Inside the Cave of Obscenity

Chapter Volume 1 25: Head Maid

While Leticia regained her composure in her daughter's room, the head maid, who had left the queen, was heading to her own room.

The Queen had told her to rest, but that didn't mean she was stupid enough to take her word literally.

The slime that the knights and magicians could not find.

If they were the ones who would be sent out there, they should expect some things they would be ordered to do.

Places that the knights did not investigate... Inside the royal castle, or graveyards and underground passages where people didn't go to. The head maid with peach-colored hair understood that it would be a search to that extent.

Then she would prepare before they were ordered.

She should change her maid's clothes, which were not suitable for exploring, and prepare her old weapons and armor...... She walked slowly down the corridor, thinking about her future plans, but elegantly and calmly.

Minimizing the sound of her rustling clothes without making a sound while walking.

"I'm going to be busy today."

She muttered, tracing her finger along the window ledge, a small amount of dust sticking to her thin fingers. It was a sign that the place had not been cleaned thoroughly.

It would be difficult to clean a castle this big and spacious from corner to corner, but they take pride in the fact that it was their job to make it as perfect as possible.

After the problem was over, they should take a day off then clean the castle from top to bottom. Those thoughts came to her mind.

At first, when she first came to this castle, she was unfamiliar with the maid work and remembered that the past head maid would often get angry with her.

She hadn't been able to clean every corner like this, and whenever she found a speck of dust, she would wake her up.

She and the other maids...... Including Tiana, who went missing, were doing some kind of rough jobs or magic-related business.

It could be an assassination, war, or investigating a spell that was different from magic.

When they were hired, they didn't need to tell their circumstances as they have a past that they could not say so loudly.

A companion of the hero who saved the world. His wife.

However, Leticia was a queen, and she, who stands at the top of the country, cannot rule the country just by doing beautiful things.

It was necessary for this kind of situation, that they didn't have to think about the consequences of the order even if they die.

She let out a sigh at the dirt on the window and walked down the hallway.

Still, life in the castle was pleasing.

Even if it was a maid or a squire, being able to see a part of the life of a nobleman was interesting and fun anyway.

Every day was never boring.

The salary, which would have been out of reach even if she had worked for a year, was attractive, but what she looked forward to the most in this job was the daily meals.

Of course, the food was not the same as that of her master and queen, Leticia, but they also prepared food for the nobles, who lived inside the castle, and even the meals from the leftovers were so delicious that they almost melt the tongue of the former assassins.

That was how they enjoy their days in the castle.

What was more, after work, they could enjoy the same delicious food and the same expensive drinks. That was what they like.

On the surface, she was a serious person with the title of head maid, but despite her appearance, she was also the biggest drinker among the maids.

She liked to drink those expensive sparkling wines until midnight, and spend time relaxing while enjoying the dizzying effects.

The order that her master, Queen Leticia, would give later... She wondered how delicious was the wine she would drink after finishing her order.

Just imagining the taste made her feet lighter.

She walked lightly down the hallway to the front of her room. When she reached for the doorknob...... a dubious expression appeared on her face and she withdrew her hand.

She looked to the keyhole of the doorknob.

She never locked the door to her room. She didn't have anything to worry about even if something was taken, and she was proud of the fact that she could detect the presence and atmosphere of anyone close enough to sneak into the castle.

In a sense, not locking her room was also a trap...... There were signs that the door had been opened.

The direction of the doorknob was slightly different. Understanding and being alert by feeling the grip.

She turned her attention to the room, but there was no sign of anyone inside.

She listened carefully. But there was no sound of things moving.

However, there was the faint sound of breathing. Any living being had to breathe.

She turned the doorknob, wary of the intruder who was hiding...... its presence was hidden well but not the sound of its breathing, as though the person in the room had no intention of hiding.

She didn't feel any bloodlust from the intruder.

Well, a skilled assassin could hide his/her bloodlust, so she would not relax just yet.

As she opened the door, she put force on her whole body so that she could react if she were attacked.

When she opened the door and checked the inside of the room, she saw a familiar colleague in the room.

Tiana, who had disappeared for the past few days. She was in the room.

She was sitting down on the bed inside the room and stared at the floor, looking somewhat distressed.

As her subordinate, she knew well what kind of person Tiana was. She was a serious person who did not show her emotions and just nods to any orders.

Whether it was murder or anything. She did it without even breaking her cold expression.

She was a maid hired because she was "that kind of assassin".

In fact, she, as well as Leticia, had given Tiana those kinds of orders before.



When she whispered her name, which she hadn't even noticed that the head maid entered the room, her thin shoulders shook with fear.

Looking closely, she could see that the clothes she was wearing had become dirty in some parts.

Her hair was neat but still noticeably disordered, and her skin was.......

Rather than looking like a maid working at a castle, she looked more like an employee serving customers at a brothel. She was displeased by her miserable state.

She hadn't been that way before, but now that she was the head maid, she felt uncomfortable unless her surroundings were clean.

"Tiana, what's with that look? And what have you been..."

"Head maid..."

Without hearing the last of her words, Tiana raised her downcasted face.

She looked as though she was about to cry, as though she was in pain.

She, who had never lost her cold expression even when she killed someone, sick, or even when she was injured that she was dying, looked up at her with a pained expression on her face.

Her shoulders were shaking slightly, as though she was trying to hold back her tears, her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes were slightly moist.

"What happened...?"

The expression on her face was unimaginable from the Tiana she used to see, and it upset her.

The thought of worrying about her colleague prevailed over the thought of questioning her about her disappearance until now.

They had a dark past, but that was why they have a stronger unity than any group...... knights or nobles.

A sense of kinship.

A dark past. It was the past of doing something they were guilty of because they had no choice but to do it.

Everyone was not a murderer at first. However, sometimes they had to kill to survive.

No parents, no family, and no guardian.

It had been that way since she was a child for as long as she could remember. With no one beside her, she had to do whatever she could to survive.

Moreover, in the past, there was a demon king and monsters roamed the land. No adult would even support a child they were not related with.

She knew that kind of hardship. Tiana knew that kind of hardship.

That was why she couldn't leave Tiana alone.


Tiana reacts to her words.

To the voice.

She smiled when she heard her name called. It was an excited, sharp smile.


She kicked the soft carpeted floor and jumped backward.

It was instinct.

It was an instinct that she had developed over the years. Her intuition, nurtured by combat, sensed the danger.

The hem of her skirt, which had failed to react to her movement, ripped slightly. It was a thin knife that had pierced the carpet from where she was earlier.

"What are――"

In her head, she was still worried about Tiana. But her body reacted.

It was not a killing intent. But a clear hostility.

The knife in the belt wrapped around Tiana's thighs gleamed in the sunlight streaming in through the window as it fired off.

The target was not her boss.


She avoided it―― but her clothes, which moved behind her movements, were stabbed by the knife and got stuck on the floor.

She moved violently to escape, her skirt ripped open, gradually exposing the skin that had been hidden beneath it.

The hem of the skirt, which had been below her knees, now revealed her knees, her thighs, and even the border between her stockings and her thighs.

By the time she could see the garter belt of the same color hanging from the black stockings that contrasted with the white skin, she was driven to the corner of the room, breathing hard.

She was no stranger to the rough stuff.

She tried to leave the room at every opportunity, but the knife blocked all of her attempts.


She was not so naive as to feel embarrassed about exposing her skin to others, even if they were of the same sex, but――.

"What do you think you're doing, Tiana?"

She was not accustomed to fighting an opponent who was not even exuding a killing intent. The fact that she was looking at a subordinate's face also took away her hostility and increased her confusion.

She jumped to avoid the knife, not caring that her fleshy thighs peeked out from her skirt, which was cut open.

She rolled on the carpet and hid in the shadows of the bed, and reached for the weapon she had hidden under the bed, in case of emergency.


The hand that had reached out for the weapon grabbed a sticky liquid.

The feeling that her bare hand touched was so horrible that even a woman who was used to fighting would get goosebumps, and she quickly pulled her hand away from the bed while falling on her buttocks.

Her gaze and awareness shifted away from Tiana and she stared down at the bed.

As though it had been waiting for her to notice or touch it, it crawled out from under the bed, a cloudy black slime the size of her blanket that she usually used.

"No way!?"

As soon as she shouted that, she stood up.

She tried to get as far away from the slime as she could...... but the next thing she knew was that she was kneeling on the soft carpet. She tried to support herself with her hands to keep from falling on her face, but she couldn't do it and fell flat.

"What... is..."

She didn't feel any strength in her body. Her body did not respond to her will to get up.

It was the slime that she touched with her bare hands―― a child of the Black Ooze, a slime with the same abilities as the Black Ooze. It was the effect of the paralyzing poison.

However, she didn't know that and kept struggling to get up somehow, but she could only shake her fingertips, shoulders, and toes slightly.

(Is it a fast-acting poison!?)

She judged so, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Perhaps she understood that the head maid was struggling desperately, Tiana kneeled beside her, numb and immobile, and scooped up with both hands the slime that was approaching the unmoving maid in slow motion.

She was an "ally" so it did not use the paralytic poison... The slime that was scooped up was dropped without hesitation onto the exposed nape of her neck.

She tried to scream at the sensation of the slime against her skin with a jarring sound.


But all that escaped from her numbed body was a small, trembling voice.

The voice, not even a scream, didn't even reach outside the room, and Tiana smiled slightly.

"I-i'm sorry, head maid"

Unseen by the head maid, she laughed and apologized.

She didn't need to think about what she was apologizing for.

"Hi, hii... he, he... hel..."

Tiana put her ear to her mouth, trying not to miss the small voice of her former boss desperately pleading for help. Her neck, stained with mucus from being caressed by the slime for so long, smelled appropriate, though not as bad as the slime.

But the head maid didn't care about a foul smell, and desperately put her mouth to Tiana's ear and asked for help.

"I'm sorry"

But Tiana's answer was curt.

Of course, she had no intention of helping. If she were going to help, she would not point the knife at her and not drop the slime on her. She would not be even here if that was the case.

"I have to do this..."

Tiana's voice was shaking. Her breathing was becoming ragged, her cheeks were redder than before, and her eyes cloudy than before.

Unseen by the head maid, Tiana was not looking at her, but at the slime that was on top of her neck and crawling inside her clothes.

Not with disgust, but with eyes that were in heat.

"If I don't do this, if I don't find a woman, I'm screwed."

She shook her head, unsure of what was wrong. It was a slight movement, but it was enough for Tiana to understand what she was complaining about.

It was the same for her.

She wanted to be saved.

She wanted them to save her.

But it was no use.

There were no allies here. No one could help her.

She grabbed the collar of her former boss's maid's outfit roughly, she understood her appeal but she was ignoring it intentionally.

The slime was no longer there. The soft body, about the size of a pillow, was already all tucked inside the maid's uniform. She could not see what was going on inside because of her dress, but she could see where it was burrowed in by the occasional rippling of the fabric.

Especially since the dress was sticking to her body from absorbing mucus.

Although it was only the upper half of her body, she had more ample limbs than Tiana's, and the way she shivered in disgust was something that would excite even a female.

Tiana's body trembled as she imagined that she, who usually didn't show much emotion, and who seemed to have no experience with sex, was about to go wild.

She pulled it with much arm strength that was unthinkable for a woman's slender arm and moved her onto the bed.

"Mmguh, mmgeh"

Her mouth must have been closed, and her upper body sank into the bed with a muffled voice. The bottom half of her body was still outside the bed, so her figure seemed to be she was sticking out her buttocks.

It was even more so since her entire body was loosened due to the paralyzing poison. Tiana, breathing more erratically than before, roughly rolled up her skirt.

Her supple, beautiful legs wrapped in black stockings were revealed and a garter belt and plump buttocks were also wrapped in black underwear.

The underwear was sticking to her buttocks, which were slightly damped with sweat due to her moving so hard earlier, and the obscene line on them was almost enough to make her excited just by looking at it.

The fabric was so thin that just absorbing the sweat made her skin underneath slightly visible.

Exposing such elegant black underwear to the light of day, Tiana reluctantly laid her hands on the underwear.

"Mmm!? Mmmphh!?"

Unable to move her head of her own will, she was screaming while her face was buried in the sheets of her bed. Her supple legs, which could have easily blown Tiana away if they were in a perfect state, trembled as her inner thighs undulate slightly, and her toes only lightly kicked the carpet.

Unable to resist or even scream out loud, the maid who was the queen's personal guard...... the head maid who was the leader of all the maids in the castle, shook her ass as though enticing someone.

"Are you inviting me, head maid?"

Tiana whispered into her ear as she breathe excitedly, differently than before, as though it was about to catch fire.

She stroked her neck with her fingers, licked her ears with her tongue, and smelled her sweat.

It was a sweet woman's scent, different from the smell of the slime. It was as sweet as sugar candy, and Tiana gulped not realizing it.

The taste of her sweat was slightly salty, while her scent was as sweet as candy.

The head maid's body, which she had thought was firm, was still that of a woman's, soft and warm.

She licked her ears, licked her neck, licked her sweat, and breathed and sniffed in her ear. The hand that had been stroking her neck went straight down and grabbed her bare buttocks. The warmth of her skin and the moistness of her underwear made the touching splendid, and she was grabbing, stroking, and rubbing it in smooth motions.

The head maid shook her body as though she didn't want it, and tried to move away as much as possible.

There was the sound of clothes rubbing against the bed, but that was all. Rather, the movement resulted in her bare buttocks shaking in front of Tiana's eyes, which seemed to be enticing its viewer.

Haah. Tiana was breathing excitedly that seemed to be in heat.

It was impossible to move properly when the body was paralyzed by the slime. It was the same with Tiana. When she was attacked in the infirmary that night or when she was violated endlessly in the sewers. It was the same

Tiana was deprived of her physical freedom, and even when she showed her will to resist, the slime did not care, and she was humiliated and violated inside and out.

The head maid, too, was helplessly deprived of her freedom and was about to be violated. Imagining it, Tiana was so excited that her breathing was erratic.

"Haah, haah..."

Tiana was breathing hard like a pervert and licked off the sweat of the head maid simultaneously. She licked her neck like a dog that had been running endlessly, like a dehydrated person in the dessert that had found an oasis.


A voice of protest, as though to say, "That's disgusting".

She got more excited by that voice.

Her heart was beating fast. Her vision moistened. Her breathing was erratic, her tongue licking at the sweat, and now the saliva stained the woman whose freedom had been taken away before her eyes.

It was unbearable. She wondered if it was because she had been defiled and violated that she had come to know the pleasure of being defiled.

She licked and rubbed her ass, further increasing her excitement.

Suddenly grabbing the head maid by the shoulders, Tiana turned her over.

She was wearing a black one-piece dress and a white apron, and her breasts were incomparably richer than Tiana's, swaying softly just from the recoil of being turned over.


A scream escaped from the mouth of the head maid who was stronger than her.

Her eyes were filled with tears, and it looked like they were about to spill over. Tiana licked away the tears with her tongue, loving the expression.

"It's a little saltier than sweat."


The head maid's cheeks turned red as her tears were licked. Rather than embarrassment, she was showing anger. Her frightening eyes were now staring intensely at Tiana.

Tiana let out another hot breath as she looked down at her former boss, knowing that this was the only way she could resist.

"Mmmghh, ah... kuh..."

However, that expression did not last long.

She twisted uncomfortably, and the eyes that had been glaring at Tiana turned to the empty ceiling.

Tiana was looking at her and saw that her breasts were moving on their own, even though she hadn't done anything to them. She was lying on the bed and her breasts were moving by themselves.

As she listened carefully, she could hear a faint, sticky sound that she was used to hearing in the sewers. It was the sound of the slime moving under her clothes. It was impossible to see through the black dress and the apron on top of it, but it was easy to understand what the slime was doing that had just slipped inside the dress.

A black dress that had absorbed the slime's mucus and stuck to her skin. The bosom of the dress was swaying violently and unnaturally, even though she was not moving.

She was being squeezed inside her clothes and underwear.

It must have been her first time. It was the first time she had ever felt her breasts being caressed while she was still fully clothed.

The strong gaze that was directed at her again gradually moistened with tears, and as she noticed it, she glared at Tiana again strongly.

The repetition was interesting and Tiana decided to leave it alone for a while.

"Kuh, fuu―― fuu, fuu...... fuuuu..."

She clenched her teeth with her weak jaw, drooled from the corner of her mouth, sniffled, and her hair stuck to her forehead due to sweat, but still desperately trying to glare at Tiana.

The expression on her face was charming and attractive. Tiana looked down at her former boss and casually rolled up her skirt.

"Hyaah, stap――"

She could not speak well. The effects of the paralyzing poison were increasing.

When the skirt of the black dress was lifted, the garter stockings and the black underwear with the beautiful contrast between the skin and the garter were exposed.

The underwear was embroidered with luxurious lace, and Tiana knew at a glance that it was a luxury item.

As was the case with Tiana, as the woman who was doing a dirty job was limited in how much money she could spend.

Even if she was doing some shopping, she was trying to save some money, and it was difficult to get used to life surrounded by nobles.

Work attire was provided, and as a result, their hobby...... Tiana and this woman were spending money on personal clothing and underwear that were fancy.

The result of that was the black underwear that was now exposed in front of Tiana's eyes.

Tiana's eyes loosened with pleasure as she looked at her exposed and defenseless lower body. In contrast, the eyes of the woman looking at her were sharp, as though she was shooting Tiana dead.

"It's pretty underwear."

She stroked its edges. The fabric was soft to the touch, as though it were absorbing her fingertips.

The woman's lower body trembled.

She was tickled by the gentle fingertips that were different from the intensity of the slime rubbing her breasts. Even her body was numb and vulnerable to stimulation. It reacted sensitively to even the slightest stimulation.

The head maid, who seemed to hate even her own reaction, felt a strong sensation. She looked as though she was going to get her revenge sooner as soon as the paralysis wore off.

In fact, Tiana was already been recognized as an "enemy" in her mind.

If that were to happen, there would be no mercy. Tiana, who was just like her, understood this.

"Fufu, I'm scared."


However, that expression was short-lived. When she scratched the crotch part of her black underwear with her fingernail, her expression instantly changed to one of surprise.

Even though she understood what she would do to her due to this situation, however, she was upset when she actually performed sexual acts on her even though they were of the same sex.

Even though she was a murderer or something like that for a living, her knowledge of sex was still only average.

Even though she knew that there was such a thing as sexual behavior between the same sex, she did not think that she would be subjected to it.

"...You're quite sensitive, aren't you?"

The paralyzing poison had made all the senses in her body acutely sensitive. Just like someone felt ticklish and sore at the same time when someone touched the numb leg after sitting for a long time, it would react now no matter where someone touched it.

Tiana understood this, too.

However, not knowing that, the head maid turned her confused expression to her lower body.

(Just now―― w-what was that!?)

"Staph... fuu!?"

The mouth that was speaking stopped, as she shouted in surprise.

While she was still speaking, Tiana scraped her fingernails across her crotch again.

"Hmm, I see."

Like a kid who had found an interesting toy... Tiana looked down at the woman with sadistic eyes.

She scraped her pubic area with her fingernails.

Again and again. Each time, the woman she met her boss began to twitch her lower body and move her hips up and down in time with the movement of her nails.

Of course, it was not her own will. The body was just reacting on its own. Because she was paralyzed, there was nothing she could do about it. That was why......

"H-hyaah―― s-sta―― staph iiith――"

"I can't understand what you're talking about, okay?"

She moved her fingernails up and down. She was tracing the lines on her underwear.

The only thing she could do was to shake her hips up and down in an interesting way, jerking and twitching in small spasms. A slight crease was appearing in the underwear that was tightly clinging to her lower body. The vaginal flesh was slightly eating her underwear.

The cloth that had been tightly covering her buttocks was slowly slipping away with the up and down motion, slowly increasing the area of her buttocks flesh peeking out. The trembling of her hips became stronger, and the wrinkles on her underwear were increasing.

The way her lush lower body moved with the touch of a finger was spectacular, making Tiana laugh and gasp, and making her fingers move wildly in excitement.

"Kuh, Tia―― Tiana――"

Her voice was slowly returning. Her physical freedom had not returned yet, but the paralyzing poison was slowly fading away.

The poison was used only in low concentrations that were not harmful to the human body. So, it had little effect on a body that was accustomed to rough treatment.

So Tiana sat on her belly.

Her skirt spread out. Then, without hesitation, Tiana kissed the head maid, who was of the same sex.

"―――― !?"

She let out an inaudible scream and flail her legs that were outside the bed. Even so, her ankles only moved lightly, giving off the vibe that she was being violated, but she had no time to worry about that.

Her hands gripped the bedsheets tightly, and her feet, still wearing her boots, shook. The head maid's body tensed up as though she were an innocent girl who had been roughed up and her lips were forcibly taken from her.

She closed her lips tightly, and Tiana's tongue stroked them slowly, as though feeling its shape.

Her entire body trembled. She held her breath, closed her eyes, and tried to prevent the tongue from entering.

However, when she closed her eyes, she could feel the sensation strongly.

The movement of the tongue that was licking. In addition, she strongly felt the movement of the slime that was massaging her breasts, which she was not aware of because she was so occupied with Tiana.

Immediately, the breathing that she had stopped began more erratic, and her upper body began trembling for a different reason than earlier.

(My breasts―― no―― stop it)

Even though she thought that in her head, she couldn't say it out loud. She knew that the slimes could not understand words, and she didn't understand why the slime was rubbing her breasts in the first place.

With her eyes closed, the head maid shook her head, trying to even have a faint hope that this was all a dream.



Perhaps she thought that the movement was her way of resisting, so her left hand touched the back of the head of the maid and her face was brought closer to Tiana's.

She must have realized what she was about to do to her because she put a lot of pressure on her neck as she didn't want to, but her numbed body could not even resist.

Tiana smiled bewitchingly as she opened her closed eyes and stared at her with a lovely but desperate glare.

Then, Tiana's lips were placed more firmly on her former boss's lips as she let out a small cry.


Her body tensed and her eyes widen at this action. But even though she tried to turn her face away, she could not resist the force of the hand that was pressing the back of her head.

She tried to close her lips to resist, but before she could do so, Tiana's tongue brushed her lips. As the tip of her tongue stroked her lush upper lip, the body of the beautiful woman trembled.

The licking of her lips must have made her realize what she was doing to herself.

Tiana's free right hand held the head maid's waist as she was lying on the bed and held her close.

Isn't this like a kiss between lovers?

The thought that came to her mind was unpleasant. The blush on her cheeks deepened, and the fact that she could not resist making her heart weaken. And it was a woman who had been her former subordinate.

Yes, the same sex.

Her soft feminine lips and small tongue. The feeling of her mouth on her was different from that of a man's, and she felt as though her head was going to explode.

She quickly closed her lips with all her strength, and Tiana smiled softly and opened her lips. The feeling of a small tongue caressing her lips. It was warm and wet, similar to the slime that had burrowed inside her clothes, but completely different.

Her eyes widen in surprise.

Watching her reaction up close, Tiana was so pleased with her reaction that she opened her lips a little wider again.

"Mmm, mmmghh――!?"

She shook her head to resist, but her movements were small. Even though she knew that resisting while her head was bound was a bad idea by exhausting her energy, so her instincts kicked in.

The humiliation of having her breasts squeezed, her lower body exposed, and her lips stolen. The fear that surpassed the humiliation caused the woman's body to move.

Her lips were closed, which caused her nose to breathe relatively unevenly and sweat flowed on her skin.

Still, Tiana immersed herself in the act of licking her lips, while her former boss, the head maid, stubbornly resisting on opening her lips. But the resistance didn't last long, as everyone knew―― including Tiana, of course.

"Mmmgh, mmmghh――"

Breathing through the nose alone was insufficient for a tensed and excited body. There was not enough oxygen. Beside the queen, the head maid, who was colder than Tiana, had a blush on her cheeks that was slowly spreading to her face.

The more she resisted by shaking her head, the nearer her limit was coming, and the slight twitching of her tightly closed lips was felt on the tip of Tiana's tongue.

And then, just to top it off, Tiana took a hold of her nose with her free hand. Her eyes, which had been filled with resisting, widened in astonishment.

The back of her head was suppressed, her nose was closed, and her lips were tightly closed to prevent being violated.

Her resistance was blocked. She could not breathe properly...... But her body reacted faster than her mind could.

"Uaah, haah―― uu!?"

And finally, her lips opened.

In the end, the woman's lips opened and she took a deep breath, seeking oxygen, but with a short pause, Tiana's tongue entered her mouth. Before she could react due to the deep kiss between the two women, Tiana flicked her tongue across her upper jaw.

"Nnahh... chuu... nnkuuh―― s-s-stap ihh..."


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