Is It Bad That the Main Character’s a Roleplayer?

Chapter 120: If I Could Leave (2)

When I woke up, I found it was already the following morning.

It was nice seeing that my fatigue had hit 0, but hadn’t I set the system to let me sleep for only one hour? Had I somehow continued sleeping, like when someone turns off their alarm and just keeps dozing off?

Pushing aside the fur blanket—probably laid over me by someone else—I stepped outside the building.

Although I knew an entire day had passed by the light filtering through the hole in the ceiling, the overall scenery looked different somehow.

The sunlight, now as intense as during midsummer, stung my eyes, making me feel as if I was getting exorcised.

“Ah, you woke up right in time.”

Uuurgh, the sunlight…

I felt like a vampire in the sun… No, vampires weren’t really affected by sunlight here. It felt like I was melting under this scorching heat.

The Archmage approached from a distance.

“Aren’t you hungry? It’s around mealtime, so I brought you some food.”

How could I be hungry after eating so much last night… Oh, I actually was! After noticing the normal drop in my satiety level, I accepted what the Archmage handed me.

It was stir-fried vegetables with lots of spices. I found out yesterday that this seemed the tastiest to me. I wondered how the Archmage knew he should bring this.

“Would you prefer to eat inside or outside?”

Eating inside wasn't a bad option, but it was a nice day out. Eating outside seemed quite common here, so I might as well join them.

I sat near the campfire on a stool made from tree trunks, which was about the height of a bathroom stool.

The hunters already eating in the area glanced at me, suddenly falling silent. I didn’t mean to make them uncomfortable, so I felt a bit sorry.

“If you need more, just let me know. There’s plenty.”

“…No need.”

But I’d already sat down.

Pretending not to notice them, I simply started eating my stir-fry. Seeing that outsiders usually used utensils, the Priestess had specially carved me a spoon, so I felt no discomfort while eating.

The food was delicious.

“…I have something to discuss with you.”

As I worked my way through the various layers of stir-fried vegetables, I finally reached the bottom of the bowl. I lifted it to my lips and finished eating the last pieces, leaving almost nothing but a bit of sauce.

“The chief of the Vigabol Tribe hopes to depart by noon today.”


I set the spoon down on the bowl. The Archmage then handed me a cup of tea, seemingly the same kind I’d had yesterday. It still tasted incredibly good.

“But if you prefer, we can also leave later… The chief is keen on your company and wants to respect your wishes.”

Hmm. I felt like he was trying to bribe me with food. Was I mistaken? And how did the Archmage know what I liked?

“Of course, you don’t have to involve yourself in this matter. I have already requested reinforcements from the Magic Tower, so if you refuse, they will send someone else in your place.”

However, the tea was sinless. I sipped it slowly, feeling its warmth spread through my body. A wave of relaxation overcame me.

“What will you do?”

I could tell the Archmage was uneasy because of how things had gone yesterday.

I had my eyes half-closed, contemplating the offer he was obviously making.

“Tell the chief.”

Whether I would accept the Mountain Lord’s existence or consider it a threat to be eliminated was still up for debate. While I had already been thoroughly convinced, for my character, this wasn’t something that could be decided in just a day.

After all, this involved overturning the hatred, contempt, and disdain that had accumulated inside him over a long time, essentially changing his whole worldview.

“I will cooperate, but I’m under no obligation to follow orders.”

However, one thing was clear.

When it came to matters involving Demons and Demonic Energy, the Demon Knight would never back down.

Whether I could spare it or had to kill it could only be judged after I saw it with my own eyes.


The Archmage nodded, accepting the conditions that came with my agreement. He didn’t seem particularly surprised, as if he had already anticipated my response.

“Then, when do you suggest we depart?”

“I have no time to waste on a mere power struggle.”

“Got it. We’ll depart as soon as possible then. The chief will be pleased.”

My dear translator was working as flawlessly as ever.

It was time to cross over into the territory of the Vigabol.

【I’m certain yesterday’s misfortune will become the foundation for a strong friendship between our people in the future. Until we meet again, please stay healthy.】

【Of course. I also wish for Chief Atarte to remain in good health until the next Katina.】

As soon as the message of our departure reached him, the Vigabol’s chief, Atarte, urged the warriors under his command—those who hadn’t betrayed him—to form a group.

Unaware of what had occurred in their home, they were eager to leave as soon as possible.

“…Next time, please visit our tribe… Please come again.”

“I hope we will have another opportunity to be your hosts.”

On the other hand, there were those who regretted our early departure: the chief and the Priestess of the Serhan, who didn’t have a proper chance to really talk to us.

The chief wore an awkward smile as if he’d simply memorized that sentence, while the Priestess wore the smile of an adept expert as she skillfully urged for our return. Both clearly eagerly awaited our next visit.

They even tried to give me gifts I had previously declined again. Of all things, it had to be the tea leaves I liked.

In my heart, I sincerely wanted to accept them.

【I’ll carry this for him.】

【Ah, thank you.】

【But… Please take good care of the matter with the snakes.】

【No worries. I’ll make sure to hand them over to the Hudelen Tower.】

【Haha, thank you very much.】

However, the Demon Knight wasn’t one to just accept gifts so easily. So, with a heavy heart, I had no choice but to reject the gift they offered me.

However, before I could, the Archmage intercepted. Hmph.

“I’ll be in your care.”

Despite feeling a bit sad and annoyed, I wouldn’t show it.

I closed my eyes and listened to Atarte’s greeting. Due to the angle and direction of the sunlight, it kept piercing my eyes, making it impossible for me to keep them open.

【That guy…】

【Stop. Don’t try to impose our customs on outsiders. He has already proven himself.】

This sunlight really was unbearable.

* * *

* * *

“No wonder I didn’t see Mister anywhere. So, he took on a request…”

“Why didn't you tell us? If you had, we could’ve helped…”

“I did consider asking you for help, Hero, but… this had nothing to do with Demons. It was just a simple material-gathering task. Moreover, you mentioned that you were about to reach a new level, so I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“Then why did the Archmage…”

“Arcane materials are pretty tricky to collect. If left to non-wizards, there’s a high chance the materials would get spoiled, so I had to ask someone to help. Besides, some materials needed this time are from wild animals and require {Tracking} magic, which isn’t an easy spell. You must be able to detect traces scattered all around, attach colored Arcane Power to them, and guide it along the traces to connect them, which is something only a Great Sage can usually do.”

“I see…”

“Haha! Berserk didn’t understand a thing you said!”

“In that case, wouldn’t it have been better to call me, as well…?”

Those three people had very different reactions to White Wind’s explanation.

Behind them were physically capable wizards—those who could at least walk for more than three hours—of the Hudelen Tower’s academic-only branch. Additionally, they’d brought along some high-ranking priests just in case.

“But isn’t this a bit careless… Is it really okay for us to enter the forest dwellers’ territory like this? I heard they greatly dislike people entering without permission.”

“Up to here, it should be fine. This area is known as the borderlands. Herbalists come here quite frequently. Besides, the Serhan Tribe has officially given us their permission, so we have nothing to worry about.”

“I see.”

Deathbringer scratched the back of his head as he listened to the Great Sage’s words.

While he understood that a wizard needed to collect these materials personally, he was more than confident he could have assisted with the tracking. Yet, they had left him out.

A subtle sense of disappointment and offense filled his heart, as though he had been deemed useless.

“Someone should be here soon to greet us…”

Despite having proven his worth during their mission in Pa Enoch, he wondered if he still appeared lacking in their eyes.

“Hey, I think there’s someone over there.”

Meanwhile, Berserk sensed someone’s presence before anyone else. She pointed to an area in the forest, but no one could be seen there.

Beneath the bushes, behind the trees, up in the branches—even after thoroughly scanning all these places where someone could be hiding, they saw no one.

“No one seems to be there, though?”

“No, someone’s there. How did you manage to see through a concealment-type barrier despite not being a wizard?”

However, someone was there, hidden by magic that shouldn’t be able to be seen through.

“Perhaps that’s the person we’re supposed to meet.”

When Great Sage moved forward with a slight jump, the empty forest began to change. The air distorted and rippled, revealing the hidden person.

【Are you the ones from the Hudelen Tower?】

【Yes, that’s correct. The Archmage called for us.】

【I’m sorry, but could you please provide us with proof?】

Deathbringer frowned deeply.

Magic… That was really unfair. Warriors who could enhance their bodies with Arcane Power had limited ways to apply it, confined mostly to strengthening one’s personal abilities. But magic, on the other hand, was truly…

【I’m not entirely sure what kind of proof you need. Is this sufficient? Or maybe this? Ah, perhaps this?】

【…That you could show me these items is proof enough. There’s no need to show me anything else.】

【Aah. What a killjoy.】

Deathbringer averted his gaze as White Wind handled the situation on their behalf.

The forest was truly gloomy, growing darker as night approached, but with a single Arcane Item, it was easy to see what was around them.

It was almost depressing how convenient it was. Indeed, magic was such a cheat.

“Yawn. I’m starting to get bored. Aren’t there any strong opponents here?”

“It’s not like there aren’t, but we mustn’t draw our weapons recklessly in this place. The residents of the Great Forest are very strict with outsiders.”

“I was looking forward to fighting the warriors of the Great Forest, but it seems I won’t be able to have fun…”

“…While you shouldn’t draw your weapon without warning, I think asking for their permission first and sparring with them would be fine.”

Regardless of his feelings, the situation just kept on progressing.

As planned, they were handed the snakes. Some of their members took charge of the snakes and returned to the Magic Tower to begin their research on them.

Deathbringer, White Wind, the iron wall, Berserk, several wizards, and priests followed the guide to the Serhan Tribe’s village.

After spending the night there, they decided to head to the Vigabol Tribe, where the Demon Knight and the Archmage were said to be heading.

* * *

【Those traitors… It seems they really decided to kill me.】

The journey back to their territory wasn’t smooth. Warriors from the Jatav Tribe had positioned themselves along our route.

【It seems someone sold them information about the chief personally visiting the Serhan. Otherwise, they couldn’t have been positioned here like this…】

【Obviously, that’s how it must be.】

I followed the hand signals of the Vigabol hunters pressed against trees and bushes. As one might expect from a jungle-like forest, there were many smaller trees with intertwined branches and thick foliage, making it easy to hide.

The only problem was that we couldn’t exactly move forward.

“…Regarding the ambush of the Jatav on the Serhan, it appears someone leaked some information to them.”

The Archmage whispered softly.

Well, it wasn’t really any of my concern, but knowing that made me feel a bit sorry. In the end, the Serhan just got dragged into this.

Sure, if their meeting place got ambushed and the host couldn’t respond appropriately, it would be their fault. But if the ambush happened because of the visitors, it would definitely be the visitor’s fault, right?

【Can we circle around them?】

【That might be difficult. They have people in all the key positions…】

【What about launching a frontal assault?】

【There are too many of them. We could somehow manage, but there would be casualties…】

More importantly, could we really just stay here while our opponent kept moving?

I watched the scattered figures of people gradually coming in our direction. Each one was armed, making it very clear that they were targeting us.

“To be confronted with such a difficult situation right from the start. I’d rather avoid conflict with other tribes if possible.”

The Archmage also looked troubled.

“It would be ideal if we could pass by without them noticing…”

Then suddenly, the Archmage’s gaze turned toward me.


I had a sudden feeling he was about to put me to work again.

“…The thing you used to drive away the Jatav yesterday. Can you do it again?”

My feeling was spot on.


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