Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 258 - Requiem Of Desolation: Lightning Phantom Part 2

"Requiem of Desolation: Lightning Phantom!"

As soon as the words were heard, the mana inside the dome turned into substance as it condensed above the siblings.

Pink thunder and cyan phantom energy started taking shape in front of everyone's eyes as they slowly, yet strangely fast, turned into a giant phantom above the siblings heads.

The demons who were present could not help but widen their mouths in surprise, and those who just got there were even worse. 

The giant phantom resembled a simple humanoid upper body that looked muscular and tougher than rock. 

Its vaguely transparent phantom skin was dark cyan in colour, however, everyone could see the dangerous pink lightning arcs swirling within, giving them goosebumps. 

The giant phantom looked as though a magic thunderstorm had taken form. And although it didn't specifically have a lower body, it had a ghostly tail that was connected back to the siblings' shadows.

Raven who looked at the giant phantom smiled gently, appreciating the artistic nature of such supernatural power. She could almost guess how many days this took for Aella and Zeru to create and perfect.

Seeing her smile, the siblings were proud inside, but their faces were either serious or indifferent as they continued to urge their momentum forward.

"Lightning Phantom, arms! Grab your Lightning Halberd!" Aella yelled in a thundering voice.

The giant phantom that looked like a simple power display before suddenly opened its eyes and allowed lightning to flow from within. 


The crowd suddenly gasped as they watched in horror. 

'This thing appears to be really alive!' Everyone suddenly thought in unison.

The giant phantom, uncaring for their looks of awe and surprise, grabbed at the air beside it. Lightning flashed inside its grip strangely and cyan energy wrapped around it, slowly taking the shape of a long halberd.

With a weapon in hand, the giant phantom looked at Raven with a threatening posture. A faint life-like grin appeared on its ghostly face.

Raven instantly frowned. She wasn't upset, but rather was deep in thought.

She suddenly remembered something. 'I have definitely seen something similar!' 

Although she was sure she did, she could not remember what it was or when she had seen it. For some reason, she guessed that she had just grasped an important clue!

Alas, the siblings didn't seem to think that her frown was anything but a sign of taking things seriously, so they could only urge the giant phantom to proceed forward.

"Attack!" Zeru said in a low voice that gave the audience goosebumps.

With a grin on its face and a weapon raised high above its head, the giant phantom moved forward, lightning arcs on its body and weapon shaking the dome.

As soon as it got closer to Raven, the ghostly Lightning Halberd smashed down with a force that was enough to break the entire arena.

Although it may seem like a cruel move against Raven, none of the demons present seemed upset or angry with the siblings for using such force. 

They all knew that the two weren't cold, but rather were using such strength in order to prove to Raven that they will not be a burden in the coming war, and on the contrary, they'll be able to provide her with a lot of support.

Additionally, not a single soul was worried about Raven. Everyone has heard at least one rumour about her monstrous power and they were all eager to witness it in person so they could not help but show looks of excitement.

On the side, even Abbadon and Gaia were smiling in anticipation.

Raven, who looked frozen in place and lost in a world of her own, suddenly shook her head and disregarded her distracting thoughts as she looked up at the giant blade that was in the process of smashing down at her.

With a gentle grin, she raised her gloved hand upwards in order to meet the approaching attack.

The crowd stared at this tiny looking palm. However, none dared underestimate the power hidden in it.

An instant later, Raven's eyes flashed a radiant white and immediately after, a thin looking translucent barrier covered the protective dome. Everyone knew that Raven simply wanted to ensure the safety of the crowd so they were thankful. In fact, none was sure that the dome would be enough to protect against the coming impact.

And finally, the impact came…

The Lightning Halberd smashed down at the innocent palm, and the moment it did, a powerful shockwave cut through the protective dome in an instant and proceeded to hit the translucent barrier.

The crowd shuddered, imagining that their fate would be nothing better than the dome if the translucent barrier was broken through. However, to their relief, the scene they were imagining didn't happen.

The translucent barrier seemed to be way stronger than it looked; when the shockwave hit, it simply caused a faint ripple and then regained its posture.

Aella and Zeru, and even the crowd, widened their eyes as they stared at the giant Lightning Halberd that was caught inside Raven's small palm.

The siblings urged the giant phantom to strike harder. But to their surprise, no matter how much power it exerted, the giant could not move its weapon.

Forget striking harder, it could not even retrieve the halberd!

After a short period of struggle, the giant phantom looked at Raven with a frown as it gritted its teeth.

"Too weak," Raven shook her head with an expression of disapproval.

The siblings looked at each other helplessly, but both were also confused and surprised, they knew that Raven would never talk to them in this way.

The crowd wasn't any better. Everyone knows the gentle temperament of their Supreme Leader and they know that she would never be harsh in her advice, let alone make fun of someone who's trying hard.

Suddenly, a look of realization flashed across Aella's face as she stared at the back of the giant phantom staring at Raven.

"What?" Raven raised her eyebrows. "You're still playing the role of a useless puppet?"


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