Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 84 - 47

The sky above the Alba Mountain Range was already dark. The atmosphere within the wilderness that had previously felt desolate became even more terrifying. The students from Piqmentia Grand Academy had already spread out in groups based on their class. Meanwhile, their homeroom teacher just watched from afar.

"Aishia, you better go inside the tent because it's getting colder." Prince Fritz whose power was already unsealed was currently sitting in front of the bonfire. In his hands, he played two beast stones. Not long after they entered the Alba Mountain Range, they were confronted by a low-level magical beast and Prince Fritz who defeated it.

After his strength returned, Prince Fritz challenged the person who previously took his place in class S and he won easily. That's why he was currently able to return to class S.

Princess Aishia was silent and didn't answer him, she just looked at the bonfire. Right now she was feeling annoyed because of the girl sitting next to her.

"Aishia, I know you're angry with me. But right now we are carrying out a test. Would you bother a teacher on your behalf? Can't you see that she's busy?" Princess Freya tried to calm her down. Princess Aishia was angry with her for what she did earlier. When they got off the carriage, they were ordered to line up immediately. The Principal gave his greetings and advice to the students until it was time for them to enter the Alba Mountain Range area. At that time, Princess Aishia felt she had little time to ask Kalya about Ziel, but Princess Freya grabbed her hand and pulled her into the class S crowd. When she looked back, Kalya is no longer in place.

Princess Aishia didn't answer and turned her face away from her. Right now she was feeling really bad. For some reason after seeing that teacher use an artifact like hers, she couldn't calm down at all.

"Freya, what happened? Did you fight with Aishia?" Princess Fritz who saw the exchange of them felt that Princess Aishia was currently angry with his little sister.

"It was just a misunderstanding, brother. You don't have to think about it. Isn't that right, Aishia?" Princess Freya glanced at Aishia beside her, but Princess Aishia ignored her and put on a cold face. She sighed heavily because Princess Aishia wouldn't even glance at her.

"Alright, wouldn't it be better if both of you made up right away? We have to work together to pass the current exam. But if you guys fight like this won't our cooperation be broken?" Prince Fritz tries to reconcile them.

"What Prince Fritz said is true." Suddenly a voice came into their conversation. The voice came from Princess Reina carrying a cup of hot drink and behind her was Princess Rinne and Hugo following.

"Ooh, Princess Reina, and Princess Rinne? Are you done with the business you said earlier?" Princess Freya sees Princess Rinne behind Princess Reina. Previously she had asked her to sit down and have dinner together, but she refused because there was something she wanted to do.

"Nn... I'm done with my business. When I came back, I met Princess Reina." She sat near Princess Freya and started sipping the hot drink in her cup.

"What business are you doing in the wilderness at night?" Princess Freya asked curiously.

"I tried the prototype of my new magic tool." She answered honestly.

"A new magic tool? May I know what it is, Princess Rinne?" Prince Fritz who was listening became curious about what Princess Rinne said.

"This is a magic tool to repel monsters from approaching this place. Its function is almost the same as the barrier magic or artifact that Princess Aishia has." Princess Rinne took out what looked like a dagger, then plunged it into the ground. After that, from the dagger came a pale green light and spread out until it enveloped them all. They could see a thin layer of membrane being created from the pale green light. It was the barrier of Princess Rinne's new magic tool.

"But, didn't the academy also give us a magic tool that has a function similar to that?" Princess Freya who was looking around the barrier suddenly remembered that their homeroom teacher gave them a magic tool to protect them from magical beasts at night.

"Ooh, you mean this? It's almost the same, but the resistance is different." Princess Rinne took out a crystal shaped like a tube in her hand. It was a magic tool given by the academy.

"Really? Then..." Princess Reina who had been silent for a while listening to their conversation suddenly stood up after finishing her drink. He drew the red sword at his waist. He wanted to test the resistance of the barrier of the magic tool made by Princess Rinne. But before he tried it, from the middle of the forest came the howls of a beast.


"What sound is that?" Princess Freya immediately stood up from her seat and looked around. She felt that the howl was not from an ordinary animal.

"That must be the howl of a magical beast." When Princess Rinne said that, sure enough from the darkness of the forest, they could see a pair of red eyes staring at them.

Slowly the owner of the red-eye emerged from the darkness. The figure that appeared was a wolf as tall as an adult, he has black fur and two horns on his head.

"Silver horn wolf! Those are mid-level magical beasts. They shouldn't be hanging around here." Princess Rinne who knew the creature was a little surprised but her face didn't look panicked at all.

"I'll handle it." Prince Fritz stood up from his seat and was about to draw his sword but Princess Rinne stopped him.

"Wait, Prince. Don't you want to know the difference between this magic tool and the academies? Then you can see it in person. I've installed my magic tool around our campsite." Princess Rinne smiled slightly and looked at the wolf walking slowly towards them. The wolf looked ready to grab them at any moment.

They are also curious about Princess Rinne's magic tools. So they followed her word. Even Princess Aishia who was previously angry was currently looking at the wolf seriously. The other disciples got up one by one after hearing the wolf howl. They were shocked and prepared to attack the monster but were quickly stopped by Hugo.

Suddenly the wolf ran towards them and jumped while swinging his claws.


The wolf's claws seemed to have collided with something, and he quickly retreated. Then the wolf howled again.


Dozens of pairs of red eyes appeared in the darkness of the forest, they are a pack of silver horn wolves.

They all charged forward to attack the barrier at the same time. Some clawed and some struck lightning from their horns. It was one of the abilities of the silver horn wolf. But the barrier of Princess Rinne's magic tool wasn't broken at all. The wolves were angry because they couldn't reach the prey that was in front of their eyes. The wolves attacked the barrier blindly.

"How about my magic tool?" Princess Rinne puffed out her chest and looked at the surprised Princesses. Her magic tools were at least close to Legendary rank.

"Pretty great, but what if a high-level magical beast appears?" Princess Reina was attracted by the magic tool Princess Rinne made, but she is still curious to what extent it's resistance.

"Hmm... I don't know. Since this is a prototype, it must be tested directly." Princess Rinne folded her arms and closed her eyes in thought.

"There's no need to think about it, we're here for the exam, right? For our prey comes to us by itself, it's not good if we waste it. Don't let them all run away." Princess Fritz walked towards the pack of wolves.

"You're right, we better take care of this magical beast first, we can try your magic tool again when we meet a high-level magical beast." Princess Reina followed closely behind.

The other Princesses as well as the class S students also agreed with Prince Fritz and went to attack the wolves. Princess Iris and Clara were seen not far from there. Princess Iris and Clara were seen not far from there, and they were still avoided by other students.

[Brave Strike]

Prince Fritz opened their attack with the abilities that King Leonida had shown against the green dragon.

[Fire Dance]

Princess Reina followed by doing consecutive slashes with a sword that was burning in flames.

[Lightning Bullet]

[Spear of Mercury]

[Water Blade]

The other three Princesses attacked simultaneously. After that, the other students also joined in the fight. Among them could be seen Berith grinning evilly taking part in the fight against the wolves. The long night of their fight began.


When Class S was fighting Monsters. Right now Class D who took the path a bit south and away from the other classes were resting in their tents. Some have even fallen asleep. They believed in the power of the magic tools that their homeroom teacher gave them, because of that they could sleep in peace.

"Ken, you're not resting?" Dalvin sat next to Ziel who was warming himself in front of the bonfire. He was also holding a cup with warm tea in it.

"I'm not sleepy yet, and you?" Ziel answered without looking at him, he kept his eyes on the bonfire in front of him.

"Me too. Ah, I saw you got close to a girl during the ride on the magic train." Dalvin remembers when he saw a girl who spoke very excitedly to Ziel.

"That pink girl? I don't know her. She suddenly sat down next to me and started talking to her heart's content." Ziel shrugged his shoulders as if he didn't care.

"Hee... Is that so? But what I see is she looks like someone who knows you." Dalvin didn't believe what he said, but Ziel kept quiet and didn't explain further.

When they were enjoying the silence of the forest and the warmth of the bonfire. They felt the ground around them shaking.

"What is this?" Dalvin immediately stood up from his seat and looked around. The vibrations on the ground grew stronger and stronger.

"What happened!?" The students began to scatter out of their tents and scream in panic. They quickly gathered into groups and found out what happened.

"This is bad!?" A student came back from his monitoring while running with a face full of panic and fear. Sweat dripped from his forehead.

"What is it?" Another student from class D asked him.

"Monster!? A huge monster!? At least a high-level magical beast!" He explained haltingly.

"What!?" All the class D students who heard it were shocked and didn't know what to say. Before they could react, they were awakened by a roar that deafened their ears.


what was heading towards their campsite was a gigantic monster that would turn their night into a disaster.


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