Into the Zombie World

Chapter 178 - Escape!

He took a glance at the System Map and what he saw made his eyeball protrude in panic. 

At the periphery of his System Map 'vision', multiple orange dots materialize one after the other. What's more worrying was that all of them are quite huge. Base on the orange dots sizes, those hybrids are all Level Two°. 

If it's only that, Nile wouldn't be as worried as he is right now. At the other side of the System Map 'vision,' another group of dots appeared. They were not as clustered as the hybrid's but they are not apart from each other either. 

The ones who appeared on the other sides were level two° zombies. Red dots as big as Nile's dot had appeared. 

He didn't know how such a big surprise awaits him after waking up. But this definitely isn't a pleasant surprise. 

"Shit! Escape!" Seeing the two kinds of opponents on his System Map, Nile hurriedly decided to escape. 

'I wish for more apocalypse points, but please… let them appear one at a time.' He grumbled inside his head. 

He looked around and noticed that Maximo was still sleeping. 


Using the function of the earrings of loyalty, he shouted loudly inside his head.

Instantly, Maximo got up from the ground as his body stood upright, he alertly looked around in search of his master. His ears twitched in confusion, as he stared at his master who was running towards the corner of the building. 

He slowly sauntered towards his master and stood behind his back. 

Currently, Nile was inspecting the evolving Croco. He was quite worried that the pet would still be in the process of evolving, fortunately, the timing was just right as Croco had also just finished his evolution. 

Nile didn't waste any more time as he hurriedly hops on the back of the confused Maximo. 

"Escape!" He stated as he instructed Maximo to go outside. 

Maximo sensed the urgency of the situation and instantly followed his master's order. 

On the other side, the level two hybrids were talking to each other. 

"Are you sure this is the right place?" 

"Yes, they stated that the scream of a level two zombie originated from here." 

"Alright, search the area." 

After receiving the report from one of their members, they immediately went here to search for the level, two zombies. 

A wandering level two zombie during the night was a rare case. Usually, they are only active during the day and would hide during the night. 

If the hybrid did move during the day, their body would feel weak. They didn't know why but it's as if their situation is like the creatures of legends, the vampires, weak under the sun, and strong under the night.

News about a level two during the night was a surprise for them. They definitely wouldn't miss this chance. 

With the order of the senior hybrid, they immediately paired themselves into two before searching the whole area. If the zombie did scream, then it must have been fighting something.

For it to scream was like a provocation or an announcement, it means that it would linger on the area for a few minutes or even hours to show its dominance. 

After a few minutes, they finally arrived at the area where the zombie was supposed to be. 

"There seems to be an intense battle here." A hybrid said as he pointed at a broken car in front of him.

His pair glanced over and nodded his head in affirmation. He looks around himself and as usual, there were dead bodies everywhere. 

But one particular dead body stood out from the rest. Compared to the others, it still has a more intact body. It was also not rotting too much. 

And based on the puddles of blood in the ground, it must be a fresh kill. 

The hybrid went towards the corpse and inspected it closely. 

A while later, he stood up from the ground and beckoned towards his pair. "It looks like we don't need to search any longer. This one seems to be the Level Two° zombie that we are looking for." 

The other hybrid tilts his head in confusion. 'It's dead? Who could it be?' 

He also went towards the body and inspected it. After a moment, he confirmed that it was indeed a level two zombie and it was just freshly killed.

It's quite a waste but it looks like they won't have a level two zombie snack tonight. Even for the, eating a triple dead is no longer acceptable, at least for the two of them. 

For them to level up, they need to eat the flesh of zombies or human survivors. Their situation is like animals, where they need to eat to level up. In their case, they need to consume the flesh along with the Apocalypse Virus. If one of them was missing, then it won't give them any benefit, aside from satisfaction.

"Let's meet up with the others, some of them might bring this body along, the chief had also not eaten yet." 


The two of them then went their way to return to the area where they agreed to meet after their investigation.

On the other side of the place, multiple zombies stood apart from each other. They are alert and guard themselves well, they don't trust the others that much. 

They didn't know why but it seems like someone is calling them to come to this area. It's as if it was their father, or someone superior to them, summoning them from afar. 

When they arrived, they realized that it's only them, and the other level two zombies, hence they arrived at this situation, staring at each other vigilant.

 While they were standing still, vigilant with each other, they suddenly heard a commotion not too far from them. 

All of them glanced towards that area and saw hybrids, leisurely walking.


Instantly, the dozens of zombies staring at each other a moment ago retreated rapidly one after the other. It's as if they just saw their bane, their natural nemesis. 

On the other hand, the two hybrids who were leisurely walking, also heard the rustles when the dozens of zombies escaped. 

Their skin color became paler in fright, as they also hurriedly scurried away from the area.


Thanks for reading guys. 


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