Irresistible Romance

Chapter 21

"Sure enough, it's a woman of Jiang Mochen, very powerful!" Xia Jie deliberately joked and let out a sigh of relief. "The evidence in our hands is enough to prove that Bai luofan and Jiang Yumeng are in love. It depends on what you want to do."

"I'm not in a hurry to make it public. I want them to be proud enough before they do it. I'm thinking about the time crew now Yan Xi has always put this matter in mind, "I feel a little sorry for director Chen."

At this time, Yan Xi was so dazzling that people couldn't move their eyes. This is also the reason why Xia Jie has always followed her heart and soul. This woman is always a stream of clean stream in the performing arts circle.

It looks weak on the outside, but no one can stop the idea in my heart.

Sister Xia blinked, "Yan Xi, don't you know? Director Chen, he has been looking for you

"To me?"

"Yes, my email is full of messages from his assistant. It seems that he is not angry with you, but is interested in discussing cooperation with you. I thought you know It's all my fault, because I'm so busy sorting out the evidence. "

Yan Xi's eyes lit up, "sister Xia, please go to see director Chen for me first."

"No problem! It's on me. "

After Yan Xi and sister Xia separated, they went home directly. She didn't expect Jiang Mochen had come back. She changed her shoes, and before she turned around, Jiang Mochen held her waist.

He had just finished his health. After taking a bath, his hair was still wet, his eyebrows were slightly locked, and the lines on his face showed a bit of prestige. Any woman would be moved to see such a face. At this time, his chin fell between Yan Xi's neck and held her in his arms from behind, "why so long..."

This overbearing and jealous words let Yan Xi raise the corners of his mouth.

She was nervous and excited. She carefully turned around in his arms and picked up his face. "I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang, I've kept you waiting."

He stood on tiptoe and offered a soft kiss to compensate.

Her fragrance makes Jiang Mo Chen's mind move, embrace her waist, "compensate?"

Yan Ximei eyes open big, slightly raised the chin, seems to have a bit of provocative taste, she nodded heavily, "Hmm!"

Jiang Mo Chen's deep eyes fixed on her face, picked her up, and then strode into the bedroom, as if holding a treasure, gently placed her on the double bed.

He stroked her cheek, hair, lips, as the distance close, can clearly hear each other's heartbeat.

"You should know that this compensation is far from enough..." His hand had begun to caress her leg slowly.

In the confusion of love, Yan Xi could only hear the sound of their intertwined breath

"I know that no woman can make President Jiang wait. Since you make an exception for me, I am willing to accept your punishment." Yan Xi hooked his neck and closed his eyes slowly.

The more active she is, the more he cherishes it.

He knew that it took a lot of determination and courage for Yan Xi to send everything to himself. The more like this, the more he wanted to give her better memories.

And he wanted her heart and the only love.

"Next time..." He gently kisses her lips and calms himself down. "I want to have you completely But, I know you need time to be sure, and I'm sure that day won't be too far away.

Yan Xi was moved to drop his eyes, "Mo Chen..."

This heart and affection in Yan Xi heart for a long time.

As he stroked her long hair, Jiang Mo Chen felt deeply for her trust. Although he wanted to crush Bai luofan's scum for her, he knew that Yan Xi wanted to end his own life.

"Go downstairs. I have something to show you." He got up neatly and took away the charming temperature of a room, but Yan Xi could see that his tension was not less than himself.

I went down the stairs and saw him standing at the door of the open room. "I asked them to decorate it. I don't know if you like it or not."

As soon as the door opened, it was full of shoes and clothes.

"Since we want to return to the performing arts circle, these are the necessities."

Yan Xi looked stunned, "these, are for me?"

"Well." Jiang Mo Chen said that he turned on the lamp in the inner compartment, and the dazzling jewels sparkled under the light, which was intoxicating. "There is only one hostess in this room, that is you."

His words hit Yan Xi's heart.

"Thank you..."

Holding her shoulder, Jiang Mo Chen calmly raised a smile, "I believe you will succeed."

Once again become the most shining stars in the night sky, let everyone witness her beauty.

And that goal will be achieved through her own efforts!

Bai luofan ordered the public relations team to work all night, which finally contained the further development of the situation and kept the image of brilliant entertainment. Although there were still people on the website talking about his affair with Jiang Yumeng, it was basically negligible.

However, due to Yan Xi's aggressive attitude, more and more attention has been paid to her on the Internet. More and more people spontaneously set up a fan group to send posts to support Yan Xi's return to the film industry.

The investor ignored the trend of public opinion and insisted on letting Jiang Yumeng play the role of zhen'er. However, under the strong demand of the director group, the second female candidate became Yan Xi.They sent people to brilliant entertainment to talk about cooperation, and belofan refused in every way.

"Yan Xi has not acted for more than two years. Are you sure you want her to act?"

"Yes, this is the requirement of the director group, and we believe that with the strength of Miss Yan Xi, she will be competent." Director assistant continued, "this is the contract. Please arrange Miss Yan Xi into the production team as soon as possible."

"But could you change to another guest role?"

Bai luofan doesn't have to think about it. He doesn't want Yan Xi to return to the screen. It's more difficult to control her.

"This is the final decision of the director group, and if Yan Xi doesn't participate, it is likely to cut Jiang Yumeng's part. I hope Mr. Bai will give it a good consideration."

Bai luofan's teeth clenched with anger, but he had nothing to do.

Just when Bai luofan didn't know how to deal with this matter, sister Xia got a copy of the contract. "Don't worry, director Chen, I will definitely persuade Yan Xi to play this role. She always wanted to find a chance to make up for the past, so she could say it

Hang up director Chen, Xia Jie is very excited.

"Yan Xi, this is the goddess of luck in your favor!"

Yan Xi leaned on the sofa and looked at the scenery outside the window. She was calm. The development of things was in her expectation.

"It's man-made. It won't be so easy. After Jiang Yumeng receives the news, he will make a big scene."

"It's true that, in order to seduce Bai luofan, she can even do such things as pregnancy. Now you have taken the spotlight. She is just a female number two, one-third more than her part. It's strange that she is not in a hurry."

"The more anxious she is, the better for us." Yan Xi is very sure.

She has made psychological preparations, no matter what Jiang Yumeng does, she can respond to changes with the same.

When the screen of the mobile phone lights up, it is Jiang Mo Chen's message.

"Hard work, Mrs. Jiang."


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