Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 176 - Good Deeds Pay Off Part 2

* Trevor Daniel - Falling *

"Or what?" Penguin retaliated as another crazy sounding chuckle left his throat.

"Or I cut that disgusting throat of yours," a cold voice said quietly as the wind suddenly got colder and stopped swirling around.

"Who's that?" Pinguin yelled while pointing his gun in random directions.

"Just to make sure," the same cold voice said again. "Red Joe, you've warned everyone that you're working with me, correct?"

Hearing that, suddenly everything became clear as day. 

Smiling like a child receiving his birthday gifts, Red Joe nodded. "Yes, I've made sure everyone knew."

"Good," the voice said again. In an instant, the area flickered with a golden hue as a young feminine frame appeared between the two parties.

"FIRE!!!" Pinguin suddenly yelled at his men who emptied their magazines on the figure's direction.

Red Joe's men were startled as they saw the bullets getting fired at them and instantly ducked behind cover, but their surprise was even bigger when they realised that every bullet was now resting on the ground in a straight line as if an invisible barrier had stopped every and each one of them.

"This was supposed to be a casual visit," the cold voice said again. "To imagine that I'd run into some idiots trying to mess with my servant? Unacceptable!" 

Flickering in front of them, the Penguin and his men were finally able to clearly see Raven's figure.

No armour was around her since it was just a waste of mana. Instead, she wore a dark miniskirt with streaks of red, while a thick black and purple hoodie covered her hair and hid how small she actually was.

A golden-crimson mask was covering her face, sending the strange radiance to the area around her.

"It's only a child! Kill her!!" He yelled at his men as he saw her legs and how short she was. But before they could even move a muscle, Raven snapped her fingers and as if inviting them to sleep, the men fell on the ground, one by one, with a thud each.

"You knew that Red Joe was associated with me and yet you chose to harm him?" She asked while slowly walking towards him.

He wanted nothing more than to run away as the feeling the draconic mask gave him was obnoxious, to say the least.

"Leave me alone!" He yelled while trying to run away. Yet, his feet won't move.

"You knew that Red Joe was the servant of Wraith, working as she commands, yet you chose to go against her will? How impudent…" she said as she flickered in front of him, making him feel his soul slowly escaping his body.


"Shut up!" Raven ordered calmly, yet in annoyance. "You're so loud, let me fix that-" with that, the openings of the mask, where the eyes would be, suddenly shone with a crimson hue as Penguin felt his body being put under a dissecting microscope.

In an instant, Raven passed her index in front of his throat in a cutting motion. But surprisingly, not a scratch or a drop of blood was visible.

Startled as he was, Penguin screamed, or rather tried to, but he then realised that he had no voice and instead, he was just puffing out air.

"Better," Raven 'smiled'. "Now, before you panic, let me 'assure' you that you will not die." Even though Penguin should have been relieved, something about the way she said it made his body shake like a ragged doll and his mind almost blacked out.

"Na'ah, you're not going anywhere," she said as she injected some mana into the right regions in his brain so that he doesn't faint. "Now, let us have some fun, ok?"

'Smiling' she muttered: "Sorcerer of Dark Magic, Soul Torment". Just as she did, Penguin fell on the ground and started thrashing around.

The scene was repulsive enough for Red Joe and his men to realize how gifted they were to be called Wraith's servants.

Figuring out that he might damage his body and possibly kill himself from his chaotic thrashing, Raven paralyzed his body by injecting mana into the right brain regions.

This was relatively easy for her since she had True Sight and Kayla on her side.

And of course she decided that this level of pain wasn't enough, so she increased the effects of her torturing skill, while at the same time preventing him from going insane or fainting. 

Since the pain was soul related, she didn't need to mess with his physical pain receptor.

Watching him drool with open eyes and a pained expression, Raven was satisfied. After all, she wanted her point to get across clearly. 

Shifting her attention towards Red Joe and his men while activating her True Sight, their faces turned pale, thinking that she was about to attack them.

"Rest at ease, I'm just checking to see if anyone is injured." She reassured with a smile as she was quite satisfied with their job. 

"I've visited your headquarters at first and didn't find you there, but to my surprise, I found out that some of your men were planning to overthrow your rule. 

Apparently, they wanted to kill you then combine their 'nee' assists with another organisation.

"I've restrained everyone that was part of that plan so that you can question them yourself. I thought that getting to you in time was more important than spending my time on questioning them myself.

"Anyhow, do what you must to recover and bring me the names of those organisations, I'll take care of them." She said as she was about to leave.

"Wait!" Red Joe called out. "What do we do with that?" He pointed towards Penguin in disgust as he had already let go of his bowels and started smelling like a dumpster, or arguably worse.

"Oh, hm, I don't care, but try not to kill him. It's better if he escapes and spreads the word, I don't have time to stop every criminal in the city while dealing with bigger dangers." Raven answered. "So it's better to let someone like him get the message to the rest; no one is allowed to mess with your operations.

"Also, he should stop being a flesh dumpster in a few minutes. If you could, make sure to leave something that indicates it's your doing, just in case someone doesn't trust his story. And feel free to make a clear threat to anyone who challenges you.

"I don't want anyone messing with the city, robbing and killing innocent people, especially at these times."

"Understood… and thank you, I'm heavily indebted to you," Red Joe bowed slightly. "Also, one last question, do you know if my daughter is safe?"

"Aye, I checked up on her, the men with her seem trustworthy." She answered. "Oh and before I forget, I do like the work you're doing now, helping people like I've told you to do.

"Consider me impressed! Keep up the good work!" She smiled before disappearing from her spot.


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