Interstellar Cute Little Husband

Chapter 40: Illiterate Wooden Words 【Seeking Zhizhi for Collection】

"What's written on it?" Mu Yan looked left and right, and asked No. 5 in a daze.

Number Five: ...

Number five couldn't help covering his face, it forgot that its host came from a very, very low plane, and had never learned to read or write, so in fact, its host is still illiterate.

"This is a recipe for scallion pancakes. It's very simple. It probably won't be used for now. When I do, I'll tell you about the raw materials needed for it." No. 5 said to Mu Yan.

"Oh." Mu Yan didn't immediately ask No. 5 to tell him everything.

At this moment, the cold mechanized voice of the system sounded again: "Release the first-level task, make a hundred scallion pancakes, you can upgrade to the second-level, and get a chance to draw a lottery."

Number Five: ...

No. 5 never expected that the face slap came so fast and so loudly, and it just told the host that the scallion pancakes are not available for the time being, and the system ended up slapping the face ╭∩╮(︶︿︶ )╭∩╮

System, don't leave after school if you're capable, we'll be singled out!

Mu Yan looked at No. 5 with a cute face, waiting for No. 5 to read him the recipe of scallion pancakes.

"The main ingredients needed for scallion pancakes: flour, shallots, salt, oil, pepper..." No. 5 dutifully read out every word.

"There is no flour, so we can use nutritional powder instead, but for the rest, we only have salt now, and we need to look for chives, oil, and pepper." Mu Yan carefully counted the ingredients he had and the ingredients he didn't have, And I plan to focus on finding these when I go to the forest next time, otherwise I won't be able to make scallion pancakes approved by the system without the materials, and then I won't be able to upgrade.

"Yanyan, since we've reached the first level, the identification technique should be activated. It will definitely be easier for us to use the identification technique to find ingredients." No. 5 said hastily.

As if responding to No. 5's words, the cold voice of the system sounded again: "Appraisal is activated, level is zero, identification ability: primary, I hope the host will continue to work hard and upgrade as soon as possible."

Number Five: ...

You come out of the system, I promise not to kill you! Every time it picks it and it appears after finishing speaking, you said that you si did not si on purpose!

Hmph, even if you say you didn't do it on purpose, I don't believe it! Number Five thought arrogantly in her heart.

Hearing the identification technique, Mu Yan's eyes suddenly lit up, and his delicate little face looked even more radiant.

"No. 5, let's go and appraise the corn." Mu Yan said excitedly. He had already decided that after the appraisal technique was activated, he would be the first one to appraise that strange corn.

"Okay." When No. 5 thought of the various methods of corn that Mu Yan had mentioned before, his saliva was about to flow down, and he naturally responded to Mu Yan's proposal very positively.

When Mu Yan goes to the forest, of course he must take Mu Chen with him, or in other words, Mu Chen absolutely does not allow Mu Yan to go to the forest alone.

Because of the identification technique, Mu Yan is in a very good mood. When he encounters a strange plant on the road but feels that it should be edible, Mu Yan can't help but identify it.

The results of one, two, and three identifications are the same...

"Sorry, this object is beyond the identification range, and the identification technique cannot be recognized. Please upgrade first." The unique cold voice of the system sounded again, three times in a row.

Muyan: ...

Number Five: ...

"No. 5, what should I do? Could it be that they can't be identified?" Mu Yan felt a little uneasy, and couldn't identify it three times in a row. No matter whether the plant was big or small, the result was the same, which made Mu Yan's The good mood is also discounted.

Seeing that Mu Yan was depressed on the 5th, he hated the identification technique even more, **** it, since he can't identify anything, he even turned on a woolen thread, so he doesn't have to play tricks like this.

Its little host is so cute and cute, how could the identification technique have the heart to play with him? It's just too shameless and heartless to make trouble.

"What's the matter?" Mu Chen, who was walking next to Mu Yan, kept his attention on Mu Yan. Seeing that Mu Yan, who was in a good mood with a smile on his face, suddenly became depressed and worried. .

"It's okay." Mu Yan tried his best to raise a smile, trying to reassure Mu Chen, but he didn't know that his appearance made Mu Chen even more worried.

"Yanyan, maybe that corn can be identified. Since the identification technique is enabled, there must be something that it can identify. If we encounter plants that may be edible, we will identify them. Maybe we will find something." Number five hurriedly said comfortingly.

Mu Yan also felt that he was too impatient. The system itself is a very magical existence. If there is no system, he might not be able to eat these things when he can eat them. As a result, he has obtained a lot now, but he still wants to get it greedily. More, such thinking is wrong.

After Mu Yan figured it out, the gloom in his heart dissipated immediately, the smile returned to his face again, and he felt much more relaxed.

Mu Chen looked at Mu Yan with deep eyes, and his emotions also became ups and downs with the ups and downs of his mood.

Together, the two of them quickly came to the corn tree that I wrote down earlier. Looking at the corn that was full of trees, Mu Yan still thought it was amazing.

"Do you want to pick?" Mu Chen asked when he saw Mu Yan's surprised look.

During these days of getting along, he can be regarded as understanding that when the other party encounters something he is interested in, his eyes will light up, and then he can't help but step forward to be curious. If he can be sure, he can basically make a lot of things when he goes back. Delicious food, in this regard, Mu Chen will feel very amazing every time he eats it.

He didn't know how the boy who looked so soft and cute could have so many ways to eat in his mind, and each of them was something he had never eaten before, and it was very delicious.

"Well, just pick one." Mu Yan nodded.

The tree was too tall for him, he couldn't reach it, and there was No. 5 who could help him before, but Mu Chen was there, and No. 5 was inconvenient to help him, otherwise he thought it was a supernatural event.

Mu Yan is sometimes a little cautious about hiding things about Mu Chen No. 5, but the existence of No. 5 is too unbelievable, just like he suddenly appeared in this new world out of thin air, even he knows that this is impossible. Things that are easily said, even if he will marry in the future, he may treat these as eternal secrets.

Mu Chen didn't know that Mu Yan had already changed a lot of thoughts in his heart, so he quickly picked a corn for Mu Yan, and then handed it to him.

Mu Yan took the corn and quietly tried it with the identification technique, but the voice that kept appearing "Sorry, this object is beyond the identification range, the identification technique cannot be recognized, please upgrade first" turned into "Golden grains, also known as corn , Poaceae Zea genus, edible."

Although the system's voice is still cold and emotionless, Mu Yan and No. 5 feel that the voice is so beautiful and pleasant. After listening to it all the way, they can't identify it, but when they suddenly meet someone who can identify it, the feeling is definitely no less than winning a big prize. .

"Achen, this thing is edible, let's pick some more and I'll cook corn for you to eat." Mu Yan said with bright eyes, his excitement was beyond words.

"Okay." Mu Chen is always indulgent towards Mu Yan, he will pick whatever the other party wants, as long as the other party is happy.

Mu Chen and Mu Yan cooperated very tacitly, one picked it from the top, and the other picked it from the bottom. After a while, all the small baskets brought by Mu Yan were full.

Looking at the basket full of corn, Mu Yan smiled so hard that his eyes couldn't see.

This basket of corn was naturally carried by Mu Chen, and Mu Yan wanted to share some of it several times, but Mu Chen stopped him.

"I'm physically strong, that's nothing." Mu Chen's words were not false at all, such a small amount of weight was almost like nothing to him.

But on the other hand, Mu Yan, that thin body, that small body, might have crushed him directly on the back of the basket. How could he be willing to let Mu Mu eat more when he went back, so that he could become fat? it is good.

The main purpose of their visit to the forest this time was to identify corn. Now that the task was completed, Mu Yan felt more relaxed. On the way back, Mu Yan kept using the identification technique, even though most of the sounds he got It's "Sorry, this object is beyond the identification range, and the identification technique cannot be recognized, please upgrade first", but occasionally the identification is successful.

It's just that most of the plants that have been successfully identified are inedible, and Mu Yan is quite familiar with the results of the identification, that is, the plants that he had in his previous life.

At this moment, Mu Yan didn't know that he was using the identification technique uninterruptedly, so that the proficiency in using the identification technique continued to increase, and there was only a short distance left to upgrade.

"Scallions, Liliaceae allium plants, edible." The cold voice unique to the identification technique sounded again, making Mu Yan and No. 5, who were habitually planning to leave after the identification, stopped in unison.

"Yanyan, did I hear the sound of a successful appraisal just now?" Number Five asked blankly.

"I seem to have heard it too." Mu Yan also replied in a daze.

If Mu Chen could see No. 5, he would find that No. 5 and Mu Yan had almost the same expression.

No. 5 and Mu Yan acted in unison and immediately backed up, pulling around, and throwing the identification technique next to each other again.

Because they identified too many things along the way, they basically heard the voice of "I'm sorry".

Therefore, the one-person-one system hardly paused at all, and while walking, they were throwing the identification technique, which led to the fact that when they suddenly heard a plant that was successfully identified, both of their bodies were inertial and did not react and continued to move forward. When it came time to find the plant that was successfully identified, I had no impression of that plant at all, so I could only re-identify it in a small area.

Mu Chen was already used to Mu Yan's behavior of stopping to look for something from time to time, so he just stood quietly and waited.

"Ah Chen, come and see, I found a chive." Mu Chen grabbed a slender plant with white stems and green leaves, and waved it cheerfully at Mu Chen.

"Mu Mu is awesome, I found another edible ingredient." Mu Chen praised without hesitation.


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