Is this destiny?

Chapter 82 - Finding Evidence (1)

Sarah decided first to go through files that she received from Omega. 'Why did he send me these?' Sarah could not help but wonder what is Omega's reason for sending her those files. Why did he have those files in the first place? And how did he know that these files will be of some interest for her? 'Maybe I will get some hints from the information in these files.'

She had files already sorted and decided to go first through files which are only related to Philip.

It was late in the night when she finished. Her observation from many police reports filed, is that all accusers stated that he had an intention to drug them and then kidnap them for the purpose of sex slavery. Reports spanned from oldest being over five years old, to most recent one which was filled only few months ago. All accusers also have in common that their names are reduced to initials which can mean only one of two things: either they are minors or Philip was successful.

'With all of these reports, how is it possible that not one of them had enough evidence to get him to court and find him guilty?' Sarah could not help but wonder how Philip can avoid punishment for all the crimes listed in those reports. Even if some are fake, not all of them could be. Right?

Then she started going thought files related to Mimi. For her also she found reports as old as five years old, and latest one was about a year ago. Similar things as Philip with a difference that Philip was drugging his victims by spiking their beverage, while Mimi was injecting them directly into her victims with a syringe or with some other sharp objects that had traces of drugs on it. These 'other sharp objects' were never identified. The only thing mentioned in reports were marks on the skin left by a very sharp object, sometimes looking like a small stab, and sometimes like a scratch.

By the time Sarah went through these files, it was early morning. She locked her PC and went back to bed. Her mind was processing loads of information she found out during the night, but exhaustion got her, and she drifted off to sleep.

Her sleep was not peaceful, she had a dream where Philip and Mimi with crazed expressions are chasing her, their hands full of syringes which were filled with liquids of various colors, ready to inject her. Sarah was desperately running away from them, but they were just one step behind no matter how fast she ran... and just when she thought that they will catch her, Sarah felt herself sinking into a firm and warm embrace. She was enveloped in a familiar scent which made all bad things disperse… then she drifted off to a dreamless sleep.


Next day she woke up late, and right away went to study room and continued going through the data. This time she went thought other files which were sorted in a third group. Sarah found that these are reports against Philip and Mimi together, and there are also few other people mentioned. Sarah looked up these people and found that they are either their family members or close friends. But the accusations were very similar as the ones she went thought previous night.

The images that she got were supporting police reports. Images are clear photo evidence of Philip, Mimi and few others... 'So how come they are not in jail?' Sarah was confused, how can the law fail when there are so many reports and so much evidence? The only conclusion is that they have connections. Police? Judge? Paying off victims to drop the charges? Who could make all these serious accusations absolutely non-effective like they don't exist? All of them are dismissed for various reasons, and they all have in common that none of them reached the court. Based on what Sarah can see, even Philip's and Mimi's families are involved. So, it's not just few of them, but their network is quite large. It looks like an endless pit full of crime which never saw any justice.

Besides these, Sarah could not help but wonder about two more people...

Aiden. It's obvious to her that he knows more than what he is telling her. She can tell that clearly based on how he reacts to anything that is related to Philip. How much does he know, and how does he know it?

Omega. Why would he send her these files? How does he know that she is interested in information related to Philip and Mimi? Why does he have those files collected?

'I found out few things about Philip and Mimi, and hundred times more questions appeared!' Sarah was frustrated. No matter how she thought about this, only more questions appeared with no answers in sight.

Aiden entered the study. "Do you plan to eat anything today?"

Sarah quickly locked the PC and checked the time... it was time for dinner. "Food sounds good." She was so busy, that she spent all day in the study, and forgot to eat.

After having dinner, Sarah wanted to go back to study and continue, but Aiden stopped her. "You need to take a break. You were there the whole night and day. Break." He pulled her to sit on the sofa next to him.

"Uhm, you know about the night?" Sarah was half surprised and half ashamed that he knows.

"Did you think you can sneak out of the bed without me noticing?"

"I did." She responded honestly.

Seeing her innocent expression, he was not able to scold her as he intended. He laughed. "In that case, you need to improve your sneaking skills."


That night, Sarah was waiting to make sure Aiden is asleep before getting out of the bed. As she closed the door behind her, he sat up on the bed and shook his head, 'When she has something on her mind, nothing can stop her.' He admired her persistence.. 'Well, now I can't sleep anyway, I might as well get some work done' He got his laptop and started working.


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