Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 14: Now, Did You Guys Understand My Greatness?!

Chapter 14: Now, Did You Guys Understand My Greatness?!

I went back to Arkhaim Town after slain the Orc king. I spent one day to go back to the Town as I hunt some of the remnants of orcs along the way.

Now, I'm in front of the Quest completion counter to finish my quest. In front of me, there is a woman with a flabbergasted expression after I told her about the death of the Orc King, as well as informed her that I'm the one who killed it

[d-did you say you have slain the Orc king?!]

After hearing her surprised voice, I started to lift my nose and started boasting

[Ah.. that a good fight, the Orc king is quite strong for a walking pig that can talk, I swung my sword with green energy like the wind! and then slash!! before beheaded him to ends his sinful life! how? awesome, right?! you guys should rise my adventurer Rank and give me the green swordsman nickname for me Mhehehehe! how about that?!]

I could feel a sudden pride filled my entire heart as I told her my stories!! I didn't know why, but after seeing the town silhouette, I started imagining how the people will be in awe after I told them my achievement! 

finally! the time I could boast about something is finally came after living a boring life for 26 years where the normies around me always boast about their talent and gift!

At that time, the talentless and ordinary me could only bite my finger in loneliness!! look! in this second life, I could be a hero if I want it!! too bad I didn't dream to be one...anyway, this place is the first place who will be witnessing my first legendary feat!!!

With a heart full of expectation, I stared at the woman in front of me with excited eyes!

[A-ah... can you wait a minute I will talk to miss flora]

Somehow I could see the flabbergasted expression of the woman has suddenly changed to surprise after hearing my report. for some reason, she twitches her mouth after giving me her answer and walked away after asked me to wait.

She walked towards the fox eared receptionist lady and talked to her in low voices. So her name is flora?

While waiting for the woman, my ears suddenly quivered as I started to overhear the Adventurers who murmuring among themselves in surprise after hearing that I slew the orc king


I started to glance at them with a smug face! "what now? did you guys started to realize my greatness?? praise me! praise me! mwahahaha!" 

Somehow I couldn't help myself to be excited about what kind of title that they will give me? but to overhear them is not fun at all... let's give them some space, I hope you guys could give me a decent name... as expected, perhaps they will end up with Greenswordsman?

----Meanwhile, in some of the table that not far from Alex, a group of adventurers discussed something as they sit together at the same table----

[Oi-oi did you hear? Dolores said he slain an orc king!!]

[Look at that smug face! as expected he is a kid after all!]

[Yes, maybe he just found the orc king in his dying breath after fighting for territory with another monster before took the opportunity to take his life? kilkilkil!]

[Hah! beginner luck!]

[But, did you guys realize something? the way he boasted about his achievement, is kinda weird right?]

[I know- I know it! the way he boasts is somehow reminded me of the delusional neighborhood kids near my inn!]

[He is dangerous!!]

[As expected! he is truly dangerous, you guys don't go near him! maybe that is some terrible contagious disease!]

[Right right! who knows you could become crazy after talking to him!]

[Yes! Let's call him delusional super rookie!]

[Why you called him super rookie? It's just his beginner luck that made him could slay the orc king! isn't it too much?!]

[Even though it's just luck, he slay the orc king is still a fact after all]

[Right! right! then it'll be better to call him Cringe King Alex?!]

[How did you know about his name?]

[I overheard it from the receptionist who murmuring his name as she filled the data of new adventurer after he just registered]

[Is that so? then call him Cringe King Alex!]

[S-somehow, I got goosebumps after hearing his nickname!]

[Right! what a dangerous guy!]





murmur murmur*

I glanced at the adventurer at one of the tables who still busy talking and discussing something. Somehow, they keep changing their expression as they keep chit-chatting along the time

'hmm.. it seems they are surprised and amazed at my achievements. mwehehehe! I assumed the name of the Greenswordsman Alex will circulate tomorrow.....

Unfortunately, I couldn't show this off to the smug bastard that always talked about doing something in society with their gifts and talents!! humph! what talents! look at me! I am doing good in this world society by defeating a strong monster!! your garbage talent is nothing compared to me!! what for the great cause of society?! could you defeated the strong monster that endangers human life?! what a bullshit!!'

tap tap tap*

While I have this thought in my mind, all of a sudden I could hear a footstep approaching my direction. As I moved my gaze, I saw the fox-eared receptionist came to me with the women from before

[I'm sorry to take up your time, this is the first time Dolores to encounter such a thing, once again, I am really sorry ~]

The rece- I mean flora started apologizing to me, as the human woman behind her started nodding to confirmed that she felt the same way as Flora. So her name is Dolores? what a clumsy woman she is, it couldn't be helped~ It something that great after all, maybe it's the first time for her to hear someone killed a Lord Class Monster! mwahaha~

For some reason, I could feel my vanity increased after seeing the clumsy Dolores!

[It's not a problem, I Greenswordman Alex will take my time if it's for the great cause *chira~]

I giving my most handsome smile to the two women, Flora tilt her head in confusion and for some reason, I could see Dolores twitching her mouth

Hehehe, today is really a great day!

[Please follow me, we will inspect and calculated the rewards and additional money that sell from the Orc King corpse]

I followed the two women towards the back of the dismantle counter. I take all of my spoils and shocked the two women and the guild staff that will help us dismantle the corpse. It couldn't be helped since there is a small mountain of Orc corpses contained a few Orc Guardian, one Orc general, and one Orc King corpses within the small mountain of ordinary orcs of spoil.

After that, I started taking out all the magic stones that I got from the orcs to sell them into the guild. is not over yet! I gave the subjugation parts of goblins and orcs too!

Seeing the spoil after spoils that I took out, they started making gasps noise and commotion!

hehehe~ how? did you guys finally understand my greatness?! mweheheh!

haahhh..... today I feel the joy that I always yearned for!! I somewhat understand why the bastard in my previous world really likes to boast about their achievement!

It could fulfill their vanity!! that's it!! for society? bullshit!! I know most of them somehow have the same feeling as me right now!!! It's all to one thing!! EGO!! that's why a lot of people dreamed to become a celebrity! they want to show their existences in the world! they want to have some meaning in their lives!!

And the last important thing! they just want to look better among the ordinary people!

ha.... my soul is tingling.... d-did the immortal dragon already tried to break from the prison I set before!!

n-no... what immortal dragon..


Let's calm... sigh....

Somehow I could feel something trying to break out inside of me...

let's forget it...

I sobered myself before focusing on the reward that I will get after selling all my spoils

Flora started to count the total reward I could get from my spoils and walked away to exit this room.

Before long, she came back with a brown leather bag in her right hand before giving that leather bag to me with her usual business smile on her lips

[These is the total rewards and sale, its 1.745.800 Rham sorry its less than expected as you didn't include orc king magic stone for sale, you could check the amount of money inside the bag once again to check if that's the right amount of your reward. 

And these is your new guild card, congratulation for advanced and become Silver Rank Adventurer! and excuse me, but, could I have your old cards with me~]

I took the money before give her my old guild card, I didn't check the money as I believe the guild's credibility, for a big organization like them, I wonder that they would stake their organization name for just a little money

Anyway... somehow it's disappointed me a little that I only advanced to silver rank.. let's ask her for confirmation

[Ehmm.. did my strength isn't qualified enough to become a Gold Rank Adventurer ?]

[Ah~ about that, for the Gold rank upwards you need more contribution to the guild and strict test to advance. So please continue to work hard from now on!~]

Flora informed me while giving her standard business smile as always to me.

CK, it couldn't be helped. Let's just be patient and continued pilling up contribution for now

After giving my thanks to both Dolores and Flora, I started to exit the building with my nose high!

'hum hum tomorrow the rumor about my greatness will be spread around the entire town mweheheeh!'

Along the way, some adventurer gave me a strange look. Somehow, some of them even has terrified face before avoided me like seeing a plague

'Strange.. They look odd for some reasons, did they feel inferior after comparing their achievement to mine?, you guys I dont mind if you just act as usual you know? somehow you guys remind me of the previous me who always have low self-esteem... umu umu, I really know well what it feels!'

sigh... became someone great has its own price after all...

[anyway, my business is done here, let's go home and had plenty of rest!]

[tomorrow I will find a renowned slave merchant in this city and buy Sexy Milf type of slave to be my companion!]

I renewed my step while imagined a lewd scene on my head, my face unconsciously make perverted expression while laughing as I continued walking with a lighthearted feeling





At this time, Alex didn't realize that his disgusting laugh made his already deprived title became more notorious in Arkhaim city....


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