Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 232 - Breaking Bonds Part 2

"And Raphael," Michael's voice got suddenly softer as he turned towards the white-blue haired seraph. A gentle and almost apologetic smile painted his radiant face. "I understand what you're going through."

He really did. He was the oldest of the Seraphim, contrary to Raphael who was the youngest. He has gone through various hardships before.

"I understand that it's not easy to end a world that you've once considered home, regardless of the pains you experienced there. 

"It hurts, and trust me when I say that I feel your pain," he said as he stepped closer to Raphael who was looking at her feet in defeat while clenching her hands into fists.

Of course, Michael was not lying. He feels her pain. He had felt it before. That pain that is associated with destroying one's home. He had gone through the same pain many and countless times.

"However, it is our jobs as the Angels of Judgement, as the Seraphim, to end a sinful Plane, do you not agree, Raphael?

"Little Raphael, do you not remember?" He asked as a hint of anger passed through his handsome pale face. "You were the one to experience the hatred on that planet the most, am I not correct? 

"Did you not feel injustice, inequality, oppression, and other negative feelings and acts? Where you not used as a slave, a mere tool, and r-"

"Enough," her voice was shaking, unlike her firm posture. "Enough, Michael. I understand. I get that it's my job to end that cursed planet and that's what I'm preparing for!"

"Hm, that is indeed the case," he replied with a smile and a gentle tone. "Then I take it that you'll be ready to start in a week?"

"A week!?" Gabriel, the red haired seraph, shouted in disbelief. "What does she need a whole week for!! She has already wasted so much time!"


"Gabriel, haven't I told you to stay quiet?" Michael's voice was not loud, yet it was imposing. Extremely so.

"Tch, I understand." Gabriel instantly shut his mouth and spoke no more.

"Anyhow, Raphael, please answer my question, is one week enough?" Michael asked again, more gently this time.

"Y- yes, yes it is. One week should be enough time to get everything ready." Raphael looked up at the beautiful sky that matched her hair colour. Her clenched fists were shaking. 

"Good," Michael said with another gentle smile. "I believe in you Raphael. I believe that you'll do a wonderful job. 

"Little Raphael, don't think of it as destruction. No. Think of it as salvation. 

"We are saving the weak and the oppressed. There are many of them. Think of it as granting those poor people a relief from the daily hell they're living in.

"Isn't that how you should think of it?" He tilted his head and asked. His gentle smile never left his face.

"Uhm," Raphael nodded slowly and reluctantly. "I- I guess so. We are granting them salvation, not destruction." She repeated to strengthen her resolve.

"Yes, that's why you should make it as quick as possible once you start. Don't make them feel the pain. Let them meet the light. That's our mission. That's why we are the Seraphim, little Raphael."

"I understand, Michael, thank you," she said while still looking away at the sky above her head.

"Uhm, well then. I'll be off. I need my rest after all, haha," he chuckled gracefully before disappearing. 

Although he didn't have his wings out, a couple of bright white feathers were left behind after his disappearance. 

They slowly, and gracefully, floated in the air without a hint of succumbing to gravity. They'd usually disappear after a set amount of time.

"Tch, I'll leave as well, you better do a good job," with that, Gabriel left while leaving some white feathers as well. 

Although he wanted to say some more, he knew that Michael would be upset.

Watching them both leave gave Raphael a chance to breathe again. "Stupid mortals and their greed and selfishness! Because of them… because of those stupid- *sniff*"

Her body slowly shook as pure tears ran down her hazy eyes. She had tried to affirm her resolve. 

She had tried to convince herself that she was going to grant her salvation… but no. Her heart knew that this was wrong.

Her heart was aching so bad. Even though she had destroyed many planets before. She had killed many people before…

Raven was different.

"Raven- I- so sorry… I don't want to- I- *sniff*" Again, she almost choked as her body shook. "Raven, you- you were the one to- *sniff* you were the one to save me.

"People like you- good people like you don't deserve to die *sniff* people like you deserve to live happily… why do I-"

Suddenly, her heart sank as she felt a presence near her.

'No!' Someone was going to see her tears, hear shaking eyes, her fragile body... 'Wait? How long have they been here for? Did they see everything? No!'

Her mind was tunneling, feeling trapped. 'What would happen if they saw me like this? What if it's Gabriel? Will he convince Michael to destroy Earth himself?

'What will he do to Raven? I can't let him torture her! I absolutely can't! Raven-'

Suddenly, as she was struggling to focus on this presence near her, she felt some two gentle arms wrap around her. Her body shook in fear. She felt exposed and in danger.

Someone was actually here! But then, all of a sudden-


"I knew something like this would happen the moment I leave you alone," it was such a graceful and gentle voice that Raphael could not help but flinch inside this person's embrace.

'It is Michael!' her mind was a mess. She knew how Michael followed the rules blindly. He was the oldest Seraph and the most lawful one. 'There was no way he'd let this go…'

However, contrary to her expectations, he only wrapped his arms around her tighter, while maintaining his soft touch.

"Now, now," his voice was like a hot bath on a winter night. Warm and refreshing. "Don't cry, little Raphael."

Looking up, she could see his gentle smile and beautiful golden eyes looking at her like a father looking at his baby daughter.

'No… what's with this look?' Raphael's heart was still beating widely and inconsistently.. His smile, even though sweet and gentle, made her even more scared. 'Why is he acting like this? There's no way this is the same Michael I know…'


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