Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 30 - The Princesses Situation Part 1

Argaint Kingdom castle, a week after Erigos attacks incident. Reconstructions were still done and the current state of the city has begun to improve. Homes that were previously burned and destroyed have begun to be rebuilt. People's activities have also returned to normal. But only 1 has not returned to normal, in her room, she locked herself without wanting to meet anyone including her own family. Since she realized and remembered what happened, she would cry. When she was reflecting on what has happened in her room. Suddenly, there was a sound of knocking on the door from outside.

"Princess, this is Siesta. I brought your food. Can I enter?" Siesta's voice could be heard from outside Princess Aishia's room. Since the incident, Siesta couldn't stop worrying about her condition. She kept an eye on Princess Aishia every day and brought her food. Today as usual she brought Princess Aishia's lunch.. But there was no answer from the inside room after she knocked it a few times.

"Princess? I'll come in, excuse me." Siesta finally decided to enter even without her permission. She was very worried because there was no answer from inside.

Princess Aishia's room looks dim. Because the light enters her room only from the window gap covered by curtains. And the owner of the room sat on her bed while hugging her knees with an empty look.

"Princess, this is your lunch." Siesta placed her lunch on the table next to her bed. But there's still no answer from her.

"Princess..." Siesta called her again and Siesta's eyes began to shed tears as she was sad to see her condition. Siesta then sat down on her bed and hugged Princess Aishia tightly.

"Hics..hics..." There was a sob from Princess Aishia.

"Cry Princess if it can make you calmer." Siesta whispered the word in her ear while patting her on the back.

"Aaaaaaahhhh....." At that moment Princess Aishia shouted while crying very pitifully. Her tears flowed like a broken dam.

Siesta couldn't bear to hear the sound of her crying and she cried with her too. Shortly thereafter, about 15 minutes of Princess Aishia's cries began to stop. Siesta's shoulders were wet from tears.

"What I did was wrong?" Princess Aishia, whose eyes were still swollen from tears, asked Siesta.

"I don't know Princess..." Siesta shook his head.

"If I knew this was going to happen, I wouldn't have gone to the town to see him... hics... hics." She wiped away her tears while regretting what has happened. Siesta is silent for a moment while hearing it.

"Princess, do you know why Ziel left? And what did he say before he left? Are you sure it's because of you?" Siesta looked at Princess Aishia's face seriously.

Princess Aishia was silent and pensive after hearing it. She recalled what Ziel had told her. He said he just wanted to live a quiet and peaceful life. In other words, after he showed such strength, He won't get what he wants by staying here. Recalling it again gave a little light to her eyes. But after remembering what he said before leaving, he didn't feel anything when she betrayed him, her chest feel unbearable pain.

"Ughh..." Princess Aishia held her chest.

"Princess, are you okay?!" Siesta cried worriedly at the sight of Princess Aishia suddenly groaning in pain.

"I'm fine. It still doesn't change the fact that I have betrayed him and that I am a selfish person who will sacrifice anyone for my benefit." Princess Aishia cried again while holding a bracelet on her wrist.

"Princess..." Siesta didn't know what to say to calm her down.

"Before, I felt I was a good person and see everyone's equal. But when faced with such circumstances. I'm still a selfish person. I'm going to pick people who are close and know me longer. Eventually, I know I can't see anyone else's equal..." Princess Aishia whose eyes were swollen earlier from crying for too long suddenly stopped her word. Her face turned cold, and her eyes became indifferent.

"" Siesta was shocked at the sudden change in attitude from Princess Aishia.

"I just have to be who I should be. Selfish and more concerned with those closest to me. Because there's no way I'll dare to look at him later if I see him again. So here I am. The one who betrayed him." Princess Aishia said coldly and let out an aura that was difficult to approach.

"Princess, may I ask you something personal?" Siesta asked her after emboldened.

"What?" She asked back shortly.

"" Siesta asked nervously.

"I love him. No, I even feel love him very much. From then on, I felt a strange feeling when I remembered it. When we spent time together, although I don't know how his expression behind the mask. But I feel like I'm happy to be with him, spend time with him. And I realized that I loved him, loved him so much. And after he left I felt a pain in my chest. It was like I was losing something very important to me. I feel like I have a hole in my heart and feel very empty." Princess Aishia explaining her feelings and her face softened.

"Do you want to see him again?" Siesta asked curiously.

"I want to, even if I don't dare to look into his eyes. But at least I want to apologize to him properly and express my feelings." She answered honestly.

"Then wouldn't it be better to be the previous of you?" Siesta worried at Princess Aishia's change of attitude.

"No. I would only be like a hypocrite if I stayed the way I used to be after what happened. And this is who I am now. I'll continue training to become a great mage now and prepare for the opening of Piqmentia Grand Academy next year." She said coldly to siesta.

Siesta who saw her like that was sad because from the beginning in speaking until now she did not see Princess Aishia's smile like before. Right now she's lost her beautiful smile. And later she will be called The Cold Moon Princess.


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