Invicinble Colorless Butler

Chapter 139 - 41

Back when Merlick and the teachers were having their meeting, Ziel had just finished doing his morning practice routine. He never missed his practice wherever he was. He chose a quiet place to avoid the possibility that others would see him. While Ziel was using his time to rest, he suddenly received a call from Clara through the communication brooch. Clara asked him to come to the place where the female students live.

Ziel immediately returned to his residence to take a shower and change his clothes. After that, he went towards the central building as Clara requested. In front of the building, Clara was already waiting for him along with Princess Freya and Princess Iris.

"Good morning." Ziel greeted them. He didn't know why Clara and the two Princesses had to wait for him in front of the building. They just needed to wait inside and Ziel would come to them.

"Good morning, Ken!" Clara answered him with a big smile.

"Good morning." Princess Freya and Princess Iris replied with tiny smiles on their faces.

"Did something happen my lady? You don't usually call so early." Ziel asked Clara who seemed to be in a good mood.

"Ah, nothing special happened. I just wanted to ask you for help. We were planning to have a tea party but neither of us could brew good tea. So Princess Freya and Princess Iris suggested inviting you here. Are we bothering you?" Clara looks at Ziel with a pleading face and wet eyes.

"Of course not my lady. I am your butler as well as your guardian. So you don't have to hesitate if you need my help. Where did you learn to put on that expression anyway?" Ziel narrowed his eyes and glanced at Princess Freya and Princess Iris.

Princess Iris shook her head in panic while Princess Freya averted her gaze while humming. Ziel knew she was the culprit.

"Ahaha...I studied it myself so you don't have to think about it. Let's hurry to the tea party place, I'm afraid the others will be angry for waiting too long." Clara grabbed Ziel's hand and led him to a small garden not far from the front yard of the central building.

In the small garden, there was already a large round table with a dozen chairs. Several people were already sitting there. Ziel knew all those people. Princess Aishia, Princess Reina, Princess Rinne, Kyouka, Megumi, and Lilith. Unexpectedly Rhea was also there.

Ziel greeted the Princesses and the two heroes first after coming to their table then gave a small nod to Lilith and Rhea. The Princesses returned his greetings nonchalantly while Kyouka replied to Ziel somewhat curtly. She was immediately reprimanded by Megumi. Looks like she's still annoyed that Ziel hasn't answered his question. 

"Please have a seat, my lady." Ziel pulled out a chair and gestured for Clara to sit down.

"Thank you!" Clara smiled happily and sat on the chair that Ziel had offered to her. Ziel also did the same for Princess Freya and Princess Iris. Their smiles are not inferior to what Clara shows.

"Ken, we are waiting for your tea. We have prepared all the ingredients and tools you need there." Clara pointed to a trolley table next to a small table full of tea-making tools and ingredients.

Ziel nodded and walked over to the place. He looked at all the materials and tools available there. After that, he started to brew tea from the ingredients and tools available in the trolley table skillfully like an expert. The movement is so smooth and fluid that it looks like art.

The girls sitting at the table except for Clara and the group didn't notice at first. But then they were dumbfounded after seeing what Ziel was doing. They didn't think that the movement of someone brewing tea could be that interesting.

(Does he make tea like this? Amazing! I'll never get tired of watching him!)

Princess Freya looks at Ziel with sparkling eyes.

(You're lucky to get to meet him first Clara. If only it was me...)

Princess Iris glanced at Clara who smiled proudly at Ziel. Right now she felt very jealous of her.

(Is this the art of brewing tea in this world. He looks very skilled at his age)

Kyouka was interested in seeing Ziel's way of brewing tea. Her annoyance at Ziel slowly disappeared.

(Why do I feel the movements he does are very familiar?)

Princess Aishia frowned. She was focused on every move he made. But she forgot where he had seen it. But she was very sure she had seen it before. Princess Aishia kept trying to remember it while watching the tea brewing process.

Not long after that, Ziel finished brewing his tea. He pushed the trolley table towards the girls. What was served on the trolley table amazed them. The fragrant aroma of tea spread and pampered the noses of the girls at the table. Ziel not only brewed tea for them but also provided various kinds of cakes. He served tea along with a piece of cake to each of the girls.

"What kind of cake is this, Ken? It's my first time seeing it." Clara asked curiously. She has often eaten the cake that Ziel made. But she only saw the cake today.

"This is a fruit cake, my lady. I made it from fruit to make it taste fresher. But if that doesn't suit your taste buds, I have a cheesecake or chocolate cake here." Ziel answered Clara's question. The cake is also one of the foods that Ziel makes in his spare time. He kept a lot of food in his space storage. He took out a whole chocolate cake and cheesecake and served it to their table.

"Fruit cake...well we will taste it. Thank you, Ken." Clara mumbled the name of the cake and swallowed hard at the food in front of her eyes.

"Enjoy your tea party." Ziel bowed slightly and left the place while bringing his trolley table back to the table not far from where the girls were having a tea party. After that, the girls started to enjoy the cakes served by Ziel.

"Hmm... this cake tastes fresh and melts in my mouth." Princess Freya was the first to taste the cake.

"As expected of Ken! The cakes he serves are always delicious!" Clara never stops boasting of Ziel in front of the other girls

"This is the first time I've tasted a cake like this. Can I eat it?" Rhea finally ventured to eat the cake in front of her. She was still awkward around nobles.

"You don't have to hesitate to eat it. Currently, we all have no noble status in this place. Enjoy with all your heart because Ken already made it for us." Princess Iris smiled at Rhea. She's the one who suggested Clara take Rhea.

Ziel saw the girls enjoying their tea party. But suddenly he raised his eyebrows because he just realized something.

Not long after that, two beautiful girls came to their tea party. They both are Kalya and Laurel. Kalya and Laurel didn't notice Ziel's presence because he was currently sitting with his back to them and a bit far from where the girls were having a tea party.

"I'm sorry if we disturbed your tea party." Laurel said apologetically as she approached them. The girls turned their eyes in the direction the voice came from.

"Pfft...!" Lilith quickly turned her face the other way while holding back a laugh after seeing Laurel's headband. The girls at the tea party became confused by Lilith's change in attitude after seeing the two of them. Lilith gave a calming feeling to the other girls earlier. But this time she couldn't help but laugh at the sight of Laurel.

"You...!" Laurel wants to take her anger out on Lilith but she promises Kalya that she won't say anything about them.

"Is there anything you need from us, Miss Laurel?" Princess Freya asked why they had come to that place. She felt that Lilith and Laurel had a problem that if left alone, they would cause a commotion at their tea party.

"Ah, actually we want to ask you for help. But it looks like you guys are having a great time enjoying a tea party here. We'll be back later." Kalya felt bad for interrupting their fun. No wonder she couldn't contact Princess Freya and the others from the communication brooch, neither of them was using it at the moment.

Kalya wants to ask Princess Freya, Princess Iris, or Lilith for help. If they weren't there then she was forced to ask Clara for help. But he didn't expect them to be in one place with the other princesses as well as the heroes. This made it hard for him to tell his true purpose. Princess Freya is also one of the people Kalya wants to ask for help because Princess Freya also received a communication brooch with a tulip motif recently. Princess Freya smiled broadly when she received the brooch from Ziel.

"Hmm... How about you guys join our tea party? Coincidentally, we still have two empty seats." Princess Aishia invites them to join the party.

"Won't that bother you?" Kalya was hesitant to accept her invitation. It was not their purpose for coming to that place.

"Of course. Isn't the more crowded the more exciting? After all, we also want to chat with elves from this kingdom besides Miss Kalya. Isn't that right?" Kyouka's words represented the girls' approval. They gave a small nod to her words.

"Fine. We'll accept your offer. Laurel, you should also experience the tea parties usually held in the human region." Kalya invites Laurel and sits on the available empty chair.

"Okay. I'm also a little curious about this event." Laurel nodded and sat next to Kalya. By now, all the seats at the table were occupied.

"Ken! Can you bring us two more cups of tea?" Clara shouted for Ziel.

Kalya and Laurel trembled for different reasons after hearing Clara mention Ziel's name. Kalya looked at Ziel who was pushing the trolley table with the face of a lonely girl.

Laurel gritted her teeth trying to suppress her anger. If it wasn't for Kalya, she would have exploded a long time ago and attacked Ziel straight away.

Ziel gave cups to Kalya and Laurel and started brewing tea for them. Kalya's gaze never left his face. This left the girls at the table except for Princess Freya and her group confused.

"What happened to your forehead, Miss Laurel?" Princess Freya asked something that had made her curious. She felt the headband she was wearing didn't suit her.

"This? It's because I was bitten by a big annoying insect! I swear I'll beat that bug to a pulp." Laurel was annoyed by the question. But she answered it anyway because it was her chance to vent her frustration on Ziel.

"What kind of insect can make you like that? Is it that dangerous?" Clara was curious after hearing Laurel's explanation.

"So dangerous! Especially for a girl. You guys better stay away from him." Laurel seriously tried to warn Clara while glancing at Ziel.

"Ken, do you know what insect it is?" Clara suddenly asked Ziel. This made the girls at the table focus on him.

"I once read about it in an old book. It was written in the book that these insects will bite more than once on the same person. The insects can easily trace back the prey they have bitten. They do like to bite in the face. If Miss Laurel has been bitten on the forehead, there is a good chance that the insect will bite other parts of your face which may be difficult to cover." Ziel answered Clara's question seriously. The explanation he gave sounded like information gleaned from a book. The girls at the table nodded and believed his words.

Laurel broke out in cold sweat because what Ziel said earlier was a threat to her. If she talks too much, then Ziel will make another lump on her face.

"Pfft..!" Lilith and Kalya who knew the truth could only try to hold back their laughter. After that, Laurel didn't talk much about her problem and the other girls also understood that Laurel didn't like to talk about it.

Laurel was amazed by the tea and cake that was served by Ziel. She enjoyed the tea party so much that she forgot her real purpose for coming to the place.

When the tea party was over, Ziel immediately cleared the table along with the previously used cups and plates. He asked for permission to return to where he lived after finishing all his work. Clara allowed him with a slightly disappointed face.

On his way back to the left building, Ziel was stopped by a call from behind him.

"Could you spare a minute for me, Ziel?" Kalya and Laurel panted for running after him.. Ziel turned around and saw Kalya who had tears in her eyes.


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