Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 73 - 36

Time goes back when Kalya returns to her mansion. She locked herself in her room. She was lying on her bed hugging the bolster tightly and covering herself with the blanket. Silphy who saw it could only shake her head.

(Are you still thinking about it? I think you better forget it because you already have your new life now)

"I can't. Even though I was betrayed by them. But, they were forced to do that. I have to go back to save them. I... I want to think like that but my heart hurts when I hear they want to sacrifice me for their life, especially my sister." Kalya starts crying without her realizing it when she remembers what her family did to her..

(I know how you feel. But you also know that they are still looking for you. You are a valuable sample for them. Even the whole elf Kingdom can't beat them. What can you do?)

Silphy said sarcastically to her.

"I... I... I don't know." Tears flowing from her eyes. She collapsed weakly on her bed. She sensed that she was currently very helpless. Even living decades can't make her find a solution to solve her problem.

What she feels right now is her longing for the hometown she left a dozen years ago. The beautiful atmosphere in the elven forest and the creatures that live there are very different from other forests. That's what is deeply imprinted in her memory.

(Haa... you better think about it again. Remember, your life is also in danger right now. You don't need to think about other people, let alone those who have betrayed you)

Silphy came out of Kalya's room and left her in a depressed state.


Kalya who was left alone in her room kept crying until her eyes were swollen. She who always shows a cold and indifferent face in the academy nowadays looks like a fragile girl. Suddenly her body trembled after hearing the voice in her mind.

(You know that Kalya is an elf royal family?)

"Silphy stop it!" Kalya shouted after listening to Silphy's conversation with Ziel. She could hear their conversation because of the connection she had with Silphy due to the contract. Silphy could have temporarily cut off the connection, but she did it on purpose so that Kalya could hear their conversation.

Kalya starts to feel anxious and sad after hearing Silphy tell all her secrets to Ziel. And when Silphy asked her the last question. Kalya focused on what answer he would give.

"Alright, as long as she's here and teaches me spiritism, she'll be my responsibility. Besides that, she also has to listen to my words. Did you hear that, Cattleya?"

Those words were not aimed at Silphy, but at Kalya directly. He knows that Kalya is listening to their conversation.

"How is this!? He knows I'm eavesdropping!" Kalya who was previously depressed suddenly turned into a panic like a child who was caught doing something wrong by her parents.

"For now, come here." That was Ziel's last sentence and after that, she lost her connection with Silphy.

"What should I do? Should I come there?" After a moment of hesitation, she finally came out of her room. She changed into a sleeveless one-piece white dress.


The atmosphere in the place where Ziel practices spiritism looks a bit dark because it will soon be night. Kalya saw Ziel sitting while closing his eyes. She could tell that he was currently practicing spiritism, although she didn't know the extent of his current practice. She also saw Silphy accompanying him, this was the first time she saw Silphy with someone other than her. Even she was never that close to her family before

"You came? I want to ask you something." Ziel immediately opened his eyes and looked at Kalya.

(Is he going to talk about me eavesdropping!? It's all Silphy's fault!)

He glared at Silphy who was sitting next to him. But Silphy immediately took her eyes off her.

"Hmm... I'm sorry about earlier. I'm sorry." She lowered her head and did not dare to look at her directly.

"You don't have to think about it, I just wanted to know if I can use spiritism with the spell I usually use with mana?" Ziel wanted to try the power of spiritism.

"You should be able to cast the spell you usually use when using mana." Kalya nodded slightly and finally dared to look directly at him.

"I want to try something." Ziel closed his eyes and a spirit circle that was almost as big as the one Kalya had shown against him floated behind his back. Although it's not very clear, the patterns that appear there are like gears.

"What!?" Silphy and Kalya widened their eyes. He only practiced spiritism for two days and the size of his spirit circle was almost the same as the Kalya who practiced for a dozen years.

(Is his talent better than me who is the royal family? Or am I the one who is too stupid to learn it!?)

Kalya muttered in her heart. At this moment her mind was confused seeing what was happening in front of her. And what ziel did next left them speechless.

[Create Lifeform]


The first thing that ziel imagines when using spiritism is something related to nature. And he took a spell that he remembered could create tiny living things. He couldn't possibly use an attack spell to try it because he didn't know how strong that spiritism was.

Suddenly a blinding light enveloped the entire forest. Kalya and Silphy reflexively closed their eyes due to the excessive intensity of the light. Even that phenomenon was felt by everyone in the academy area including the teachers, students, and the King of Leonida who was also there. They widened their eyes seeing the entire forest being swallowed up by the light.


White tower, a female student dormitory. Princess Aishia who happened to be with Princess Freya saw a dazzling light from the direction of the forest.

"Freya, look at that!?" Princess Aishia called Princess Freya who was reading a book and pointed towards the academy forest.

"Did you see anything? What!?" Princess Freya looked in the direction she was pointing and immediately threw away the book in her hand. She put on her sweater and left the room followed by princess aishia who was also curious about the source of the light. In the corridor, they met Princess Rinne and also Princess Reina.

"Princess Aishia, Princess Freya do you want to see it too?" Princess Rinne asked them.

"We'd better see together." Princess Reina spoke first before they answered.

"Okay, let's see together." Princess Aishia nodded in agreement with her words. Meanwhile, Princess Freya was silent, because she already has a guess who is the mastermind behind this phenomenon.

In front of them, two female students were also heading there. They are Princess Iris and Clara. Princess Rinne who saw it asked them to go together and they didn't refuse.


White tower, a dormitory for male students. Dalvin who also saw the light from outside immediately woke up James who was sleeping and they ran towards the place along with the other male students.


In the principal's room, Merlick and King Leonida who were discussing Prince Fritz's condition suddenly stood up from their chairs.

"Merlick." King Leonida said in a heavy tone.

"Let's see." Merlick nodded slowly and the two of them quickly disappeared from the place. Even the teachers who were resting in their mansion also headed there.


After the blinding light disappeared, what appeared in front of Kalya and silphy was an extraordinary sight. Around them flew thousands of glowing butterflies and fireflies. Butterflies with luminous wings in various colors look very beautiful lighting up the dark forest.

"..." Kalya who saw it could only cover her mouth with her hand and let the tears flow from her beautiful blue eyes. She didn't expect to be able to enjoy this sight again. Even more beautiful than the one in the elven forest. She subconsciously jumped up and hugged Ziel tightly.

"I beg you, please leave me like this for a while." Kalya spoke first before Ziel could say anything. She leaned her body on him as if trusting herself completely.

Ziel just remained silent in response. And it happened again. His heartbeat suddenly beats fast for a while and then returns to normal. This time Ziel noticed it, a change to azael's seal.

"You are my responsibility now. Listen to my words from now on." Ziel spoke nonchalantly.

"Nn..." Kalya just nodded slowly and didn't care how Ziel spoke to her. She hugged him tighter and rested her head on his shoulder. Ziel returned the hug which made Kalya's body tremble for a moment and the most beautiful smile she had never shown before appeared on her face. Silphy who saw it couldn't help but smile. The sight of them embracing each other surrounded by glowing butterflies and fireflies looks so romantic and makes everyone envious.

After a long hug, Kalya finally let go of him, and Ziel did the same. At this moment Kalya dared to look directly into his eyes while smiling beautifully. Her smile even made the magnificent scenery around them look pale.

"I'm going, there will be a lot of people coming." Ziel looks at her with his poker face. He knew that the changes to Azael's seal had to do with the woman in front of him. That's why he had to protect Kalya, either to help him break the seal or some other reason he didn't know. But little by little without him realizing it, his emotions started leaking from Azael's seal.

"Nn... Good night." Kalya nodded slightly at his words.

"Good night..." He disappeared into thin air after saying that. Kalya smiled looking at the place where Ziel was before.


The people who got there first weren't the teachers or the principal, but the princesses and clara.

"Freya, have you been here? Why do I feel you know the way very well." Princess Aishia next to her asked curiously.

"Ah, I've been here while passing the time while taking a walk." Princess Freya doesn't want the people around her to know the real reason.

"Is that true?" Princess Aishia is suspicious of her, the other princesses also feel the same way with her.

Before she could answer, they had arrived at their destination. And... they were astonished at the scene before their eyes. They see Kalya in a one-piece dress surrounded by butterflies and fireflies while smiling looking somewhere. It looks so beautiful and fantastic. But what Princess Freya feels right now is not admiration when she sees her smile, but a feeling of discomfort and worry.

"Thief cat..." She muttered under her breath while gritting her teeth holding back the emotions within her.


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