*Mocking laugh] *Me

[About that Anna and Anni seem to get something decent.

When I see them stop fishing just now, I saw them excitedly back to the tent with some new gear in their hand.

from the appearance of it, Anni seems to get something like a battle suit, while Anna gets a new bow.

Looking at their new gear, I bet it must be Unique rating one] *Alexa


[.....Is that so? it's good for them then, how about you?] *Me

Even though I was quite happy for the two of them, but as expected, considering to what I get after fishing for hours here, I have this slight envy inside my heart.

That's why this time I decided to ask Alexa for her gain.

Maybe she was like me, just get some of rainbow trouts and pearl, nothing more.

[Aside from the rainbow fish and pearls, I got this

Right, Anna and Anni said that you can appraise a thing, could you please appraise this for me] *Alexa

.....Or not....

She replied to me while showing off a beautiful strange pendant that looks quite rustic, hanging in her slender sexy neck.

When I observed it carefully, in some parts of it, I found out that the same pearl which I just saw in my bucket a second ago was decorated the pendant beautifully.

[Sure~] *Me

Slightly curious to what the status the pendant had, I accepted her request and started appraising it.


(Eternal Night) [Unique] 

-Dungeon's Accessories

Type: Pendant

+ 150% AGI

+ 100% DEF

+ 200% Attack speed

*[The Pearl Of Youth Effect : your appearance will not age and stay at your prime time.]

*[Eternal Night(Passive) : When the night come, increase your Agility by 3 times and movement speed by 5 times]


After appraising it, I told Alexa the status of her pendant.


Bla bla* ... that's all for the Eternal Night's status.


Considering how rare the accessories are, It seems you're extremely lucky to get something incredible like that pendant

Haa it seems just like you said before, I only have great luck when it comes to money~] *Me

[Don't be discouraged, maybe when you spend more time fishing, something incredible will come out] *Alexa

[Thank you for your kind words~] *Me

When I heard Alexa encouraged me with her usual unexpressive face, I gave my thanks and back to fishing.

Seeing me back to fishing once again, Alexa just silently sat next to me and looking at her new pendant with bright eyes as she's examining it with care.

Still, recalling the items that my party member get, I couldn't help myself to think deeply about this special Lake.

This lake- no, this entire dungeon, the thing that the system worked here really reminds me of the MMORPG game on earth once again.

In the beginning, when I took my first step here, in this dungeon, I already had this thought in mind.

However, since I didn't want to dwell on it further, I decided to not think about it and shrugged it off as to not overthinking it.

But this time as expected, after experiencing the strange thing after strange thing that happened here, I can't ignore it anymore.

'What is Ancient Dungeon? Why the system work here reminds me of the game I play in my previous world'

This thought appeared inside my head repeatedly.

Unconsciously, I started to link it with the system outside, which was similarly designed like the dungeon here.

When I recalled to what Fenrir said in the past, I began to think that the system on the outside of the dungeon, using the Ancient Dungeon as their reference.

This speculation appeared after I considered the fact that the Ancient Dungeon is older than the system which was built on the outside world by the God.

'Did the dungeon system also created to make a balanced environment within it?... or maybe it's because of other purposes?'

Dwelling further on the mysteries of the world, my mind started creating a new suspicion.

Maybe it sounds harsh, considering that Fenrir was trapped inside me until now.

But deep inside my heart, to be honest, I'm not exactly 100% believe to what all that Wolf said.

Maybe if it's some part about my parent identity, I could believe him in some sense.

But for the other Information and fairy tales he told me before, I can't believe it for 100% percent.

'Anyway, that guy sounds sort of delusional like Immortal Dragon, how can I believe to all what he said?

"Life is temporary, Death is eternal" my ass!

Even a 10 years old kid knows that people only live in this world temporarily before death comes to take them

Even if you're immortal, if by some chance you die after getting killed with some special mean, then your life will end there'

'As expected, maybe there's something that Old Wolf hides from me maybe it's about the Origin of the System, I believe there's more about it than just balancing magic power and stuff'

When I thinking about this stuff and lost in my own thought,

[Alex, don't think too much about your luck

I believe you're lucky enough to be born with a special ability you possess.

So stop minding about it, okay?] *Alexa

Alexa suddenly said this thing with some concern on her deadpan face, making me back to my sense.

When I heard her concern, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry for her to misunderstand me like this.

In the end, I can only smile wryly and move my hand to caress her hair gently, conveying to her that I was okay.


In the first place, even if my expression looked sour when I saw other people get something better than me, but actually I never worry about my luck that much.



Touching my hand that was still caressing her red hair, Alexa suddenly saying my name with a low voice.

When I look at her eyes, I saw that they started glistening and getting wet



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