Irresistible Romance

Chapter 25

Director Chen coughed and stopped those people from talking about it.

"It's my business. Let me deal with it, director Chen."

Yan Xi gently smile, turned to look at the actors, "because of my personal reasons affect the progress of everyone's work, I'm sorry, here, I sincerely say sorry to you."

After all, everyone has seen the news on the Internet. Although the matter has not been completely clarified, it is an indisputable fact that Yan Xi's reputation has been damaged. The practice that she can stand up and take all the responsibilities is enough to prove her character.

Those actors all took advantage of Jiang Yumeng and deliberately embarrassed Yan Xi.

Hearing her say this, she quickly choked, "you say sorry, it's over? Do you know that because of the bad news, several investors have withdrawn their capital. If it wasn't for the sake of sister Yumeng, Mr. Fang would not continue to invest in the play. "

Director Chen and several assistant directors can't hold their faces, but what they say is true.

Now the whole drama group is supported by the support of Jiang yumengla. If you can't get any other investment, you may have to reduce the number of script sets. In that case, the works will certainly lose a lot of color.

"That is, if I were you, I would take the initiative to quit, not to add trouble to the director! What a pest. "

Yan Xi has no room to back down. In this case, the more fierce she refutes, the more she jumps into the abyss. So she chooses another way. She smiles more mildly. She looks at the person who says this sentence, "according to your opinion, if I can get the investment, will I be qualified to participate in the performance?"

"Yes If you... "

"I really didn't expect that a professional actor like you could say this. I admit that the investor of a play is very important, but it is not just a person who can become an actor by throwing money here? Speaking is responsible. "

For a moment, the audience was silent.

The actors looked so ugly that they couldn't refute it.

From the corner came a few applause, and then in addition to the actor, all the people applauded Yan Xi's words.

"You have doubts about me. It doesn't matter. It will start tomorrow. I'm willing to prove with my acting skills that I have the ability to stand here." Yan Xi looks at each other confidently.

"If we say you're bad, are you going to get out of here?" That actor continues to pick up trouble. If Yan Xi really stays in the crew, he will surely retaliate against them.

"Yes." Yan Xi's voice turned, "but if my acting is OK, I want you to apologize to me in front of everyone."

This is Yan Xi's courage and courage to face anyone's doubts.

"Well, that's settled!" The actors winked at each other and walked away quickly.

Yan Xi went to Director Chen, "I was just too impulsive..."

"No, you are more mature and stable than when I saw you three years ago. I'm waiting to see your performance. It's almost time today, and it's going to start at 8 o'clock tomorrow!"

Yan Xi and sister Xia looked at each other and took the script to the hotel. She would take every play seriously and not be impatient because of anyone's query.

The next morning, sister Xia couldn't find her dress. "I put it here yesterday!"

Yan Xi walked into the dressing room and laughed, "did you enter the thief?"

Sister Xia frowned and ran out to find the expensive dress designed by Judi in the garbage can in the corridor.

"Those scum, I'll go to them!"

"Sister Xia." Yan Xi grabbed her, "forget it, it's not that I haven't met this kind of thing before, it's a pity that his mind."

In her eyes, this dress is Jiang Mo Chen's love for her, and it has nothing to do with whether it is a limited amount.

"I'll get someone to take care of it and see if I can get it back to normal."

Xia Jie leaves in a hurry. Yan Xi sees that the screen of her mobile phone lights up. It's Jiang Mochen.

"Is it going well? The weather forecast says it will cool down. Pay attention to your health. "

Yan Xi hook lips smile, reply said, "not very smooth, but I will settle."

She put her cell phone in her bag and walked to the set.

On the other side of the phone, the man's dark eyes flashed across the cold light, and his fingers tapped on the desk, "send a car to the studio to deliver lunch in the name of Yan Xi."

"OK, Mr. Jiang."

He can not interfere in her plan, but can not ignore her, at least he wants to let others know that Yan Xi is not alone, behind her, someone protects her.

Yan Xi put on good makeup and changed clothes, but Jiang Yumeng came late.

"I'm sorry, director. I just got out of hospital and I'm not very well." She said weakly, covering her forehead, looking very tired.

Director Chen looked at today's arrangement, "there is no play for you today, you can go back to have a rest."

Jiang Yumeng said with a smile, "I want to stay with you, you are busy with you, don't pay attention to me." Then he was held aside by his assistant and sat down.Yan Xi didn't look at her at all, sitting quietly on the bench, waiting for the director's order.

Those actors saw Yan Xi so calm, ironically hummed, "do not even read the script, for a while do not know how many ng."

"I think I'm ready to get out of the cast!"


After communicating with the deputy director, director Chen took the trumpet and yelled, "everyone, get ready, Scene 1, shoot Ziyan into the mansion."

He then looked at Yan Xi, who had already gone to the shooting position, "is that ok?"

Yan Xi than a OK gesture, eyes calm as water, in the director said the sound began, her expression immediately changed.

Zixi, as if in front of the scene, a little bit of a shy woman.

She looked down with a smile, put out her hand, buttoned the door, opened her mouth, and stepped back two steps. She seemed to have plucked up her courage. Just about to knock on the door, the door suddenly opened.

She saw the pavilions and pavilions inside, and her expression of shock was incisively and vividly performed by her.

"I'll live here after that?" Every look in her eyes expresses her inner joy and joy. She steps into the gate.

The director looked at the screen with satisfaction and exclaimed, "card, over!"

Yan Xi did not let him down, after three years of cooperation, the light after the film did not fade.

The studio staff nodded one after another, and they could interpret the role so well after only walking once. Yan Xi's acting skills were so perfect. Next, she took two scenes of Yan Xi's plays, including a long monologue. She just passed by one.

At last, the eyes were full of tears, which made everyone admire.

Only when the director calls out a card, she can return to her usual quiet appearance, which is definitely a textbook acting skill.

"Did she just read the script?"

"No, I didn't see her bring the script, so many words, all memorized? That's amazing

"She deserves to be the winner of a grand slam movie. If she didn't retire, what kind of star would she be now?"

On the other side, Jiang Yumeng couldn't sit still when she saw her performance. However, on second thought, it's a good thing to let Yan Xi stay in the crew. He can torture her, "wait and see, I'm the rich man behind me. You're just a clown who can act!"


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