Into the Zombie World

Chapter 100 - Killer Smile

A vague silhouette of a person could be seen at the village's entrance. The three women were forced to stop as they observed the silhouette from afar.

Their heartbeats were getting faster as horror filled their minds. They were thinking about how they could alert the zombie residing at this place if they didn't make any commotion.

The three women held their breath as they started to draw their weapons one by one. They had left the Town of Daan prepared. Although their group's members were all women, they still had the capability to fight and defend themselves.

From the start, they already knew that they were not a strong group. They were just a bunch of females that had happened to have an evolved human among them. Out of the five women in their group, only three evolved.

The one taking care of the sick member is part of the three, while the other two evolved and went to the drug store along with the last member.

It was not that the two non-evolvers didn't try. But no matter what method they used, they couldn't just sense the dead apocalypse virus's presence. They had already tried different methods, except for directly consuming the dead apocalypse virus, of course.

Knowing their strength well, the five equipped themselves with weapons to attack the zombies or defend themselves from those abominations.

The silhouette appeared to have been waiting for them as the moment they stopped, the silhouette also started to saunter towards them.

The three women felt goosebumps all over their bodies. The non-evolved, in particular, was sweating bullets and she seemed to be terrified as her whole body was shivering.

The three didn't dare to make a sound. The two evolved keeps on gesturing to the non-evolved to keep quiet. They were still hoping that the silhouette was not coming for them and was only wandering around.

The woman, who was the non-evolved and the youngest of them, was about to fall to the ground in fear when the silhouette suddenly spoke.

"Good evening, ladies."

It was a person. A survivor.

The three of them shouted inwardly at the same time.

The person's silhouette gradually became clearer every time it took a step forward.

It was a man in his twenties. He was wearing a winter coat paired with black jeans. His body frame could not be figured out due to the fact that he was wearing a thick coat. But based on the outline, the three women could confirm that it was neither bulk nor thin.

"Did I scare you, ladies? Apologies!" He stopped a few meters away from the three. He then spoke politely and made a slight bow after.

"Ja-... Jacob? Is that you?" The youngest of the three women spoke. The surroundings were dark and they were barely seeing a few meters ahead. However, she could still recognize the voice and the way he was talking.

It was Jacob, one of the survivors of the Village of Kawayan. Jacob was the one who pointed and told them about the drug store in this area. She got a very good first impression of Jacob earlier, that's why she was able to recognize his voice immediately.

"It is I, indeed!" Jacob made another step while talking. He was smiling politely towards the three women.

The three women, after confirming that it was really Jacob, heave a sigh of relief. They lowered their weapon down as they also returned a smile to Jacob.

"Have you gotten what you've been searching for, ladies?" Jacob continued, still maintaining his smile.

The three of them nodded their heads and said the same. "Thanks to you!"

"What are you doing here?" The eldest of them asks curiously. She has blond hair that was tied in a ponytail. She was wearing a tight outfit that perfectly outlined her sexy body.

"Your welcome and I got lost, Sarah!" Says Jacob who smiled and turned towards the blond woman, named Sarah.

The youngest woman who is not and evolved, asks curiously. "Lost? Where have you been?"

She was the youngest of the three women present here. She was wearing a loose jacket and a skirt that was slightly above the knee.

"Just strolling, Gretta!" With squinting eyes, Jacob made a killer smile towards Gretta.

Gretta, seeing Jacob's smile, got nervous all of sudden. Her cheeks turned rosy as she hurriedly avoided Jacob's eyes. Being smiled at by your crush, who wouldn't get nervous?

"Keep your voice low." The last woman was named Gina. She was the second eldest of the women here. After hearing the three talk like they were in their own house, she couldn't take it anymore and decided to butt in.

She also noticed Jacob's sudden appearance. She could tell that Jacob was clearly waiting for someone or something on the village's entrance.

Jacob bowed towards Gina. He was still maintaining that smile of his.

Gretta approached Jacob shyly. She was only a meter away from Jacob. In this distance, Gretta was able to see Jacob's handsome face. Stuttering, Grett said, "We... Where are you going now?"

"I'm going back to the base, Gretta!" Jacob said. He then started to walk towards the direction the three women just traveled.

As Gretta was on the way, he gestured her to the side and said, "Please?"

Gretta was embarrassed and hurriedly stepped aside.

Seeing Jacob was already about to leave, Sarah said in a commanding tone. "Let's go!"

Jacob smiled and passed by Sarah's body. Sarah, seeing Jacob's body passed by her, was just about to take a step forward so that she could bring her sisters back to the house when she received a sudden pull from her side.

Her body plummeted towards the one who pulled her. She was startled when she realized that it was Gina who pulled her harshly.

"What are you doing-" Sarah was just about to bicker with Gina when Gina pulled Sarah's body towards her again.

"Watch out!" Gina said in a panic. She keeps on pulling Sarah's body and also did the same to the dazed Gretta as they retreated.


Suddenly, Sarah made a scream of pain. She touched her right shoulder and she could feel warm liquid streaming from it. Nervously, she twisted her head and took a glance towards her shoulder. What Sara saw made her eyes bulge in shock and fear. There was a deep gushing wound in her shoulder.

Seeing the blood, Sarah was rooted in place. Suddenly, Gina could no longer pull the two women in retreat.

Gretta was also not responding to her call. She received quite a shock after witnessing the scene earlier.

Gina looked back and there, she saw the most terrifying thing she had ever seen.

Jacob was smiling and leisurely walking towards them. He was waving a knife with his right hand. Blood was dripping from his knife as he smiled and bowed towards the three at the distance.

The smile made Gina's soul shiver. It was not a happy smile. It was the smile of a devil. How naive they were for believing such a fake smile.

"Ladies, would you mind if I kill you?" Jacob squinted his eyes and smiled. He spread his arms wide while he kept on twirling the knife in his hand.

Gina was right, there was something suspicious about Jacob's action. First, he was waiting at the entrance. Gina could now confirm that it was them who he was waiting for. Second, the moment he saw them, Jacob instantly moved towards them without fear. It was clear that he already knew that it was them. Last, Jacob wanted to go back to the base. It was alright, but the problem was that he was going towards the village center's direction when, it was he himself who warned them about not taking the village center's route, as it was infested by zombies.

Gina observed Jacob's action clearly the moment she realized that something was amiss. That's the reason why she was able to pull Sarah, to avoid the knife that was coming for her head.

However, she was not as lucky for the second time as the knife was still able to cut her shoulder even though Gina had already pulled her body to dodge.

Gina pulled the two but they were still unmoving.

Gretta was shocked and devastated after seeing her crush attack her sister. Sarah was scared shitless after seeing so much blood streaming off from her shoulder.

As Gina couldn't pull the two, she moved her body to the back. She was now facing the incoming Jacob, who was still wearing a polite smile.

Gina drew out a short knife from her pocket, as she bravely stood guard for her friends.

"Why are you doing this?" Gina asks doubtfully. She recalled that they didn't offend Jacob or any other of the survivors in the Village of Kawayan. Yet, why was this Jacob, trying to kill them?

"Love, Gina!" Jacob answered instantly like it was already rehearsed a dozen times.

Jacob suddenly stops a few meters from Gina. He looked up above and saw that it was dark. The moon and the stars were hidden above the clouds.

Jacob then looks towards Gina again before he continues talking. "Besides, it will probably rain tonight. It was the perfect time for killing!"

Jacob then made a killer smile toward Gina. A literal, 'Killer Smile!"


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