Is this destiny?

Chapter 110 - Be Careful

A week passed in a flash, and it was Friday.

Sarah was going for lunch with Vivian to the campus cafeteria. Aiden didn't approve of her going there without him, concerned about Philip, but Sarah persisted. "It's lunch, middle of the day, lots of people everywhere. What can happen? We are leaving on Monday, and who knows how long we will stay."

"We will be back in few days... and why doesn't she come here?", Aiden asked.

"She is still embarrassed to face you."

"If she is so embarrassed of what she is doing, maybe she should not be doing it."

Sarah hugged him with a goal to soften him up, "I will not deny that your words are true, but that is her choice." She also promised to be very careful and to stay with Vivian at all times... and he relented.


At the cafeteria, Sarah is having lunch with Vivian.

"You should really come and see my new place.", Sarah told Vivian.

"I would, but I'm embarrassed to see Aiden. I know he will judge me."

"He is more upset that you are not willing to come.", Sarah omitted few points, but what she said was true.

Vivian thought about it before responding, "How about this, when you get back, I will come and visit. We can have a girl's night out in B1S, it's close to your place. So, if I end up drinking, I can even sleep over. How does that sound?"

"Promise?", Sarah was happy.

"Yes... but how will Aiden handle you going out without him?", Vivian knows that Aiden does not like Sarah going by herself. 'She does attract trouble.', Vivian remembered.

"Leave that to me. I look forward to girls only night. It will make us miss each other.", Sarah giggled.

"OK. Plan is done... How long will you stay in LA?"

"Not sure. Few days. I will be back by next weekend."

Vivian nodded, "Good, then we can plan for Friday evening?"

Sarah agreed.

Vivian added, "I will ask few more girl friends to join. They are new on campus and wanted to check out places in the city. I mentioned that B1S has a karaoke night on Fridays, and they sounded interested. Do you mind if they join?"

"Not at all. The more the better. If I don't like them, I will just ignore them.", Sarah laughed.

"Hello, ladies!", Male voice came from the side.

Both Sarah and Vivian looked toward the voice and saw Philip.

Sarah froze, flashes of police report files came to her mind, but she quickly suppressed them, "Hello, assistant Simmons."

Philip observed them. "No need to be so cautious around me. I just stopped by to say hello and to extend my offer for additional consultation if you need any.", he told Sarah.

Vivian looked at Sarah, and then back at Philip.

"Thank you, assistant Simmons. I'm not in a need of consultation at this point. If something comes up, I will make sure to contact you.", Sarah responded.

"Good. As long as you know that I am available, that is good.", Philip smiled and walked away.

When Sarah saw that he left without causing any issues, she sighed in relief.

"What was that?", Vivian asked. "What assistant?"

"Philip is new capable, resourceful, and what not assistant for professor Pias." Sarah grimaced while talking.

"Really? Since when?"

"I don't know... I went to a consultation about two weeks ago and he was there."

"He seemed to respect the boundaries of decency this time."

"Yes, it made my skin crawl. But as long as he keeps his distance, it will be fine." Sarah didn't want to tell Vivian about police reports and what she found out about Philip and Mimi. Sarah will handle them, and at most Vivian will find out that unknown vigilante exposed them as criminals.

"If he did stay away because he respects that you rejected his advances, then that is good... By the way, make sure to be careful of that Evalina while in LA."

"Yes, I know... she is one more person that gives me a headache. But I can't hide. I'm considering exposing myself to allow her to come at me."

"Oh, no... don't make unnecessary risks.", Vivian was concerned.

"I think this is necessary. I can't just sit and wait when she will come at me. It's very stressful. I will rather put myself out there and wait for her when she comes to give me a blow. I want her out of the company, that will limit her interaction with Aiden and remove any influence she has over me at work."

"I understand... be careful."

"Thank you for worrying about me... I need to go now. I have few more things to handle before end of workday... I'm an employed woman now.", Sarah laughed.

"Let me walk you to your car.", Vivian offered.

"No need. It's right here at the parking lot."

"I insist. If Philip does something when you are under my watch, Aiden will come at me. I don't want to risk it." Vivian exaggeratedly waved her arms.

Sarah laughed. "OK. Let's go."


"See? It's good that I came.", Vivian said and pointed with her chin.

Sarah looked that way and saw Philip at the parking lot, leaning on a lamp post, smoking.

"Maybe he is here just to smoke, and not to wait for me.", Sarah was hopeful.

"Maybe, but let's not risk anything. OK?"

"Agreed. Let me drop you off to your dorm.", Sarah offered.

"Thank you.", it was a cold day, and Vivian was happy to get a ride.

They entered Sarah's car and immediately Sarah got her phone and texted Aiden.

"What is so urgent?" Vivian peeked to see Sarah's phone.

"I promised to let Aiden know when I'm safely back in the car on my way home." Sarah admitted.

Vivian rolled her eyes. "You two…"

Sarah smiled and started the car. Philip was watching after the car with a dark expression on his face.. When car was out of sight, he threw the cigarette on the ground and walked away.


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