Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 344 - A Supreme Being Part 1

*David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj & Afrojack - Hey Mama (DISTO Remix) *

"Maya, believe in me…" Raven suddenly said as she pulled Maya behind her while stepping out to meet Michael. Her expression was extremely solemn. "Kay, if anything happens to me; if I lose my way… please, take control over my body and don't let me hurt any of my loved ones.

"I give you full permission to do whatever you think is right with it. Take care of everyone, please..."

"Don't- don't say that, Raven…" Kayla's clone was shivering as she said that. The situation of the one inside Raven's Mind Space was even far worse.

In a sense, this is the most terrifying existence she and Raven had ever had to fight against.. But even so, this wasn't the reason for her fear.

What made her worry the most was a rather subtle feeling in the back of her head. It was as though something was warning her that a very bad event will be taking place soon...

"Kay, do it!" Raven suddenly knocked her out of her trance with an order.

Hearing her words, Kayla bit her lip as her shoulders shook violently. Avoiding any eye contact with Raven, she quickly launched herself past her and towards the clueless Maya. Without a single word, she held her tightly by the hand and dragged her away, as far as possible.

Finally and reluctantly, she obeyed Raven's command.

[The Blessing: Avavia's Affection has been deactivated by System Admin.

[The Blessing: Infinity's Will has been activated by System Admin.]

Following these words that only Raven and Kayla could see and hear, a majestic golden light, with strands of dark silver, suddenly enveloped the void.

This light covered Raven and made her look like she had drowned in an ocean of gold.

Michael, who was rushing towards the girls, suddenly had a mysterious bad feeling arising from deep within his heart. It seemed to be warning him or rather instructing him to run away from this girl, as soon as possible.

However, with his status and arrogance, there was no way to back away now.

As he got closer to his target, he saw the golden light slowly fading away, allowing him to notice a small figure appearing out of it. And without much of a surprise here, it was none other than Raven who appeared, standing there stalwartly.

However, what did warrant some attention and worry in Michael's mind was this expression that was on her face.

Raven, who should have been scared -no, terrified- of his aura, looked at him with a golden eye that was pulsing in an evil glint. 

It was as though she was a wolf looking at a young calf that didn't recognize the predator from the prey; mockingly and mercilessly.

Noticing that, Michael gritted his teeth and prepared his attack while continuing to charge forward.

Raven, as though she had all the time in the world, ran her hand through her crimson-purple hair before flipping it like an experienced model. Following her movements, her aura soared, creating some strange crackling sounds in the void all around her which gave the illusion of the void breaking down.

Smirking sadistically, she looked Michael in the eyes. And at that moment, the latter got the feeling that he had accidentally knocked on death's door.

The feeling was so prominent and vivid that he didn't dare think of it as an illusion. And although he didn't notice, his body had already started shaking all over, causing him to abruptly stop.

As that golden eye stared deep into his soul, a bloodthirsty killing intent hit it harder than he could withstand, prompting him to cough up blood, dyeing the void in white. And before he knew it, his insides were already tumbling like the waves of a stormy sea.

His body, and even his thoughts, quickly slowed down as though time had been frozen. The void itself seemed to have been suddenly submerged in a metallic-scented viscous liquid that caused shivers to run down his spine as cold sweat covered his face and dripped down his long white hair.

"You sounded quite confident just a moment ago, what's the matter?" Raven asked with a surprisingly cruel grin. "Aren't you going to attack us? Aren't you going to torture us and let us know our place?"

Michael, who heard that, could not help but swallow loudly. Subconsciously, he tried appraising Raven's horrifying bloodthirsty aura.

"What!? Just a rank Star Five Hundred?" He involuntarily screamed in question. "Then, all of this must be an illusion!"

All of a sudden, there was hope in his racing heart; this was fake, nothing but an illusion!

It has to be so. Otherwise, how would he explain the fact that this low ranked girl was able to instill fear deep into his soul?

If this was real, is it possible that his body is shaking and his aura is slowly dissipating?

Of course not! That's why, this must be an illusion!

"I know what you're thinking," Raven suddenly said as she touched the left side of her brow with her tender fingers, covering her injured eye. Subconsciously, she licked her lips in a sadistic manner. "But you're not quite right…

"You see, a person's rank is measured by their internal energy capacity, in most cases. However, there is little regard to one's actual strength.

"This means that although you do have more internal energy than myself, you are nothing but an ant in front of me, haha…" 

Chuckling like a villainous queen, Raven suddenly extended her hand towards Michael who was still gritting his teeth, trying to understand what the girl in front of him had just said.

With a snap of her fingers, the dangerous bloodthirsty aura that was radiating out of her body suddenly moved forward in a synchronous motion towards Michael, closing in on him.

Before he could even move a muscle, he found himself trapped within her monstrous aura that threatened to swallow his soul whole.

Quickly, he started getting the feeling that his life force was being forcefully drained out of his body. 

Without noticing, he had already started showing signs of aging. For an 'immortal' Seraph like himself, this was almost impossible to occur naturally!

Realizing how critical his situation was, Michael gritted his teeth as a bitter taste clouded his mind and a regretful atmosphere covered his golden eyes.

"I didn't want to use this before, but you have forced me to do it!" He yelled angrily at Raven, who simply grinned at him, showing her white fangs. "Now although I may suffer because of this, I'll at least make sure to kill you, your friend, and that traitor who's hiding behind you!"

At the mention of Kayla and Maya, Raven's cold eyes sparkled and her fangs gnashed against each other.

Opening her palm, the pressure on Michael quickly dissipated. However, with an even faster motion, she clenched her palm into a fist. With her movement, the aura all around her seemed to roar like an angry beast as it assaulted Michael with the intention of finishing him for once and for all.

However, in the face of this newly applied pressure that was crushing down on every fiber of his being, Michael grinned like a lunatic. His expression appeared quite strange thanks to his aged appearance.

And although his grin seemed to be out of place, Raven could feel something strange about him. Unknown to her, inside of his body, a fierce hungry fire seemed to have been ignited, causing him to undergo an impossible change.

Within a breath worth of time, his aura soared beyond belief as a surreal image of a galaxy full of glowing stars appeared behind him.

His last two -previously white- wings suddenly gained a tint of an unknown mystic colour that further increased the might of his aura. 

But it didn't stop there; Above his head, a deceivingly fragile-looking halo appeared above his head.

Slowly, Raven, Kayla, and Maya could see his expression brighten and his features slowly losing their aged characteristics, dispersing Raven's previous effect and making him appear younger.

"He has broken through!" Maya muttered weakly. "He is giving me the feeling of a Supreme Deity… I can feel it in my blood…"

As she said so, her body was subconsciously shaking as if she was going to kneel down at any moment. 

It wasn't that she had lost her faith in Raven, it was simply an instinctive reaction that she didn't even realize at first. However, once she did, that reaction turned from subconscious to forced suppression that pushed her even further, causing every cell of her being to be under immense pressure. 

However, this -needless to say- uncomfortable feeling quickly dissipated with a wave of Raven's hand.

Looking up at her, Maya could see her grin widen as though she was predicting some fun time...

Michael, on the other hand, had a serious expression as he looked at Raven, seemingly to have realized something new after his new evolution...


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