Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 252 - New Methods Part 2

"Okay so during my Mana Refinement process, I did not refine my Mana Core, but instead focused on my Mana Nodes and Veins!" Raven smiled while pointing at her chest. "So, even though my Mana Core is not particularly high levelled, my Mana Nodes and Veins are on a level that's higher than most. 

"This in turn enables me to absorb and circulate more World Energy into my body than normal people!"

"Uhm, truly magnificent, Lady Raven!" Abbadon smiled in satisfaction, he knew his mistress was not as simple as she looked!

Just moments ago, even though her power level was the weakest in the conference room, she was able to subdue everyone within a breath worth of time!

"Humph!" Gaia harrumphed coldly. "Your thief of a mistress basically abused her abilities to steal my aura and combine it with hers!

"Although you might not know this, since you've been relentlessly destroying portal after portal, I was able to rank up all the way from Star Four to Star Nine!

"So what made the Generals cower in fear was the fact that she combined her Star Three aura with my Star Nine aura, basically giving a total of Star Eleven aura!! I'm telling you she's a thief!"

While explaining, Gaia kept on violently stabbing her index finger into Raven's rosy cheek.

"Oi!" Raven held Gaia's fairy body within her hands and smiled slyly; a smile that was both terrifyingly scary and unimaginably cute. "Was it not because of me that you gained this much power? Are you going to deny that it's all thanks to my efforts?"

"Your efforts my a*s!" Gaia yelled, trying to free herself from Raven's clutches, but to no avail. Even biting didn't seem to have an effect on Raven's rather tender hand. 

Although Gaia didn't understand the principles behind Raven's resistant flesh, she understood that she had to give up on forcing her way out. 

"Abbadon was the one who did most of the clearing, plus the others, including Maria, Alella, Zeru, and the rest! You barely cleared one portal!" Gaia retorted.

"Whatever, Abbadon is my subordinate and the rest helped because I asked them to train!" Raven replied while looking away, not daring to face Gaia.

"Humph!" Gaia's harrumped coldly once again, as if she knew that she had already won the argument the moment Raven looked away.


A soft sigh came from behind the group that was caught off guard. Looking around, Raven found a new clone looking at her tiredly.

"Sorry to interrupt your playtime," Kayla teased with raised eyebrows. "But shouldn't you go spend some time with everyone? I've already sent the information and the plan to everyone so you don't need to bother, but now Maria and the rest are waiting for you…"

"Uhm," Raven suddenly got serious and nodded. "I should discuss some things with them personally too…"

Raven seemed to be lost in thoughts for a few moments before glancing at Kayla.

"By the way," she said softly. "Have you made your selection yet? You were supposed to choose a group of the EDA elites to undergo your special transformation…"

"Uhm," Kayla nodded softly, her expression seemingly distant. "I've already chosen all of the members. They've also agreed to undergo the transformation. In fact, they're all doing so as we speak.

"Although it sounds simple, it's more complicated than one would think…" Kayla sighed. "The process of infusing my Cyber Matter with one's Core is rather… unique... and pretty painful."

Just like Raven had acquired her new methods and knowledge, her little Kayla was able to unlock some new methods of her own.

Understanding this, and realising that Kayla was showing signs of anxiety, such as looking down at her feet or looking into the distance as if she was deep in thought, Raven could not help but wrap her arms around her and comfort her by patting her silky dark purple hair. "It's okay, Kay, don't stress it too much. I believe in you, and more importantly, they believe in you.

"The reason they agreed to undergo the transformation was because they all trusted you and believe that you're worthy of keeping them safe and sound.

"Additionally, they all aspire to protect those who are important to them, so they're naturally prepared to experience some pain and discomfort. Kay, you're doing a wonderful job!"

Raven's voice was warm and filled with unmatched confidence. Kayla could not help but look into her eyes and smile sincerely.

Although she knew what Raven was thinking most of the time, it was far more comforting to hear them out loud.

"Uhm," she nodded softly. "Thank you!"

"Hehe, no worries lil Kay," Raven squeezed her one last time before letting her go. "Feel free to focus on the transformation and leave everything else to me. I'll send others to take care of the clones you sent out. They'll report back and everything will be just fine, so don't get stressed over it!"

"Uhm!" Hearing that, Kayla nodded urgently as she quickly dismissed her clone. She decided to listen to Raven and focus on the elite students that were screaming and convulsing in pain in front of her main clone.

The reason she cared so much about them was because she had spent a lot of time with them; Shin, Amira, Albedo, Erin, Jina, and the rest.

She had spent a lot of time with them during the Tournament of the Elite that was organized by the EDA.

During that time, they had experienced a lot of different feelings together that they got closer to each other, making them close friends!

Kayla had never experienced such a feeling before! Although one might consider Maria, Maya, Axane, Aella, Zeru, Liz and the rest to be her friends, she actually considered them to be her family, a family that was granted to her by Raven!

But now, Kayla had some close friends that she made on her own and without relying on Raven! It was only natural that she'd cherish them too!

"Such a worrywart…" Gaia could not help but softly chuckle as the clone disappeared.

"She can still hear you…" Raven forced a smile as she could feel Kayla glaring at her inside her Mind Space.


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