Invincible! This person has lived for a billion years

Chapter 791 Had Mr. Johnson lost his mind?

Chapter 791 Had Mr. Johnson lost his mind?

William had never fully grasped the concept of the cosmic laws set by the Cosmic Entity, nor had he ventured beyond the thirteen universes. He had always believed that there were others more powerful than him, but after the battle with the Cosmic Entity's guardians, he found himself lost in confusion.

Is this all the so-called strong beings of the universes are capable of?

He had no intention of becoming stronger and sometimes even wished someone could end his long life.

Now, it seemed that fighting was truly a mundane affair, and the idea of someone else killing him seemed nearly impossible.

He wondered if the avatar he had expelled from his body had made any progress.

It had been a while since he discovered its existence. Since that avatar was born from William's obsession with becoming stronger, shouldn't it have grown stronger by now?

"Keep it up!" William returned to his office and continued writing the books about mutated creatures. Since he had promised the students he would deliver the books tomorrow, he naturally had to finish writing them today.

He preferred using a pen over typing on a computer, especially a quill pen.

"Mr. Johnson, what are you writing there?"

Dexter in the office had noticed William writing something and, curious, came over to take a closer look.

The teachers at the school were unaware that William was providing information on mutated creatures. Dexter walked up to William's side and was instantly impressed.

The handwriting was as uniform as printed text, with each letter almost exactly the same size and the spacing between letters perfectly even.

Dexter, a Harvard PhD, considered himself well-educated and well-read, having seen many beautifully written texts.

But William's handwriting was exceptionally rare,it was a pleasure to look at.

"Mr. Johnson, how many years have you practiced this handwriting?" Dexter didn't believe that the most important thing in this era was just enhancing one's strength. Cultural heritage was vital,if human culture couldn't be preserved, then even if they could defeat the mutated creatures, the human world would still struggle to recover.

Dexter greatly admired people like William.

Without slowing his writing, William casually replied, "For quite some years now."

Exactly how many years?

Probably since the 8th century BC in ancient Greece. Before that, including William and the deities, they used to carve writings on stones or various objects with knives, or directly record events in murals.

Dexter asked, "Are you writing about mutated creatures?"

"Yes!" William replied, not really having the time to chat. Although he could conjure up the entire book with a single thought, he much preferred the process of recording it bit by bit.

Dexter was completely taken aback.

This was no ordinary writing,it was information related to mutated creatures, and William's speed was somewhat terrifying. He wrote without any pauses, and there was no need to correct any typos—it was like watching a human typewriter.

As he stood behind and carefully read what William was writing, he was even more astonished and found himself at a loss for words.

"Mr. Johnson, how do you know all this information about the mutated creatures?" Dexter understood what the implications of William's writings meant for humanity.

First off, the amount of information was enormous.

Many details about the mutated creatures were unknown even to him, and since mutated creatures were constantly evolving, how could one even begin to compile such a book?

There were two possibilities for William's knowledge: either someone like Garen or another powerful being had told him, or he knew it himself.

The first possibility was manageable, but if it was the second, that was truly frightening.

Not to mention, this book would be incredibly beneficial for humanity's future battles against the mutated creatures.

William was writing about the creatures' habits, preferences, weaknesses, and even... culinary uses.

He also noted which plants were poisonous, what they feared, and how to cultivate them.

It was as if humanity was back in the Stone Age, trying to stand out among various life forms by using weapons and traps.

Knowing these creatures' habits, preferences, and weaknesses would make dealing with them much simpler...

"Mr. Johnson, please continue, I won't disturb you any further." Dexter tactfully walked away.

Although some of it was beyond his understanding, from what he could see of William's writings, it was undoubtedly accurate.

Dexter's attitude towards William had undergone a significant change—he now realized that William truly had substantial knowledge and skills!

Just as Dexter reached his own desk, two individuals who looked like teachers walked in, clearly not from this office.

"Hey, Adrian, what brings you guys here? Don't tell me you're here to invite me for a drink?" Dexter greeted the two teachers as they approached, but then glanced back at William and lowered his voice, "Let's talk outside, Mr. Johnson is busy. Let's not disturb him."

William was busy writing, and it wouldn't be appropriate to speak loudly there.

"What's he so busy with?" Adrian said loudly, "We're actually here to see him!"

"Why are you looking for Mr. Johnson?" Dexter asked, puzzled.

"Don't you know? He's hogging a large classroom for just four students. Isn't that a waste?" Adrian scoffed, "I know he's a distant relative of Commander Samuel and that he has some shady dealings with Garen, but this school isn't a place to mess around just because you have connections."

"Watch your words!" Dexter's face darkened. Mentioning that William was related to Samuel was one thing, but suggesting that William and Garen had an inappropriate relationship was clearly provoking.

Garen was, after all, the leader of a powerful guild, and his formidable strength was well known. Even if there was something unusual about William's relationship with Garen, it was something usually left unspoken. Speaking it aloud was asking for trouble.

"You don't know I'm a disciple of the Pantheon Guild?" Adrian said disdainfully, "What's so great about Garen? He dares to challenge our Pantheon Guild. Don't worry, Garen's a dead man walking, and this William won't last long at this school either!"

As a disciple of the Pantheon Guild, Adrian didn't regard Samuel highly. He had heard that the elders and the leader of his guild were all of Lesser Deity level.

Garen thinking he could challenge their Pantheon Guild alone was suicidal.

If Garen was doomed, then how could they tolerate William here?

And him occupying a large classroom all to himself?

Even if it was arranged by Garen.

What was Garen anyway?

Adrian didn't respect the Emerald Lion Guild at all, but he couldn't defeat Garen. Now, he was looking to crush William, who he saw as someone who had used connections to get into the school.

William slightly furrowed his brow, looked up at Adrian, and slowly raised his hand, pointing at him, "Come here and bring me the ink."

Just as he ran out of ink, Adrian showed up.

Dexter turned back to look at William, bewildered.

Had Mr. Johnson lost his mind?

These guys were here to cause trouble, and he was asking Adrian to fetch ink for him?

Was he out of his mind?

"Sure!" Adrian, as if possessed, wore a silly grin on his face, picked up the ink nearby, and scurried over.

"Adrian! What are you doing?" The middle-aged man who came with Adrian was completely baffled.

One second they were talking about kicking William out of the school, and the next, Adrian was running to fetch him ink?

Could he be any more servile?


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