Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 123: If I Could Leave (5)

Chapter 123: If I Could Leave (5)

The system of collectively punishing individuals who share a particular relationship with something is known as guilt by association. The punishment of exterminating three generations for high treason was also part of this system.

I thought it was simply barbaric and cruel, but I could understand.

Wiping out three generations, especially in the case of high treason, served as a warning, enabled some political motives, and helped to prevent retaliation.

Furthermore, these punishments had been enforced in an era that lacked the same degree of human rights or concerns as modern times. Even if I didn’t like it, I could somewhat understand why these punishments existed… I was kind of coming to terms with it, but…

“…I’m a bit taken aback.”

“Ah, I apologize for suddenly storming in. It’s just urgent. Will you really not be watching the execution?”

I could assume this extermination of three generations was unavoidable in this world’s settings, but why was he suggesting I watch it?

Did I look like someone would enjoy such things? Sure, given how my character presented himself, it might seem as if I wouldn’t even bat an eye at someone suddenly dying, and usually, this might even be true, but…!

“Where we are from… this manner of collective punishment resulting in execution is rarely seen. We find it rather unpleasant to see innocent people die.”

“Is that so? That’s a shame.”

Knowing he was a domestic abuser made his glancing at us and smirking feel more than just a bit annoying. It was infuriating.

I almost reflexively shouted, “Why the hell are you grinning? Makes me want to fucking wipe that damn smile off your face,” but I barely managed to hold myself back. My character wouldn’t talk that crudely. It wasn’t cool at all.

“If you had come, we might have been able to spare the children.”

What did that bastard just say?

“…What do you mean by that?”

At the Archmage’s question, Atarte simply shrugged.

“Nothing much, just theater for the people. While it is Vigabol law to exterminate a traitor’s entire family, many children are included in this round of executions. It’s a shame to kill all these children, so if you had come, I would have made it seem as if we were sparing the children to avoid appearing barbaric before our guests.”

The words flowed smoothly out of his mouth, but essentially, it was a threat—“If you don’t come, the children will die.”

“But since you already refused…”

I didn’t feel like that just because he was a domestic abuser. Of course, that also played a part, but something more influenced my thoughts.

“It can’t be helped.”

Honestly, if he genuinely wanted to save the children because he felt sorry for them, would he be smiling like he was now? No, he would be desperately pleading with us, maybe even getting down on his knees.

“Well then, enjoy your meal.”

But why was this bastard acting like that? Was he trying to confirm that I was weak to children? Did he plan to exploit that part of me?

However, that grin on his face was really crossing the line…

‘Makes me really want to kill him.’

Wasn’t he seriously annoying?

It wasn’t just because of his shrewdness in trying to use me, but that arrogant way he smiled, as if he was sure he could use me, convinced that I was beneath him.

“…Chief. I understand that you are in a hurry, but it’s rather unsatisfactory to leave without clearly stating your business.”

The Archmage conveniently bought some time for me. With that, I tried to collect my thoughts quickly amidst my rising anger.

Ironically, that anger helped a lot in regaining my composure. The thought of wanting to punish and humiliate that bastard sharpened my mind.

And then, I reconsidered that this guy was a domestic abuser.

More precisely, the psychology of one.

“Ah, have you changed your mind?”

One cause of domestic violence was using violence as a means to gain power or feel superior. In other words, he was expressing his sense of inferiority through aggression.

That explained why he was suddenly taking these children hostage and acting so overly confident.

A person who would resort to violence to feel superior to others would have no qualms with using children as leverage to threaten me. Someone who’d used such a method to receive others’ recognition would definitely get a kick out of threatening us like this.

Despite being no match for me in terms of strength, he probably thought he was superior because he could still threaten me.

“I only said we wouldn’t be joining immediately, so isn’t there some room for discussion…?”

The frustrating part about all this was that I couldn’t just ignore him because children’s lives were at stake here.

‘Can’t I just kill him?’

I glanced down at the teacup I held, somewhat hesitant to touch my spoon.

“If you aren’t coming personally, no amount of discussion will have any effect.”


“While it’s quite unfortunate, what can I do? I did try, at least—”

That bastard believed he had the upper hand here, so I somehow needed to bring him back to reality.

Only then could we have a proper conversation.

“You think you can make a fool out of me?”


I crushed the teacup with my bare hands, purely for show, of course. Since it was made of wood, it felt a bit different from smashing a glass cup.

It splintered along the grains.

The Archmage and Atarte both clamped their mouths shut at that instant.

“…I didn’t mean to. I was merely—”

Look at this bastard, continuing to flap his mouth just because he was the chief.

After thoroughly crushing the teacup, I brushed off the dust and splinters. Since I’d broken the cup without using Arcane Power, my hand ended up covered in various wounds.

Even though I was wearing gloves, the splinters had pierced them and had become embedded in my skin to the point of drawing blood.

Blood mixed with the tea that had still been in the cup, trickling down my hand.

‘Gotta show him who’s boss here.’

But did it hurt?

Not really.

‘I need to instill pure fear in him…’

What truly hurt, what actually caused me pain…



Every time I heard a child’s cry, my heart started to pound painfully.

‘Why is my sorrow for those dying stronger than my anger toward those who would dare rise against me?’

I despised the sound of children crying more than anything else in this world. It wasn’t due to some traumatic experience or any particular incident from the past; I just hated it.

From little kids to teenagers who were almost but not quite adults, I just wanted them all to be happy.

“Did you think that if you said that, I would immediately jump to action?”

Simply because I was an adult, because I’d lived longer than those children, because it was just the right thing to do.

“Did you think you could use me?”

I wished nothing but happiness to all the children out there.

“Know your place.”

How dare this fucking bastard take these children hostage? No, he was even worse than a bastard. I swear, I should just XXX him before XXX. Did that piece of trash want to be turned into minced meat?

“The only reason you’re still alive is because the promise you made before aligns with my goals.”

I slowly stood up and walked toward Atarte. Since we were of similar height, there wasn’t much need for me to look down or up at him. Our eyes immediately met.

“And I didn’t want to unnecessarily dirty my sword with blood.”

I then let out a snarl.

People who'd step on the weak to elevate themselves often bowed their heads to those they couldn’t defeat, so this could be considered a calculated threat.


And as I’d suspected, it worked. I looked down at the bastard who’d just averted his eyes, intimidated by me despite our similar heights.

Honestly, I would have loved to say something like, ‘Now, repeat after me: human rights!’ and smash his head into an ethics book, but unfortunately, there weren’t any such books around.

My gaze stayed on him persistently.

“Remember this. From now on, the lives of these children are of equal value to your life.”

Damn it. It was frustrating enough already knowing he was a domestic abuser but unable to do anything about it, and now he dared to use children to threaten me?

Bastard. Whether others started complaining about him not following customs or whatever was now his problem. He was the one who gave me an opportunity to intervene in a matter I would usually have no business interfering in.

If so much as a single hair on those kids’ heads was harmed, he would go down with me. Understood?

“Get out.”

I practically ordered him to leave, not even trying to mask my disgust, revulsion, and contempt for him. Finally, Atarte’s face turned red with humiliation, but didn’t protest.

He was a typical example of those strong against the weak and weak against the strong.

“Leave, now.”

The door closed, and peace returned.

“Well done.”

The Archmage, who’d gotten closer to me at some point, clapped his hands slightly. Each clap released a white light that started orbiting around us and reflected off the walls.

“You really did well.”

He then began writing something in the air along the path of light with his Arcane Power. He seemed to be casting some manner of spell. I didn’t know what type it was, but it didn’t really matter.

“Although it’s a custom here, I couldn’t bear to see those children die for no fault of their own, but thanks to you, at least they will be saved.”

I listened intently to the sounds outside. Even though I couldn’t understand what they were saying, I could tell the kids’ cries were growing more distant. Focusing a bit more, I could feel the presence of these children moving elsewhere.

Considering that they were moving away from the gathering of adults outside, it seemed quite likely that the kids had been excluded from the execution. Somehow, I’d saved them.

“The problem is that the chief won’t let this go so easily… I wonder how the surviving children will be treated.”

Well, as the Archmage said, this wasn’t the end of it. Even though they’d survived, their parents were all set for execution. Moreover, they were children of traitors who were also supposed to have died.

Just being orphaned was tough enough, but having to bear the label of being a traitor’s child on top of that…

“The chief will probably find it burdensome to leave those children in the village. Is it possible to send them to another tribe?”

Hah, it never was good to help others recklessly without a plan. Ah, what to do? I couldn’t take those kids with me.

“We’ll have to think about it little by little. It’s not something we can resolve immediately.”

Was there anyone who could take in a large number of children?

* * *

* * *

Atarte couldn’t suppress his rage, and with his face flushed, he stepped outside. Those waiting for him there followed after him subtly, intently watching his expression.

【Was there some kind of problem…?】

However, it had only been a momentary slip. He barely managed to bottle his emotions and regain his usually calm expression. His position required him to smile on the outside, even if he was cursing on the inside.

【The guests, the Black Snake Warrior especially, said they did not wish to see the children die. Haha. I also thought so earlier, but he certainly cares greatly for children.】

With just that one statement, the faces of those around him changed immediately. They were impressed by the guest’s magnanimity. Despite holding such great power, he was so generous and compassionate toward children.

【Since they’ve shown us great favor, we shouldn’t convey the appearance of a cruel and barbaric tribe. Let’s spare the children below the age of ten… No, twelve.】


【But, Chief, when you say only children under twelve, do you mean you will only allow those from one to twelve to live…?】

【Is there a problem?】

【There is a child who just turned thirteen the other day.】

【…Then include that one, as well.】


However, to Atarte, this was nothing but an annoyance. He had hoped to use this situation to his advantage but had instead been forced to sow seeds of discord within the tribe.

Being coerced into saving those labeled with the vague term “child” meant he couldn’t just spare those who were too young to distinguish right from wrong. Although a twelve or thirteen-year-old was less threatening than a fourteen or fifteen-year-old, they were still old enough to harbor thoughts of revenge.

【Keep them alive, but don't immediately release them into the village. Isolate them and observe their condition before letting them go.】


【You, filter out the children aged one to twelve and transfer them to the original prison. Include Akata, who just turned thirteen. I order you to spare them.】

Feigning calmness, Atarte attended the execution. Before the entire village, the rebels were thrown near the execution platform while their children were taken away.

【What are you doing with my child?!】


【Mother, Father!!】

So, the child who’d just turned thirteen was Taposhaka’s daughter, Akata. He regretted sparing her.

Atarte glanced at the kid, who was quite large and muscled for a thirteen-year-old. Her eyes burned fiercely, showing that she would never forget this day.

She was a seed of betrayal. Killing her would have been the right decision.

But now that he’d already ordered that she be spared, what could he do? He couldn’t go back on his word in this situation.

【Damn it, I’ll kill you. I’ll kill you all! You and that outsider you brought with you!!】

At that moment, Atarte’s ears were suddenly filled with a desperate, thunderous cry.

【That’s right. The place I gave those two is…】


【Never mind.】

A plan was forming in his mind, one that would allow him to warn that outsider who had dared to reject his proposal and even threaten him, while also dealing with that potential traitor. It was an excellent plan, he thought.

A cold smile crept across Atarte’s lips.


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