Inside the Cave of Obscenity

Chapter Volume 1 4: Adventurer 3

The next morning, Alfred's group climbed up the mountain as planned and came to the entrance of the abandoned mine.

The time was just before noon. The weather was fine, and there would be no disruptions.

They were comparing the terrain with the map they had received at the local village as they had a lot of time to spare.

"There's nothing here."

Said the oldest of the three adventurers.

The five of them were now watching the entrance to the abandoned mine, hiding in the grass and trees.

"Is our prey inside or gone somewhere else..."

"It may have moved away already."

They had attacked adventurers. Anyone would predict that this cave would attract explorers like them.

Unless the opponent was a beast, but they don't think a mage like Frederica would be defeated by a mere beast.

It was true that the two of her companions were amateurs, but they were still at a level where it would not pose a problem if its a wild beast.

In that case, then it must be bandits.

If so, they would have abandoned their nest and moved to another place.

That was the opinion of everyone in the group.

After this, they would check the abandoned mine and search for clues to trace the bandits.

That was all, for the time being.

The reason they were watching the entrance was that the bandits might be stupid enough to still be using this abandoned mine as their nest.

"Shall we quickly check out the abandoned mine?"

"Yes, we should. There were no signs of them..."

The five of them left the grassy area together.

Three of them, including Alfred, would be the vanguard, while Satia and another adventurer would be the rearguard.

Two lanterns were prepared, and the adventurers in the vanguard and rearguard each hung one from their waistbelts.

One of the vanguards unfolded a map of the abandoned mine, relying on the light shining through the entrance.

Just by looking at it, they could see that the mine had a maze-like structure, which was almost depressing in itself.

"It's dark and damp... Satia, watch your step, okay?"

"...Yes. Master, be careful, too."

"Haha, I'm fine."

The area near the entrance was brightly lit from the outside, but inside the abandoned mine was a little dark.

It had been more than ten years since anyone had set foot in the mine. The oil from the lanterns had run out, and there were abandoned pickaxes and other objects randomly scattered.

There were no signs of human habitation.

There was a cold atmosphere unique to abandoned mines.

"A vengeful spirit, huh?"

"You'll be fine as long as you stay alert, Alfred."


Keeping their hands on the hilt of their sword as they make their way through the abandoned mine.

Satia also walked carefully with a large staff in both hands that does not fit her small body.

With few words, the five of them proceed down the abandoned mine.

No one lived in a place where there was a vengeful spirit.

They walked through the abandoned mine with no signs of human habitation.

They had already agreed that it would be physically impossible to search all the routes in one day.

They had planned to spend three days exploring, and had informed the village chief about it.

They also told him that if something unexpected happened and they didn't return to the village in four days, they would ask the Knights of the Royal Capital for help.

Aside from the groups of adventurers, Frederica's group, they proceed with caution.

Alfred and his group decided that if they fell to whatever their opponent was, it was too much for adventurers to handle.

"Also here, nothing either..."

How long had they been walking in the abandoned mine?

They walked endlessly in a place where the sun was not visible and their sense of time was unclear.

Even though they were an adventurer who was used to such situations, they still don't like the things they don't like.

They were sensitive to the slightest noise, and their nerves were getting on uneasy little by little.

Furthermore, another problem was the moaning of the vengeful spirits.

They feed off the fear of the living.

They gradually hunt down the adventurers like Alfred and the others mentally in the dark and feed off their life force when they got weak.

If they kept their mind strong, they would be fine, but walking in such a desolate place for a long time, you never know what would happen.

Swords couldn't cut it, and normal magic had little effect.

It was a troublesome existence, as it was ineffective except for the holy magic of the priests, which could be called a miracle of God.

"The oil in the lantern is still good, should we go back and rest?"

"Yeah, we can't afford to get hurt for rushing."

There was still plenty of time.

He was worried about Frederica's safety, but it doesn't make sense if it got them hurt or injured.

However, he was not the kind of person who would do anything rash.

"Well then, Satia, let's go back."


She nodded in response to her master's words and began to walk with a stable step.

In the darkness of the cave, the lantern light overlapped with the black robes and hid Satia's figure, but her silver hair shined gently in the darkness.

With her doll-like appearance and atmosphere, her figure was emphasized even more in the abandoned mine.

The men calm their nerves at the sight of her. With her lovely appearance, she was like a healing presence in this place.

The group continued back the way they had come and exited the abandoned mine once more.

Perhaps it was because they had walked through an abandoned mine in the dark, even with the lantern light, but they squinted their eyes at the sunlight and covered it with their hands until it adjusted to the brightness.

"It's almost noon."

"Maybe we should have lunch first."

No one objected.

For lunch, they ate some dried meat and some bread from the local village.

The search for the abandoned mine had only just begun, but the five of them were still somewhat cheerful.

There were no signs of human presence in the abandoned mine, and they knew that the situation was not going to change anytime soon.

The men were more talkative than usual, probably because they had just come out of an abandoned mine where the air was stagnant.

Satia watched them absentmindedly as she ate a piece of bread.

If nothing happened at this rate, the search for the abandoned mine would be over in less than three days.

Everyone thought so.


Near the entrance of the abandoned mine, in the shade of a rock where the sun doesn't shine, something wriggled. It was the Black Ooze.

The monster, which responded to the human voice, cast aside Frederica, whom it was violating halfway, and came near the voice―― to the entrance.

Frederica, who was unaware of the adventurer's presence, was left on the verge of cumming, cried, and begged, but the slime ignored her. Still clinging to it, It pinned her to the rock wall with its mucus that had separated from its body.

The beautiful former mage, who could no longer satisfy herself by masturbating, had become accustomed to being made to the brink of climax - or even fainting - was probably shaking her hips foolishly at the depths of the abandoned mine.

When the slime returned to its home, she might shed tears of joy and invite the slime, her detestable enemy, to join her in a hip-shaking dance that would make even a prostitute look down on her.

The slime, which had left Frederica to her own devices, immediately judged that the humans camped at the entrance were a group of adventurers.

Completely absorbing the two adventurers, the slime's intelligence and knowledge had further enhanced.

It had not yet acquired the use of mana but knew about it, it instinctively identified the mages among the adventurers.

There were two of them―― one male and one female.

The slime would only kill the men and violate the women.

If It followed its instinct, It would finally be able to use its mana.

From behind a rock, the slime shrank so as not to be noticed by the adventurers.

Its mass does not change, but it could hide by reducing its size.

Because of its black color, it had completely blended into the darkness of the abandoned mine.

Perhaps because it had no sense of time or boredom, the slime remained in that state, waiting for the adventurers to make a move.

The slime, with its reduced size, looked like a rock, which also indicated that It had a similar ability to mimicry.

About thirty minutes later, there was movement in the group of adventurers.

The slime noticed it but didn't move a muscle.

It was still a little too much for the slime to take on five of them at once.

And there were two mages.

From the old man's knowledge, the slime knew that it was weak against heat and fire.

Not all of the mages could use those magic, but there was a good chance that one of the two mages could.

The Black Ooze, having gained mana, was now a little bit resistant to magic, but there was nothing it could do about the weakness of the slime species.

Its priority should be to neutralize the mage.

If it were slashed with a sword or hit with a blunt object, it could simply be intercepted with paralyzing poison as they approach.

If it was a normal monster, it would just follow its instincts and try to kill them head-on.

This slime, however, thoughtfully tried to safely neutralize its biggest threat first.

This was a kind of thinking that no monster had ever done before.

"Satia, be careful, ok?"


The slime does not move even though it heard the two mages talking right next to it.

As the group passed by and their footsteps went away, the slime finally undo its mimicry.

It shook as it climbed up the rock wall and cautiously chased after the adventurers along with the ceiling.

Relying on the lantern light, the humans were walking slowly, and the slime's slow movements allowed it to catch up quickly.

However, it did not act immediately but decided to observe the adventurers by following them for a while.

The adventurers, who had no idea that a slime was crawling on the ceiling right behind them, carefully explored the abandoned mine.

As usual, there was no sign of human habitation in the abandoned mine, and the path was bad and dusty.

The deeper they went, the more visible it became, and they were covering their mouth with a cloth as they explored.

Moreover, the dust reflected from the lantern light, making visibility nearly impossible.

It would be too much to ask them to pay attention to the ceiling in their current situation.

The darkness of the abandoned mine, the suffocating dust, and the moaning of the vengeful spirits still echoed in the mine.

They deprive the adventurers of their physical strength and concentration.

There was still room to spare, but there was nothing they could do about the depressing feeling.

After a while, the adventurers' speed began to slow down.

"Well, this is a bone, isn't it?"

"Rather, it’d be weird if there weren’t any."


In addition, the only dangerous thing was the vengeful spirits.

There was no problem if they kept their mind firm, but the adventurers would naturally wear down at some point.

As soon as they start to get tired, the adventurers would return to the entrance.

The adventurers, probably used to this kind of tiring exploration, did not push themselves too hard.

How many times had they explored already?

After a short while, they got out from the abandoned mine to take a break and then returned to resume the exploration of the abandoned mine.

The slime chased after the adventurers, waiting for an opportunity.

It understood that it was at a disadvantage position, five-to-one.

It did not want to make a move until it could somehow separate them or they showed an opening.

The slime had no concept of time or tiredness, so it did not matter how long it would take to chase them.

Whether they were lucky or unlucky, the adventurers were exploring from a place far from the depths of the abandoned mine where Frederica was.

If they kept searching at this rate, it would take several days before they found Frederica.

The first day was over, and it was already nighttime. The adventurers gathered around the campfire near the entrance of the abandoned mine, having two people to guard while the others sleep.

At this time, It tried to provoke them by shaking the grass and trees, but that only woke up the sleeping adventurers. 

It was meaningless

Knowing that It must be done inside the abandoned mine, the slime decided to stop unnecessarily alarming them.

It spent the rest of the night in the darkness, doing nothing to the adventurers, and trying to remain unnoticed in the shadows of the grass.

It should probably go back into the abandoned mine, but with the adventurers camped at the entrance, It decided that it would be dangerous.

After spending the night like that, the adventurers started to explore the abandoned mine again.

The slime then followed them, taking great care not to be noticed.

The second day was no different, the adventurers continued to explore the abandoned mine, battling against the darkness, dust, and the moaning of the vengeful spirits.

The day seemed to be going more smoothly than the first.

They must have decided that neither man nor beast lived in the abandoned mine.

They were still on alert, but instead of comparing the map to the abandoned mine as they had done on the first day, they were moving forward at a quick pace.

They probably had memorized the map of the abandoned mine. It could be seen as an experienced adventurer.

As they had done on the first day, they repeated their exploration, taking a break at the entrance when their concentration dwindled.

On the second day, the adventurers finished their exploration without encountering any risks.


On the morning of the third day, the adventurers were having breakfast while spreading out a map of the abandoned mine.

The search for the abandoned mine was not going well as they had planned.

Even if they proceeded at the same pace as the second day, it would take three more days at this rate.

They didn't expect to explore the entire abandoned mine, but they still wanted to finish half of it.

It was a repetitive exploration of the abandoned mine with very little danger.

The five of them had already concluded that Frederica was not in the abandoned mine.

If that was the case, then the search for Frederica would be terminated and hand it over to the Knights of the Royal Capital.

Indeed, adventurers were sometimes asked to search for missing persons, but even so, there were limits.

Normally, adventurers were tasked with dispatching the bandits and thieves that appeared on the roads, since the monsters were now getting fewer and fewer.

Finding missing people was the knights' job.

They have excellent mages, a rich network of contacts, and above all, money.

To the adventurer's line of work, none of these things were available.

For this reason, they charge more for their services than adventurers, but they were still more reliable.

But the adventurers didn't like the Knights.

Because of their titles, they tend to look down on adventurers from above.

If they hadn't checked out half of this harmless abandoned mine, who knew how much they would complain?

"Shall we split up and search today?"

A proposal was suggested.

After two days, they had decided that this abandoned mine was harmless.

Lots of dust and vengeful spirits, but that was it.

The adventurers had decided that if there were no bandits or wild beasts, there would be no problem splitting them into two groups.

"I suppose so."

Alfred agreed with him.

If there was no danger, they could explore more efficiently by splitting up.

The faster the search progressed, the easier it would be to ensure Frederica's safety. So they had no objection.

They were divided into two groups: Alfred and one man, and Satia and two men.

These two were valuable mages, and they don't think there were any unforeseen circumstances, but if something were to happen, these two would be their greatest asset.

It was the only way to avoid losing two mages at the same time.

So the adventurers split up into two groups.

The slime, who had been watching from afar, followed the adventurers back to the abandoned mine without being noticed.

The first it followed was the woman. There was nothing to be done about it, it was instinct.

Relying on the lantern light, Satia and the others proceed through the abandoned mine.

One man holding the lantern and a map, walked through the mine, checking the path.

Two men stood in front and behind, flanking Satia.

Same speed as on the second day, the three adventurers moved without a word. The slime followed the three of them from the ceiling.

It had given up on attacking them and thinking of letting them go when an unexpected development occurred.

However, still not in a hurry and did not intend to attack until they were farther away from the other group.

Above all, the woman walking in the middle was a mage, and she must be neutralized first before she had an opportunity to use her magic.

Carefully, cautiously, the slime followed the three of them.

After a while, the humans would start to lose their strength and concentration.

The slime understood this from the past two days of stalking them.

The adventurers, not expecting to find something like a pursuer from the ceiling, proceeded deeper into the abandoned mine cautiously.

Due to the darkness and dust, it would take more energy and concentration than a normal search.

Underneath her doll-like expression, Satia let out a small sigh at the fact that she was separated from her master, Alfred.

It was a small sigh that could not be called a complaint, but she still focused ahead.

Because she knew that if she didn't do her job well, it would cause some inconvenience.


"Are you ok, Satia-chan?"

"――Yes, I'm fine."

"We'll go back when things get tough, just tell me."


The search proceeded. Since they were split up into two groups, their efficiency was doubled.

Feeling good about this, the adventurers proceeded deeper into the abandoned mine.

Their speed was now faster than that of the second day, which meant that their energy consumption was also faster than on the second day.

"We've come a long way, haven't we?"

"...Yes, we have."

Satia's shoulders slightly moved up and down, though her expression did not show it.

She had to cover her mouth because of the dust, and it was wearing her down fast.

The men decided that they should take a break, even though they were in a mine.

They sat down in a suitable place and exhaled.

It was dusty, but it made them feel a bit better.

Just then, a drop of liquid fell on the neck of the oldest man in the group.

By the time he realized what it was, it was already too late.

――As the man collapsed, Satia and the other man also fell to their knees.


Confused. She couldn't speak and couldn't move a single finger.

She could barely breathe, but even that was painful.

What's going on?

By the time she thought it, the man holding the lantern had his face covered in black mucus.

Her other companion, who had fallen to the ground, was also unable to move, and Satia pulled her numb body to get up, relying on her staff.

Satia, who had managed to stand up, was the last thing the man saw in this world.

As soon as the woman prepared her staff, the tentacles wrapped around it.

However, before the staff was tossed away, the woman created a flame in front of her to light up the abandoned mine’s darkness.

"A slime!?"

Seeing the monster illuminated by the flames. The woman called out the monster's name in a surprised voice that she normally would not have.

But it was only for a moment.

Her surprised expression was now concealed behind her doll-like, sullen expression, and the created flame burned the tentacles that were coiling around her staff.


At that moment, the girl fell to her knees as she released the flames.

It used a paralyzing poison, but this time the concentration seemed to be too low. It used the highest concentration of poison for the two men, but it used too weak for the women.

Because of her small size. The concentration of the poison was lower than it used on Frederica. However, that backfired. The Black Ooze felt that it was troublesome disempowering women.

It negated the fired bullet with the mana it had stolen from Frederica.


It was not magic, it just expelled its mana, once again, Satia lost her usual expression and was astonished.

Slime was an annoying monster that nullified physical attacks with its soft body, but it had almost no resistance to magic.

At the very least, that was common knowledge. However, she had never heard of a slime using magic.

Satia tried to get as far away from the slime as she could, dragging her numb legs.

She wondered why she was the only one that received weak poison, but she did not have the time to think about it.

One of the men was taken in by the slime, and the other man was still lying on the ground, unable to move.

Satia was the only one who could fight in their current situation.

It was dark, so she quickly used fire magic, but if it exploded in the abandoned mine, at worst, the mine would collapse.

The slime's weak point, fire, could not be used.

However, the magic Satia could use was fire and wind. Both of these attributes were unsuitable inside the abandoned mine.

Satia did not think about why the slime was here.

The thought of escaping and informing her master of the danger occupied her mind, so she dragged her numb body.

She swiftly used her staff to drag her unresponsive lower body to escape.

Fortunately, the slime was not moving fast enough.

It was digesting its two prey, but Satia intentionally stopped thinking about it from her thoughts.

She crawled away, not caring that her black robe was stained with dirt and dust.

However, as though to mock her efforts, a tentacle extending from the slime caught Satia's right foot from above her boots.

As she hurriedly turned around, she saw that the two men had been completely submerged inside the slime, illuminated by the lantern light.

And her legs were trapped by the slime's tentacles.

Her numb body could not break free, and Satia was not strong enough due to her small body.


She was going to be absorbed by the slime.

In addition, the fear of being absorbed while still alive caused a trembling scream to leak out.

She tried to escape, but her legs were paralyzed, and could not move.

She felt it rubbing against the ground, but it would not listen to her and remained still.


She used the weakest fire magic available to her and burned off the tentacles holding her legs.

The fire arrow that was produced burned through the tentacles and caused a small explosion when it collided against the ground, but it was not enough to cause a collapse.

She felt bad for the two men who were still trapped, but there was no time to help them.

As she tried to move away, a subtle sound reached her ears.

At that moment, the staff was yanked out of Satia's hand.


Before she could realize that she had lost her staff, the tentacles caught Satia's thin hands and feet.

With her small body spread out, Satia was lifted in the air like she was crucified.

Her heartbeat was beating in fear as she wondered if she would be absorbed as well.

Cold sweat poured down her face, and she flailed her numb body in a desperate attempt to escape somehow.

But it was only a small resistance. She realized that the sensation in her arms and legs was becoming duller and duller.

(Paralyzing poison―― what kind of slime...)

There were many types of slime, but their only difference in characteristics was the size and color.

Slimes using poison were not depicted in any books.

Satia had no way of realizing that this was the result of a mutation.

Knowing that its prey's reaction had slowed down, the slime decided to move.

It knew that she could use magic without a staff.

But it knew that it had enough mana to neutralize this woman's magic, as it had neutralized her attack earlier.

Without warning, it brought Satia's small body in front of its main body.

Her small body was completely covered by a thick black robe.

Her rich silver hair was tied up on the left side, some of it sticking to the woman's cheek.

Her sleepy-looking eyes were now slightly narrowed as though she was glaring at her enemy.

Because of her doll-like expression, the sharpness of her gaze made it feel even colder.

Without paying attention to it, two tentacles were exposed in front of Satia's eyes.


Satia frowned slightly, unsure of its intentions.

She thought about calling her master out loud, but she did not want to provoke the slime badly.

For some reason, the slime doesn't have any intention of killing her right away.

She understood that and tried her best to suppress her fear and screamed.

Alfred would notice the use of magic and would come to her rescue. Thinking it, the woman tried her best to endure.

Satia knew very well that mages were sensitive to the use of magic and changes in the flow of mana. It was because Alfred had taught her.

Many times he had saved her life that way.

But the next moment, her eyes widened in astonishment.

Two tentacles were exposed in front of her. They had unexpectedly entered inside her clothes through the edge of her robe.

"Hii!? N-no, no! Why!?"

The thought of not wanting to provoke the slime instantly collapsed.

The mucus-covered tentacles traveled gently down Satia's thin legs, over her underwear, and slowly up her abdomen.

Unpleasantly feeling it gave her goosebumps, and she shook her numb, unresponsive body, trying her best to reject the tentacles.

This caused her to breathe roughly, sweat, and activate her body's metabolism, which resulted in the paralyzing poison taking effect more quickly.

The tentacles stroked Satia's abdomen, stimulated her armpit, and smeared mucus on her thinly fleshed ass.

The action seemed like the caress of a human man to a woman.

Satia had no experience with it, but she knew about it and was completely aware of it.

"Kuh, uu... N-no!"

The horror of stroking off her abdomen, frustrated by the stimulation at her armpit, and the discomfort of caressing her ass disturbed her thoughts.

A beautiful girl in a black robe swayed in the darkness, illuminated by the light of a lantern lying on the ground.

Before she knew it, her robe had sucked the liquid from the tentacles and was tightly sticking to her body.

Although her body lacked some curves, the sight of the tentacles wriggling under her robe seemed strangely obscene.

Satia's cheeks stained red slightly as she realized it.

Now the feeling from both her arms and legs was severely dulled and she could only resist by shaking her body.

"Master... Help me"

In a small, weakened voice, she called out to her beloved master for help.

She was not going to shed any tears. This was the only thing that her pride did not allow her to do.

She vowed in her heart that she must be strong enough to stand next to her master, Alfred.

With that in mind, she glared at the slime.

But the moment Satia glared at the slime, the tentacles lifted Satia a little bit higher.

It stretched her hands upward and restrained her with a single tentacle. But the legs were left opened and were restrained again in the shape of a [人].


Unconsciously, a small scream escaped from her mouth.

The two tentacles that stimulated her stomach remained in place, and two more tentacles were added.

This one was thinner than the previous one, but that was no consolation to Satia.

Her small body tensed up, wondering what they would do to her now.

No matter what the stimulation, she felt nothing but disgust. She doesn't care what it would do to her.

...As though to break her determination, a thin tentacle stimulated and licked her armpit.

"Fuu, hii!?"

With a trembling voice, Satia screamed at the strange feeling of tickling, but something different.

However, the tentacle's attack would not stop.

The right side was stroked by a tentacle as though licking it with a tongue, while the left side was tickled by another tentacle.

The unbalanced stimulation made her small body tremble with fear.

Her body, which had only known masturbation, was at the mercy of the stimulation, not knowing how to withstand it.

She shivered a little when her armpit was licked and trembled when it was tickled. Her body, not knowing how to endure, was played like a toy.

In the meantime, the stimulation of the tentacles stroking her stomach, which she had only felt disgusted by, had turned into something strangely ticklish.

It rubbed and caressed her soft belly as though it were giving her a massage.


Satia remembered that strange tickling feeling.

She remembered the first time she masturbated while thinking of Alfred. It was not that she doesn't know anything about sex, but she remembered how her body perceived the stimulation as thrilling instead of feeling good.

(It's different... It's totally... different)

She closed her eyes and her mouth.

She denied it over and over in her mind, she decided to be unresponsive like a doll until her master came to her rescue.

She convinced herself that the more she reacted, the more the slime would get carried away.

But even if she had made up her mind to do so, her body will certainly react... However, Satia denied it.

Her disproportionately small but adult body, experienced masturbating, knew a particular pleasure.

There have been many nights when she masturbated while thinking of her master.

Now, Satia's body had been developed by her fingers that it was incomparable to her first time.

But it was only with her fingers.

It was the only human sexual stimulation that she had heard from others.

She was licked and sucked by tentacles on her armpits, and her stomach was stimulated at the same time.

A normal person should not be able to experience such things.

This unknown stimulation was slowly but surely warming the depths of Satia's womb.

Before she was aware of it, her hips moved slightly.

At first, the movements were small, but with each passing moment, the intervals became shorter.

With her eyes closed, Satia was still oblivious to the changes in her own body as she shook her waist forward and back even more strongly.

With her mouth closed, her breathing becomes more and more ragged.

Even so, the image of the mage, trying hard to suppress her reaction, dimly seen from the darkness of the abandoned mine.

The small hand that was clutched tightly as though to express her desperate resistance was now open, its slender fingers twitched as it points towards the ceiling.

As the emotionless doll-like woman desperately endured her sexual desire, men wouldn't be able to suppress their lust by seeing her.

"Fuu... Fuu..."

She bit her lip and desperately suppressed her moans.

The girl was unaware that her appearance made her look even lewder.

The black robe was already soiled with mucus except for the part that covered her arm and stuck to her body.

Fortunately, it was thick enough to hide her small breasts, but her round ass showed its perfect shape.

Feeling her underwear digging into her sweaty ass was unpleasant.

With that thought in mind, she tried her best to resist and attempt to expel the tentacles on her numb body.

The movement was already weak, and it looked as though she was shaking her hips hard with pleasure.

A body that had never known a man was experiencing pleasure.

The slime decided and sent two more thin tentacles deep inside her robe.

The woman, who had her eyes closed, felt the tentacles' presence from its new touch but vows to ignore them.

(If I don't react――)

With that thought, she closed her eyes even harder and bit her lip.

The woman's eyes widened as she looked up her legs, past her underwear, past her stomach.

"N-no... Not there."

Her words that came out of nowhere were too weak.

Shaking her body hard and showing her desperate resistance, the slime's tentacles advanced without taking it back.

The destination was the slightly swelling tip... A cherry-colored bulge that had not yet been touched until now.

Her resistance was meaningless, and the thin tentacles reached the nipple without difficulty.

"Hii... nn!"

At that moment, the body of the small mage jumped.

With her back and head arched backward, she bit her lip to endure desperately.

She couldn't bear the slippery tentacles.

The stimulation from the tentacle was completely different from her fingers, it was an unknown pleasure.

Satia did her best to hold back her voice, but she could not help but tremble at the pleasant stimulation of the tentacle that was gently rubbing her nipple. It was a natural reaction of the human body.

Even though she knew that the way her small body twitched at the mercy of the six tentacles was more than enough to make her lustful.

While convulsing like that, she was trying her best to keep her voice down.

The slime didn't pay any attention to her praiseworthy reaction and the tentacles movement accelerated.

It pressed on her stomach, licked and sucked her armpits, and rubbed her nipples.

"――Nn, uuu...!"

Satia, who knew sexual pleasure, could not withstand the extraordinary pleasure, and her body immediately convulsed over and over.

She managed to keep her voice down, but that was as far as It got.

Her tongue extended upward as though seeking something, and her drool spilled out of her opened mouth, making its way down her throat.

After her climax, her small, soft body twitched and trembled, shaking her pubic area back and forth, which had not yet been touched.

Tears spilled from the eyes of the woman as she climaxed.

(Mast... Alfred... s-sama...)

The moment she thought that――


Her waist trembled one time, strongly.

Due to her actions that were going against her intentions, her body started responding on its own.

The slime stopped moving for a while until her body calmed down.

She didn't know what its intentions were, but Satia was able to catch her breath.

"No way..."

(My mana... is...)

A feeling of weakness that was different from her climax, her face that was looking up at the ceiling turned towards her body.

Her mana was absorbed.

Satia, a mage, sensitively felt it.

(This slime, eats mana...?)

Moreover, it made the woman climax.

She thought that it was a terrible monster but there was nothing she could do about it.

The lingering effects of the climax made her thoughts hazy and her body was numb and would not move.

She had to wait for Alfred's help, she would just bide her time and not climax again.

However, despite her determination, Satia's body became impatient with the tentacles that were not sending any stimulation, and she unconsciously shook her body.

Through her thick robe, Satia was unaware of this.

However, the slime does not move. The girl frowned suspiciously but tried to catch her breath while she could.

"Haah... nn, haah..."

The slime was waiting for Satia to catch her breath.

The monster that had violated the woman named "Frederica", knew that if it did the same, this small mage would die.

That was why it gently softened her small body and took its time to warm her body.

And then...

"Kuh... again..."

As soon as Satia's breathing regulated, the slime's tentacles started to move again.

This time, it was on her stomach, armpits, and nipples at the same time.

The body, once it had climaxed, was sensitive to pleasure and immediately twitched and reacted.

Resigning herself to the fact that there was nothing she could do about it, Satia bit her lip again, trying to keep her voice down.

She bit her lip hard enough to make it bleed, but she could not prevent her sweet voice from leaking out of the side of her lip.

Her body twitched and reacted interestingly, she felt bitter.

It was not that Satia was more sensitive than others. It was the sensitivity of her skin due to the paralyzing poison, and although one of them was withered, it was within the knowledge of sex that it gained from the men.

This could be called the combination of the skilled techniques of men who were used to dealing with women.

Satia, who had never been with a man, had no chance of winning. The slime knew exactly where and how to please a woman. This knowledge was also from its experience with Frederica.

Satia didn't know that, but even if she did, it wouldn't help her either.

Believing that her beloved master would soon come to her rescue, the cute, doll-like mage continued to endure.

Her slender fingers pointing at the ceiling, her well-formed face twists sadly, and her untouchable genitals shook unconsciously.

The woman who used to be like a doll showed a figure that was obscene and was alluring to a human male.

The slime, however, does not seem to care and just continued to soften the woman's body.

As the woman's body convulsed more and more, the slime stopped its tentacles when it felt her approaching climax.

"Fuu, uu―― nn"

Satia's waist shook wildly.

However, there wasn't anything there to stimulate her.

When Satia's waist moved several times and finished catching her breath, the slime resumed its movements again.

"Haa, ahh... unn!"

Her body, unable to climax earlier, immediately flared up as she let out a hot breath through her mouth, which she had failed to close. Satia bit her lip in a panic.

The tentacle that had been stroking her stomach moved to her back and caressed her soft ass.

Satia looked at it surprised for a moment but closed her eyes again to avoid reacting as much as possible.

It caressed and kneaded her soft ass and split them open to expose her anus.

Satia's cheeks turned red from the humiliation, but she resisted it by closing her eyes tightly and not raising her voice.

The new stimulation leads the mage's body to another climax. Her reaction grew louder, and a sweet voice began to escape from her mouth.

"――Eh, ahh."

Then, suddenly, the tentacles stopped moving.

No, only the ass was still being caressed, but that alone was not enough.

Both her hands gripped the tentacles that were holding her up tightly, ready to endure the pleasure that would soon flood her.

Her nipples felt painful and rubbed against her wet robe every time she swayed.

The shaking from her waist never stopped, and she could no longer control it.

The woman's body, which had only known the taste of her fingers, was developing so rapidly that her mind could not keep up with it.

That was why Satia couldn't understand the slime's intentions and didn't notice her body's complaints.

She could only endure it and catch her breath.

And then...

"Hii, nn..."

Again, the tentacles violated her nipples and armpits. Her ass had already been reduced to nothing but a plaything.

The slime, which had violated Frederica without hesitation, until she knew nothing but sexual pleasure, as to not break Satia, softened her small body gently ―― too gently.

Then, when the woman's mouth was left open and she could no longer hold back her moans, the tentacles stopped moving again.


By that time, Satia's body and desire disagreed with the slime's actions.

Her eyes, which were usually sleepy and monotonous, were moistened with tears, her cheeks, stained red, and her small hands, which had been gripping the tentacles, trying to endure, were now weak.

Her mouth questioned the slime, but the slime didn't respond to her.

It simply used a new tentacle to roll up her black robe.

"D-don't―― Stop i-it..."

With her body could no longer move, she only rejected it with her mouth.

Perhaps due to the numbness or maybe it was anticipating more stimulation.

However, the rejection in her voice seemed to be only a formality.

Her robe was being rolled up little by little.

First, her thin, white, pale legs glistening with sweat and slime mucus were revealed, followed by her white underwear that was dimly lit by lantern light.

It continued rolling it up, the stomach that was rubbed by the tentacles showed. And then...

"I-t's, a lie..."

Her breasts, small for her age, were illuminated by the lantern light on the ground.

Covered in slime, the tip of her breasts was wrapped by tentacles and it was an extremely indecent sight.

But that was not what made the woman raise her voice.

Her nipples.

Her nipples were one of the most sensitive parts of her body that she always played with when masturbating, kneading, and rubbing them with her fingers.

One of her sensitive areas―― Satia's gaze was fixed on it.

Her nipples, which had always grown to the size of a pea, were now as big and lumpy as the tip of her pinky finger.

She stared at her nipples and couldn't believe their size, which she had never seen before.

(Eh... What? Eh?)

"Hyan!? It's a lie, a-a lie!"

Then, as though to let her know that they belonged to her, the tentacles pulled one of her large, growing nipples while it knead the other.

She couldn't help but raise her voice out loud as she felt the pleasure from her nipples that were being shown.


At that moment, the worst possible moment of all, a voice reached her ears that she had been waiting to hear for a long time, but never wanted to hear just at this moment.

She didn't know how long this slime has been violating her.

But still...

"No, no, no, n-no... Master, d-don't loook!!"

Satia screamed, pleading with her beloved master over her back.

Perhaps that was the final push, although the stimulation was still insufficient, it brought her minor climax.

Her hips trembled fiercely, her beautiful silver hair shook wildly, and she managed to bite her lip to hold back the sweet voice from her climax.

However, the young man who appeared from behind saw her ass wrapped in white underwear and exposed her back, which was wet with lewd sweat.

That alone stimulated the woman's sense of shame, which turned into pleasure.

"A Slime!?"

At the same time as Alfred raised his voice, a tentacle extended towards the new intruder, the man who was exploring with Alfred.

A tentacle one size larger than the one that restrained Satia.

Avoiding the four tentacles, the man went towards Satia.


Alfred and the man cut them off with their sword.

Cutting off the tentacles took a tremendous amount of force―― enough for the cut tentacles to spray liquid onto them.

Although Satia noticed that the mucus of the tentacles had a paralyzing poison, as she just climaxed, she couldn't call out and let them know.

No, In the first place, she was still shaking her hips even now, after cumming.

After being teased for so long, she reached an intense climax.

Alfred and the man fell after coming in contact with a high concentration of paralyzing poison.

Immediately, a newly created tentacle extended and wrapped around the fallen man's body, taking him directly into its body.

There were now three men inside the black and distorted black ooze.

Alfred bit his lips as he thought he was next.

The next tentacle, surprisingly, did not come after some time.

"Haah, haah... Master, run away..."

"Satia―― wait for me"

His body could not move, but.

He Immediately circulateed his mana and created a hot and fierce arrow in front of him.

The magical arrow, avoided Satia and burned out several tentacles, but was countered by an invisible mana bullet.


"Run, Mas―― t-ter!?"

After Alfred made a surprised voice and Satia called out to Alfred, the tentacles resumed their movements.

Her master was behind and could not see her exposed front. Alfred could only imagine what was happening from the tentacles' movements.

"Stop it! Hey, you son of a bitch!!"

"No, noo――! Please stop, I'm begging you!"

The mage, who had been suppressing her voice until now, pleaded to the slime in desperation.

She doesn't care what would happen to her. It could kill, violate, or eat her.

She sincerely begged the slime to stop, only not in front of her... master.

"Please, Please! Not now, stop! M-master, ru!?"

The tentacles that had been sucking on her nipples and rubbing her ass stimulated its entrance.

Her words stopped by the new stimulation causing her body to convulse in pleasure. Normally, stimulating the anus would require a long time to loosen, perhaps it relaxed after a long time of teasing or might be because of the effect from the paralyzing poison.

Satia's pleading voice echoed through the abandoned mine, but the slime's actions did not stop.

She doesn't know if she was angry at being disturbed or from the way the slime caressed her.

However, Satia's small, doll-like body convulsed and climaxed repeatedly from this violent action.

Her waist shook wildly, and her still untouched vagina leaked love juice, enough to drench her underwear.

"Shit, Shit! Hey, Satia, wait―― I'm coming..."

Alfred tried to get his numb body to stand up but even used his sword as a cane. He could only move slightly.

Normally, that concentration can incapacitate its victim, maybe it was his constitution?

The slime pondered about it but decided that it was not a threat right now.

It decided to let a new tentacle go towards a place it had been preparing.

A tentacle was as thick as the little finger of a human, Its destination was the white underwear that was stained with love juice.

"N-no... Stop it already"

Large tears spilled from Satia's eyes, and sobs began to overflow from her mouth.

Even though being caressed by the slime was bad enough, but now her appearance after her climax was seen by her beloved person, and soon it would take her chastity.

The shame would be unbearable for anyone.

However, the reason why her heart still hadn't broken yet was that her beloved was behind her.

Knowing that Alfred was behind her, Satia thought that she might be able to save him by gaining more time.

Her thoughts were hazy from her climax and muddled with lust, but she understood that much.

――But even so, the fear and despair of having her virginity stolen from her were insurmountable.

"Hii, uu..."

The new tentacle invaded her underwear.

It brushed through the thin pubic hair and found the place It was aiming for.

"Hii, unn!?"

The tentacle sucked on Satia's most critical part, the part that even her fingers hesitated to touch when she masturbated.

Her eyes that had begun to fall to despair opened, and her body rampaged forcefully from the unexpected pleasure.

Her waist was thrust forward as the tentacle pulled her forward, and her hands, which were open without strength, ignored the woman and gripped the tentacle on their own, trying to endure the pleasure.

But it still wasn't enough.

Forced to climax again, her vision went dark.

Her eyes were wide open, but she couldn't see anything.

"Satia! Satia!!"

"No... Don'... Don' wooook!!"

Die, She was going to die. Not as a metaphor, she was going to be killed by the pleasure.

As soon as she thought that, the girl came again.


"Hiin!? Ahh, hyaah!?"

The skin covering her clitoris, Satia's last line of defense, was easily broken, and an overly sensitive pearl of flesh emerged.

"――Ah!? ――!!"

The only thing she could do was cry out and shake her body from the painful pleasure she felt.

The more the tentacles rubbed her clitoris and nipples, the more her body convulsed and climaxed again.

In the short time since Alfred arrived, this vicious cycle had transformed Satia's body from a girl into a woman.

The tentacles removed her white underwear aside, even though she was still a virgin and nothing had been done to it, there was a slight opening from her vagina.

A delicious hole dripping with love juice and luring men to come in, despite having never known a man.

Satia, who was stunned by the pleasure, shook her head to the slight stimulus.


Her voice was very weak. It could be understood just how exhausted she was by her voice alone.

Not having heard the words... the slime exposed Satia's lewd hole in front of the man.

With a skilled manipulation of its tentacles, it lifted Satia into the air and moved her.


Neither Satia nor Alfred could understand its intentions.

"No... Mwaster, don wook..."


However, Satia, who looked like a doll, showing a shyness appropriate to her age, Alfred hurriedly turned his eyes away.

Even so, the image of the area where it waited for a man dripped indecent liquid remained in his mind.

He was a man, he was old enough to know women, and he had some experience with them.

It was accumulating throughout their long journey, the lower half of his body reacted even in this emergency.

Above all, he knew Satia, she was a beautiful girl with a doll-like appearance and did not show her emotion often.

The woman climaxed repeatedly, her face dyed with pleasure, and yet she showed a shyness appropriate to her age.

There was no way a man could not react to the sight.

"St... op it――"

A tentacle moved, flipping Alfred into his back.

He was afraid of showing his lower body's reaction and tried to resist, but the paralyzing poison prevented his body from moving at all.

"Ahh, uuu..."

"S-satia―― this is..."

In his waist where his thick trouser was, something bulging could be seen.

Satia only knew it as knowledge, but she knew what it meant and her heart throbbed from something other than pleasure.

"Mwas... ter"


Her moistened eyes were clouded by lust.

Meanwhile, the slime dexterously took off his pants―― exposing Alfred's penis.

It was monotonous, just like work, but it didn't matter to Satia.

"Big... and, looks like it is in pain."

Gulp. Her throat moved.

Her body and mind were seeking her beloved person.

Her virginity that she thought would be pierced by the tentacles of a monster, but maybe――.

While thinking like a maiden, the woman's body was carried onto the man.

Her body was wet and glistening with the slime mucus and sweat, her nipples and clitoris were being played by tentacles.

The hole that had not yet been defiled by anyone drew closer to her beloved, her beloved thing that she eagerly awaited.

"Are you in pain, Alfred-sama?"

"Satia, I'm sorry..."

She shook her head at his kind words.

"I'm sorry for my body, but please use it..."

The glans tightly fit into her entrance.

Satia's holy sanctuary, not yet trespassed by anyone, was small and not yet developed enough to swallow the youth's stuff.

Although it softened after many climaxes, Satia and Alfred were of different sizes.

Ignoring this, her vagina, pulled by gravity, forcibly swallowed the young man's penis down to the base.

The sensation of passing through the too-narrow vaginal canal and breaking a certain resistance hit the young man.

There was no way he could withstand the wetness and the supreme tightness of her vagina after accumulating for several days.

Before he could even form the will to endure it, he shot several days' worth of semen deep inside Satia.

Even though the girl had also climaxed many times, she was in so much pain that tears fell down the young man's face.

However, they may not have been tears of pain, but joy.

She was able to carve into her body the joy that she had assumed would never come true.

The pain from the rupture and the hot semen discharged into the innermost part of her body filled her heart with joy.

The heat that ravaged Satia's tiny vagina and even slammed into the entrance of her womb filled her heart, not her lust.

"Ahhh... so much..."

Happiness filled her heart. Because she knew that this was it, this miracle was――


The next moment, her body was lifted by the tentacles and moved away from the young man.


A tentacle that was a little thinner than the young man's went inside her vagina.

Her heart, full of happiness, froze.


She panicked and flailed as hard as she could.

In a place filled with her master's semen, her beloved's, her Alfred's future children, A tentacle of a hateful monster went inside it.

"N-no!!, No, no!! Please stop! That's, Alfred-sama's!!"

The tentacle that went inside pierced the deepest part of her body and did not move, like a cork.

――But there was one thing it could do.

"Absorbing!? No, what!? What are you!? Don't absorb it, don't absorb iiit!!"

Satia's love juices and...

"That's, Alfred-sama's!? That's, mine and Alfred-sama's!!"

The Black Ooze absorbed the "man's" semen.

The Black ooze was a "mutation" that converted what it absorbed into its abilities.

The slime fully understood that.

Because it understood that, it needed a young and strong man.

Satia's will was irrelevant. The relationship between Satia and the man was irrelevant.

That's why the slime, having obtained what it wanted in the form of semen, reached out its tentacles to the man who had become immobile due to the high concentration of paralyzing poison.

This time, it wanted to get magic knowledge from this male mage.

The screams of the woman echoed in the abandoned mine.

But that didn't matter to the slime.


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