Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 195 - Naming Rituals Part 1

Moments after the girls had their fun, the three demons arrived at the training hall.

"Lady Raven," 

"My mistress," 

"My mistress! Are you spending your time with us today?!"

Black, Keith, and Calcer all greeted, respectively. The latter was a little bit more excited and his smile was enough to let Raven pat his blood red hair.

"Hi!" Raven greeted back. "And, not quite, Calcer," she smiled apologetically. He didn't seem to notice as he was engrossed in enjoying the pat. "I'm actually here to perform the naming rituals for Black."

"Eh? That's so cool!" Calcer shouted happily. For a stranger, he'd look like a hyperactive kid. 

'To think that he's a demon…' Raven shook her head.

"Uhm," she nodded. "Black, I also wanted to ask, can you summon Blue for me?"

Suddenly, his expression got darker, yet he still bowed respectfully. "Yes, Lady Raven."

"Ho~ and what's up with that attitude of yours?" She asked while narrowing her eyes.

"Apologies, my mistress," he said. "I could merely imagine the inconvenience Asmodeus' presence might cause to everyone here."

"Nah, it's ok, summon her here for me," Raven said with a challenging look. "I have something to ask her." While 

Raven hasn't forgotten her promise to Black, but she had some plans for Blue.

"Yes, Lady Raven," Black said again. A swift motion from his fingers caused a magical circle to materialise on the ground.

Almost instantly after, Blue's kneeling figure became visible.

"Master," she greeted, yet her eyes didn't move an inch from the ground, even after noticing everyone's gazes towards her.

"Master...? I thought I was your master…" Raven tilted her head, watching Blue's fragile body that has suddenly started shaking like a sick kid.

Confused and traumatized as she was, Blue didn't know what to say or do. "But- mistress… he said… I- master- mistress… please…"

Chuckling softly, yet feeling sad inside, Raven approached the panicking Blue and crouched in front of her. 

Holding her chin between her hands, Raven adjusted Blue's gaze so that they were facing each other.

"How much did he torture you?" Raven asked. At that, she could feel Black and Blue's bodies tense.

Thinking for a moment while trying to suppress her shaking body, Blue shook her head, unable to remember how or how many times Black had tortured her for. 

"A lot…" she simply said. "But it was all because of what I did!" She followed, noticing Black's gaze. "I deserved everything! Every bit of torture was actually a lesson for my sinful self!" She said, her voice cracking. 

Maria gritted her teeth at that, but said nothing and left everything to Raven.

Sighing, Raven rested her hand on top of Blue's head in a kind gesture.

Feeling her touch, Blue suddenly felt calm, before remembering the amount of power Raven had displayed during their previous encounter.

"It's ok," Raven said, noticing her distress. "No one is going to torture you anymore, ok?"

Blue silently nodded. Feeling her heart sinking even further. No torture meant that she was going to probably die. Yet, somehow, that felt easier than Black's continuous torture.

"Black," Raven asked. "I may not be aware of what dark past you two have had together, but I'm not interested either. 

"From the evidence I've accumulated so far, I can tell you with certainty that Blue has no intentions of going against your will.

"Additionally, I think whatever amount of torture you made her suffer through was enough to change her… 

"To be honest, I think this is just cruel at this point. Although, if someone was to harm my mother," she said while glancing at Maria who smiled at her, "I guess I could imagine myself going above and beyond to make their life worse than miserable…"


"Black, this is a question that you're supposed to answer based on your own feelings and thoughts," Raven said. "Will you, no, are you ready to forgive Blue, or will you choose to kill her instead? 

"I will not allow her to live like this, so the choice is yours, either make her your subordinate, or kill her." She said coldly.

As she was about to stand up and leave, Black spoke. "If it is my selfish self talking, then I would rather kill her, rather than keep her around you, Lady Raven, knowing how much she will gain from your kindness and mercy.

"However, as your loyal subordinate, I would rather keep her alive to serve you until the last day of her life." 

Smiling softly, Raven let out a breath that she was holding. 'Thank goodness he didn't choose to kill her… a demon lord or not, she seems so broken.'

"What do you say, Blue? Will you serve Black as his subordinate while he takes orders from me? 

"Naturally, this will make you a subordinate of mine as well, meaning that anyone who has bad ill towards you would have to go through me first. Oh, and we don't torture our subordinates so don't even think about that," Raven smiled sincerely.

Seeing Raven's smile, Blue didn't know what to say. Would death be better? Or should she give this a try? 

'But I have already witnessed how powerful this girl really is, why would someone like her be honest with her words?' Blue thought warily, 'is it not more likely that she just needs something from me? She will probably get rid of me shortly after achieving her goal…'

Suddenly, and before any sort of warning, the castle shook as a portion of the training hall was blasted away into nothingness, ignoring the castle defences whatsoever.

Not a second after the explosion, the bodies of three demons were thrown on the ground, sending rubble and dust out to the air. They were three of the six archdukes that were supposed to be protecting the castle. 

Looking above at the sky, Raven widened her eyes at the sight. Countless beasts were covering the sky from sight while sending explosive breaths or other types of attack towards the city.

In front of the demonic beasts, one individual was floating in the air. With his violet short hair and matching beautiful eyes he was quite handsome, yet threatening at the same time.

He looked down upon everyone as if he owned the entirety of this world, showing superiority and pride.

"Finally found the ant queen!" He said, focusing his attention towards Black who only stared at him coldly. "Ready to be squished to paste?"


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