Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 220 - Tournament Of The Elite Part 1

- Three Weeks Later -


"Not bad, you b*stard, not bad," a light blue haired boy said while spitting a mouthful of blood on the cracked arena floor. "But I wish you weren't such a coward. Fight me head on!"

His usual warm silver eyes were cold and sharp, watching the team of three in front of him. His pale skin was covered in bloody cuts and bruises that made him look almost pitiful, but he wasn't alone.

Next to him, on his left, was a little brown haired girl standing next to him, rapidly healing his wounds. She herself had many small wounds that were still bleeding profoundly.

"Amira," the boy called while wiping the blood off of his face, and particularly his eyes, in order to clear his field vision. "Heal yourself first, I'm ok."

"No!" The little girl retorted in worry. "I can't leave you like this, Shin. You're more important than I am in this fight!"

"Tch," Shin clicked his tongue while holding his two water daggers even tighter between his sweaty palms.

On his right, was another little girl that was looking at their opponent with glowing dark purple eyes, trying to analyse their every move. Her long, beautiful, and plushy, hair matched her eyes in colour as it swayed left and right from the northern winds.

"There's no way you could beat us," the leader of their opponent team said calmly, as if it was the simple fact that everyone knows about. "I am a special S ranker while my two teammates are A++ so please, again, give up. I will have to hurt you even more if you do not."

"Delusional b*stard," Shin said while rolling his eyes. "Kay, are you done already? We can't hold them off for much longer…"

"Ah, give me a few more seconds, I'm almost there," the dark purple haired girl said calmly. Although she was merely a fraction of the real Kayla's awareness and attention, and just a clone, she was more than enough to analyse and understand the situation at hand.

'Let me review the data that I have collected so far…' She muttered to herself with a focused expression. 'The leader of the enemy team has not moved a single step since the start of the match, none of the three opponents have.

'However, even without moving an inch, they were able to cut through our defences immediately after the start of the match.

'At the moment the referee had signalled the start of the round, the leader's eyes had glowed with an ominous green aura.

'Moments later, various cuts and wounds were covering both of my teammates, Shin and Amira. However, nothing happened to me…

'It wasn't that the enemy could strike through the defences I cast around my team, nor was it that they could move faster than our eyes could see either… no. Hm, what a strange ability. 

'But then again, why have I not been harmed? Could it be what I am thinking of? Oho~'

"Kay!" Shin whispered more urgently as he saw the enemy leader's eyes almost start glowing with that ominous green again. 

It was definitely frustrating. Shin, although an amazingly powerful fighter, was unable to take one step closer to the enemy. 

No, it didn't matter if he moved at all. Their enemy leader could instantly harm them with his gaze. 'How is he doing such a thing?'

Then suddenly, an idea popped into his head. "Kay! Is it something similar to a Gorgon Gaze? Can we fight them normally if we close our eyes?"

"No, I've tried closing my eyes but I was injured anyway." It was Amira who spoke while shaking her head. They were at loss and their enemy's indifferent expression didn't give them any hints either.

Gritting his teeth, Shin started to get angry. "Then why isn't Kay hurt as well? Is she working with them?"

Looking at Kayla who looked back at him and Amira with an innocent, and almost hurt, expression, Shin instantly felt guilty. For some reason, his heart ached more than the deep wounds covering his body.

For the past few weeks, he had gotten to know this girl, Kayla, more and more throughout their training in the Classroom of the Elite with the EDA.

She had first introduced herself as Raven. At the time, she was such a beauty -with her crimson-purple hair and warm golden eyes- that he couldn't stop blushing when in her presence.

After the first few days, she had then used some sort of ability to transform herself into the way she looked now. And even though she looked less flashy in this form, Shin was still unable to stop thinking about her with each breath he took.

His small outburst that caused this angelic looking girl to look hurt, caused him more pain than the bloody wounds siphoning away at his blood and consciousness.

"I'm sorry…" he sheepishly said while avoiding her gaze. 'I guess even the enemy leader could not harm such a beautiful and kind looking girl…'

"Oh, it is quite alright, Shin," Kayla smiled apologetically. She has taken a little bit more time than expected in analysing her enemies, and her teammates had to suffer the consequences. 

She wasn't angry about Shin's outburst and instead found it justified. "Oh, and I've also found out their secret!" She said with an innocent smile and a thumbs up.

""Really?"" Both of her teammates blurted out in excitement. Her enemies looked wary of her.

"Uhm," she calmly nodded while pointing her index towards the enemy leader. "After all, the fact that his gaze could not harm me gave it away!"

Her enemies were even more wary of her now as the three of them watched her carefully. She hasn't said 'avoided' harming her, but rather 'could not' harm her, which showed their weakness.

Kayla was able to tell from their body movements and eyes that they were anxious of her. Yet, they looked as though they were about to start attacking her physically, without the use of their leader's ability.

"What's their ability? Tell me so that I could beat them for you!" Shin said excitedly. 

But Kayla only pressed her index against her lips in a motion for him to keep quiet. "I will tell you later, I don't want to give the audience this advantage, hehe!"

'Diablocally charming!' Shin thought as his cheeks started burning before forcing his gaze elsewhere, away from her captivating smile. 


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