Inside the Cave of Obscenity

Chapter Volume 3 15: Saint 3

"Damn it, what is this!?"

While cursing the wall of mucus that suddenly blocked the stairs, Graffus, "Saint" Jenna's husband, swung his mace down with both hands.

It was a blow that would normally be powerful enough to crack a large rock, but instead of shattering, the wall of mucus only sank slightly and showed no signs of breaking.


Unlike hard rock, the soft mucus would let the impact escape and absorb the blow.

Even if it was a person with the strength to break a large rock, it would be impossible to break the wall of mucus, which had already thickened to the point where they could no longer see the other side.

Still, with his wife alone on the other side of the wall, Graffus had no choice but to take on the challenge.

"Somebody get back downstairs and request Metia-dono's help! We'll have to blow it up with magic..."

"I'd like to do that, but Graffus-sama."

Around Graffus, a dozen or so young warrior priests had gathered to form a wall and hold out against the attacks.

They were slimes that had released their mimicry immediately after separating the group and Jenna.

There were not many of them, but since they were young and inexperienced, the best they could do was to build a wall and protect Graffus.

Their movement was inexplicably slow, partly because Graffus, who had to take command, was focusing on the stairs to the third floor.

"I can't believe there are still so many of them."

"I know."

Graffus replied with a harshness that was unimaginable from his normal behavior and punched the wall of mucus once more.

He understood that it was useless and dropped his shoulders.

Taking three deep breaths. He listened to the clamor around him and shifted his gear that was worrying about his wife and more on the dozen of young people.

Of course, it was a heavy decision...

"――We will form a group of three. Stand back-to-back, eliminate each others blind spots, and concentrate on protecting ourselves."

Graffus turned his back to the wall of mucus and instructed the young warrior priests.

His face contorted as though he was holding back the pain.

(Jenna will be fine for a while. Absolutely.)

He had no choice but to believe that.

(She knew this would happen, too.)

Blood flowed from his lip as he bit it, and the taste of iron spread in his mouth.

Even so, Graffus had already given up on going to the third floor.

"I'll take command here. You're the oldest, what's your name?"

"It's fraiya."

"You and the other two, go to Meltia-dono outside and ask for help. Until then, we'll defend this place to the death."

Suddenly, the slime attacked. They weren't mimicking furniture, ceilings, or floors.

The slimes were there from the start.

――On the outer wall of the research tower.

They released their mimicry as soon as Jenna and Graffus were separated, and entered the room through the windows and gaps in the stone walls.

The information that the research tower had been taken over led Jenna and the others to misunderstand that the inside of the tower was a den of slime, but in fact, the slimes were mimicking the outer walls.

And above all, the "trap" was designed to prevent Jenna and the other "priests" from detecting them using the "Talisman of Light".

By the time they realized that, the second floor, which was supposed to be safe, had become an even more dangerous place than when Jenna was there.

Although there were only a few slimes, they were two times larger than the ones that had mimicked the chairs and desks earlier.

The larger the volume, the more diverse the attacks.

......The slime's attack was simple. It was as if the normal slime that Graffus and his companions knew.

They know that if they use powerful magic, it would destroy the research tower, so they only attack with their tentacles.

However, it extended its tentacles from all over its surface, attacking through the back, sides, and even through the floor stone, which was a complete blind spot for humans.

Moreover, there were four giant slimes in the room on the second floor right now, and each one of them attacked perfectly, coordinating without talking to each other.

It was eerie to Graffus and the others, wondering how they could communicate with each other.



One person was pierced in the left shoulder by a tentacle extending from the floor, and the warrior priest known as Rejen was unable to fight now.

The slimes were cunning.

One by one, they made sure that each one was injured and unable to fight.

There was no need to kill them all at once.

By incapacitating them, they would not resist, and then even a small child slime would be able to kill an adult human.

This was―― a hunt.

It was a means of survival that mankind had been using since primitive times. An act to obtain sustenance.

They were in the process of "learning it." For now.

"Lower the injured, and let those who can move to protect them!! We must endure until we can meet up with Meltia-dono, everyone!"


One after another, such immature slimes entered through the window on the opposite side of the stairs.

The number of giant slimes increased from four to five.

The sight was so disheartening even for Graffus, who had experience in fighting monsters, that it was no wonder that the young warrior priests, who had little experience in combat, were at any moment losing heart.

The only thing that was supporting them was Graffus' command.

When he turned away from Jenna and the wall of mucus that separated them, he finally noticed the expressions on the faces of his subordinates......

They were all desperate, their faces tense with fear, as though they were about to start crying even though they hadn't lost yet.

When he saw that.

(Jenna, hang in there for a while!)

In his mind, Graffus apologized for not being able to come to her aid sooner.

"Yes, Meltia-dono―― her magic should be able to break through this wall."

"Yeah. I'm sure she can help Jenna. So we'll defend this place until help arrives."

That was an irresponsible expectation.

It was unknown whether the power of the girl would work against the slime that defeated the Queen of Elves, Leticia.

Graffus was calm even in this situation, but he still sent the three warrior priests downstairs as though he were clinging to a straw.

Jenna was restrained by the slime that had mimicked the ceiling on the third-floor window.

The slime that released its mimicry fell downward like a waterfall and rained down on Jenna as she tried to check outside through the window.

The heavy impact was too much for Jenna, who was an ordinary woman despite her experience fighting the Demon King, to stand, so she put her hands on the edge of the window and managed not to fall to her knees―.


The mace in her hand was swept away by the muddy stream of mucus and rolled on her feet.

While she was being crushed by the waterfall of mucus, both her wrists were restrained by the slime that had mimicked the edge of the window.

The slime that had mimicked the edge of the wooden window turned into a restraint, and Jenna was instantly unable to move her hands.

She put all her strength into trying to undo the restraints on her hands, but there was no way a woman's arm strength could break the mucus restraints.

"Kuh―― you."

After struggling with the mucus restraining her hands for a while, but giving up when it showed no signs of coming off, Jenna looked around to check on her condition.

"...No way."

Surrounded by mucus on all sides, the area on the third floor was visible "behind the translucent wall".

For a moment, Jenna thought she looked like a criminal locked in a prison cell.

But the reality might be even crueler than that.

(I have to get out of here somehow)

Jenna was now in an unnatural position of supporting her body with her hands out in front of her, but she didn't feel fatigued by it.

The reason for that was the translucent wall that held her waist tightly in place.

Jenna's upper body was inside the wall, her lower body was outside, and the mucus was supporting her unnatural position on all fours.

"...I bet this would look pretty pathetic from the outside...."

In spite of the situation, Jenna exhaled slowly to calm down.

The only saving grace was that the mucus wall was supporting her, so she was not struggling in that position.

If there was any strain on her knees or back from that, she didn't think she would be able to endure the situation for very long.

She thought that was the only thing that relieved her......

"Anyway, even..."

Thinking that she wouldn't be violated in any way right now, Jenna strained her hands again to remove the restraints.

She flailed her upper body, but her blond hair, which was tied in a braid, and the ornaments on her vestments, which hung downward, pulled by gravity, only swayed.

After doing so for a while, out of the corner of my eye, she saw a mace lying on the floor.

(Once the restraints on my hands are removed, I should be able to burn the slime with the light in my mace.)

The effect of the "Weapon of Exorcism" that she had given to the mace had already worn off.

However, Jenna thought that if she grasped the mace and channeled the divine power of the goddess Fasalina, she could once again release a light that would be effective against monsters.

"Graffus!! Everyone!!"

Jenna called out to her companions downstairs, but of course, there was no answer.

In the first place, she was surrounded by a wall of mucus. Her voice didn't even reach the outside.

The same goes for the windows.

The wooden shutters were mostly closed, with only a glimpse of sunlight peeking through the gaps.

And remembering that she was on the third floor, Jenna wondered if her voice would reflect off the shutters and reach Meltia on the ground.

"Haah, haah."

She shouted for a while, and then took a few deep breaths to catch her breath.

"I wish I could reach out a little further so I could open the window......"

The sunlight leaking through the wooden shutters let her know that it was still daytime.

It was also possible that if she opened the door and shouted out of the window, she might be able to ask Meltia, who was waiting outside, to come to her rescue......

"You... haah, it's really hard."

Still not willing to give up, Jenna then strained her entire body to remove the restraints from her hands several times.

There was a small slime there.

Jenna, who was in a wall and could not see the outside of it, was at her feet.

Next to her beautiful legs, which were covered with black innerwear.

As it clung to her leather boots, the tiny being slowly made its way up her slender legs.

Twitch*. Jenna's legs trembled.

Through her underwear, she became aware of a presence touching her leg.

She couldn't hear a sound, and the lower half of her body was outside the wall. Even so, she was able to notice the slightest change, as she was one of the heroes who had fought against a demon king.

On the other side of the translucent mucus prison, Jenna looked over her shoulder to see what was behind her.

From her position on all fours, she could only turn her head so far.

Jenna couldn't see what was beyond it. Her shoulders were in the way, and her vision was only half as clear as it would be if she were looking straight ahead.

Moreover, the small slime was crawling further down her lower body, at her feet.

Even if she knew that something was crawling on her feet, she couldn't see it.


Behind the mucus, Jenna opened her mouth.

Of course, it couldn't hear her.

The third floor of the research tower was silent.

Though that one area was slowly falling apart.

No, one by one, the area that had been destroyed in last night's battle with Alp, but had been mimicking to hide its destruction, were revealing.

There were more than ten of them at least.

However, Jenna, looking through the distorted mucus prison, couldn't see the scene and didn't know what was going on.


Jenna muttered something again and turned her head to the front.

If she didn't know what was going on, she didn't care, she decided to concentrate on getting her hands unbound.

For the next few moments, Jenna didn't pay attention to what was behind her.

At the mucus prison―― her hips that were bound to the translucent wall moved back and forth slightly.

Her hips, which were constrained in both directions, could only move back and forth, and their range of motion was minimal.

When Jenna exerted her whole body to release the restraints on her hands, her hips move back and forth and her beautiful legs, which were emphasized by her innerwear, stretch out.

Her blue and white vestments, stained with mucus but still neat and clean, swayed slightly, and the flesh of the married woman's buttocks wrapped around by her innerwear underneath, tightening it.

Numerous small slimes had gathered at her feet.

One of them had already climbed up to the back of her right knee, and the children slimes that had finally reached her feet gradually attached themselves to Jenna's leather boots and began to climb.


On the other side of the wall, Jenna noticed clearly this time that there was a being coming up her leg, and she flailed her legs.

She bent her knees, slammed her feet on the floor, and tried to drop the slime that stuck to her innerwear.

"――――! ――――!!"

In the mucus wall, Jenna looked back over her shoulder and glared behind her, even though she couldn't see.

The woman called the "Saint," she had fought against the Demon King and her gaze was so sharp that it could make a goblin or an orc shy away with a single glance.

It was a warrior's face that she had never shown even to her husband, Graffus.

But even that gaze didn't reach the slime that climbed up both her legs.

She just stared at the empty space and open and close her mouth, piercing through the mucus wall. From the side...... it was such a dumb sight though.

Of course, the slimes didn't care.

The first one finally reached her thighs, moving up the saint's beautiful legs in a slow motion that suited its small frame.

At the same time, both of her feet flailed more violently than before, and some of the slimes fell to the floor and were crushed by the soles of her shoes.

"――, ――――!!"

Behind the wall, Jenna was frantically screaming with her mouth open.

"Stop!" "Get away from me!"

Was that her words?

It must have been physically exhausting to look over her shoulder for so long, and she felt an eerie sensation in both of her legs, but she turned to face the front.

Not caring about such changes, the first slime moved from her thighs to her groin.

The feeling of the small slime was less annoying, even though she knew that there was something there.

Rather than an itchy feeling, the feeling was just plain creepy, so Jenna decided to ignore its presence for the time being.

If her hands were free, she could use her mace to destroy the mucus prison with the power of the goddess.

(Fonteau... It still hadn't shown the power that had defeated Leticia yet)

The slime killed men and raped women.

Knowing that, Jenna knew that the chances of her being killed were low.

If she were to be killed, she expected it would be when she resisted so strongly that the slime's life would be in danger.

In fact, the slime would not hurt Jenna. It would never kill her.

Even if it was killed, It would not kill Jenna, who might give birth to a strong child.

That was the propagation of this species. Refugees from Fonteau knew that it was the behavior of a slime following its instincts to increase the number of strong children.

She didn't necessarily believe all of it, but she did know for sure that the women were still alive.

(Then, even if they do anything more to me, my first priority should be to get away.)

If they didn't kill her, She would prioritize the possibility of escape.

That was Jenna's thought.

Her beautiful golden braid, soaked with mucus, was sticking against her cheek. Behind the mucus prison, she spent more and more time flailing as well as straining her entire body to get her hands free of restraints.

Humans were creatures that couldn't do the same thing for long periods of time.

They couldn't keep their concentration.

Even when they knew what they need to do, irrelevant things pop into their thoughts.

In Jenna's case, it was the braid against her cheek, the wet vestments sticking to her innerwear, and the strange presence she felt in her legs.

(If only I could get my hands free somehow.)

She held her breath and tried to move her hands violently, but the mucus restraints on the edge of the window would not come off.

Her clenched fists grew tired, and she could feel the inside of her long gloves, which were sticking to her vestments, sweating. After a while of straining her entire body, Jenna realized that she couldn't do anything with her strength, so she relaxed her arms to take a break.

Even outside the mucus prison, one could see the change.

Her white leather boots, which had been stomping hard on the stone floor with their toes, relaxed, and her legs, which had been stretched...... bent at the knees.

The strength left her buttocks hidden by the skirt of her vestments, swollen with age and squeezed together as the married woman swayed and weakened.

The change was the slight back and forth of her buttocks in time with her rough breathing.

In her ass―― the small slime that had slipped under her skirt reached her groin and sucked on the area like an octopus sucker.

Until now, it was possible to absorb the sweat and love juice of women, but Jenna's entire body was protected by a black innerwear reinforced by the divine power of the goddess Fasalina.

It was originally designed to prevent poisoning, but by not soaking up even a drop of sweat, let alone love juices, it completely prevented the absorption of mana and inhibited the growth of the small slime.

Even so, the slime tried several times to suck on Jenna's clothes, but no matter how many times it tried, it was useless.

In the meantime, nearly a dozen small slimes reached the back of her knees, thighs, and groin one after another.

However, that was not enough to help.

As they did so, Jenna strained her entire body to remove her arm restraints once more, and her thighs, which were covered with a large amount of slime, tensed.


Jenna's lower body became slightly more sensitive as she strained her entire body, and she felt something inside her skirt.

However, she only felt it slightly.

(At this level, I can still ignore it.)

There was no stimulation at all.

The lower part of her body, especially the part that was sacred to women who have never been touched by anyone other than their husbands, was a little warm. That was the extent of the change.

Jenna's lower body strained as she shook the hem of her neat and tidy vestments, and she tried as many times as she could to remove the restraints.

After a few moments of no change, the next change was behind Jenna. A new tentacle sprouted from inside the mucus prison and revealed its presence before Jenna's eyes.


Her cheeks were slightly sweaty, her skin was flushed with fatigue, and her breathing was slightly uneven.

Jenna breathed slowly and deeply, trying to calm herself down a bit, wary of the changes in the mucus prison.

The tentacle changed shape in front of Jenna's eyes as she watched.

The tentacle, which at first was only as thin as an index finger with a rounded tip, narrowed its tip like a needle, and a small amount of purple liquid, which she felt was poisonous, pooled inside it.

(What are you trying to do...?)

Jenna was horrified by the change but bit her teeth to keep it from showing on her face.

But she couldn't look away from the tentacle that had changed―― tentacle needle that resembled the syringes used by the scientists in the research tower.

What are going to do with that...... Jenna, who knew the experiments that were done on the "guinea pigs" here, slightly understood it.

"―――――― ……"

Jenna said something in a small voice with only a slight movement of her lips, inaudible through the wall of mucus.

Was it "Stop"?

Or was it "don't"?

The slime immediately noticed that the sharp glare she made that even goblins flee at its first glimpse, had faded from her eyes, and there was a slight hint of fear mixed in.


The sharp tip of the needle made people fearful, regardless of their knowledge of the subject.

Even though she had experience facing the Demon King, Jenna was no exception, and she couldn't take her eyes off the tip of the needle.

――The tentacle that resembled a syringe moved, slowly approaching Jenna's right arm, which was bound to the edge of the window.

"――――! ――――!!"

Jenna tried desperately to wriggle her body out of the way.

However, her arms were stretched out and bound to the window's edge, her waist was trapped in a prison of mucus, and her lower body was outside that prison.

Only above her neck was able to move and as a result, Jenna could only see it approach her arm and stare at the needle that would pierce her arm through her innerwear.

At that moment, Jenna bit her lip to endure the coming pain, but she couldn't close her eyes due to fear and stared at her arm.


The needle pierced the blood vessel in her right arm without a hitch, and the slime pushed the poisonous purple liquid into it.

The purple liquid was slowly diminishing inside the tentacle.

Jenna's eyes welled up with tears as she watched in horror as the unidentifiable liquid entered her body. Her cheeks and forehead were covered in sweat, and her heart was beating faster than when she had let her body go wild.

She was desperately straining her entire body, raging, trying to reduce the amount of the strange liquid that was pouring in.

She didn't look like a "saint" at all, she just looked like a normal, frightened woman.

Outside the mucus wall, her feet kicked and flailed on the floor, and her skirt rolled up to expose her inner thighs.

Even so, the tentacle did not stop injecting the purple liquid, releasing all of it into Jenna's body.

"―――――――― ……?"

The needle was pulled out.

Jenna lowered her head, thinking it was over, but.......

(Nothing is happening...?)

There was nothing wrong with her body.

Although she felt uncomfortable about being injected with something she didn't know what it was, Jenna didn't have any other condition that made her feel unwell, and she wondered about that.

(If nothing is happening, then.)

She started to move her arms to try to remove the restraints again.

(Something might happen later―― I need to get out of here.)

Jenna then continued to flail about for a long time.

If she couldn't get the restraints off, she would shake her hips to try to get out of the mucus wall, and she would scramble to get her entire body inside the prison by stepping on both feet outside the wall.

Still, there was no change in Jenna's current situation, and enough time passed that the direction of the sun's rays entering through the closed wooden shutters changed.


Visibly, Jenna's resistance was weakening.

On the other side of the mucus prison. Inside, her head hung down helplessly, her beautiful blonde hair swaying slightly with her breathing.

Her shoulders rise and fall busily, and sweat ran down her cheeks and off her chin.

(Something, weird...)

The back of her head felt fuzzy. She couldn't think straight, and her vision wavered.

Tears pooled in the corner of her eyes and spilled out along with her sweat as she blinked.

(My body, weird...)

She repeated short, shallow breathing.

It was as though "heat" had built up inside her body and she was breathing it out.

Physically, she clearly felt disgusted.

And yet, little by little, the slime restraining her hands to the edge of the window. The mucus wall holding her by the waist, and most of all―― the nearly ten small slimes that were giving her the slightest stimulation, not even the faintest, from the top of her innerwear.

The stimulation was becoming harder and harder to ignore.

With that, Jenna took a series of short breaths to try to regulate her breathing and closed her eyes to try to calm down.

(The injection earlier...)

The cause was obvious.

Jenna had then ramped up her body in an attempt to escape quickly, causing the liquid injected into her body to travel faster through her body, but it was impossible for her to know that without that knowledge.

What she did know was that her body was going through an alteration right now.

As it was getting stronger and stronger, it was already too strong to ignore......

(If only I could use my hands.)

Jenna could use the miracle of detoxification without the use of medicinal herbs.

Jenna bit her lip in frustration because she knew what she was capable of and what she could do.

(If my hands were free.)

Jenna thought that she would not be at the mercy of this...... "heat".

She knew this heat.

Nightlife with Graffus.

The heat that she and her beloved husband felt in bed, touching each other, building up.

It was about to take over Jenna's entire body now.

Touching each other, whispering her love, being enveloped by the euphoric feeling on her entire body.

The slime that took in Kara's special aphrodisiac tried to give her that heat with just one syringe.

There was no love there, no caresses.

(For this to...)

However, Jenna was upset because she knew what the heat was.

The thought of being given that heat by an abominable monster, other than her husband, made her feel helplessly shaken.

Her ragged breathing became even more ragged, and even the back of her throat seemed to stiffen due to her breathing.

By the time even her breath was hot, Jenna remembered seeing the purple liquid that had stung her.

(... Kara's... on the desk.)

What did she say it was?

She couldn't think.

She couldn't remember.

She thought it was something very important right now.

When she was thinking about that, suddenly, the slime restraining Jenna's hands loosened a little.

She turned her gaze to the mace on the floor.

(If I reach out my hand, I can reach it...... but......)

She pulled her right hand.

She was almost out of restraints.

Jenna's breathing became even more ragged as her mucus-soaked vestments and black innerwear that covered her entire body touched her skin, making her itch as though countless insects were wriggling around.

(Already... just a little...)

Her wrist was almost out of the restraints.

The restraints were loosening.

(Almost there, just a little bit.)

The moment Jenna thought that, as though it could see through it, a tentacle sprouted from the wall of the mucus prison and flicked the mace away.

It rolled to the edge of the wall, a distance Jenna could not reach with her outstretched arm from her position.

(No, way...)

It was as though she was being toyed with, and in fact, Jenna felt despair that she thought her eyes had gone black.

The restraints on her wrists became tighter again, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't seem to get her right hand out.

Playing with its prey.

A normal adventurer would think that the slime would not have such intelligence, let alone a pack of goblins or orcs, but Jenna's heat had robbed her of normal thinking, and she had enough to know that the slime was playing with her.

"...N, o..."

A small voice escaped from Jenna's mouth as she dropped her head in exhaustion and looked down.

At the same time, there was a change in the small slimes that had slipped into the skirt of her vestments outside the mucus wall.

It was not the slime that was changing, but Jenna's body.

No matter how much it stimulated her, there was no change in her body, which was wrapped in black innerwear.

The crotch part.

The innerwear that clung tightly to her skin served as a substitute for underwear, and many priests did not wear any kind of underwear underneath.

At most, they wear thin underwear with very little fabric to make it difficult to see.

Jenna was also wearing very little fabric underwear, but the fabric of her underwear and innerwear was not enough to hide the fact that her clitoris began to erect by itself.

The little slime approached the changed part and sucked on it through her innerwear and underwear.


And then Jenna's lower body shuddered. It was a strong tremor, almost a convulsion.

Finally, after a long time, the response of the woman's body caused all the little slimes to flock to her clitoris that was showing a bulge on her innerwear.

It wasn't just one. There were nearly ten of them.

They licked, sucked, rolled, tugged, and slapped at it from every direction and in every way.

Each time, Jenna's lower body twitched in an interesting way, as though she had never been unresponsive before.

Jenna's lower body spasmed again and again like a lively fish, but her hips were restrained so she could only move a little back and forth.

Instead, the white boots kicked the floor violently, the beautiful legs wrapped in her innerwear stretched and relaxed, and her toes twitched again and again as her hips trembled.


On the other side of the mucus prison, Jenna was turning her desperate form outward.

Her mouth, as usual, did not echo what she was saying to the outside.

However, there was no room in her expression, and she quickly turned her head to the front, her shoulders tense as though she was holding something in―― her lower body twitched again.

In just a few minutes, Jenna's body, which had been separated from her will to the point where even the faintest stimulation through her underwear was unbearable, had climaxed more times than she could count with both hands.

(This―― this is――!!)

Jenna was bewildered because she half-heartedly knew what sex was.

(This is totally different from Graffus...)

It was different from sexual intercourse, where they spend a long time building up the heat and slowly seeking each other out.

No, it was not intercourse, but a caress, where her skin was still stroked.

But Jenna...

"――――, ―――――― !!"

(Stop it, stop it already!!)

Her hips convulsed over and over again, but being restrained, she could not escape the stimulation.

The worst part for Jenna was that only the lower half of her body was outside the wall.

Trapped in the prison, she couldn't move her hips in the slightest, and she couldn't escape the stimulation coming from her lower body.

Jenna didn't know that not being able to move her body was such a terrible thing.

(This, no, no!? From the waist down, it's weird―― it's getting weird!?)

No matter how much she flailed her legs, it didn't matter to the slimes that had burrowed into her skirt, she could only kick the floor in a hapless attempt to match her climax.

There was no one to see the scene of the rampaging legs wrapped in black innerwear shaking the white and blue-colored skirt outside the mucus wall.

It was just a strange dance that made a sound on the third floor.

On the other side of the mucus cage, Jenna looked back over her shoulder again and shouted something, but then quickly looked forward and shook her legs.

(It's too much―― It's like my body isn't mine!)

No matter how hard she tried, no matter how hard she gritted her teeth, she couldn't hold back her climax.

The little slimes stimulated Jenna's clitoris over and over again, but there was no other change.

And yet, the torture was extremely diverse.

Sometimes they licked it, sometimes they pinched it, sometimes they scratched it.

Whenever Jenna climaxed, they would change their caresses, and after they had done all they could think of, they would start all over again.

(Even when Graffus was touching and licking me――)

It was a stimulus that Jenna, who was so fastidious as a priestess that she refused to have premarital sex, was embarrassed and refuse again and again, but compared to the stimulus of the slimes who had taken in countless "men" and gained knowledge, it was almost child's play.

(No, noooo!?)

Also, both Jenna's legs trembled outside the mucus wall.

She jerked and twitched repeatedly, before weakening and opening up.

(No... no more...)

Still, it didn't stop the little slimes from stimulating her clitoris over her innerwear.

Even as Jenna climaxed and weakened, revealing her helpless form, it continued to stimulate her clitoris.

Things that were supposed to come out. The slimes couldn't get what they wanted.

The sweat, the love juice, the mana―― they couldn't get it.

So they keep on stimulating it until they get it. It was a simple thought. Because it was a slime, because it was a monster, it repeated it endlessly.

"――! ――!!"

On the other side of the mucus wall, Jenna was shouting something again.

She looked desperate. She was crying, even drooling as she looked back over her shoulder and said something.

It was only one word.

It was "stop" but the slime wouldn't stop.


Exhausted from the countless climaxes she'd had in such a short time, Jenna threw her legs out.

Her legs were stretched but lost strength, and if it weren't for the mucus wall supporting her waist, she would have fallen flat on the floor. It was a disheveled look.

As her buttocks, wrapped by the neat skirt of her vestments, twitched erratically, then a change occurred outside the wall.

Tentacles appeared from the surface of the wall.

There were two.

They were articulated like arms and moved dexterously to pick up the hem of Jenna's skirt and slowly roll it up.

The tentacles had fingers.

Three of them. They were jointed like fingers, and they moved with great dexterity.

It lifted up her skirt, and with sweltering heat, the lower half of her body, which was covered with countless slime, was exposed.

The lower half of her body, wrapped in her innerwear, was still intact.

The slime had not invaded, nor had it taken her love juices or mana.

However, the area around her clitoris, where the slimes swarmed, was literally a mess.

It was a vicious cycle: the larger her clitoris became due to stimulation and excitement, the more it was stimulated by more slime.

Still, a few slimes had not yet joined in her clitoris's caresses, and they were trying to lick and suck at her groin and the valley of her buttock's flesh.

One of the arm tentacles sprouting from the mucus wall lifted her skirt while the other changed its shape.

A sword.

It was a sword. Although it was a formless mucus, it was translucent and one could see through it but the sword made one think "Isn't there anything that can't be cut?".

The tentacle that turned into a sword scratched its edge on the innerwear.

It was the part of her ass that slightly showed in its valley.

In order to avoid damaging the woman's body, the black innerwear was sliced with a dexterity that would surprise even a person who had mastered the art of swordsmanship, and what emerged from underneath was skin so white that seemed didn't get tanned before.

For the first time in her life, Jenna was in a daze from the continuous climaxing, but the feeling of the cool wind on her buttocks made her look back over her shoulder, vaguely.

She couldn't see much, but she could feel it, even if only vaguely.

(No... that's, no.)

However, she was so completely loosened that she couldn't even move her legs, and she didn't even have the energy left to scream.

The only thing she could do was to clench her teeth that were shaking with fear.


"I can't do this anymore......"

She knew from her repeated sexual experiences with Graffus that she was way over her limit.

She didn't have the strength to unbind her arms or even lift her legs.

So, with tears streaming down her face, she pleaded.

"――――, ――――――"

......But her pleas did not reach outside the mucus wall.

As the sword-shaped tentacle returned to its original arm shape, it split in two.

Holding the cut on her innerwear, It tore it wide to left and right.

Her large peach buttocks and sweaty skin were exposed to the slime.

In an instant, the steamy heat and the smell of the lustful woman spread, and the little slimes that had been swarming around her innerwear finally stopped moving.

The flesh of her buttocks ate at her underwear as she spasmed, almost hidden by the valley of her hips.

The underwear she had chosen so that the lines would not show on her innerwear were as thin as a thread on its left, right, and back, like those worn by prostitutes, and could be described as a "thong" with only a very small area of fabric in front.

Nevertheless, as a married woman and a woman's choice, they were decorated with frills in some places and had a design of a white rose on the crotch area.

Tiny slimes slithered inside the obscene pure white underwear.

Inside the mucus wall, Jenna was screaming something with her mouth open.

It didn't have the same force as the first time. It was a faint and weak rejection.

In the meantime, a few of the slimes made their way to her front hole, another few to her urethra, which was even narrower than her vaginal opening―― and still a few that didn't make it to those holes made their way to her anus, which was almost bare, with the string could not hide.

......The "hand" that was rolling up her skirt released the cloth that it was holding.

With a rustling sound, the skirt of the priestess's neat blue and white vestments fell down, and the lower half of her body, wrapped in underwear too gaudy for a married woman to wear, disappeared behind the skirt.


As Jenna faced forward in the mucus wall, her shoulders shake violently again, and her legs, which should be hunched over and immobile, start to flail like a broken toy.

This time, there was no innerwear to protect her.

Jenna climaxed, her legs stretched, her skirt that was covering her buttocks slightly rose, squirting vigorously from under her skirt.

Even after she climaxed, her flailing legs didn't let up, and she flailed and squirted, again and again, stretching her legs and stiffening for a few seconds before flailing again.

And it repeated.

Again and again.

Again and again.

"――!! ―――!!!!!"

The upper half of her body inside the wall no longer turned around.

She was screaming something―― It could just feel it.

After a while, the upper half of her body inside the wall stopped moving and completely fainted...... Still, the lower half of her body continued to rampage like a different creature, with the word "convulsion" being a lukewarm term.

Trapped in a prison of mucus, with her lower half exposed―― Jenna continued to be violated.


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