Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 261 54

Three days have passed since the Sacred Demonel incident. The disappeared Animaria city had already started the reconstruction process on the orders of King Regulus. The guests from the human region were allowed to stay in the Monarch Palace for one week because their magic train was destroyed in the explosion. It was decided after King Regulus discussed it with the other royal leaders.

The kings of the human region had already contacted their respective kingdoms and were currently still waiting for the magic train to come to pick them up. The magic train that would pick them up would arrive in a few days. This incident was similar to Merlick and the people from the Piqmentia Grand Academy in the Cirlus Kingdom.

In a room designated for the Elven Kingdom, Ziel lay unconscious on the bed. The external wounds on his body had disappeared entirely after receiving intensive treatment from Kalya and the other girls.

Although Ziel's external wounds have healed but due to the severe internal organ damage and the negative impact of using Mana and Aura excessively from the previous battle, Ziel still hasn't woken up until now.

Princess Iris, Kyouka, and Princess Cordelia had to go to where the guests from the human region gathered after Kalya brought Ziel back to the Monarch palace and rested him in her room. Princess Iris and Kyouka were reluctant to leave Ziel in such a state. But they had to leave because they didn't want to worry their family and friends. Moreover, there was a great earthquake at that time. Merlick and the kings must have realized that something terrible had happened.

When they returned, Princess Iris, Princess Cordelia, and Kyouka were bombarded with questions from Merlick, the kings, and Hikaru. But their answer was the same as Queen Jasmine's explanation to Merlick and the kings. Princess Iris secretly told Princess Aishia and Princess Freya the truth because she knew of their relationship with Ziel.

Princess Aishia and Princess Freya asked their father for permission and ran to where Ziel was being treated. Their behavior made their father suspicious. When they reached the place, Princess Freya and Princess Aishia's reactions were the same as Kalya and the other girls. They cried for a long time when they saw Ziel's condition.

The two girls might have stayed in that room if it wasn't for Kalya forcing them to return. Kalya didn't mind it, but Merlick and their father would panic if they didn't return for a long time, and it would create a new commotion.


"Ugh!" Ziel slowly opened his eyes and tried to move his hands. But his whole body felt sore and heavy. When he managed to open his eyes fully, he saw a ceiling that was unfamiliar to him. Ziel turned his head slowly and looked next to him after hearing the sound of someone's soft breathing.

Ziel saw Kalya and Azalia sitting asleep across from each other on the right and left sides of his bed, leaning their heads on it. Apart from them, there was also Clara and Lilith sleeping on the lounger. The girls looked exhausted, and they slept very soundly.

Princess Freya, Kyouka, and the other girls came and took care of Ziel every day while he was unconscious. But the four girls in the room were the ones who had stayed with him for these few days because they were also living there.

Azalia decided to stay in the room with Kalya and the other two girls because she worried about Ziel. Besides, she wanted to hide from Raphael for a while after hearing that Raphael was looking for her from Queen Jasmine.

"Eh?" Ziel tried to move his hand again but realized something was pressing on him. When he turned his gaze to check it out, he couldn't help but smile.

Kalya and Azalia held his right and left hands, respectively. He canceled his intention to get up because he didn't want to disturb the sleep of the two girls. Fortunately, Silphy in Kalya's body understood Ziel's intentions and didn't wake her up. Then Ziel closed his eyes and checked his condition.

(The damage to my internal organs was severe even though my external wounds were completely healed. In addition, the circuit that functions to drain the mana and aura within my body is overloaded and might not be able to be used again if not treated immediately. Luckily spirit power can still be used because it uses another channel. It seems the girls had a hard time treating it. I didn't know I would be injured this badly after using that skill)

Ziel sighed softly and shook his head. He used spirit power and cast his spell.

[Time Rewind]

Ziel treated his body using the least amount of spirit power possible so the girls in the room wouldn't be disturbed. Gradually his badly damaged internal organs and circuits returned to normal.

"Hmm…" Kalya woke up after feeling the spirit power around her. She has been sensitive about it since childhood. Therefore, no matter how small Ziel releases spirit power or how great he hides it, Kalya can feel it. Kalya's body stiffened when she saw Ziel's eyes open and stare at her.

"Good morning, or maybe it's noon now?" Ziel smiled gently at Kalya.

"Ziel! You're awake!?" Kalya screamed hysterically and immediately got up from her seat. Her voice woke Azalia and the other two girls in the room.

"You're awake, Ken!" Azalia got up and shouted no less loud than Kalya.

"How are you, Ken!?"

"Is your body completely recovered?"

Clara and Lilith also woke up from their sleep and ran towards Ziel. They checked Ziel's condition with their sleepy state. The girls let out a sigh of relief after knowing that Ziel had wholly recovered by now.

"Fortunately, your internal organs and mana circuits have fully recovered. Did you heal it yourself after you woke up? We've been looking for ways to fix it for the last three days but still haven't found a solution." Azalia smiled bitterly after realizing their helplessness. She and the other girls barely slept for three days straight, just looking for a way to treat Ziel.

During that time, Azalia became familiar with the girls around Ziel, and they didn't even bother with Azalia's origins as a divine race after seeing her great concern for him.

"You are right. After I woke up, I checked my condition and found out that my internal organs and mana circuits in my body were badly damaged. Luckily I can still use spirit power to heal it. Did you say three days? Does that mean I was unconscious all that time?" Ziel slowly raised his body and put him in a sitting position. Then he looked at Azalia and the other girls to ask for their confirmation.

"Yes. You were unconscious for three whole days." Kalya answered sadly.

"We were worried about you when we didn't find a way to heal your internal wounds and mana circuits. Besides, you're showing no sign of waking up, Ken!" Clara drew closer to Ziel. She took Ziel's hand and gripped it tightly. Ziel glanced at Kalya, who smiled at him and knew that Kalya didn't mind Clara's actions.

"I'm sorry for making you worry." Ziel smiled apologetically and bowed his head.

Kalya, Clara, and Lilith were taken aback when they saw Ziel smiling. After waking up from his unconscious state, Ziel's expression looked softer than before. On the other hand, Azalia took it casually because she had met Ziel before her emotions disappeared due to Azael's curse.

"We won't forgive you if you act recklessly like that again! Don't you know how worried we were!?" Clara threw herself to Ziel and hugged him tightly because she was carried away by her feelings. Then she cried hysterically in his arms.

Clara vented her anxiety for the three days Ziel was unconscious. Ziel sighed and patted her back to calm her down. Kalya and the other two girls in the room couldn't help but smile wryly in response.

While Clara was crying in Ziel's arms, the door suddenly opened and was followed by a girl's voice.

"Has there been any developments regarding Ziel's condition…eh?" The one who opened the door was Princess Freya. She and the other girls didn't have to knock on the door because they thought the room was theirs.

"What happened, Freya? Why did you suddenly stop walking and be silent? Could something bad happen to Ziel?" The other person who was talking anxiously behind Princess Freya was Princess Aishia.

"Could it be that Ziel's condition worsened!? " Princess Iris asked. Then she passed Princess Freya in front of her and saw Ziel sitting on his bed with Clara in his arms.


The three girls screamed and ran over to Ziel. They did the same thing that Kalya and the others did. Princess Freya and the two girls who had just entered the room checked Ziel's condition from head to toe. Unfortunately, Kyouka couldn't come along with them due to other business. Azalia quietly separated herself from the girls when she saw them swarming around Ziel.

(Ziel has woken up, and my presence in this place is no longer needed. I still have to do my duty as a princess of the divine race)

"Alright, Ziel. Now you are healed. Then I will take my leave. I still have problems I need to solve." Azalia clenched her fists tightly and said in a hoarse voice like she was holding back tears.

"Do you perhaps need our help? We will help you as best we can." Kalya offers her help. Of all the girls, Kalya was the one who had the closest relationship with Azalia. It was very unexpected, considering their first meeting was very bad.

"No. Thank you. I will solve this problem myself. Then I'll go first." Azalia left the room without waiting for Kalya's answer. When the door of the room closed, Kalya said solemnly.

"Ziel, you know what problem Azalia is referring to, right?" Kalya asked Ziel seriously. She seems worried about Azalia.

"I know." Ziel nodded and answered curtly.

"Then, can you help her?" Clara let go of her arms and looked straight into Ziel's eyes. Kalya and the other girls also looked at him with hopeful eyes.

"Of course, I can." Ziel smiled gently and said with determination. He realized that something had changed in him. A large crack formed in Azael's seal.


Inside the principal's office, Raphael sat in his chair while massaging his forehead and tapping his finger on the table.

"So you still haven't found her until now? Have you searched every corner of the Monarch Palace?" Raphael asked with irritation to the person in front of him.

"I have ordered my men to secretly search every corner of the Monarch Palace except for the rooms of the important guests. But I still can't find the girl named Azalia." King Regulus sighed and answered in a weak voice. For the past three days, King Regulus had hardly rested from dealing with the matters of the Animaria city.

"Have you asked your son? I heard he's close to her." Raphael narrowed his eyes and asked angrily. He likes Azalia and intends to marry her. But if Prince Ozkar dared to think about her, Raphael would not hesitate to kill him.

"It's just a rumor, and he doesn't know where Azalia is right now." King Regulus answered in a trembling voice after feeling a hint of killing intent from Raphael.

"Is that so? You must know that an area of thousands of kilometers has become a huge crater, and there is no other place to hide but here. The Monarch Palace is the only building in this area. Unless Azalia dies or has fled from the territory of this kingdom, you must immediately report it to me." Raphael said calmly and withdrew his killing intent.

"I understand!" King Regulus answered firmly.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Who is there? Didn't I already say that I don't want to be disturbed while having an important conversation?" Raphael was annoyed and answered in a slightly high-pitched tone.

"It's me, Azalia." A girl's voice came from behind the door. Raphael raised his eyebrows and quickly replied.

"Come in!" Raphael let Azalia in and then looked at King Regulus.

"You can leave. I have an important conversation with her." Raphael said with a serious face.

"I understand." King Regulus nodded and walked towards the door. He glanced at Azalia when he passed her. But it was only for a moment because he feared Raphael would notice. For some reason, Raphael didn't like it when someone approached Azalia.

"Ooh, you finally came to see me. I thought you died in that fight. I didn't expect that you were still alive and even managed to defeat the guardian of the continent. I intend to return and join the fight with you after breaking the chains that bind me. Unfortunately, the fight was over after I managed to do it." Raphael said with a guilty and regretful face.

"You don't have to pretend in front of me." Azalia snorted coldly.

"So cruel. But I understand. So, what's your answer to the condition I said a few days ago? You are indeed stronger than me and managed to defeat the guardian of the continent. Still, you must remember that I can destroy the fragment immediately if I see any suspicious actions from you." Raphael smirked and threatened.

Azalia gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly in anger after hearing Raphael's threat. Then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm her mind.

"I…" Azalia was about to give her answer, but a familiar voice stopped her.

"She doesn't need to accept a condition from a cunning person like you. If you don't want to give it to Azalia, I'll take it by force from you." A boy with gray hair and crimson-colored eyes suddenly appeared next to Azalia.


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