Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 253 46

[Sphere of Annihilation]

A black sphere of light formed above the Sacred Demonel's palm and made Raphael's body tremble uncontrollably.

"What's that!?" Raphael said in fear. A chill down his spine and cold sweat covered his body. Raphael had never felt such fear as long as he lived, even when he was still in the divine realm.

(What kind of creature am I fighting!? Wait a minute. Didn't the report from King Regulus mention the guardian of the continent? Could this person be the creature mentioned in the news?)

"Are you perhaps a guardian of the continent?" Raphael ventured to ask.

"Ooh, so you know about our existence? But that's meaningless because you're going to die." Sacred Demonel said indifferently. She was a little surprised that Raphael knew her identity, but that's it. Raphael, in her eyes, was nothing more than a target to be exterminated.

"Wait a minute! I don't know why you targeted me and wanted to kill me!" Raphael said frantically for fear that the Sacred Demonel would attack him with that ball of black light.

"I want to kill you because it was my goal, and you don't need to ask further because you don't need to know about it. Since you already know the reason, then die now." Sacred Demonel swung her hand towards Raphael, and the black sphere of light disappeared.

No, the sphere of light didn't disappear, but rather it shot out at an incredible speed and looked like it was teleporting. The black sphere suddenly appeared right before Raphael's eyes.

"Shit!" Raphael no longer had the strength to withstand it. He felt the attack coming at him this time was dangerous and impossible to block. Raphael squeezed out the last drop of his remaining strength and used it to dodge the attack.

"Move!" Raphael roared, and his pair of wings glowed. Then the black sphere of light passed where he was and continued to shoot until it disappeared. Raphael was finally able to dodge the attack in the critical moment, but he wasn't wholly saved. His right hand and wing disappeared under the black sphere.

"What the hell is that attack!" Raphael's face was terrified after seeing the trajectory that the black sphere of light had traveled. He was horrified after seeing the terrifying ability of his opponent. Anything in the path of the Sacred Demonel's attack disappeared into nothingness as if it had been swallowed by something.

"Ooh... you can avoid it. Then, how about the next attack?" The Sacred Demonel raised her hand again, and another black sphere of light was formed much larger than before. But just as she was about to throw it at Raphael, a voice made her body tremble.

"Oillet! Is that you, Oillet!?" The one who approached and shouted at the Sacred Demonel was the one who had been the partner of the body in her possession, Fornius. He did not come alone because Aghares accompanied him.


Back when the Sacred Demonel used her abilities to attack Raphael, Azalia and the girls looked at her with gloomy faces. That was because the attacks released by the Sacred Demonel looked extremely dangerous and deadly.

In addition, the girls were also shocked by the Sacred Demonel's instant self-healing ability. Even though she had lost almost all of her limbs, she was able to restore them in the blink of an eye.

(What the hell is that ability!? She's been hit by divine punishment in a big way but can still live and regenerate instantly like it's nothing!)

Azalia knew very well how strong the angel golden orb was. At first, she thought she could survive if she got hit by that thing. But it turned out that Azalia was wrong because Raphael could change the size of the pillar of light from divine punishment. The smaller the pillar, the greater the damage.

Raphael changed the size of the divine punishment that should have engulfed the entire territory of the Beast Kingdom to just a few kilometers with the incredible density of pillars of light. But the destructive power of the divine punishment was incomparable to the attack that the Sacred Demonel had just unleashed.

"This is… doesn't the attack look terrible if it hits the target directly?" Lilith muttered in a trembling voice.

"Yeah… that ball of black light seemed to swallow everything in its path, but in reality, it shattered until nothing was left." Kyouka gave her opinion after observing the fight.

"You have good eyesight." Azalia honestly praised Kyouka's observational ability.

"So, are you ready to help that person?" Ziel reminded Azalia. He saw that the Sacred Demonel intended to launch another attack. Ziel thought Raphael was currently in a dangerous situation. If Azalia didn't act quickly, perhaps Raphael would completely disappear along with the world altar fragment in Sacred Demonel's next attack.

"Yes. I have to help him. Otherwise, I will lose that thing." Azalia nodded firmly to Ziel and intended to fly towards where the Sacred Demonel and Raphael were fighting. But suddenly, her steps stopped after hearing a voice and seeing a familiar person in her sight.

"Damn! Why did they come here!" Azalia cursed and quickly flew out of the Monarch palace. Then she swung her sword to destroy the barrier that covered the area.



There was a sound like glass breaking and the barrier shattering into pieces. Azalia used her full power as she didn't want to waste time. She was worried about Fornius and Aghares approaching the Sacred Demonel.

"Isn't that person causing chaos in the Cirlus Kingdom?" Clara asked hesitantly while pointing at Fornius and Aghares.

Lilith's body stiffened after hearing Clara's question. If Clara and the girls knew about the relationship between Azalia and those two, they might be able to guess Lilith's identity. Because Ziel had mentioned her name when talking about the purpose of the Sacred Demonel coming to the academy.

"Yes. Those two are indeed the ones which caused chaos in the Cirlus Kingdom." Princess Iris answered because she recognized Fornius and Aghares when she saw them.

"What are they doing in this place? Then, why does that academy girl, Azalia, look worried when those two people appear and approach the Sacred Demonel?" Kyouka muttered and thought of several possibilities. Kyouka is a sensitive and smart girl. She quickly thought of the most reasonable answer.

"Is that girl, Azalia, also from the divine race?" Kyouka looked at Ziel with a questioning face.

"Yes. You are right. She is indeed from the divine race." Ziel answered honestly without any hesitation.

Clara and the girls, except for Lilith, held their breaths in surprise. They showed their hostility after knowing Azalia was a person of the divine race. That was only natural after considering what the divine race had been doing all this time on the Clorius continent, especially when the people of the divine race attacked the people from the Piqmentia Grand Academy and hurt Princess Iris. Clara could barely contain her anger.

"Ken, I've been curious about this for a long time. Why the Sacred Demonel come here and hunt you guys?" Clara sighed heavily and tried to get rid of her anger for now. She wanted to know something else she thought was far more important.

"Because according to the will of this continent, our existence could upset the balance or possibly destroy the entire Clorius continent and its inhabitants. That's why they came to eliminate us who were considered 'Bugs'." Ziel explained why the continent's guardians were targeting them based on the knowledge he got from the nine-headed imperial dragon.

"Eh? Then, why did Lilith also become the target of the continent's guardians? Could she be…" Kyouka turned to Lilith and narrowed her eyes.

"You are right. I am not a native of this continent, and I am from the divine race. I am also the one who attacked the people from the academy when they were doing the survival test in the Alba Mountain Range." Lilith admitted it. She thought that the sooner they found out, the better it would be because she could get rid of the burden in her heart all this time.

"You! Were you the one who made Iris go out of control and hurt her classmates back then!? Do you know what the impact of your actions was!? The other students avoided him because they were afraid of her and alienated her!" Clara screamed in anger, and her emotions overflowed after learning the truth. Not only Clara but also Princess Iris felt the same way. She didn't expect that Lilith was the one who had manipulated her and made her school life a mess.

On the other hand, Kyouka and Kalya were silent for different reasons. Kyouka didn't know about the incident in the Alba Mountain Range. After all, she only started entering the academy after that, whereas Kalya was silent because she couldn't side with either of them. The girls, including Lilith, were her friends.

Meanwhile, Lilith could only remain silent and lowered her head because she realized that her past actions would not be easy for the two of them to forgive. Because of that, she let Clara and Princess Iris scold her or maybe beat her until they were satisfied.

"My lady, I understand how you feel. You too, Iris. You should realize that Lilith is not like her old self. She has changed. So, can you give her a chance to speak?" Ziel spoke and tried to calm the tense atmosphere.

"Did you know about this, Ken?" Clara still couldn't calm her anger. She looked disappointedly at Ziel, feeling that she had been lied to by him.

"Haa…please let Lilith explain to you first, miss. After listening to it, you can be angry with me until you are satisfied, and I will accept all your complaints." Ziel sighed heavily in response to Clara's gaze on him. Then he looked at Lilith and nodded slightly to allow her to tell them all about the incident back then.

"Okay. What do I want to explain to us?" Clara glared at Lilith and said coldly. The way she treated Lilith was very different from her usual self.

"First of all, I want to apologize for what I did in the past. I knew it was wrong…" Lilith started explaining her purpose in coming to the academy until the incident ended, and she also told about the master and servant contract with Ziel. Lilith also said about the task that Ziel gave her to protect Clara secretly.

Clara and Princess Iris were shocked after hearing Lilith's explanation. They didn't think that something like this would happen without them knowing. Clara felt guilty for questioning Ziel earlier.

On the other hand, Kyouka didn't know how to react. She thought that Lilith had realized her mistake and wanted to repent, but she couldn't say it for fear of offending Clara and Princess Iris.

"Therefore, I hope you don't blame Ken for this matter. If you are still angry and hold a grudge against me, you can take it out on me. You can hit me or even kill me if you are still not satisfied." Lilith said with a serious face. There was silence after the girls heard Lilith's last sentences.

"Haa... all right. We'd better talk about this later when we're safe from that creature. No, I mean Lilith and I. You'll be fine as long as you stay away from our battle. So, please save your grievances for now, my lady." Ziel felt that the situation had become uncomfortable, so he decided to speak and broke the silence.

"Clara, what Ziel has said is true. Thank you for being angry for me, but we better forget about it for now. We can talk about it another time. " Princess Iris persuaded Clara, who still seemed unable to calm her emotions.

"We better listen to Ken's words. I know how you feel right now. If I were in your position, I would also be angry if my friend was hurt. But now Lilith had changed, and she wasn't what she used to be. So you have to be a little lenient to forgive her, at least for now." Kyouka took the opportunity to talk to Clara because she had Princess Iris' support. Clara was silent and did not immediately reply to their words. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"I understand. I'll forget about that matter for now. But I'll talk about it another time." Clara couldn't help but sigh. For some reason, he became furious more than Princess Iris. Kalya smiled slightly after seeing the matter end peacefully.

"Thank you!" Lilith sighed in relief. But then her face became severe after remembering that there was still a dangerous matter before them. Clara just nodded slightly in response and then looked at Ziel.

"I apologize for my attitude towards you earlier, Ken. But after we get out of this situation, you have to tell me in detail about the incident back then and your relationship with the girl named Azalia." Clara pouted after remembering that Ziel was secretly hiding his relationship with another girl, let alone that girl from the divine race.

"I understand, my lady. I'll tell you later. It looks like it's about time I have to deal with the creature as Azalia probably won't be able to hold on to the Sacred Demonel for long." Ziel stared coldly at the Sacred Demonel and clenched his fists tightly. He must defeat the guardian of the continent to save his peaceful life in this era.


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