Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 278 - Outer Space Part 2

Not to mention that the Cyber Armour's properties are the golden standards for traveling and fighting in space. This was extremely important because Raven was going to outer space! 

She will be fighting the angels head on, in their own headquarters, and at the heart of their forces!

Standing quietly, Raven looked serious as she reviewed the plan and made sure everything was ready. In her hand, a blindingly white mask was tightly held. 

It had two oversized eye sockets, and a creepy smile that seemed to make the air more chilly. What's more, that smile was sewed together, as if to prevent the wearer from frowning.

"What do you think, do you like my style?" Kayla asked with a smirk. 

Hearing that, Raven looked at the sewed smile once again with a complicated expression, then back at Kayla. "Err, I can tell you that you surprised me. I guess it's true when they say that one must fear the quiet one…"

Raising her eyebrows, showing an intrigued expression, Kayla smirked and stayed quiet as if to prove Raven's point.

Smiling and reflecting at Kayla's change in personality over the time she has known her for, Raven was quite amused.

Who knew that the broken system's voice that didn't even know how to speak properly would end up like this? In a sense, Raven felt like she had already raised a child of her own!

'Quite a strange thing… life is…' Shaking the distracting thoughts away, she looked down at herself.

The Cyber Armour didn't cover every inch of her body, but rather left her milky thighs and a small part of her snow-white arms exposed. Similarly, the mask was designed to only cover the front of her face, such that when she wears it, it would leave her newly done hair and slender neck 'virtually' unprotected.

However, Kayla's creation was more than what the eyes could completely discern.

The Cyber Armour and the white mask focused on forming a protective mana barrier that is supported by Cyber Particles at all times! So, even though it doesn't look the part, the Cyber Armour will guarantee that Raven is protected at all times. 

This would allow Raven's attention and mana to be directed towards the fight without worrying about anything else.

"Rave, everything ready," Kayla suddenly said, her expression firm. "We can proceed with the plan."

Hearing that, Raven didn't delay. She took a deep breath and adopted a serious expression.

"Uhm," she nodded slowly as she put on her mask. Her bright golden irises glowed in the dark and oversized eye sockets of the mask, making it look extremely noble, yet somehow too scary to directly look at.

"I will leave it to you," Gaia quickly said while hugging Raven and then Kayla, with her tiny body. "I will focus on the angels here. Rest assured, I will protect everyone. 

"You make sure not to be distracted by weird thoughts, ok? And of course don't get surrounded there, their numbers aren't small after all…"

"Uhm, I know," Raven nodded again. Although she smiled, the mask didn't allow others to perceive much. "You take care!"

Smiling at Gaia, she quickly departed to outer space. The feeling of weightlessness didn't seem to affect her as much as she thought it would, but she knew that everything was thanks to Kayla's masterpiece!

Passing through space, this time she didn't touch any angels on her way. 

Instead, she activated her skills "Stealth Master" and "Master of Trickery" in order to completely hide her presence.

Although she has never really cared about those two skills of hers, she knew that she needed them for the first part of her plan; the first would allow her to act more stealthy, like a silent shadow passing by, and the second would make it so that everyone else would 'believe' that they are indeed feeling nothing abnormal!

Cruising through the angel army, Raven's heart started to tighten more and more with the passing of time.

'There are so many!' She thought quietly. 'And they are much more powerful than our Terran Army. This way, we'll lose in both quality and quantity!'

'Rave, don't overthink it!' Kayla scolded. 'It is not the time for this, we already have our mission. And don't worry, I'm keeping tabs on everything that's going on. The Terran Army is doing great! 

'However, you have to keep in mind that we must complete our plan properly if we want to have some hope of winning this war!'

Hearing this, Raven took a few breaths from her compressed oxygen and stealthily kept going.

Needless to say, simply flying around was useless. The only way of actually making progress without traveling in a spaceship is using teleportation! 

Recently, Raven has spread countless Cyber Particles all around the nearby galaxies. But this obviously was done through the strange portals, and as such she didn't have much of a choice about where to teleport to.

But Kayla wasn't idle during that time. It is fair to say that she was the one who had worked the most on the entire planet; she was prepared for everything!

She had instructed some of her clones to travel across the solar system and spread her Cyber Particles. 

However, to her disappointment, the clones could not reach far. They barely crossed the distance of a few millions of kilometres before the invasion. 

And this would not have been even possible if it wasn't for her special Cyber Armours that have both means of speed and withstanding the lack of air pressure, amongst other factors!

Kayla was disappointed in herself, but she didn't say much since she knew that the progress she made was better than what any Human Spaceship would have done!

With that being said, it took Raven a few hours of aimless teleportation before finally figuring out a pattern in the angels' movements.

'They seem to be coming from these… portals!' Raven silently said to Kayla.

'Where do you think these portals connect to?' Kayla asked.. 'I don't think we should act hastily, we can't go through the portal.'


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