Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 284 - Hard Decisions Part 2

"However," Tu continued. "Earth can be easily shattered if a single angel who is ranked Star Twenty or above slips my grasp. No, forget Star Twenty, even Star Fifteen would be more than enough to massacre everyone.

"The reason why everyone is actually so weak on Earth is because of the planet itself; Gaia is only a rank Star Nine at the moment. This means that no person can naturally rank up beyond Star Nine, by relying on the World Energy.

"You are lucky enough to be able to borrow much of her powers. However, even when you do that, you lose a lot of it. If I am not mistaken, you used to combine your Star Three with her Star Nine and get a total of Star Eleven instead of Star Twelve, correct?

"With this in mind, now that we are in space, so far away from Gaia, the loss rate will certainly be higher; you may not be able to reach Star Ten-"

"Tu," Raven interrupted after taking a deep breath. "Please stop dodging my question, are our efforts futile? Do we run away… or do we fight?"


"Little Raven," Tu sighed with a painful expression. "You already have the answer in your heart, why do you ask me? I just told you some facts, do you think we have a chance?"

Raven stayed silent for a long time before supporting her head with her right hand. "Kay, tell everyone that we're evacuating."

"Uhm," Kayla quickly nodded without arguing.

"Kay, let them do it quietly and stealthily, don't alert the angels," Raven added and Kayla quickly relayed her orders. "Also, send them in patches to different planets. Avoid giving the angels a chance to finish us off!"

As the orders were relayed, the trio of Raven, Kayla, and Tu were all left silent.

Objectively speaking, once those few weak waves of angels get annihilated, it would be time for the Seraphim, supposedly Lady Uriel and Lady Raphael, to summon their true forces! This means that they may not have too much time! 

If one takes that into account, just one angel that is as strong as this idiot that gave Raven all of her answers could be the end of Earth's struggle!

'And… Maya is actually that Raphael…?' Raven thought quietly, feeling warm and cold at the same time.

"Raven…" Kayla hesitated before speaking. She wanted to make sure she was okay. After all, she didn't seem like it...

"Remember, we have Tu," Raven said decisively. "We have a slight change in plans, but that doesn't mean that I'll abandon any of Maya or Gaia…

"I am sorry, Kay," she sounded extremely regretful. "I wish I had the ability to let you go with everyone else-"

"Rave!" Kayla suddenly yelled in surprise, sounding extremely offended. But she didn't comment any further, she knew exactly what went through Raven's head.

Although she wanted to help Raven the most, she knew that her strength wasn't enough. She could only swallow the feeling of helplessness and bear with it for now…

"By the way," Raven said, trying to change the subject. "How many clones are still there? What happened to the plan?"

"All of the fifteen clones that summoned the Dark Krakens earlier are still alive and well," Kayla quickly reassured. "Additionally, they are forming a Cyber network, together with the clones that I sent before to spread the Cyber Particles."

"Excellent," Raven sounded neutral, but her face was extremely solemn under her white mask with its strange stitched smile.

Previously, when Kayla had sent the few clones to spread the Cyber Particles around Earth, she didn't have any other instructions for them. 

Now however, since they have determined that the distance is too far to try anyway, the clones received new orders from Kayla and are heading back to form a Cyber network in order to work together. One can even call it a formation.

And naturally, this formation would enable the twenty five clones to work and communicate together more effectively as a team, rather than receiving separate orders. When the time comes, this formation will be enough to erase angel Squads!

Although this wasn't a threat to the real angel force, the clones had the ability to stay hidden using Raven's stealth skills. So, even if they were targeted by some powerful angels, at least one clone may be able to stay hidden and send information to Kayla.

With that being said, even if none are able to survive. Their destruction in itself can be an indication that a powerful individual is approaching. So in either case, the clones were handy!


"Hm, how did she…?" A confused feminine voice sounded in the void.

"Uriel, what is it?" Raphael asked with raised eyebrows.

"Oh, nothing," she shrugged and acted as if nothing had happened.

"Did the intruder escape?" Raphael narrowed her eyes. "But how, I was told her strength isn't anything to fear… who did you send?"

If Uriel had sent any of her servants, that human girl who sneaked through their ranks would have been dead already. But now that she has managed to escape, it can only mean that Uriel had sent someone extremely useless!

"Whatever," Raphael said without giving Uriel a chance to retaliate. "Sar!"

At the moment her melodic voice sounded, a figure materialized out of thin air.

"Your Grace!" The figure quickly greated.

"Go find the intruder, and bring her to me alive and well. She is most likely still close to area number three," Raphael ordered. "Don't let her escape, she has some weird means, be careful!"

"Yes, your Grace!" The figure said before instantly disappearing back into thin air.

"What the hell was that? Didn't we say we're going to kill her?" Uriel sounded extremely frustrated all of a sudden.

"You've had your chance already, and you failed," Raphael shrugged. Although she seemed casual, she was extremely curious as to why Uriel acted strangely whenever this intruder was mentioned. 

Something was most definitely fishy!


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