Investment Return System, Start by taking Demon Empress as a Disciple

Chapter 187: The Respected Lord and Empress

Chapter 187: The Respected Lord and Empress

The figures of Chen Daoxuan and his companions soon appeared near the vicinity of Moro Kingdom.

From a distance, they observed that Moro Kingdom had seemingly grown more majestic, with even new city walls adorned with numerous formations. At the entrance, two squads of soldiers were stationed, conducting inspections on all incoming travelers before granting them entry.

However, Chen Daoxuan and his group didn't bother with such formalities. Instead, they directly controlled the towering golden dragon, soaring overhead the city walls.

It wasn't clear whether those soldiers were intimidated by the imposing presence of the dragon or some other reason, but not only did they abstain from scolding, they even exhibited an excited demeanor. They bowed repeatedly on the ground as Chen Daoxuan and his companions departed.

Upon entering the capital of Moro Kingdom, Chen Daoxuan dismissed the colossal golden dragon and gently descended with his group onto the bustling streets.

"Strange, the streets appear much grander than before, but why do we see no one around?"

After Leng Yanran landed gracefully on the ground, she surveyed her surroundings. The buildings had all been constructed more magnificently than in the past. However, peculiarly, not a single pedestrian could be seen on the streets.

"Tsk, Chi Yun certainly knows how to make a scene."

Curiosity piqued, Chen Daoxuan released a trace of his divine consciousness to envelop Moro Kingdom. In an instant, his lips twitched.

"Let's go. I'll show you what Chi Yun is up to," he said, his steps leading the way towards the direction of the imperial palace. Although his companions were puzzled, they followed him without further questions.

Before long, the group found themselves on the outskirts of the imperial palace. The area was unusually bustling, teeming with crowds that enveloped the entire palace in layers.

In a scene of fervor, people formed rows upon rows, bowing respectfully in the direction of the palace. Faintly, the voice of Chi Yun could be heard.

Upon witnessing this spectacle, Leng Yanran's eyebrows slightly furrowed. She began to suspect that Chi Yun, under the pretext of the prestige of the Heavenly Dao Pavilion, had taken advantage of the situation and was playing at being an earthly emperor!

Yet, upon closer inspection, they realized that the people weren't bowing to Chi Yun, but rather to two statues!

One of the statues stood tall with one hand resting behind its back and the other holding a ruler, but its visage remained hidden from view.

The other statue, slightly smaller, stood upright behind it. It donned an imperial crown and held an Imperial Seal, projecting an air of loftiness as it seemed to gaze down upon the world.

Both statues were meticulously carved, displaying a level of craftsmanship that spoke of meticulous effort.

"Bow to the Heavenly Dao Pavilion Master, may peace and prosperity reign!"


Chi Yun stood by the statues, his expression solemn as his resonant voice spread.

"Bow to the Pavilion Master—"

"Pavilion Master, please save my child! My child lost their legs at such a tender age…"

"I beg Pavilion Master to save this humble one from suffering and ailment…"

As the bowing continued, many wore expressions of supplication, seeking relief from their sufferings and ailments from the Pavilion Master.


Seeing this, Chen Daoxuan and his group fell into silence. Chen Daoxuan's mouth twitched, especially when he saw Chi Yun kneeling down. This guy had truly created a cult here in Moro Kingdom, hadn't he?

While he did possess means to heal these people, he simply didn't have the time to treat commoners' illnesses every day in Moro Kingdom. Yet, he refrained from speaking, choosing instead to remain concealed and observe Chi Yun's actions.

Chi Yun stood there with his eyes closed, his demeanor respectful as if he were listening to words from the Pavilion Master.

Before long, he produced a bottle of pills from his robes.

"Each of you, the Pavilion Master feels your sincerity. These pills are bestowed upon you!"

Chi Yun then distributed the pills from the bottle into the outstretched hands of several fervent supplicants.

Those who received the pills immediately bowed again, some even shedding tears of joy. For mortals, these pills were incredibly precious, akin to heavenly elixirs.

"Cough, as long as you sincerely revere the Heavenly Dao Pavilion, we will not only provide shelter, but also establish daily soup kitchens, ensuring that no one in the world goes hungry.

"Hmm? Who's that over there, standing upright?"

As Chi Yun was about to proceed, his peripheral vision caught several figures who weren't kneeling but rather observing from a higher vantage point. Just as he was about to scold them, he suddenly realized—

Holy cow!!!

Chi Yun felt his legs go weak, and he knelt down in the direction of those figures.

"Lord, Pavilion Master, why have you personally come? And these statues… They're quite extraordinary… Hehe, hehe."

Chi Yun forced an awkward smile, displaying an obsequious manner as he looked in the direction of the Pavilion Master.

Upon hearing this, the initially baffled crowd exploded into commotion. In the recent monthly worship ceremonies, Chi Yun had already healed many of their ailments. He even arranged daily soup kitchens, ensuring that many who previously couldn't afford a meal had warm food to eat.

Were the deeds of Immortal Chi Yun true or false? How could they not know? True, he indeed possessed the ability to heal and even save lives from danger.

Moreover, after the Heavenly Dao Pavilion took control of Moro Kingdom, taxes on the commoners had been reduced. Not only did they come to worship every month, but many had even set up statues of the Pavilion Master and Empress at home for devotion.

However, all the statues of the Pavilion Master bore no facial features. It wasn't due to a lack of effort—Chi Yun himself had tried, but the faces just couldn't be carved.

Invisible to the eye!

"Tsk, acting like this, it's easy for people to think that the Heavenly Dao Pavilion is some sort of cult organization."

Seeing Chi Yun's reaction, Chen Daoxuan decided to stop the show. Taking the lead, he headed directly toward the raised platform.

In response, the crowd, gathered in concentric rings around the platform, hastily made way, prostrating themselves on either side and avoiding eye contact. Their hearts were filled with intense excitement.

It seemed that paying homage to the Lord's statue was effective after all! Look, they even managed to summon the Lord himself! Chen Daoxuan ascended the elevated platform, where Chi Yun remained kneeling on the ground, not daring to rise.

"Pavilion Master, it was Chi Yun's own decision… Mainly, it was to promote the Heavenly Dao Pavilion and gather the power of belief and virtue for the Lord and the Empress If the Lord finds this inappropriate, Chi Yun is willing to accept punishment."

Chi Yun remained honestly kneeling on the ground, awaiting the Lord's judgment.

Chen Daoxuan looked at the crowd. When his divine sense covered the entire city, he had already acquired enough valuable information in an instant.

"You've done reasonably well. However, these grand activities should be held only once a year from now on. There's no need to stir up the masses every month and harm both finances and people."

With a wave of his hand, Chen Daoxuan signaled for Chi Yun to stand up, not blaming him for his actions.

"Since you all pay homage to our Heavenly Dao Pavilion, today I shall bestow upon you an opportunity."

Chen Daoxuan's gaze swept over the sea of people. With a slight wave of his hand, thunder rumbled in the sky, and the spiritual energy within the entire city began to rapidly increase.

Finally, it converged in the clouds and gradually began to rain down as spiritual rain.

Seeing this, Chen Daoxuan then spent a thousand system points, summoning a hundred bottles of Profound-Grade pills. Afterward, he integrated them into the rain, allowing the medicinal power to mix with the spiritual rain.


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