Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 36 - Prologue Part 1

After Ken managed to beat Azael. He left the place immediately with limping and a body full of wounds also his right hand that gone. He kept forcing himself out of that place. The thing that looked the most different from the previous him was that his face before full of expression but now was flat. It was the effect of the curse that Azael gave him before he died.

Azael's floating castle located in the southeast of the continent. But now the castle is in ruins on a small island because of his fight with Azael. When Ken came out of the wreckage, he immediately went to the edge of the island and looked for a lifeboat. There he found a lifeboat that was no longer in use. He boarded the lifeboat and rowed with the remaining one hand towards the Clorius continent.

2 days have passed since Ken left the small island where Azael's castle is located. Right now he could see the continent of Clorius already within his line of sight. Ken currently looks very thin, pale, and weak.. All the strength he had he used to row. He didn't even find any fish along his journey.

When he finally reached the shore in the southern part of the continent of Clorius he immediately got out of his lifeboat and sought help. Not far away he finally saw many human soldiers gathered in a camp. Ken knows that there will be troops guarding every corner of the continent during the final war of subjugation of the fallen gods. When Ken approached them, the soldiers immediately became alert.

"Who are you!! How dare you sneak in here!!" the soldiers drew their swords at Ken.

"I am Ken Nijisaki. I came here to meet your commander. Who is the commander in charge of this army?" Ken asked to meet their commander regardless of the attitude of the soldiers.

The soldiers looked at each other. And then they whispered. And finally one of the soldiers immediately ran towards the camp.

"You wait here. We will immediately report it to our commander." the soldier remained alert to Ken and did not lower his sword.

Ken didn't answer and just stood there waiting for their commander to come. After a few minutes passed. The soldier returned with a handsome young man with short blond hair and golden eyes. The man was quite tall and wore silver armor. Ken know that man.

"Valco, so you're on guard here?" Ken greets Valco. Because Valco is the prince of the Adrienne Empire. And that Empire was the leader of the 7 kingdoms on the continent at that time, and also the one who summoned Ken and his friends from another world.

"Ken, did you manage to defeat the Fallen God-King Azael?" Valco asked Ken with a smile. But Ken could see a glimpse of the dark expression on his face.

"I've defeat him." Ken nodded slowly to answer Valco's question. But then he felt something strange from the gazes of those who heard his answer, especially the gaze from Valco.

"That's great, you guys are indeed the hope of mankind in this world." Valco still praised him with a smile on his face.

"Thanks." Ken answered briefly.

"Then you should rest first. You must be very tired after defeating that man? Let me take you to your tent to rest." Valco led Ken's way to his tent. Ken followed Valco from behind and the soldiers followed behind him.

"You go in and rest. I won't bother you any longer." Valco pointed to one of the sizable tents. But when he saw it, Ken felt that something was wrong even though he didn't know what it was. He immediately shook his head and dispelled the thought.

Ken has known Valco since he and his friends were summoned to that world. Valco is the second prince of the Adrienne Empire. And he takes care of Ken and his friends like his own friends. Maybe it's because of the big age difference. They became friends very quickly.

When thinking about such nostalgic things even Ken's expression didn't change one bit. He then entered the tent and wanted to get some rest. Just as he was about to sit on his bed, suddenly a large magic circle formed under his feet, or rather all over the ground under his tent. Then, a big explosion happened.


The vibrations and shock effects of the explosion could be felt throughout the soldiers' encampment. Smoke and dust covered the entire place that had been Ken's tent to rest. When the smoke and dust cleared, there was Ken kneeling on one leg. Before the explosion occurred he had avoided the center of the explosion. But still, Ken was affected by the explosion. Currently, there are many burns all over his body from the impact of the explosion.

"What does all this mean, Valco?" Ken asked her coldly.

"You still don't understand?" Valco emerged from the crowd of soldiers and mages fully armed.

"I don't understand what you mean." Ken began to have difficulty breathing due to the impact of the previous explosion.

"Haah...we thank you for defeating the fallen god-king, Azael. But do you know why we had to defeat him? Other than that they are causing trouble everywhere in every corner of this continent. We don't need creatures whose strength is far above the humans in the world. Because in this world, creatures like that would only be the next threat." He explained his reason to Ken.

"So you mean I'll be the next threat?" Ken narrowed his eyes looking at Valco.

"Yeah, you'll be the next threat. Because you can even beat Azael. And you're not a human from this world." Valco doesn't deny what Ken is asking.

"Does everyone in this war know what you are doing?" Ken still couldn't believe that everyone who fought with him had betrayed him.

"Of course, this is our agreement with the 7 kingdoms." Valco confirmed Ken's question.

"I see... I understand." Ken nodded and closed his eyes. Everything he and his friends tried to protect ended up betraying him. Even Ken had already lost his friends. Maybe if he didn't have Azael's curse, he would have gone berserk to vent his anger and sadness.

"Then die! Be a sacrifice for the peace of this world Ken! Everyone attack him at the same time!!" Valco ordered all the soldiers and mages to attack. From the attacks of arrows and magic raining down on the place where Ken was.

Seeing that, Ken didn't do anything and just closed his eyes.


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