Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 23: Irrevocable (2)

Chapter 23: Irrevocable (2)

I glanced at the Archmage, completely unable to understand what the Inquisitor was talking about.

However, he also wore a grim expression, one that made me realize he wouldn’t explain this situation to me. I gritted my teeth and covered my face with one hand.

“…I’m reminded once more that you have a talent for saying useless things.”

“You’re back to normal!”

What was she on about?

I patted my still-stinging stomach with the hand I had covered my face with.

Because of her, my sense of crisis was completely gone. According to my character setting, I had to get angry at her, but I couldn’t even do that.

I was dumbfounded.

“…Erm, does it hurt a lot?”


No, that worked pretty well. It was like the stronger pain was covering the weaker one. Thanks to the aching sensation in the pit of my stomach, my anxiety had eased quite a bit.

And I felt like it was much better.

Log out, whatever… Wouldn’t it be much better for my mind to focus on something rather than being consumed by fear, unable to do anything?

“I’m sorry.”

I glared at the kimchi dumpling as I tried to find something to distract my mind with. I finally remembered that I still had that Quest.

Of course, I wasn’t sure if this was the right choice… However, just sitting here wouldn’t change anything. I couldn’t just stay here until the nutrients ran out.

I had no idea what was happening, but at least time would pass faster if I did the Quest.

“Are you still going?”

“Why are you uselessly flapping your tongue about?”

“Let’s go!”

The Inquisitor followed after me with a bright smile. The Archmage still wore a grim expression.

Furthermore, as I tuned back into the surrounding sounds, I finally noticed the guards were still quietly following us, wondering what kind of conversation we were having. Although it was just a standard thing, this was tantamount to the security forces sticking to our heels.

“Demon Knight."

I quickly moved my legs while checking my slowly filling HP bar. The Archmage, who had barely managed to catch up with me, opened his mouth to call me.

“Are you really okay?"

Why was that man acting like that again? I was just trying to log out, so what the hell kind of misunderstanding were they having?

Going by that setting, did that mean they would think I would have fully succumbed to the Demon if I managed to log out?

“Is there really nothing wrong?"

Fine, I had to give him some answer, at least…. I couldn't tell them about the log-out thing, so I had to make use of that weird misunderstanding they were having.

In that case, how should I react? What would a person who was extremely sensitive, anxious, and highly traumatized say in this situation?

“Don’t concern yourself with me."

I grabbed my right arm. The Archmage's face hardened even more. The Inquisitor's expression looked similar.

However, while the kimchi dumpling's eyes were sparkling with hope and trust, the Archmage seemed to think I would collapse.

The difference in personality of these two NPCs was on full display.

“How could we not care? Rather…"

“I told you not to concern yourself with me…!"

Just as when the Inquisitor tried to grab my right arm, I reacted harshly with a sharp tone to my voice.

The emotions he would feel would be similar to that time. Self-loathing, fear, anger.

“…Your job is to kill Demons, and my job is to kill them as well."

Uwaha. This still was fun.

“Does that include yourself?"

However, coming at me like that was a bit…

I mean, I expected it, as it was an induced reaction, but it still was a bit sudden that he would throw me such a straight ball.


“What are you talking about, Sir Archmage? There's no way the Demon Knight would turn into a Demon."


“I believe in you, Sir Demon Knight. I trust your clear mind and great mental strength. You will never succumb to any Demon. I'm sure of it."

Erm, yeah. As a player, there was no way I would. However, what did she know about me to say that?

“So you can definitely shake it off. I'll be waiting. I'll try to help you hold on until you return to your senses."

…What was wrong with her, seriously? What did I do to build up her trust in me like that? How did she build such a close friendship with me without my knowledge? Was it because of the plot? But wasn't that a bit too much?

What was this, seriously??

“…It seems the one-eyed one was you, not me."

Whatever. I just turned around. It had nothing to do with me. It was the game company's doing; they forced the plot-relevant characters to act like this and made their favorability rise strangely!

“Huh, both my eyes are fine, though."

“…Inquisitor, he didn't mean that literally."

“Oh, is that so?"

…And in the midst of all this was me!

“Oh, give me a warning before you start running!"

“…Don't you intend to show this old man some consideration?"

I couldn't care about that kimchi dumpling anymore! I somehow had to get to the Temple to vent this cute aggression! This was all because of the damn game!

* * *

The Inquisitor watched the back of that person, who looked like he couldn't bear leaving those corrupted bastards in this world any longer, as he led the way.

In truth, she didn't fully understand the meaning of the word ‘logout’ that the Demon Knight had kept saying.

She could only read the obvious horror visible on his pale face, trembling lips, and quivering pupils that shook like leaves in the wind.

However, what could a strong person like the Demon Knight possibly be afraid of? What could instill so much fear in him, someone who could kill a dragon in a single slash?

There was only one thing she could think of, something that could consume the Demon Knight at any moment: the Demon in his right arm.

Unfortunately, there was nothing she could do for him there. She neither had the ability to free the Demon Knight's arm from the Demon that encroached on it nor the power to strengthen the Knight's soul that battled against the Demon, and she didn't know what to say to him to support him.

All she had was the strength she had accumulated as an inquisitor, the Stigma of the Hero she was undeserving of, some Divine Power, and her belief in the Demon Knight's strength.

So, she simply decided to believe.

『Why don’t you tell that to the victims, huh?』

Despite his strength and horrendous attitude, she decided not to doubt him, who was nobler than anyone.

『Don’t you need information first to hunt Demons?』

She decided to trust him, who was more like a Hero than the chosen Hero.

『Those Demons… All of them deserve to die…!』

She decided to put her faith in him, knowing he would never succumb to evil.

Fortunately, she had the strength to endure and hold on until he returned to his senses, even if the Demon Knight were to be controlled by the Demon.

『When something like this happens again, think back to this moment and keep your mouth shut.』

…He had given her a chance to better herself first, so she also wanted to become a person who could grant others such opportunities.

Even though she still had a long way to go before she could do that.

* * *

* * *

「Somon: Temple」

Ding. Our arrival at the Temple was accompanied by the ring of a bell. Was it because it was daytime? More priests were looking at us than when we first came here.

Of course, some of them mistook me for a Demon again. However, those who already knew my face took care of the situation before any of them could shout at me.

「❖ Ominous Sign

∎ Move to the Temple

∎ Find the traitors who conspired with the Demon Contractors」

But how was I supposed to find those traitors?

“Are you there, vicar…"

Just as I was thinking about how to go about this, the Inquisitor struck the floor with her mace. A dull sound echoed throughout the entrance of the Temple.

Her face didn't show any of the ferociousness she had on our way here. The Inquisitor became very thorough when she entered work mode.

“Gather all those who belong to the Temple in the chapel."


“It's an order from an inquisitor. I won't allow any absences for any reason. You'll have to gather every single one of them."


“Sir Archmage, please put a barrier around the chapel."

“Yes, leave it to me.”

“Thank you."

…Looking at the situation, it seemed like the Quest would proceed without me having to do anything. I simply stood there fiddling with my Longsword's hilt.

If there was one thing I could do, it was catch those who tried to run away or rebel.

Like that guy who was moving his eyes about, looking for a way to escape.

“It seems like you lack basic listening comprehension skills."

“Wh-what did you say…?"

“Or is it faith you lack, doubting God's choice?"

I didn’t know if he actually was a traitor or if he was just going to tell others of the news.

However, I had an uncomfortable feeling about this guy.

I looked down at the priest, letting out the bleakest voice I could muster. Voice acting was nothing when I was fully immersed, and I didn’t have to change that much about my expression to scare and intimidate others, as I had designed this face to be really cold already.

“Thank you for your assistance, Demon Knight.”

“Don’t thank me. I didn’t do it for you. I’m just trying to get rid of all the corrupted ones.”

That guy was just trying to escape, and I caught him in the act.

“How could that kind of…”

“That Demon host…”

The priests’ gazes on me became quite harsh, but I didn’t care. My character setting aside, all of those guys were just corrupt bastards, right?

“Go in, or should I make you.”


It was a crying shame that I didn’t have any surveillance skills. It might be good to raise the skill level of [Detection]… Ah, right. Skills. I leveled up.

However, even if I invested more into the [Detection] skill tree, the only thing that would happen would be the detection range increasing from 20m to 30m. Instead, it would be better if I activated some tracking-related skills so I could chase after those trying to run away.

It would actually be best to select skills like [Lie Detection] or [Negotiation], but I didn’t have enough skill points to get them all.

Hmm. There were a lot of good skills in the Survival category, weren’t there? As for Attack skills, [Breaker] and [Ground Crash] were enough for now… Right. The [Stinger] bug. There was that as well.

Sigh. This game had so many weird bugs. The most annoying one was the logout bug, though…

I narrowed the gap between my brows to express my irritation. I felt quite elated that I wouldn’t break character, no matter how rotten and irritated my expression became.

“Is everyone there?”

After some time, the chapel was completely filled. Of course, some had tried escaping on the way here, and we also had to search for those who were out working and thus weren’t informed of the gathering.

It would have taken far longer if the town guards, who had followed the Inquisitor, hadn’t supported us.

“About seven people are missing. We are still looking for them. Except those seven, this is all of them.”


Standing before the statue of God in the chapel, the Inquisitor exhaled softly and immediately struck down her shield on the ground.

Her gleaming green eyes seemed to contain a red madness, the complete opposite of their usual color.

“From this moment on, I shall start a trial as is my right as an inquisitor.”

…I could see why the Thief was so afraid of the Inquisitor. She was vicious when hunting Demons, but she really went crazy when faced with the corrupt.

“All of you shall undergo the trial of sin. Those of you without sin shall be set free…”

Divine Power and its enemy, the Demons, existed in this world. If that wasn’t the case…

Uwah, this game would have been scary. Well, playing games like that was also fun from time to time.

“Those who dared to commit wrongdoings disguised as servants of God shall be judged accordingly.”



At the Inquisitor’s declaration, the chapel became noisy before abruptly falling silent again at her exclamation.

“Inquisitors of this Temple, come up first. You had best not think of sneaking out of here!”

At her call, the inquisitors came up one by one. Like the kimchi dumpling, they all seemed to lack a bit of humanity. In other words, they didn't look like they had much of a social life.

“…Half of them were present during the interrogation."

However, the Archmage recognized some of them. He probably got to know them during the interrogation at dawn.

And now it seemed they might be corrupt.

「❖ Ominous Sign

∎ Find the traitors who conspired with the Demon Contractors

∎ Traitors subdued/eliminated: 0 / ??」

I touched the hilt of my sword as I looked at the newly added line of the Quest before drawing it. The Archmage only glanced at me without trying to stop me. He seemed to be preparing a spell in advance as well.

“Use the power of God, to prove your devotion."

And the moment the Inquisitor said that…

“Damn it!"

All those whom the Archmage pointed out pounced at her simultaneously.

“So you’ve decided to reveal your true colors! Blasphemers!"


My sword’s blade cut down two of them, and the other two were subdued by the Archmage’s {Binding}. Crack!! Almost simultaneously, the Inquisitor caved in one’s head with her mace.




Screams and blood circulated inside the chapel. The statue overseeing it all was silent, however. In addition, the Inquisitor’s Divine Power seemed to grow stronger, light continuously flowing out of her body.

“Get them!”

And just half a minute later, the inquisitors who hadn’t attacked came forward. Their maces rained down on the corrupt, whose bodies were instantly beaten to a pulp.

I could feel Divine Power flowing in their maces, albeit weak.

“Everyone, be quiet.”


Her hair hanging over her face like a veil, the Inquisitor whispered. Despite being spoken in a quiet voice, it was strangely clear, so everyone immediately shut their mouth.

“The Inquisition trial will continue. Until everyone has been proven innocent.”

At this point, how should I put it? I had no idea what the game was trying to show me with this.

The daily life of a fanatic? The process of an Inquisition trial in a fantasy world?

Well, it didn't matter all that much. As long as it didn’t openly promote discrimination, hatred, or distortion of history, I could enjoy anything a game showed me.

What I wanted to ask, however, was why they didn’t give the initiative to the player in this situation? I was the one playing the game, so why was an NPC taking charge right now?

Seeing that they included this kind of scenario, they probably would have let the player take the lead if they had chosen the Priest class. That would have been fun.

I felt a little disappointed.

Knock, knock

Then knocking sounded from the closed chapel door. The nearby guard put their ear against it before opening it slightly.

“Hey, Mister. I’m here.”


Why did the Thief come here?

“Didn’t I tell you that I would repay your favor?”

Why was he holding a rope in his hand… Huh?

“Those seven who ran from the Temple; I caught all of them. What do you think? Do you still think it’s unnecessary?”

…Did he actually catch those seven traitors and come here because I threw him that Demon Contractor as part of my roleplay?

“…No. As you already brought them here.”


I glared at the fugitives, who were tied up like Covina.

「❖ Ominous Sign

∎ Find the traitors who conspired with the Demon Contractors

∎ Traitors subdued/eliminated: 11 / ??」

The count instantly rose. How satisfying.


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