Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 280 - A Battle In Space Part 1

*The White Stripes - Seven Nation Army *

"Uhm, I understand," Raven said while taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "One last question…"

"Go ahead," Tu replied tiredly. 

"Wouldn't not exerting your full power affect your performance when fighting?" She asked.

"Normally yes, but not in this case," Tu answered as if he had already expected the question. "The power I can exert now is about twenty to thirty percent of my powers, which is more than enough to destroy any Seraph… 

"Well, that would be the case if they don't team up on me. But then again, Earth doesn't require the attention of so many powerful entities. If we're lucky, it would only be Maya, which would make everything so much easier!"

"Okay!" Raven finally felt slightly better. Shaking her head, she thanked Tu before proceeding with her plan. 

Along the way, Kayla would release some clones every so often. After about a day of travelling space, a total of fifteen clones were released.

At a certain moment, Raven felt as though something that had been crushing down on her chest had been finally removed.

She instantly widened her eyes, 'it worked!'

Her breathing suddenly got heavier, she was feeling extremely stressed right now, but it wasn't like before. The stress didn't come from worrying about Earth or its future, but rather came from the expectations to meet someone strong!

'I felt it too,' Kayla answered in a grim voice. 'It is frightening that even Tu wasn't aware of it…'

'No, it's not,' Raven quickly said. 'Tu has been hiding and can't use his powers unless it's time for him to make a move, otherwise it will spook the person taking the shots!'

The person taking the shots… indeed, someone extremely powerful already had their eyes on Raven!

Previously, she was feeling despair and fear. Although Kayla and Tu thought it was justified, Raven herself didn't!

Even facing death, she would try her best to use her full power in order to survive, and she'd never have the urge to give up. Seeing the number of the angel warriors would never make her so afraid or desperate; someone was definitely influencing her emotions!

Now that she has released many clones, it appears that this strong person has lost their tracks, which is why Raven finally felt that the weight that was crushing her down has been removed.

'What do we do now?' Kayla was alert this time. Someone with an unknown level of power represented an extremely dangerous hunter, and in this case, they were the prey! 

Although they have succeeded in distracting that person for the time being, they didn't have much time!

"Hehe," Raven chuckled out loud, not caring about anyone around her. The closest angel Squad was about two kilometres away from her, and hearing her made every angel soldier extremely alert. "Now, we obviously proceed as planned, bring out the Krakens!"

Under normal circumstances, there would be no sound in space, but under the influence of the angels' mana fields, that wasn't the case. That's why Raven and Kayla have been trying to stay quiet all this time, otherwise, they would not have cared in the slightest!

According to Kayla's analysis, these mana fields ensured that each Squad was connected, not only to each other, but also to the various leaders in nearby areas. Overall, it formed a sort of a massive network of connections!

In a way, it was similar to a very weak, but tangible, version of Raven's Mind Link in terms of ensuring communication with subordinates. 

At Raven's signal, the fifteen clones and even herself, glowed with the golden colour of her mana. But the glow quickly disappeared, replaced by a blinding darkness that was filled with inexplicable horror.

Suddenly, weird sounds that were a mix of strange, yet extremely terrifying, howls and roars were heard by the countless angel Squads that were surrounding Earth. 

A moment later after being deafened by the sounds, many angels mysteriously disappeared into thin air!

Or at least that's what most of their companions have thought. But in fact, only the leaders of those Squads, and consequently the casters of the mana fields, were aware that a massive and terrifying creature had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and it was devouring their subordinates!

The same scene happened in fifteen various places, and countless casualties were sustained in an instant. As many as eight Squads, together with their leaders, were completely caught off guard and devoured by Raven's Krakens. 

The few lucky or extremely alert ones were spared, but not without any injuries.

Although Raven and the clones were discovered at the moment of using the skill Dark Kraken, they quickly disappeared after the fifteen Krakens were out. 

It's not like the leaders had any time or capabilities to spare in order to investigate them; they were busy fending off for their lives!

Previously, this skill was not sufficient to take care of strong opponents, and could only be used against weak but large numbers of enemies. However, now that almost every skill in Raven's arsenal has leveled up, the skills combined to perform Dark Kraken have also leveled up, which means that the skill has gained a massive increase in firepower!

Although Raven was only a Star Three, she had Gaia's Blessing, and it wasn't hard to 'borrow' her aura and mana whenever needed!

With that being the case, the Krakens were not satisfied with only one Squad each, they started attacking nearby angels. And even those Five Star Leaders were left helpless against them!

After all, these massive creatures were not only almost invisible, but they were fueled by Raven's most powerful skills, such as Nihility; her upgraded version of Shadow Manipulation, and even Dark Hell; the skill that was gained from her Ultimate+ skill!


"Hm, it appears that I've been careless…" a feminine voice sounded disappointed. 

"You sound extremely comfortable regardless of the casualties caused by your mistake…" another voice sounded besides the former.


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