Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 224 - Tournament Of The Elite Part 5

"Good job, you did well in that match." A familiar voice said, as if simply stating a fact.

Looking up while continuing to dry her dark purple hair with a towel, Kayla nodded. 

"Deputy General," she acknowledged Scott who was standing in front of her room, leaning on her door.

'I was expecting him to come over after showing off my new prototype armour, but to think he couldn't wait until I had changed into something more fitting…' Looking down at herself, Kayla sighed after seeing her white gym shirt and purple shorts. She only had simply slippers on her feet.

She had just finished her shower after the match. Although she didn't need it as she hadn't worked that hard, she still took it since it has become a habit of hers. 'I wish they'd give us our own showers, I could have avoided looking like a casual fifteen year old… but meh, I am not even one year old so that's alright I guess.' 

"What do I owe this pleasure to?" Kayla asked without hesitation. She didn't care about hiding her discomfort.

She was supposed to meet up with Amira and Shin to plan their approach and strategy for the next match.

"Oh, you could at least pretend to be happier about seeing your Deputy General," Scott said with a forced smile but Kayla waved her hand as if she was disregarding his comment. 

"I can't seem to be able to 'pretend' while in your presence, oh Great Deputy General," she said mockingly. 

Although Scott knew that Kayla and Raven were connected, he didn't know to what extent. Nonetheless, that made him more relaxed around her.

"Anyhow, I'm quite aware of how busy you are, but I had some questions for you," he said before adopting a serious expression.


"I'm sure you do…" Kayla sighed before adopting a similar expression.

"First of all, did you figure out Tony's powers?" He asked.

"Huh, Tony?" She seemed confused.

"The opponent team's leader. The same boy you just crushed against the arena wall."

"Ah, that boy… Not fully, but I have a pretty good grasp of how his powers work," she answered honestly while narrowing her eyes. She hadn't expected him to ask about this.

"What do you think of it?" Scott asked with a stern look. "More precisely, how powerful would you rate it to be? And how did you avoid its effect?"

"Ho~ and why would the Deputy General ask me, a simple elite ranker candidate, something like that?"


"We both know that you're anything but normal. Do you need me to walk you over to the top secret transmission bracelet generator that has an AI avatar that has your appearance to prove that you're not normal?" He asked with a sigh. "You are connected to that girl, Raven, so you're naturally anything but normal…" 

'Ah true… that half a*sed machine I created to produce the teleportation bracelets for the EDA has a simple AI interference that has my appearance. Well, it's more complicated than an AI interference, but whatever…'

"Elite candidate Kayla, are you planning on answering my questions?" Scott asked with raised eyebrows. She was obliged to answer his questions after all, since he was a higher rank than she was. But he knew that EDA rules didn't matter one bit in her eyes.


"Sure," she sighed. "Well, I think the kid's power is a pretty dangerous one. If my analysis is correct, then I'd say his power could be named something like… Causality Manipulation."

Hearing that, Scott nodded with a serious expression. "Ah, that is true. This ability can be terrifyingly dangerous if used properly, but Tony, as you may have already noticed, is not the brightest…

"He literally has the ability to become one of the strongest rankers to have ever existed. He was the power to control the probability and cause of an effect, yet-" he pursed his lips. 

Deep in his heart, Scott was nervous about the kid's power since he himself had something similar. His Cosmic Inclination, his special eyes, had a similar effect. But he had only realised that after his chat with Tu, during their last battle.

"As of now, he has minimal control over his powers," Kayla said and Scott nodded again. "Out of everything he could do, he can currently only probe the body and cause previous injuries to surface. He is technically increasing the chance of opening an old wound, but I doubt he even realises that himself."

"Uhm," Scott nodded. "Anyway, I don't want to hold you for too long, so please answer my last question. How did you not get affected?"

It was hard to imagine a way of countering such an effect. In a way, Tony was able to control fate, albeit barely a sliver of its fraction. 'How could this girl survive such an ability? After all, it was an ability that would most likely be able to kill an S ranker in an instant, if used properly.'

"Oh, it's simple, really," Kayla looked down while clutching the towel tighter in her palms. "I have never been injured before."

"Huh?" Scott's mouth opened in surprise, unintentionally. "What do you- what?"


"I've answered your questions," Kayla said with a sigh. "Now if you'll excuse me, Deputy General, I'll be on my way." Saying that, she pushed past him, opened the door to her room, and went in, silently.

The reason she was not affected by that power was because her body has never been injured before. The power to bring out old wounds will not work if her body had none to start with.

Inside, Kayla sat on her bed while looking at a large mirror that was in front of her. She clenched her teeth.

'That ability is quite dangerous, if this wasn't a clone, but rather Raven's body, then…' Kayla's thoughts trailed off.

During her analysis, she had realised that Shin and Amira's injuries all matched their record of previous injuries.

Even a small paper cut that Amira had complained about this morning had come back as a bigger cut. 'What would happen if Raven was exposed to such an ability? Someone with her history of injuries…'

Kayla gritted her teeth in frustration.


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