Is it wrong to become a scumbag?

Chapter 27

As the figures of Tsukasa and Stella were covered by the dust, everyone felt that their voices were taken away, or rather, they hadn’t let out a voice from the beginning to the mock battle until they saw Tsukasa cut down Stella.

There was only one word that could describe their heart at this moment when they saw Tsukasa’s fight.


It was so amazing that neither of them could utter any more words than amazing.

The beginning of the fight was thrilling, and when they saw his figure dodge one attack after another without breaking a sweat.

While this fight was too high level for the majority of the audience to understand, they could only say that Tsukasa’s way of fighting was beautiful, and they thought that Stella was clumsy.

However, in the eyes of those who understood this fight, their expressions became serious since they understood how subtle Tsukasa’s movement was.

Ikki was one of the people who could understand this fight.

While Ikki felt that Stella was beautiful, he focused more on the fight on the field, especially Tsukasa’s movements that could make everyone an illusion that Stella was clumsy with her attack since no matter how many attacks that she sent him, they would only miss.

If Ikki had to give an example, the way Tsukasa moved was like a butterfly.

Tsukasa moved his feet as he drifted around the field, dodging Stella’s attacks one after another with a subtle movement.

However, that wasn’t all of them, and the more Ikki understood Tsukasa, the more he realized how frightened Tsukasa was.

Ikki might not realize, but he had a cold sweat on his body at that moment.

“Is the princess so weak?” Utakata asked with doubt.

After hearing the notification that Tsukasa was about to have a mock battle with Stella, all the members of the student councils also came to watch the battle.

“No, Tsukasa is just too strong, and he has trapped Vermillion-san,” Touka said with a serious expression. She had always loved to watch Tsukasa fight since there were many things that could be learned from him.

Touka didn’t look away and kept watching Tsukasa. While his face was so handsome, she knew that he was so sly. Even if she had known him for many years, she had always been dumbfounded by many tricks that he often showed her, of course, that included the fight that they had on last night since she didn’t realize that there were many possibilities on her body, which made her flustered and blush.

Cough! Cough!

Touka felt that she might have been off the track since what she explained had nothing to do with the duel.

While Tsukasa’s movement was like a butterfly, it was graceful and elegant. However, the way he set up his trap on Stella’s mind wasn’t beautiful at all. Instead, it was frightening since no one could imagine that one could set up so many traps to win.

If Touka had to give an example, Tsukasa was like a spider. He waved his silk and created a web until his opponent couldn’t move and attacked them at the most vulnerable moment.

However, Touka knew that Tsukasa was gentle, and he used the most vicious fight, so he didn’t need to fight anymore.

Tsukasa might not kill his enemies, but he gave them physiological terror and trauma. He always slowly cornered them, giving them an illusion that they could go against him, but when he saw an opening, he would give the most vicious blow that would be carved into their minds, so they wouldn’t go against him again, so he didn’t have to dirty his hands with their blood.

This was how Tsukasa had always fought.

With his limited magic, if he didn’t use trickery, then he would lose.

However, if Tsukasa was forced, he wouldn’t mind dirtying his hands, but if he didn’t have to, he wouldn’t do it since he didn’t like it.

Still, no matter what, Touka must admit that Tsukasa’s figure that fought on the field was so handsome, but at the same time, she realized something.

‘Why did he fight Vermillion-san?’

Touka was confused and thought that she might need to ask this question after the end of the battle. However, her thought was broken when she saw Tsukasa start his counterattack, which sent everyone on this field in awe.

While the fight seemed long, a minute hadn’t passed since Tsukasa and Stella started.

But this was how the duel between the Blazers was.

While it might seem short, it seemed to be forever, whether it was for the people who fought or the people who watched.

Even if they didn’t stand on the field, they could feel that their bodies were full of sweat, trying to imprint the fight that happened in front of them.

‘I’ll defeat my opponent!’

‘With my power!’

‘With my strength!’

‘With my existence!’

‘Look at me!’

Even if Tsukasa and Stella didn’t say anything, those feelings were transmitted from their body, giving everyone a chill and excitement that they couldn’t describe.

Which was one of the reasons why no one laughed at Stella, even though she had missed her attacks many times.

However, right after 30 seconds of the battle, they saw Tsukasa start his counterattack, and for just a moment, they suddenly felt that Tsukasa had become Stella for a moment. They wanted to wipe their eyes, thinking that it was an illusion, but they were afraid to miss every second of the fight that appeared before them, so they could only stubbornly watch the fight.

Tsukasa charged fiercely, and Stella was in the passive position, unable to do anything until she almost let go of her sword, creating a large opening on her guard, and as expected, he was merciless and cut down Stella’s body!



The audience couldn’t utter any words since they felt their throats parched. They gulped their saliva to make it easier for them to talk, but they started to talk to each other.

“Is the princess lost?”

“Has Kugayama-kun won?”

The audience started to get noisy, but neither Tsukasa nor Stella paid attention to them since, in their eyes, ears, and each of their senses, they only paid attention to their opponent.

“…Why you’re holding back?” Instead of feeling happy, Stella felt frustrated when she could block Tsukasa’s attack with her aura.

Stella’s amount of magic was humongous, and while she strengthened herself and multiplied her power several times, she also could create a barrier-like aura around her body to protect herself from any harm.

If Tsukasa used his ability, then he could cut Stella in half easily. However, he didn’t and cut her with just his muscles.

While he could cut her even without magic since his claymore was naturally sharp and his technique was so advanced that he could cut iron with paper, he felt that it was too wasteful to end their fight like this.

Tsukasa leaped back and smiled. “Sorry, it has been a while since I have had fun, and it was just too wasteful to end this match without seeing you get serious.”

Stella also smiled contemptuously and said, “You’re going to regret that you didn’t end me at that time. If I’m serious, I can destroy this whole school after all.” While Tsukasa’s charm was dangerous, she couldn’t let go of her guard in this fight, and frankly, she also had fun in this battle, and she also felt that it was too wasteful to end this battle, and she hadn’t wiped that faint smile on his face!

“How scary…” Tsukasa still maintained a faint smile on his face and said, “But the one who will win is me, so show me your all, Stella.”

“Then, I’ll get serious.” Stella took a deep breath, and her magic power increased even more. “So don’t be defeated so easily, Tsukasa!”


Stella howled as her magic power erupted like a volcano!

Tsukasa whistled as cold sweat dripped down on his back. He regretted asking Stella to get serious, but would he back down?

Of course not!

Tsukasa needed to win the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival, so he would win this match!

“Let’s continue our dance, Stella!”

As they howled, they continued their battle!


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