Is this destiny?

Chapter 87 - More Than I Imagined (3)

After lunch Aiden and Sarah went for a walk through the neighborhood.

Sarah was excited to find out more about the shops and restaurants that lined the streets.

They found a small park and sat on the bench. It was a quiet oasis in the middle of a busy city. Sun was peeking through lush leaves of tall trees. Aiden was holding Sarah while her head rested on his shoulder... it was perfect. Sarah wished to engrave this into her memory.

She thought how she likes the apartment, and the neighborhood, and she can see herself living here. 'Would all this be so good if Aiden is not with me?' Sarah realized that as long as she is with him, everything is better. He brings colors to her world which she didn't see before. 'We are together for only few weeks, and I've fallen for him so badly that I don't remember how life used to be before I met him.'

Sarah's thoughts got interrupted when her phone rang. She checked and saw that it's Sophia. Sarah exhaled. She guessed that Sophia found out about her job from JoAnna and that is why she is calling. She reluctantly stood up and looked at Aiden. "I need to take this" She walked some distance away before picking up. "Hi big sis."

"Hi... where are you?" Sophia's tone told her that she has something serious on her mind. And her question already confirmed Sarah's assumption why Sophia is calling.

Sarah decided to tell the truth and face the consequences. She is ready to fight for this. "I'm in Los Angeles"

"So, it's true..." Sophia exhaled. "I was hoping that JoAnna is kidding"

Sarah was not sure what to say to this, or if she should say anything. Shortly after, Sophia spoke again. "Do you remember what I told you about White corp.?"


"And you still decided to go there?" Sarah could hear Sophia's agitation.


There was a long silence, and Sophia was first one to speak. "Keep your eyes open and make sure you take care of yourself."

"Yes." Sarah relaxed. Last thing that Sophia said, told Sarah that her sister accepted the current situation.

"I'm heading to New York tonight, and I will be there for three months."

Sarah was surprised that Sophia is leaving for such a long time. "When did that happen?"

"Office in New York needs me, and I need a break from here."

"I see... If you need me or Eve, we are available anytime. You know that." Sarah guessed that there might be something more, but it was obvious that Sophia didn't want to talk about it.

"Yes. Thank you... Sarah, I really hope you know what you are doing." Sophia's words were a warning to Sarah.

"Me too... big sis, I just want you to know that I'm happy."

Sophia took a deep breath. "That is good to know... Remember, if anyone bullies you, come to me. OK? Don't feel that you are out of options."

"I will remember that." Sarah smiled thinking that her big sister is always ready to defend her.

"Good. I'm going to finish packing... will keep in touch."

"Have a safe trip."

Sarah was thinking about Sophia. She guessed that she is leaving to East coast because of Mark. 'Sophia probably reached her breaking point and can't take it anymore.'

Sarah is not happy that both of her sisters are so wary of Aiden and White corp. But she knows that her sisters mean well, and just want to remind her to keep her eyes open and to use her head when making these decisions, so that she does not regret later. 'What they don't know is that when it's related to Aiden, my head is not working. The only thing I know is that I have an indescribable desire to be with him, and I'm not capable of using reason.' Sarah can only hope that he will not take advantage of her, because she is not able to put up any defenses against him. She decided to trust him.

Sarah felt Aiden embracing her from the back. "I see you finished your call, without the intention to come back."

She turned around to face him. "Sophia is going to New York for three months. I was just thinking about it... Let's go home."


Sarah laughed seeing his surprised expression. "I guess this apartment is closest to home at this point. Or do you want to stay here longer?"

Aiden was thinking for some time before speaking, "Home sounds nice. How about we get one?"

Sarah was stunned. "Home?"


Sarah lifted her head to look at him and blinked few times. 'Did I hear him right?'

He frowned taking her surprise as rejection. "You don't want to?"

Sarah was overwhelmed. His question caught her unprepared. "It's not that... it's just... you don't think it's too soon?"

He tilted his head slightly and looked at her, as if he is trying to read her thoughts. After some time, he spoke. "I already told you that I don't want us to be apart. And I believe that your wishes are the same. So instead of you staying at my place, or me staying at yours, how about we get our place?"

She thought about it. 'I don't care about those things, but he is a guy, so maybe he is not comfortable staying at a place that is technically his girlfriend's.'

Aiden took her smile as agreement. He leaned his forehead on hers. "Think about what you want, and we can talk about it."

"That..." Sarah was hesitating. "I have something in mind."

Aiden was surprised. "Already?"

Sarah shook her head... "I'm working on this for some time. I will show you and you can tell me what you think." Sarah thought for a moment before continuing. "But if you don't think it will work, then just forget about it. We can look for something else. No pressure."

"You never stop surprising me." He smiled and kissed tip of her nose.

Sarah looked at him seriously. "Do you know what you want?"

"I want to hear you out first."

She shook her head lightly in disapproval. "That is not fair. How do I know your thoughts are not just to please me?"

He laughed. "What is wrong with me wanting to please you?"

Sarah pursed her lips. "Sometimes it's difficult to talk to you... let's go." She likes that he wants to please her.. But she tried to keep that to herself.


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