Inverse Sword God

Chapter 109: Challenge core disciples

Chapter 109: Challenge core disciples

Lin Xuan's table was full of training resources such as weapons and elixir.

He looked at Fan Chong with strange eyes, holding back the smile on his face. He could not imagine the core disciple on the spot, and now he would come to please him.

"Lin, Brother Lin, I used to offend a lot, I hope you don't go to your heart." Fan Chong rubbed his hands awkwardly. He wouldn't say these words if he didn't do it for the trial.

"Since the sincerity is so sincere, the past is okay." Lin Xuan laughed.

"That's great!" Fan Chong smiled, "I heard that Master Lin is going to challenge the core disciples, I don't know ..."

"It turned out to be this!" Lin Xuan saw Fan Chong's expression and immediately understood that his feelings were afraid of losing his position as a core disciple.

"I have already thought about the person to be challenged." Lin Xuan deliberately set his eyes on Fan Chong.

Seeing Lin Xuan's gaze, Fan Chong's heart suddenly hung up again, he asked bitterly, "Who is it, wouldn't it be me?"

"It's a coincidence!" Lin Xuan laughed. "It's not you!"

call! Fan Chong, like a discouraged ball, was relieved.

"I don't know which one Master Lin wants to challenge, others dare not say, I still know some core disciples." Fan Chong patted his chest.

Lin Xuan was slightly pleased, he just wanted to find someone to understand, this Fan Chong couldn't be more suitable.

"Fifth and seventh, how much do you know?" Lin Xuan asked.

Fan Chong stared at Lin Xuan in surprise, not expecting that he would challenge the two, which had never happened before. Suddenly, he seemed to understand something, and his face became more panic.

"Isn't Fifth and Seventh the disciples of Elder Xue? I heard that there was a contradiction between Lin Xuan and Elder Xue. Now it seems to be true!" I have a foresight and come early to make my grievances clear, otherwise I'm afraid this guy will challenge me. "

Thinking that he would almost lose his core discipleship, Fan Chong was afraid for a while.

Taking a deep breath, Fan Chong said in a deep voice: "The seventh disciple is called Dong Ying, who is good at speed. He has no shadow steps in the advanced martial arts practice of Xuan Xie.

"The fifth disciple is Zhao Zhicheng, a martial arts refining warrior. He has mastered the Xuan Ti master Wu Xue iron skill, his body is extremely powerful, and his sword is inaccessible."

"Both of them have the practice of ninth-order peak of Ningmai, and they cannot be underestimated."

Lin Xuan asked some other core disciples some questions, and then sent Fan Chong away.

Having grasped the characteristics and exercises of the two, Lin Xuan had a greater grasp in his mind.

Two days later, Lin Xuan dispatched.

In Xuantianzong, the mountains are beautiful, and many of them have pavilions. In one of the pavilions, a slightly dark-skinned boy was surrounded by a group of boys and girls, saying something proudly.

Just then, a clear voice came: "You are Dong Ying?"

The proud-looking boy's expression was frozen, his eyes quickly swept around, and Shen asked, "Who? Get out!"

"Huh, you have a good temper, don't know how strong you are?" The voice echoed like a clear breeze, "See you at the challenge station!"

The voice dropped, a branch flew out, and floated into the pavilion. When it was about to fall, the leaves on the branches suddenly shook, like countless small fish, rushing out and nailed to the stone pillar.

The verdant leaves make up two words: Lin Xuan!

"Lin Xuan! He is going to challenge Brother Dong!" The group of teenagers exclaimed, then quickly looked at the black-faced teenager, only to see the latter frown deeply.


Xuan Tianzong, the inner door challenge platform.

Lin Xuan hit the black shirt and stood quietly on the stage.

The news has been released, and more and more people have arrived here, among them there are many core disciples. After all, this is a challenge to the core disciples, and the results have a great impact.

Among them, Tang Yi ranked third and Xiang Chen ranked fourth came to the scene in advance.

But the more people came, in the end, except for the first two, almost all the core disciples did not come. Zhao Zhicheng, ranked fifth, was surrounded by a group of people and stood aside.

Lin Xuan glanced at Zhao Zhicheng and chuckled softly: "Dong Ying hasn't come yet. It's better that you come up to accompany me for a training session anyway, it's all a matter of time."

His tone was very light, and they didn't put the two in their eyes at all, but the words fell into the ears of the crowd but stirred up a thousand waves.

"What? I heard you right, he actually provoked Zhao Zhicheng? Isn't he trying to compete with Dong Ying?"

"Does he want to challenge together?"

Thinking of this, the disciples took a sigh of cold air: "This is too crazy!"

It is not impossible to continuously challenge, but in fact almost no one will do this, because challenge one, basically there is no energy, where can we play the second game!

"Boy, just blow it, don't be afraid of the wind flashing your tongue!"

"Looking for death, this is just looking for death! I can't bear it!" Many disciples who advocated Zhao Zhicheng scolded and scolded them, most of whom were ridiculed by Lin Xuan.

After all, they are core disciples, and there are still many younger brothers.

"Without Brother Zhao's hands, I can pack you up!" A figure from a distance came quickly.

As if a purple cloud floated in the air, the person walked on the air without touching his feet, as if walking in the air. However, everyone knows that this is not flying, but the practice of light work to a very high level.

Suddenly, the figure fell on the ring and won a lot of applause.

"Okay, so pretty!"

"Takong, this is Takong! It's so shocking!" Many disciples shouted and exclaimed again and again.

Of course, it's Dong Ying who can make such a trivial effort. He slumped on the platform and looked down at Lin Xuan. "Boy, dare to challenge me, you are dead!"

"Last time you dared to hit my Master in public and see how I packed you!" Dong Ying flashed in his eyes, like a serpent.

"Let's talk nonsense, come here to die!" Lin Xuan is like a peerless king, her hair is black, her eyes are like electricity, and her body has a sharp breath.

"Look for death!" Dong Ying sighed angrily, his feet stomping on the ground, his body suddenly disappeared.

"Fast!" Many inner disciples couldn't understand Dong Ying's movements at all, and only a few disciples and core disciples could observe the situation on the field ~ ~ Lin Xuan's eyes flickered and his eyes rose With orange light, Zi Lingtong is backed by a strong soul force, and can see all the illusions, and of course, Dong Dong's movements.

In his eyes, Dong Ying's movements are extremely clear. Under the action of Zi Ling Tong, the movements in the printed eyes are much slower, as if in slow motion.

Lin Xuan's face calmed after moving three steps after the footsteps.

The next moment, where he stood, there was a strong wind, and Dong Ying's figure appeared.

"Well, actually escaped?" Dong Ying stunned slightly, then disappeared again.

"Impossible, he must be hooded! Hooded!"

"Brother Dong, come on, kick him!"

Below, a group of younger brothers shouted, as if Dong Ying had already won.

The orange light flashed in Lin Xuan's eyes, and the corners of his mouth rose again, and Dong Ying's proud body style was completely exposed in his eyes.


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