Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 19 - Is That A Rift In The Sky? Part 1

* Stephen - Play Me Like A Violin *


"- Yes! I f*cking repeat, this is Special Agent Camilla Rogers! Identification rank S!" the young lady yells at her phone.

Her fair pale skin reflecting the scenes if horror all around her. Yet, her long jet black hair makes it look like an illustration or a just a nightmare. While only her deep blue eyes and loud cold voice is what reflects the seriousness of the situation.

"Yesss!!" she yells, unable to control her anger anymore.

A destructive red aura could be seen forming around her figure, consuming air itself.

She's been asking for back up the moment that rift in the sky had opened, or whatever it actually is.

She was here observing the players, looking for a fresh promising talent that can be further nurtured in a good competitive environment.

Yet, she was dragged again by her title as a special agent in the EDA.

Although she's an S ranker, she couldn't do much in the situation at hand, since her specialty was mass destruction.

She's obtained the title of a Battle Mage even before being an agent, it was just what she's good at.

After entering the EDA however, she was treated as a secret weapon against alien intruders, or any invasion attempts, as one of her attacks was enough to wipe a whole city off of a planet's surface.

Meaning, it's usually enough to let small space pirates that Earth is off limits.

Yet, as her spells were quite strong, she needed to fuel them with so much energy, and that takes so much time and effort.

As such, when the rift had opened, all she could do was throw a couple of her not-fully-charged spells towards it in order to block whatever is coming to this side.

But as the creatures reached the city ground, she was rendered ineffective, as her spells would kill more people in a moment, than these creatures in hours.

That being said, she was still an S ranker, so even her raw power was the strongest of those present, according to her estimates that is.

Before calling for back up, she had thought she could fight these things on her own.

But after sometime had passed, she realised that those creatures weren't an easy pray.

Their slim yet mascular body made them faster and stronger than what one would think.

Plus, their limps were so long. The average creature would have a height of three meters, increasing their speed and most importantly, their reach!

With their long sickle like arms, their reach was extra wide.

So she estimated that the average B ranker would have trouble dealing with one of these, since they would be cut in half before even being able to get closer to its body.

Considering that, she had ordered a team of A rankers, coupled with some S rankers.

"YESSS!!! GODDAMN IT! I'm telling you a huge f*cking rift opened in the sky and hundreds of monsters are pouring out! And no, B rankers would just be extra dead weight!"

'OMG! F*cking clerks! The most battle experience they have is fighting with a hard sh*t, and they're trying to f*cking educate me about ranks! Me! A f*king S ranker!' Camilla thought, her rare seeping out, and so is her destructive aura.

Shutting the phone off, she looked at the mess around her.

Three red orbs were floating next to her, destroying every creature in sight.

But since she had to tone her power down a few notches, as not to kill civilians, her orbs needed about three hits to kill a single creature, and not that the fire rate was lightning fast.

That's why she had to punch them to death, occasionally.

'Evading the sickle is pure disgusting!' she complained to herself, annoyed.

All of a sudden, she saw a red flash then-


'What the...'

She was taken aback by the sonic explosion. And once she was back to her senses, she started looking around.

What she saw was one of the players, namely number 11, the same kid that was in the top of her list as a promising talent, kneeing one of the creatures, evaporating their upper torso in a second.

'No way! He's a B or even an A ranker?!!' she would have never expected someone so small and young to be this powerful.

'Life is indeed unfair, one good ability and you're on the top of the food chain...' again she complained to herself.

She thought that the only reasonable explanation as to how that kid is able to handle the creature was because of his innate ability.


* 5 minutes earlier*

Looking around, Draven couldn't believe he'd dazed of for a second at what he saw.

A huge portal covered the sky and released countless creatures that swarmed the soccer field and areas around it, wreaking havoc.

Many were killed in an instant.

The metallic scent of blood filled the air to the point where it was dense enough to get a tinge of red.

Various screams could be heard, whether it was coming from children or adults, it was that of horror.

The peaceful soccer field was turned into a massacre of sorts, where debris replaced any signs of what the place once was.

But what he didn't understand, was why almost more than half of those creatures targeted him!

Thinking fast, he just tried to get far enough as not to harm anyone with him.

"Tch, many are dead already, why do I even bother?" he question himself, but still proceeded with the plan.

Running away from creatures was an easy walk in the park for an assassin like him, especially that he can move faster than sound itself if he wants to, yet there was no need for unnecessary attention.

Doing that here might arise some suspicions, especially if someone was smart enough to connect the dots.

'People finding out that a D ranker like myself can do what I can would be the least of my problems if they realise I'm the reason for the red light show in the city,' he thought to himself.

Making sure he'd collected enough idiots around him, he stood still for a second, before jumping up, vanishing from their sights.

Looking around, confused, one of the creatures located him coming down on them like a flaming meteor.

Injecting some energy into his shadow, Draven created a jet black pair of gloves.

Those gloves were the same he'd have on his light armour, so if anyone looked carefully, they'd realize that his shadow was now missing its fists.

Rushing down the creatures with his black fist extended, he created a crater that made them loose their balance, before bouncing off.

Those closer to the point of impact were thrown away.

And the moment they were still stunned, Joey, the captain of the Vikings, attacked.

"Light Slash!" he yelled as he slashed with his sword, which made Draven wonder if the kid is good in the head. 'why yell the attack? Is the element of surprise a joke to you?' he couldn't help but think to himself.

The attack worked nonetheless.

The moment the sword slashed thin air, a white light outlined the place where it cut.

And as if the light had caught on fire, it exploded and went slashing through rows of flesh and sickles.

Although the attack was strong, well timed, and perfectly executed, it only pierced through ten creatures before fading away.

"Eh? Ehhhh?" Joey was surprised his attack didn't do much. "What-"

"DUCK!" Draven cut him off.

"What duck?" Joey asked looking around.

But the moment he did, Draven was already there, crashing into his shoulder and throwing him away.


"Holy F*CK! what was that?"


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