Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 287 - Captured

*Unknown Brain - Why Do I (feat. Bri Tolani) [NCS Release] *

'Are you not even slightly suspicious of him?' Kayla asked in concern. 'What if he is Uriel's guard, and not Rapha- err, Maya's?'

'Well, I guess Tu would have to kill him then,' Raven shrugged in a carefree manner before raising her eyebrows and looking down at herself, as if inspecting some changes. 

'Damn, I think I like being weak!' She suddenly thought in a cheerful manner, out of the blue. 'I feel like I can't really affect the final outcome, so I can finally just do whatever I want without worrying. I love this!'

Seeing her like this, both Kayla and Tu forced a smile. Tu especially felt like he was being bullied for some reason.

Disregarding her distracting thoughts and the duo's expressions, Raven directed her attention towards the angel who was wrapping his mana around her.

"You're damn fast, you know that?" Raven raised her eyebrows. If she wasn't mistaken, she has just crossed a red planet; Mars! It hasn't been that long since they've started moving!

The angel looked at her with an indifferent expression and didn't offer any comments at first, but seeing Raven's unmoving gaze, he finally smiled lightly.

"Hm… do you have a name?" Raven contemplated before asking out loud.

"... Sar," the angel said a single word.

"Good name," Raven complimented.

"Lady Raphael named me," Sar said in a low voice.

"Oh, Maya named you?" Raven was surprised. 

"Maya?" Sar asked in confusion.

"Your Lady's name… err, she once called herself Maya, you should ask her about the good times she spent with me," Raven said with a smile, a hint of reminiscence clouded her eyes.

"What's your name?" Sar asked curiously. He didn't dare have a casual talk with his Lady, but he was very interested in knowing more about her. And he knew that the key was this girl.

"Raven, my name is Raven. You know, your Lady named me as well!" she said with a smile. Needless to say, Sar was extremely surprised and couldn't help but change his expression.

"Lady Raphael named you?" He asked once again in order to confirm that he had heard right. Although at his level one's senses can't be mistaken, he was still quite shocked.

"Uhm," Raven nodded again. Back when she had first changed her body from boy to that of a girl, Maya was the one to name her Raven.

Seeing her nod, Sar subconsciously changed his look and opinion towards her. He suddenly felt that a connection was born between the two of them.

Although he found it extremely weird that he felt that way, thinking that they were both named by Lady Raphael, he couldn't help but smile kindly.

Noticing the subtle change, Raven smiled in return. "By the way, don't take offense, but it seems like you have… err, I guess I'd say that you have a brain!"

Sar smiled as if expecting this. "We angels are unlike humans, we are not born with spirituality. This means that we are born strong, but without intelligence."

Raven widened her eyes as she subconsciously got closer to Sar. She was extremely interested in angels and it seemed that they all liked to speak, so she'd absolutely not mind listening.

Seeing that, Sar smiled once more, seemingly amused. Although she didn't comment, he knew that Raven wanted to hear more.

"Newborn angels are averagely ranked at Star One," he said calmly. "The ones attacking your planet right now are such angels."

Although he was talking about destroying her planet, he didn't seem embarrassed in the slightest, as if it wasn't his business. Furthermore, he somehow started thinking of Raven as his kin, rather than a normal human.

"The ones attacking Earth now are… newborn angels?" Raven on the other hand paled when she heard his words.

"Yes," he confirmed.

"Isn't that too overwhelming?" Raven complained before shaking her head. "But… this power comes at a price!"

She appeared as though she had suddenly understood something quite important. 

Noticing that, Sar smiled. "Yes, the newborn angels have no spirituality, and as such, no intelligence. It's more appropriate to call them puppets."


"Ah, something finally makes a lot of sense…" she sighed. "But so what, how do you seem normal?"

Although Sar chose to speak to her, he wasn't stupid. From his point of view, this information isn't a secret that the angel tries to hide. 

It has been a long time since he last spoke to someone, so he wasn't going to refuse a chat. Not to mention the new connection between the two, which made it easier for him to be casual around her.

Overall, he had no reason to lie or hide this information from her!

"As angels get more powerful, they slowly and gradually gain spirituality," Sar continued and explained patiently. "In general, we are ranked into different groups:

"Newborn Angels; usually ranked from Star One and have no spirituality. However, angels are still considered Newborn Angels until they reach the rank of Star One Hundred.

"Servant Angels; ranked from Star One Hundred to Star Three Hundred. At this stage, Servants start forming spirituality."

'Oh, so that idiot was still considered a new Servant!' Raven realised as she muttered to herself quietly. Her surprise wasn't hidden from Sar though.

"Guard Angels," he continued. "This group is ranked from Star Three Hundred to Star Six Hundred. At this point, Guards would be full of spirituality and have complete intelligence.

"Holy Angels; ranked from Star Six Hundred to Nine Hundred. And at this point, they are exceptionally powerful and are candidates for advancing to the Seraph stage.

"Seraphim, those are angels who have crossed the Seraph stage; ranked from Star Nine Hundred to Star One Thousand. 

"From those, only the top four Seraphim are labeled as the Seraphim of the End."

Hearing all of that didn't come as a huge surprise to Raven at this point, but it did help explain many things and relieve many doubts. 


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