Iron Blooded Hound

Chapter 4 - 4: Talent...

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Talent...

Eight years have gone by.

Vikir van Baskeville had just turned eight years old and, like all Baskeville children, was attending his classes.

"Alright, final question. How do you classify the skill level of a swordsman?"

Vikir calmly responded.

"Regardless of their proficiency in swordsmanship,

A swordsman who cannot infuse mana into a sword is considered a 'sword beginner',

A swordsman who can infuse mana into the tip of a sword, but the resulting aura is weak like gas, is known as a 'sword expert',

When the aura emanating from the sword becomes thick and sticky like a liquid, it is referred to as 'Sword Graduator',

And when the aura solidifies and can be shaped according to the caster's will, it is called 'Sword Master'."

Of course, these classifications are made for convenience.

Combat is influenced by various factors such as health, terrain, climate, humidity, gravity, experience, and the density of mana in the air.

You can calculate it, but the outcome will already be different by the time you finish calculating.

However, the calculations aren't that complex for eight-year-olds.

As Vikir answered without hesitation, the other children around him eagerly raised their hands and shouted in agreement, as if competing.

"If a beginner fights an expert, the expert will win!"

"If an expert fights a graduator, the graduator will win!"

"A master is stronger than a graduator!"

"And the head of the household is the master!"

Vikir silently listened to the children around him.

The words of one boy pierced his heart.

"The head of the household is a master!"

Hugo Le Baskevilles, the head of the Baskevilles...

He only pays attention to the ones who show exceptional talent in swordsmanship.

But today, he will surely be pleased to hear about Vikir's abilities.

The tutor admired Vikir's intelligence and knew that he would excel in whatever he set his mind to.

The tutor planned to inform Lord Hugo about Vikir's potential, as he believed that Hugo would be proud of his youngest child.

Hugo, who had been pretending to be a livestock wholesaler, would occasionally visit Fang castle to keep track of the livestock's growth and value. However, his interest in the castle has suddenly increased in the past few years.

This sudden interest is all because of Vikir.

It was highly unusual for Hugo to visit Fang castle, a place where only children under the age of 10 gather and raise children together. The tutors in charge of the castle were now facing difficulties due to Hugo's presence.

"Thank you, Young Master. I will do my best to assist you," one of the tutors expressed gratitude to Vikir.

Thanks to Vikir, the budget has significantly increased and his position within the family has grown compared to other knights. Everyone in the family now looked at Vikir with favor.

However, Vikir himself was not interested in all the attention.

After class, when the children were returning to their rooms in the castle, Vikir took a moment to reflect on himself.

"Hugo is a master," Vikir thought to himself.

Unfortunately, that was true.

Hugo's aura was on a different level compared to the 'solid aura' that only masters could possess. Vikir, on the other hand, had a more fluid and senior graduate aura.

Vikir clenched his teeth.

In this life, he vowed to never live or die meaninglessly.

"At least before the coming-of-age ceremony, I must regain all my previous strength," Vikir determined.

Currently 8 years old, Vikir had already reached the advanced level of Sword Expert without anyone noticing. In his previous life, he had only achieved this level when he was over 20 years old.

Before his return, he was only ten years old and had already risen to the rank of Sword Expert. While this was considered impressive by the world's standards, within the Baskervilles, it was considered mediocre or even slightly below average.

Usually, the children of the Baskervilles would reach the level of advanced sword experts around the age of 20 and graduate around the age of 30.

If you manage to coat your sword with 'liquid aura' like that, you'll climb up to an executive position.

Even the best of the Baskervilles, known as the most talented, usually become advanced swordsmen by the age of 20.

But Vikir, at just eight years old, was already surpassing them.

In his past life, he never experienced mana at such a young age.

This is a level even the elite in the family wouldn't dare to reach.

When Vikir felt a new emotion, he heard a voice behind him.

Turning around, he saw three children from his 9-year-old class.

Hivero Le Baskeville, Mivero Le Baskeville, Lovero Le Baskeville.

The boys in the family have the surname 'Le' and the girls have the surname 'Ra'.

These three were direct descendants of the Baskevilles, with a clear lineage.

In a typical fashion, Hivero, the eldest, started arguing with Vikir.

"Where do you think you're going, 'half' trash?"

The other two chimed in, echoing his words.

It was a battle like that of a nine-year-old.

Anyway, the Baskevilles are dominant in talent, so this won't happen as they grow older.

However, Vikir kept a close watch on the triplets for another reason.

"...The trident of Hugo Baskerville."

In another 10 years, these guys will become troublesome enemies.

In fact, before returning, these are the three hounds that relentlessly pursued and attacked Vikir, who managed to escape the siege.

"Come to think of it, these guys have been bothering me since I was young."

Vikir's growth was slow when he was young because they took away a lot of his food.

During various evaluations, they would secretly trip him up and betray him.

Because of that, there were many times when he almost died on different missions, causing him to have a slight limp.


Vikir's eyes turned red.

Unknowingly, the triplets, who had just turned 9, laughed and surrounded Vikir.

"Hey trash, you said you were submerged in the Styx for 7 minutes? And what, you strangled two vipers in their cradle? Stop lying. How can an 8-year-old kid lie like that!"



Hive, the most vicious of the three, took a step forward.

"Can you do this?"

At the same time, a small sphere faintly glowed above the palm of his hand.

The young children of the Baskerville family are different from the majority in their sensitivity and management of mana.

They were already able to condense mana and gather it in a circle.

Although he hadn't been able to put it on his sword yet, it was enough to be praised as a genius in the world.

Of course, even within the Baskerville family, he could be praised for being quite talented.



The triplets continued to push Vikir.

"... ... ."

Vikir glanced at the mana lump created by Lovero.

A mana sphere the size of a child's fist. Well, at their age, they should be able to do that.

But Vikir had already accomplished that much at the age of eight months.

When he strangled two poisonous snakes in his crib.

With the addition of 8 years of mana proficiency after his return and the 30 years before his return, where does his level stand?

Vikir looked around him once.

There weren't many things to worry about in the 'Fang Castle' where only children lived.

The few guardian knights and tutors were all currently outside the castle.

... Pod!

Vikir's power was demonstrated.

Vikir raised his palms high and began gathering mana.

Upon seeing this, the triplets' faces turned to astonishment.

"... ... !"

"... ... !"

"... ... !"

Nothing appeared on Vikir's palm.

For a moment, the triplets wore a bewildered expression, then burst into laughter.

"Ahahahaha, you little shit! Could it be that you couldn't even manipulate mana until you were that old?"

"Couldn't you?"

"Couldn't you?"

The guys were so focused on mocking that they even shed tears.

... ... but.

At the same time, in a watchtower not too far from Fang Castle.

One of the guards on duty was puzzled by the unexpected sight seen through the windows.

"What? Why are there two suns above Fang Castle?"


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