Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 185 - A New Adventure (Into The Demon Plane And MORE!)


AN: a bit of a longer chapter, whoops…


"Hi!" Raven said while landing softly on the hospital's rooftop, feeling refreshed and ready for a new adventure. "Sorry, I kept you waiting." 

"Aha, you did! How are you gonna make up for it?" Aella asked after swallowing some gummy bears.

"Hehe, I'm taking you to see another world, what else could I give you?" Raven asked with a chuckle.

"Hm, good question," Aella said. "I guess you cou-uugh" Just as she was about to say something else, Zeru covered her mouth and smiled apologetically.

Standing up from her spot, Liz walked slowly towards Raven and gave her a hug.

Smiling, Raven hugged her back as she didn't know what else to do.

"Alright everyone, since we're all ready, let's head to the mansion to set up an anchor point." Raven said while snapping her fingers.

A portal opened behind her as the group could see Maria's mansion. 

"Oh that's so cool!" Liz cheered happily and the rest seemed surprised as well. "How did you do that? Is it the bracelet?"

"Nope, it's one of my talents, hehe," Kayla suddenly appeared and made a victory pose. She had been working hard in her skills recently, especially her Ultimate and Ultimate+ skills, Cyber Sense and Ex Machina: Cyber Creation, respectively.

The first allowed her access to the system skills, her original skills, like Thought Acceleration and Parallel Processing that were of the utmost importance. While the second allowed her access to a set of skills that she didn't have full control of.

Teleportation and dimensional magic were two aspects that she was able to replicate using her cyber matter even though she wasn't able to grasp the concepts behind them just yet, not completely at least.

However, her teleportation knowledge has greatly improved recently after her extensive research, and the portal behind her was the proof.

She was now able to create a teleportation portal to any place she had visited before, as long as she had left a trace of cyber matter in the area. This skill was simply called Teleportation Portal. 

This was only one of many skills that she aspired to master in order to help Raven and herself reach their goals. After all, in her mind, Raven was everything to her and she wanted to give her as much help as possible.

"Ok, hop in girls, and err… boy and Barbie doll, hehe," Kayla laughed at Raykun who was still trapped in a tiny, yet lavish, pink dress as tears ran down his eyes.

Doing as ordered, soon the group found themselves back at Maria's mansion.

"Ok everyone, I want you to replicate what I'm doing right now," she said while removing the anchor attachment from the bracelet and resting in the ground.

Just as she did, the dark piece of cyber matter seemed to dissolve into the ground.

"This piece will automatically hide under the ground so it's safer, and whenever you're in deep trouble, just think about teleportation and you will be sent back here! Simple!" Raven said. "Any questions?"

Liz raised her shaking hand, "are we going to be trapped in the ground when we teleport back?" She asked in fear.

Hearing that, Raven smacked her forehead. Maria and Axane almost did it at the same time too. Aella and Zeru were just a second late, while Ian didn't seem to care.

"No, Liz, no," Raven said while forcing a smile.

"Oh, that's a relief!" Liz smiled as if everything was alright.

"Err, I have a question," Maria raised her hand, "so um, does the bracelet read our minds? Since you just said that only by thinking about teleportation we can travel here?"

"Hm, maybe I should have clarified," Raven said while looking at the group, "so it does not read your mind, but rather understands your intentions, in a sense. 

"Whenever your heart is racing and you're feeling the need to escape, the bracelet will pick up these signals from your wrist as well as your mana signal and then automatically teleport you here since it's set as the default one as of now.

"And if it ever happens that you're sent here by mistake, which I doubt, you can still teleport to the other anchors you'll set during the trip. Each bracelet contains three anchor points but that can easily be increased if needed.

"Once they're all set, you'll be able to travel between those anchors easily, but you'll be paying with your mana obviously." 

"Oh, I see, that does clarify quite a bit, thank you!" Maria said with a smile.

"Aye, no worries," Raven smiled. "Ok, any more questions?"

Seeing everyone shaking their head, she took a deep breath and decided to proceed on with the plans. 

Jumping away from the group, she focused her aura around her then condensed it into her hand while slamming it against the green grass, creating a single blood red magic circle that had strange demonic runes carved into its surface. 

'Contract Master!' she muttered in her head, even though she didn't need to, as a dark figure suddenly appeared from under the magic circle, breaking it into tiny particles of light.

"My mistress," Keith greeted as he kneeled down. 

"Keith!" Raven greeted with a smile. "We're ready."

"Understood! May I borrow your precious mana, my mistress?" He asked as he couldn't set up a portal on his own yet. 

However, before Raven could even nod in approval, a familiar loud chuckle was heard.

"Silly Keith," the voice said, "never ask Lady Raven such a terrible request, not when I'm around at least, do you hear me?"

Suddenly, a blindingly dark aura exploded out of the ground while creating and then instantly shattering many magical circles all at the same time.

"Heh, Red, I didn't expect you to come here again," Raven forced a smile as this guy still gave her the creeps.

"Of course I'd be here to receive you, Lady Raven," Red said with a deep bow.

"Allow me…" saying that, he closed his eyes while concentrating his mana all around him.

Slamming his palms together, his aura seemed to glow with an ominous dark hue that swallowed anything around it.

However, it only lasted an instant as it all was sucked into a newly formed magical circle on the ground that was then shattered, forming what seemed like a teleportation portal. 

It was strangely similar to the portal the titan demons appeared from, back in the forests of Laurentides.

Inside of the portal, the group found themselves staring into what seemed like a meeting room, an overly expensive and lavishly decorated meeting room.

Shrugging, Raven looked at the group who nodded, showing their resolve.

Suddenly, shadow tentacles appeared from Raven's shadow and lashed at Maria, Axane, and Liz, squeezing them tightly and securely. With a smile she jumped into the portal forcing them with her.

Soon after, Aella, Zeru, Ian and Raykun were already doing the same.

With a nod, Keith followed, leaving Red last. The latter couldn't help but let go of a chuckle while hugging himself tightly, before following his mistress too.


"Mhn," moaning softly, a delicate young looking girl opened her eyes and looked at the blue-white sky above her.

Her iresis warmly reflected the colour of the skies while adding a hint of silver grey in the mix, making her already beautiful pale face look more refreshing.

Her hair wasn't long, but rather barely made it to her shoulders. It had the same property as her eyes and not so strangely, they matched in colours, even though it was a little bit brighter.

Standing up in her beautiful white dress, she clicked her tongue while snapping her fingers. Just as she did, a silver hue surrounded her body, transforming her dress into a beautiful silver armour plate that covered her feet up to the knees, hands and arms, chest, and lastly shoulders.

The armour itself seemed to be made of some strange diamonds that radiated with power. 

Underneath, she was now wearing a shorter dress that was pure white in colour, similar to the original she had on, yet it seemed to be easier to move in.

In addition, it had many gemstones that were plastered on its surface. Even though they were captivating, their real purpose was mostly protection.

Stretching her soft body, the girl looked around for someone, but she couldn't see anything but the bright green grass underneath her feet and the blue-white sky above.

"Raphael, you're awake!" A voice came calling excitedly.

Looking at the source of the voice, Raphael found herself looking at an old friend of hers. "Uriel?"

"Uhm, you're finally back!" Uriel said happily. "How was it? Was it fun?"

"Fun?" Raphael asked, confused. "Nothing of what we do is fun, we are the mighty Seraphim, we disguise ourselves in mortal flesh and roam their lands in order to judge their actions and beliefs. What part of that is fun?"

Uriel suddenly looked down, feeling her excitement disappear. She had waited twelve decades for her friend, Raphael, to come back from her mission, even though this may be so little for an immortal, she could not help but feel lonely without her.

It saddened her that she didn't miss her back, but at the same time she remembered that while her job was to create the cycles and designate their roles for them, the other three Seraphim had it worse since they had to forget who they are and judge mortals as mortals themselves. 

It was nothing short of a torture for immortals, even a Seraph.

"Hm, but now that I think about it…" Raphael spoke slowly, "I remember that my last mortal life in this cycle was what you would describe as, err, fun, I guess," Raohael scratched her cheek in embarrassment.

For an immortal, and one of the four Seraphim at that, to enjoy the short mortal life was nothing but a disgrace. That's why she'd only trust Uriel to share this with.

Gabriel and Michael would have never tolerated such things.

"Really??" Uriel asked, her childish personality appearing despite her true age. "Tell me more! Tell me everything!!" 

This was also a chance for her to share some time with her friend before she had to leave again into another cycle.

"Hm, it's a lot to talk about, but I guess we have some time before the start of the new cycle…" Raphael muttered while sitting down on the cool grass with Uriel next to her. 

"So, um, it all started pretty badly in the human world to be honest, but then… it all got better when I met an azure haired boy who was in fact a girl!" While narrating her story, she felt her heart racing, as if missing the feeling of being with that person.

"Oh really? Have mortals reached that point where they can change gender as they wish?"

"Not quite, this person was just a special case…" Raphael looked up at the sky, feeling something strange in her heart. 

"Anyway, in her girl form, she had a pretty and plushy crimson-purple hair that was as soft as a bundle of silk and was quite long, reaching just under her thighs.

"Her eyes glowed with a majestic golden hue that gave off the feeling of superiority, yet were comforting and relaxing to stare at… even now when I think about her, I…"

"Heh, is that what mortals call love?" Uriel asked with a teasing smile while looking at her friend. Normally, she would act cold and tough, yet now everything seemed to have changed for some reason. Not that she complained, in fact, she liked this version better.

"Heh? Love? No!" Raphael instantly answered, feeling her cool pale skin getting slightly warmer.

"Hehe, I can feel it!" Uriel teased again, "but it's ok, I promise I'll keep it between us! Now go on, tell me more! What did you do together? What did she call you? How about others?"

"Hm, what did we do and what did she call me?" Raphael fidgeted with her fingers nervously. "She, erm, I mean I… I think we kissed once…" she said feeling as though her cheeks were on fire, remembering one incident in the soccer stadium, one of many that she has experienced as a mortal. 

"Um, and as for what she used to call me… she… she used to call me Maya…"


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