Inside the Cave of Obscenity

Chapter Volume 1 11: Slime Nest 1

Chapter Volume 1 11: Slime Nest 1

Fuaa. A sweet voice echoed in the open space at the far end of the abandoned mine.

"N-no... no moreee"

Her throat was dry from panting, and it was already becoming painful to even speak.

A purple-haired female knight―― already stripped of her armor, Alfira's appearance was disordered, and she shivered slightly as she spoke words of rejection.

Both of her arms were bound together above her head, and her legs were shoulder-width apart. She looked as painful as a prisoner tied up in a cell, but if someone saw her they would feel not painful but lewd. Her wet clothes stuck to her skin, and her entire body was wet and shiny. Her hair was no exception. Her beautiful purple hair was wet and stiff, and some of her hair was sticking to her cheek. The way she repeatedly breathed sweetly and fiercely, She could tell that she was not in pain, but was moaning for a different kind of pleasure that was burning her from inside out.

The only remnants of her knighthood were the armor from her restrained arms and the back of her hands as well as the foot armor that protected her from the knees down.

Her eyes, which had been lit with a strong will, moistened with heat, and the tears of weakness that had accumulated in the corners of her eyes rolled down her cheeks and accumulated again. Her skin was pale, her breath was ragged, and her legs, which were supposed to support her, were already losing strength. If the restraints on her arms were released, anyone could see that she would not be able to stand, let alone run away.

Her shirt was rolled up to expose her breasts, and her thick, dull trousers were pulled down to her knees. Her underwear, which was supposed to cover her pubic area, was the same way, and her most secret place was exposed by sunlight shining through the hole in the ceiling. Her pubic hair was also wet with her own love juices and other fluids and stuck to her pubic area.

She didn't have the strength to feel shame about that.

She closed her mouth and swallowed her saliva in an attempt to catch her breath, but the throbbing soon pushed her mouth open and she let out a sweet gasp. She was so frustrated that she bit her lips trying not to cry.

"Aahhh... Stop, it"

A gloomy voice leaked out.

She looked at the black mucus covering her chest.

A cloudy mucus covered Alfira's rich breasts as though intentional, but gave a slight glimpse of her white skin beneath the mucus. The fact that the mucus was not completely hiding her breasts made her even more aware of her current situation, and Alfira felt like crying.

However, she told herself that she shouldn't cry.

"N-no... Nooo..."

In the mucus, she could see the tip of her breast―― her nipple, which had been hidden behind her areola, was now painfully erected.

Inverted nipple.

Alfira's best-kept secret had been exposed to the sunlight and was now being made to function as one of her erogenous zones. Although the mucus only covered her breasts, the breasts within them change shape as though they have a will of their own. They deflected and distorted, but her well-trained body tried to return to its original shape with a certain elasticity. Her soft flabby flesh ――the kind of soft flesh that a woman would be proud of, but a knight would be ashamed of―― shook and returned to its original form, only to be reshaped again in the mucus of the black ooze.

The repetition. Her breasts, played with like toys in the mucus, gave Alfira's brain completely different stimulation from time to time. And it was the same with her nipples, which were also covered with mucus.

Alfira was also a woman. She had masturbated several times before, but even then her sensitive nipples, which she had never touched, were stretched, pinched, tickled, licked, and sucked in the mucus. The mucus that had penetrated her areola now pulled out her hidden nipple, but when she thought that it would return back to the sunken state she knew so well. However, just as a conductor of an orchestra would do, the nipples are swung up and down, left and right, just like a conductor's rod.

Her nipples, which have grown so large, were easy to play with, and when they were bent as though to break it, she felt a burst of pain and pleasure at the same time.

"Fuu, fuu..."

Short and rough. Hot breathing quickly escaped from her nose. She was caressed only by her chest many times, and sometimes she climaxed. Still, Alfira's plump and soft body did not get used to the pleasure from her chest and leaked a sweet breath. Even when she bit her lips, her sweet breath escaped through the crack.

She tried to escape the stimulation by twisting her body, but she didn't have the strength to do so anymore.

She walked through the abandoned mine, fought monsters, violated, and lost her virginity.

The unusual situation had weakened the female knight's stamina and energy.

When she was restrained like this, even her will to resist seemed to disappear. She wondered how long she would be able to say the words of rejection that she was always saying. From time to time, she thought about that and shook her head.

Alfira had seen the "consequences" of giving up.

That was why she strongly rejected that result. She didn't want to do that. It was horrible. As a knight, she fought monsters and evildoers and kill them. Death was scary, but she learned that there were things scarier than death.

Scarier than being defiled as a knight―― being violated by monsters, being made to moan, being made into a woman who only desired pleasure.

In front of Alfira, looking at the two who were offering their bodies while moaning sweetly, she didn't want to be like them, she didn't want to end up like that, she held her remaining will to resist tightly in her heart.


Her lustrous lips opened and her withered voice leaked out.

Her eyelids were closed, and the eyes behind them still have the will to resist, but had no power.

The limit of stamina.

The sight that made her feel this was horrible, and her face turned downward as her weak neck could not support her head. However, she had not fainted yet.

Her breathing wasn't normal and her arms were now weak.

The black mucus―― the main body of the Black Ooze - moved its mucus while closely observing the mother's reaction. It was the result of the sexual acts that had taken place since Alfira had been trapped in this abandoned mine.

The back of her vagina. When the entrance of her womb was rubbed strongly, her body reacted in a way that she could not endure. The so-called crying point. The point that could not be trained was rubbed by a tentacle that was as hard as a penis but changed its shape into various forms. Now, the shape was thin and like that of a human finger, capable of reproducing fine movements.

Alfira was stimulated by rubbing that point with a fingertip-like size tentacle many times. Her hips jumped up, her eyes were black and white.


The woman's body spasmed even stronger. The woman's eyelids, which were about to close, opened at once due to the sudden action. Her face that had been looking down looked at the ceiling. However, there was nothing reflected in her eyes. As she looked at the ceiling, however, the image did not stay in her mind.

(This is, a lie...)

Alfira knew the answer from her heart but didn't want to admit it, biting her lips and suppressing her moaning.

However, there was nothing she could do about the convulsions in her body, her body bounced many times.

She climaxed.

"Haah, haah―― Haah, hyuu"

As her body convulsed, she stuck her tongue out from her open mouth. She didn't have the strength to be ashamed of her reaction, like a dog, like an animal, like a non-human being. Her nose was breathing hard, but she was still trying desperately to regulate her breathing, not by will, but by the physical reaction. It didn't matter how much drool dripped from her lips or how disgusting her face looked, Alfira couldn't afford to care.

Tears spilled again, and a tentacle licked her face as though to scoop up the drool that had also spilled.

The smell of rot reached her nose and made her twitch, but her body, which prioritized breathing, repeated its deep breathing even though it could smell a rotting odor.

"It stinks..."

There was no power in her muttering.

Tears. Snot. Saliva. Sweat.

Experiencing all those liquids and the slime’s mucus all at once, her brain remembered the odor. What it remembered the odor as, however, was as a fragrance.

As she sniffed, looking at the ceiling with vacant eyes, a bubble appeared in the tentacle that was licking and sucking her face, and it burst. Splat. It was not an obscene sound, but a sound that hurt her dignity as a woman. When the bubble burst, another took its place, so when her body responded by trying to take a deep breath through her mouth, a tentacle slipped into the knight’s lovely mouth, twining around her pink tongue.

The tentacle was no bigger than the tip of a pinky finger.

The tentacle entangled itself in her tongue and forcibly pulled it out, and another tentacle fluttered on her tongue as though to make her taste the tentacle's―― black ooze mucus. Meanwhile, another tentacle licked the base of her tongue and the back of her cheek, forcing her to salivate.

"Ooo, goo... oou"

A voice that was unladylike for a beautiful knight to make leaked from her throat. It was due to her tongue being pulled out by force, but even so, Alfira, who was in a weak state, could do in her current situation to show her intent to defy it.

With tears and snot running down her face as she desperately tried to free her tongue was a look that she wanted no one else to see... No, not even Alfira herself didn’t even want to see it.

Her eyes rolled up into her eyelids; she seemed as though she may faint. She wasn’t quite halfway there, but it was clear that that was only a matter of time.

Fatigued, suffocated, humiliated, and... fear.

Alfira's mind was reaching its limits. No matter how rigorous training she had gone through, but being violated by a monster and exposed to humiliation. And if it was a woman, all the more so.

With the humiliation and mental distress of a female body being defiled by a monster, a man would never be able to understand.

All of that was about to reach its limit.

Surrounded by the stench of decay, Alfira's body convulsed. Every time she did, her face would overflow with fluid, her pubic area would be covered with love juice, and her urethra would squirt. Her whole body glistened wetly with sweat and mucus of the black ooze, and when the tentacles moved to lick her sweat, her entire body was caressed.

Her toned thighs, her tight ass, her slightly flabby abdomen, her slender hips, her rich breasts, her lumpy nipples, her bare armpits, her toned arms.

The way her whole body was bound, licked, and caressed by the black mucus, was immoral, lewd, and obscene.

And again, she had convulsions while bubbles from the mucus stuck her face.

"No... uu"

At some point, the movement of the tentacle that was stimulating her genital area had subsided.

Her mind was almost hazy due to a lack of oxygen, she realized that fact. Alfira felt that it wasn't enough to bring her to climax, even though her entire body was being licked. And yet, her body climaxed and convulsed. It was impossible for her to do it with her poor knowledge of sex. The only sexual zones she knew of were her breasts, her clitoris, and her vagina.

Alfira was under the illusion of thinking that it was simply a standard breast massage that she was being subjected to. Her inverted nipples were so sensitive that they were certainly capable of being able to bring her to a climax. However, for Alfira, the reality of her doing so through her breasts’ stimulation alone was insufficient.

So she tried to deny it in her hazy mind.


Again, a violent stimulation. A numbing sensation reached her head from her chest, and a sweet voice leaked out with a snort.

Alfira's beautiful big breasts were being transformed into various shapes in the mucus. Her nipples were pulled to form a bell shape, and the fat on her swollen, fruit-like breasts was squeezed and squashed, never staying in the same shape for a moment.

Like a child playing with clay, the Black Ooze was playing with her soft breasts.

Each time they were squeezed, a lewd heat built up in the depths of her breasts, making them more sensitive every second as though it was appealing to Alfira to give up.

The nipples were also rubbed and pulled by many finger-like sensations in the mucus, and even given a sharp stimulation as though they were scraped by a fingernail.

"No, it hur―― Fuuaaahh..."

Slight pain and an overwhelming feeling of pleasure.

She could not stop herself from drooling and screaming. In the first place, Alfira did not even realize that she was drooling.

Also, the lewd heat swirled inside her breast. Normally, it was supposed to be deep in her lower abdomen. The anticipation of a climax, which should be centered in her womb and pubic area, came from deep within her chest.

"No, no, no... Scary―― I'm scaaared"

While making excuses like a child, she reluctantly swayed her body.

It was impossible. The climax was approaching in a form completely different from the ordinary sexual behavior that Alfira knew.

Her head hurts. Suffocation, pleasure, fear... Alfira shook her body unwillingly because she couldn't understand what she was feeling. It was horrifying, helpless, and impossible to endure―― Alfira trembled like a child.

It was an unbecoming appearance for a knight.

A knight, a shield that defended the people, a sword that exterminated monsters and all evil… was trembling, was frightened. Because of a monster.

"N-no―― Aauuuhh"

Alfira's body trembled greatly. The sharp sensation that penetrated the nipple numbed her brain and blurred her sight.

The tears that spilled from her eyes wet her cheeks, but Alfira had no way to wipe them.

...Not allowing even tears to be wasted, a mucus tentacle wiped over her cheeks.

She didn't have the energy to resist anymore.

Her haggard cheeks were licked by the tentacle, Alfira was at its mercy.

Not only her will and energy, but even the light seemed to disappear from her eyes.

In addition to the mucus that was covering her chest, It sent two other tentacles on her legs.

It was obvious what they were aiming for, but Alfira had no strength left to move, let alone resist.

She should be able to see the tentacles crawling on her legs upward if she just looked down, but she just keep breathing weakly.

......However, there was a slight amount of energy in her hands still bound together overhead. The armor from her hand rubbed and made a dry clicking sound.

It was an action to resist what was about to be done to her with as much strength as she could muster. However, this was no longer Alfira's intention, but rather a physical reaction. It was a reflexive action that she had repeated many times before. There was no meaning to it anymore. It was just that Alfira writhed and snapped her hand armor in pleasure. That may be all there was to it.


"Ahh, aah... no..."

Her legs were spread wide. When it moved to stimulate her groin, she let out a small sound. Next, when it spread her labia, it was just a tinge, but a sense of consciousness returned to her voice.

And with that tinge was itself a rejection.

A rejection for what would be done from then on. She knew that it would be excessively shameful, repulsive, sickening even... She mustered the last ounce of strength she had to shake her hips.

It was something meant to escape the Black Ooze’s mucus tentacles, but any man would have seen it as an obscene invitation.

The slight twitching movement of her hips was as though she was at the peak of her pleasure, but still trying to get more pleasure out of it.

That was why――.

"...Aahhh―― Haahh, ahh"

The Black Ooze thrust its tentacle against her narrow hole, the hole that had been a virgin until just a little while ago.

Alfira’s movement had been to try denying this foreign object from entering her.

It was not a movement to give pleasure to this foreign object that had entered her.

"Nn, nnuuu!"

Her eyes drooped, as well as the ends of her eyebrows. Her nasal breathing fell into even further disorder, she couldn’t even try opening her mouth to gasp.

The pressure made it hard to breathe.

Alfira's breathing was labored, feeling bitter and uncomfortable.

It was disgusting.

That was all she could think. However...

"Ahh, fuaah"

However, the voice coming from her mouth was a sweet one.

The pain of losing her virginity was almost non-existent. There was a feeling of oppression and fear.

As a knight, Alfira walked the path of a swordsman, but to a certain extent, she did know the path of a woman as well. Virginity was something precious, something to give to your beloved one day… and that losing it would be accompanied by pain.

However, in her reality, her virginity was snatched away by a monster in the depths of an abandoned mine.

There was no pain that she was prepared for, and felt nothing but pleasure.

The feeling of oppression and fear were currently winning out, but it was just a matter of time

...Alfira understood that better than anyone.

After all, her entire body had just been caressed. She felt disgusted and kept spitting out words of rejection. Still, she was made to moan and climax―― even her urethra, which was not supposed to be used for intercourse, was developed.

She didn't even need to think about how much time had passed since then.

It hadn't been a day since she fought against the Black Ooze. In just that short amount of time, Alfira's body, a virgin, felt pleasure and was accepting it.

"Ahh―― Nnaaahh..."

Her weak voice gradually became louder.

Its mucus was very convenient. It could change its shape infinitely.

Just by changing the tentacles' shape, poking, and stimulating her "weak place" where Alfira reacted strongly, she made a moaning voice unbearably.

It was a sweet voice that made her strongly aware that she was a woman before she was a knight.

The spasms in her body intensified, and not only her lower body but also her upper body began trembling.

The amount of her love juices increased to the point where she wondered where she was getting them from, and the watery sound from her labia becomes louder than the black ooze mucus.

The only sound in the quietly abandoned mine was Alfira's moaning―― and the sticky sound from the female knight's body.

Feeling the shame that she want to close her ears... Alfira's hips shook.


Her entire body was stimulated, her armpits were licked, her breasts were rubbed, her legs were wrapped, and her genitals were stimulated. She asked herself.

(Why? It should be uncomfortable, but...)

She asked herself, but there was no answer. She could not afford to think about the answer, and no one could give it to her. She was so exhausted that it was impossible to refuse aloud and only asked herself with her fading consciousness.

Why, why, why, why...

However, the only thing here was Alfira, being forced to feel pleasure, and the monster, giving that pleasure to her.



(It feels gooood.)

How many times did she climax?

The depths of her vagina pressed against by various shapes, Alfira climaxed from the incredibly elastic tentacle moving within her.

She kept her face looking down, yet her hips were moving, which climaxed over and over.

Her breathing became more erratic and her consciousness began to fade due to lack of oxygen. Her head felt heavy, and she tried desperately to regulate her breathing.

"Nho... Stap..."

What was seized next wasn’t just the insides of her vagina, but the modest fleshy pearl just above it.

In addition to the vaginal assault, long, slender tentacles entwine around the base of her clitoris and move back and forth like a snake to stimulate the entire thing.

"――! ――N... oo"

She still didn't raise her head... No, she didn't even have the energy to raise her face, and a trembling scream leaked from her mouth. The violent voice hurts her throat, but even though she knew that, she could not stop screaming.

Her hips trembled as though they were broken, and Alfira's mind could not endure it anymore.

Both her feet also began to tremble together.

"No, no... nooo"

Her lower body trembled. The caress from her chest resumed as though it was linked together.

Her richly grown breasts were kneaded and the nipples were stroked. Then she cummed again, the vaginal wall was rubbed, the clitoris was handled roughly and she cummed again.

The Black Ooze swallowed up the love juices that were spewed out, and the only thing that stained her lower body was the slime mucus.

Both her trouser and underwear were sticky and shine suspiciously in the sunlight. The same goes for a piece of armor that was the pride of a knight... hand and foot armor.

It was not only her skin but also the clothes and armor were shining wetly, while Alfira continued to twitch.

She couldn't breathe, and couldn't even scream, let alone moan.

However, the Black Ooze's caresses did not stop, stimulating Alfira's breasts, vagina, and clitoris.

"Mou―― Sto... ahh, it"

There, Alfira's consciousness fell.

She fainted.

Suffocation, fatigue, mental distress, and fear.

The combination of various factors made Alfira's consciousness sink into darkness. The drool that had accumulated in her mouth dripped from it, trailing a thread.

When the drool fell on the mucus that was covering her rich breasts, the Black Ooze took it in as well.

A strong woman's bodily fluids were nourishment for the Black Ooze.

The same with the love juices that were overflowing from pleasure. By making a woman climax, her love juices increase, and by giving her pleasure, it became easier for the mother to give birth to a child.

For the Black Ooze, sexual intercourse was also very convenient.

"――, ――"

Still, unconscious, Alfira’s body shook up and down.

The Black Ooze was thrusting upwards with its tentacle, which was stretched out from underneath, and continued to give pleasure to Alfira's body. The tentacle gradually increased in volume as it widened the narrow vaginal canal. At first, the tentacle was only as thick as a woman's finger, but as time passed and Alfira's vagina became accustomed to its thickness, they gradually grew thicker.

The Black Ooze had no concept of time, and regardless of whether the mother fainted, it just gradually remodeled her plump body.


Whether a woman fainted or not, what it would do was the same. The only instinct of this monster was to violate a woman and to have her bear a child. There was no other intention there.

Violating a woman, giving birth to a child, and her overflowing sweat, love juice, saliva, and snot. It would take in various body fluids.

Alfira gasped. There was no rejection from her voice. Even though her body had already accepted the Black Ooze, her voice was still speaking words of denial. But that was gone now. All that was left was a body that had accepted the pleasure and been defeated by a monster.

It was not by sword or magic but through a sexual act.

The beautiful female knight was defeated by pleasure. However, she might reject that claim if she awakened.

However, the Black Ooze taught her body to be unable to do so. Pleasure, climax, and the knight named Alfira was a woman.

"――Haah―― Aahhh"

Her plump body swayed up and down. There was no voice of pain even though her vagina was violently scooped and her womb was stimulated. By then, Alfira's body had become accustomed to the Black Ooze in this short amount of time.

The pain from her hymen was dulled by paralyzing poison, and the sensation from a dull pain was now pleasurable. The slime made it so. It tried to make an illusion that pain was also pleasure. As a result, even when the sex was painful enough to make her pass out, Alfira felt a clear sense of pleasure. Her body remembered it.

How could an ordinary person perform such a sexual act?

A sexual act that inflicted forced pain on a woman's body and treated her as an object. It was the same thing that Frederica, the first victim of the Black Ooze, had. Not as a human being, but as a tool. A mother. A nursery. A vessel of flesh only to bear a child. To be treated like that―― Pleasure.

"――, ――..."

If she was awake, she would unconsciously continue to overflow with a sweet moan that only her beloved man could hear.

The reaction of her body was also remarkable, and if it rub the entrance of her vagina and her womb's entrance, she would shake her hips.

The back of the vagina, near the entrance to the womb, she would easily climax by stimulating it through licking rather than violently thrusting.

When it entered her womb and sucked up the fluids that had accumulated there, she spasmed violently even though she was unconscious.

The urethra, just above her vagina, twitched as though seeking something, waiting for the tentacles to caress it. Her clitoris had grown so large that it was twitching like another living thing in itself.

The Black Ooze responded to her request by creating a tentacle, thinner than the tip of a pinky finger.

The twitching urethral opening touched the thin tentacle as though to kiss it.


Her reaction this time was more remarkable than anything else. Even more than fondling her breasts or when it thrust into her vagina. She quivered so intensely that it was obvious just how much pleasure she felt from it.

The tentacle invaded the small, thin urethra. Slowly, little by little. Gently, so as not to hurt her. Each time, Alfira's hips tremble, and the tentacle moved to match her spasms.

It moved a little, then pulled back, then moved forward again.

"Aahh, aaahh..."

Before she knew it, a demented, powerless voice had escaped.

Every time the tentacle that sneaked into her urethra made some movement, her body reacted remarkably. Perhaps enjoying it, the Black Ooze stimulated the urethra with pleasure.

This was a part of the body that was not normally used for sexual activity.

That was why Alfira ――no, the woman―― showed her true reaction. A woman's response. A reaction that included the pleasure that she still felt even after losing consciousness.

Her entire body was dyed in a light pink color. A sweet scent that was different from the rotten smell of the Black Ooze. A sweet voice. A sweet body. Sweet, sweet, sweet...

A woman's body. All of these stimulate the Black Ooze. The men that the Black Ooze had absorbed―― they stimulate its will.

Black Ooze did not have a will. The Black Ooze itself didn’t think. What intentions existed within the dark, slimy mass of mucus that made up its form was not to impregnate women as mother bodies, gain offspring, and build up more offspring. It was just the thought of impregnation and reproduction. No, it was not a thought, it was an instinct.

However, the foreign substances the Black Ooze absorbed, the males, were serving to remold it.

Something that it didn't feel even when watching Frederica and Satia moaning with pleasure was born. The instinct to make the moaning Alfira moan more. The will of a man, a male, a beast.

It emerged but was really small.

From the Black Ooze's instincts, it was but a speck of dust. But it certainly existed, a tiny, tiny intention.

"Uaah... uu"

A sticky sound echoed as though to drown out Alfira's small moaning. The sound of a mixture of the Black Ooze mucus and Alfira's love juice echoed.

Each time, her soft body swayed greatly, as though it was conveying the degree of pleasure she was feeling while she was unconscious. As her body swayed up and down, her soft breasts swayed along with them. Her large, soft breasts swayed softly even as they were supported by the mucus, obscenely bouncing in the sunlight leaking from the ceiling.

It felt that the tight abdomen was swollen, albeit slightly. The vaginal passage was thrust up by a tentacle so strongly.

The injection, which would have been painful, did not wake Alfira up. It was not enough to awaken her consciousness. Every time her vagina squeezed, both legs open little by little. In order to make it easier for her to accept the pleasure, using her weight on the vagina and the womb. She could feel the thrust of the tentacle strongly. Her legs open and her knees bend. A sticky liquid, different from the mucus of the tentacles, leaked from her pubic area. This was a sign that the female body of Alfira had really felt the pleasure. Because she was unconscious, it was proof that she reacted with her body, not with words or intentions.

It leaked from her labia and fell to the ground through the tentacles.

"Aahhh, aaahh..."

Little by little, the voice leaking from her lips becomes louder. Her breaths become quicker and shorter.

The climax was near. From that voice, how strong and deep was the next climax she would feel?

It was a woman's climax that the Black Ooze could not understand or comprehend. It was coming.

The sticky sound that echoed from her labia gradually became faster and louder.

Alfira's voice became louder and louder as though in response to the sound.

The movements of her body also became more violent and smaller. The spasms in her hips, not her entire body, became stronger.

"Fuaaah―― Aahhh, aaauu... Aahh"

A click. Her armor at the back of her hand rang.

It was an instinctive reaction of the body to endure the climax that was about to come. Clenching her hands, the armor clanked. However, as though to deny the reaction, her hips acted against her instincts and struck the air, moving back and forth obscenely. Then guide the tentacle that was piercing her vagina and hit her womb hard, the movement was so shameful and so "female", and the movement of the tentacle changed to match the movement of her hips.

The same was true for her breasts.

It was gently rubbed so as not to disturb her sleep, her shoulders trembled and reacted to its gentleness.

"Fuaaah―― Aahh, aauu... Ahh, aahh, aaahh"

Alfira moaned.

Because she was unconscious, she responded to the Black Ooze's caresses as though pointing out her weak spots.

While being caressed all over her body, the movements of her upper and lower body were different.

The upper part of her body was slowly rubbed and licked: her breasts, her armpits, her arms, all of the upper part of her body.

Her hips moved back and forth to match the violent thrusts. Little by little, little by little. The two legs were opened to feel more pleasure opposite from Alfira's feelings.

"Aaahh―― Aauuu..."

Then, Alfira's body trembled greatly. A few large trembling were enough to convey Alfira's current state, and the power completely drained from her body. If it weren't for the tentacles supporting her, she would have fallen to the ground.

Her body was just suspended in the air. Hair was wet with sweat and mucus hiding her expression, and love juice overflowed from her lower body.

The tentacles crawled on her body while absorbing the love juice as though slurping it. The Black Ooze licked and sucked Alfira's fluids, who didn't even react to a stimulation similar to that of a caress.

One by one, the tentacles were pulling out of her unresponsive body. The tentacles that had violated her vagina and urethra. In particular, the tentacle that was violating her urethra was so long and thick, wondering where it had been stored for such a large amount of time.

The first one was no thicker than the tip of a pinky finger, and now it was a full size thicker than the first one. This was because as Alfira's urethra became accustomed to the Black Ooze's tentacle and its thickness, it gradually became thicker than even Alfira didn't notice. Still, it was no bigger than her pinky finger, but Alfira's body and brain had already learned that.

It was also a place where she could feel pleasure.

And only the Black Ooze could violate that place.

Her body, which had not reacted when a tentacle was pulled out of her urethra, trembled slightly. At the same time, a beautifully clear squirt gushed out from her urethra. Again and again. She squirted onto the Black Ooze, making dirty noises and chattering.

For a knight… for a woman, she had fallen to an extremely shameful state.


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