Isekai Absolute Copy and Online Shopping

Chapter 101: You Guys Are My Family! (SS)

Chapter 101: You Guys Are My Family! (SS)

---Alex POV---





With the sound of glasses clinking the atmosphere of the home's party heightened and became more festive.

Giggle giggle*

The sound of children's giggle could be heard all around the dimly lit garden as they had food and snacks in their hands. They running around happily and enjoy the festive atmosphere with the other children, some of the young adults, and teenage girls.

I enjoy eating some BBQ with Al beside me as I appreciated the warm scenes in front of my eyes. Seeing that the children of some different races playing and eating the good food cheerfully, I couldn't help to recall the racism that happened in my previous world.

I have these doubts in mind and shrug them off before since I didn't have someone informative enough to know about these kinds of stuff. I tried to ask Chali once, but she seemed didn't think about this racial cohabitation too much. She told me that she's busy doing some adventurer jobs in her teenage days.

Apparently, Chali herself never had any prejudice about people from different races and just live her life as taking her own survival as the main focus.

Hearing her perspective about people from different races shocked me greatly. As I, myself wasn't the kind of people that mind too much about race differences myself, I somehow known that these racial things were meaningless as it already ingrained in their respective way of life and culture. So, rather than trying to judge them, I preferred to mind my own business and life. At the end of the day, they're the same intelligent race as me who live their lives. 

But, I tended to think like this because I live in the information era where it's open my mind enough to accept the differences between people of race and ethnicity.

Seeing how this world, more specifically this kingdom's common people could accept the race differences, somewhat made me think there's must be something behind it. A hidden history that the ordinary people here not known or chose to gloss over. 

In the end, I decided to ask my curiosity to Al as I thought maybe I could get something from her, Noble's class people of this Kingdom

[Al, I'm quite curious, I already stayed at Arkhaim town for a few days and somehow can't see any blatant racism in there is that some story that makes the people at your town to resolve their racial problem and accept it]

Hearing my abrupt question, Al who still eating sausage while standing, stopped her action and staring at me weirdly. She staring at me for a while before she looked like realizing something.

'I think she somehow misunderstands me, but since it looked like a harmless one, it's better to take it to my own convenience. Anyway, maybe she just thought of me as someone from a different continent that somehow lacks some common sense, as far as she can imagine, right?


[Umu, it can't be helped if you are curious about this thing if you came from the other continent. Since it's happened a long time ago, and some hidden history among the nobles, I quite understand your curiosity]


Al paused her words as she took a bite of the sausage in her hand and savoring it with a smile. I waited patiently for a while before she continuing her speech

[This happened approximately 800 years ago. During that time, there was a racial war that happened and almost obliterated this continent's population. There is a time at the point that the number of the population of each race became almost equal. 


Seeing this carnage, the Olimpia church decided to enter the scene and ended the pointless war with the assistant of the Baltimore Empire Founding Emperor. At that time, the Aristocrat, noble, as well as the leader of each tribe of the different races started to make an oath and agreement to erase the racism and equalize each race status as an intelligent being.


At first, the plan isn't working too well as people still minding racial culture and appearance, but with the help of the Olimpia Church teaching as well as the leader of each race assistant, the racism started to lessen as people from the different race started living and mixed together throughout the time. To prevent common people to know about this dark history, the leader of each ethnicity and races decided to hide it and seal this dark history in order to prevent it from happening again in the future


Throughout the centuries, the inhabitant of this continent used to it and accepting the differences of each race as a quirk and personality rather than racism. That's why, it's not that the racism is ended for all, but it's just the people in this continent it's not mind too much about the racial joke and remarks from other race and taking it as an insult for their whole racial group like before. The people here already grown with it and take it as their own unique personality and character, so they tend to gloss it over]

Hearing her long-ass explanation, I become dumbfounded before realizing something!!

'Yes!! These people are not living in the information era and still living as a small social community! There is no internet, and newspaper or magazine! That's mean, there is no "small but loud group" that spreading and make some bullshit movement to brainwashed them to became super sensitive about these racial joke and remark!'

'Furthermore, since the leader and Aristocrat already have a slave system, combining the unique skill that possessed by each reach is more beneficial to their territory. So they agree to instill these friendly environments and lessen the clashing between each race to become more productive. It seems I underestimate this world people too much I think the world I live before is the one having more primitive mindset than this world and more importantly, the balanced number of the race population is playing the important role in building this friendly environment too'

'sigh maybe I just overthinking stuff. Fundamentally, the people of this world just think about survival rather than a petty thing like racism. It just my mind too narrow and tend to overcomplicate thing'

I decided to take this matter's end and shrug it off before continued eating the BBQ leisurely. 

The thing that I could take from Al's story was to create a warm atmosphere where people under me could live their life fully in peace. Maybe if I could build a good environment for them where they worked together and helped each other in harmony, I could reduce the possibility of a toxic mindset to be born among them.

'Yes, they all are my family. Maybe it's just me yearning for it since I already lost it when I just still small, but, I want to create a warm place that I can call family in this place'

I firmed my resolve inside my heart. 

After that, I started blending with others to enjoy the festive and warm atmosphere to my heart-content!

I hanging out with the ladies as well as my women. We chatting leisurely about the funny experiences that we had. Since it's a party, they trying not to tell the sad and heavy story as it could dampen the mood. 

These women seemed already knew my intention that I held this party in order to strengthen our bond and made the relationship between ourselves closer by knowing about each other better.

Seeing them chatting and get along really well, I unconsciously smile and feeling warm. 

'It seems the dream about building a big family here is not that far'

I know that the harmonize atmosphere that happened right now was not built by itself. I saw Chali, Silvi, as well as Sofia seemed working together to make the people in this little community blend smoothly. They always being the mood setter and be the center that glued these women and people together.

'These three people's charisma surely is high, if it's me alone, I wonder I could create these harmonious scenes that easily sometimes I feel really lucky to be blessed by these competent women around me. Recalling my ill relationship with my ex in my previous world, I always feel that what happened to me right now is not real and just an illusion or maybe... I just really not suited to live in there'

I hurriedly throw this melancholy thought at the back of my mind and decided to continue enjoying the party. I played with cheerful children and teach them a simple game from my previous world like [hide and seek] and etc.

Looking at their happy expression as well as their bell-like laughter, I unconsciously forget the dark and bitter experience I had in my previous world. Their innocent's souls unconsciously purified my spirit without me knowing it. Their happiness washed my worry as well as insecurity inside me.

Giggle giggle*

With the bell-like laughter from the children, the dimly lit warm party under the moonlight continued in a festive and warm atmosphere until it come to end. Since it was the time for the children to go back and sleep the people decided to end the party.

I saw Eliz who carrying the sleeping Al in her back approached me and started to open her mouth after stopping in front of me

[I don't know what kind of strong liquor that you have here, but it's really strong enough to make the young lady black-out after just taking a bottle of it. Sigh... I don't know why, but the goods in your place seemed not ordinary, you already saw the young Lady accessories, it can block a poison, but it seems the alcohol in your place is not have a poison effect...

Anyway, on behalf of the Young Lady, I give you my thanks to invite us to your warm party.

I'll take my leave now since there is a lot of works to do for me tomorrow. Alex, see you~ mmuah *kiss]

Eliz kissed my cheeks lightly as she smiled

[Hahaha, I think Chali take some vodka from the fridge for you guys to try. Anyway take care of yourself and try to not overwork yourself, okay?]

I smiled at her and caressed her cheeks in return. Since Al already sleeping, I decided to not bother her. 

Eliz nodded and smiled gently at me before walking off toward the Teleportation Gate direction with the sleeping Al in her back.

As I saw her back started disappearing from the Gate, this time, it's Chali who approaching me to say something

[Master, you look very happy today, did something good happen?]

[Oh, Chali? You seem already order the adults to start tidying up the place?]

Seeing the adult women already started tidied up the party places by cleaning and collecting the empty dish with a smile plastered on their faces, I nodded my head in satisfaction.

[Anyway, for your question, umu, I'm very happy today I feel like I build a big family here~]

[I'm glad that master really happy about it Since I often saw master being absentminded a lot during the night's camp before, I thought master still feel lonely deep inside. That's why during this party I take the opportunity to make the relationship among us and master closer~]

Hearing Chali's heartfelt intention, I was really touched. Chali, even she is not the most perfect woman for other people perspectives for her widow status, but she was the most considerate woman among my women


I embraced her body gently as I caressed her back slowly to showed my appreciation. Feeling the comfortable and warmness from my body, Chali lowly whisper

[Master, I hope we can fulfill your loneliness I already discuss this with Silvi and Sofia, we will try our best to create a warm place for you. They already agree with me after hearing Master's circumstance. Don't worry, I'm not telling them about the master being an Otherwolder yet, I just tell them that master was an orphan sorry]

[No, it's okay. And thanks a lot, from now on, you guys are my family here]

[Um Master, lend me your ears, I have to tell you about the widow's request. Whisper* whisper*]

Hearing her abrupt and sudden whispers, I became dumbfounded and stoned in place. I saw Chali's playful and naughty smile after she passed her message but I decided to shrug it off and observed the Widows who already carry their kids back into their respective gorgeous houses which were already being built not far from my mansion vicinity.

For some reason, I could saw them peeking at me from time to time with a shy and expectant expression. Looking at this scene, I gazed at Chali who still in my embraced as I twitched my mouth slightly

[Is this your strategy to make me fall, Chali?]

[Huhuhu~ who knows, and master, the three of us will wait for you in the mansion~ good luck~]

After saying this, she slipped out from my embrace as she back to the mansion direction with a lighthearted feeling and a playful smile plastered on her face.

'come to think of it, where is Anni? Did she already make some friends and adapt to this new environment? But with her personality, I doubt she will do that'

'Whatever, for now, let's fulfill these ladies' request this Chali, don't think that I will pass out with just this! Hmph!'

I snorted with smugness before go to one of the widows' houses




Meanwhile, inside the mansion's living room, Anni already passed out with multiple empty bottles of vodka lying around on the floor. Not only her, but even some Silver Wolf members were also lying around unconscious not far from her

Contrary to Alex's worry, it seemed Anni already mixed herself into his woman circle or maybe, she's just getting bullied by Al who vented her annoyance after seeing Alex Harem growing

Only Anni and the passed out Silver Wolf themself knew...


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