Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 173 - Team Compositions Part 1

* Trevor Daniel - Falling *

"Mhn" Moaning softly as she opened her eyes, Raven realized she was back on the hospital bed, covered in some warm blankets. 'Eh? When did I fall asleep? How did I get here?'

She had no recollection of going to bed. The last memory she had was bid goodbye to the two Deputy Generals. 'Hm, I must have been tired as well…'

Looking around, she found Liz sitting down on a chair next to her, with her head resting on the side of the bed.


Sighing, she jumped out of bed and slowly but firmly held the sleeping girl between her arms. Putting her in the bed took seconds, and covering her with the blankets took even less time.

Washing her face, she mentally checked and made sure Kayla was still asleep.

Getting out of the room and slowly closing the door behind her, she went to Axane's room that was directly next to hers.

On her way, she saw Ian and the doll in the white suit. She simply ignored them this time.

Walking into Axane's room, she found her hugging Maria on her bed as her eyes glowed with a bright white hue, signalling that she was crying.

"Hi, what's wrong?" She said softly as she held her hand. Sneakily, she activated her Angelic Touch and made sure to ease her stress.

Maria looked at Axane who silently nodded. "We were taking a stroll outside, and we saw a little baby… *sigh* it's still tough for her, you know."

"I'm sorry," Axane shook her head and tried to quickly recover. "I can't keep thinking straight when I remember how baby Rituxi's body disappeared into light particles in front of me… 

"But at the same time, I'm aware that you two are suffering too. It's so unfair of me to act like this, and for that I apologize…"

Looking down in silence, Raven shook her head. "It's a tough time for all of us, just remember to be as transparent as possible when it comes to that, we're not a family if we can't help each other."

'Coming from you, I can't tell you how disturbing that sounds…' Kayla said with a yawn.

'Heh, finally awake? I thought you'd take a week to recover and get your beauty sleep…' Raven said and Kayla scoffed at her.

"Thank you," Axane said as she gave her a quick hug and a smile shortly after. "You always make me feel better, I wish I could be useful…"

Shaking her head with a smile, Raven flicked her forehead. 

"That hurts!" Axane complained before laughing it off.

"You have to know that you being you is of the utmost help to us, I'm pretty sure that the situation would have been a lot harder if we didn't have you to share our burden with.

"However, if you'd like something to do, how about you both start training together?

"I know it's not the optimal situation or time, but soon, I'll be leaving to the Demon Plane," Raven dropped the bomb.

Widening her eyes, Maria looked Raven in the eyes, held both of her shoulders and then shook her hard. 

"You. Don't. Go. Anywhere." Tears instantly ran down her eyes, yet she seemed more furious than sad.

"Let me explain pl-"

"No." Maria interrupted her. "Simply, no. 

"You don't get to argue this time. I've already lost one daughter, and I'm not losing a second. The only way for you to go fighting again, Demon Plane or B*tches Plane, is by leaving my house forever."

At that, Raven suddenly felt her heart pulse unnaturally as pain spread through her veins.

"Am I making myself clear? You either stay as my daughter, or leave as a stranger. You're not responsible for saving anyone but those who you care about, you're no fighter, nor you an EDA ranker.

"Unless you prefer to save the country and lose your family, may the odds be with you.

"That's all I have for you." With that, Maria stormed out of the room, warm tears dripping down from her sparkling blue eyes.

As soon as she closed the door behind her, she bit her lips hard enough for them to bleed. 'I should not have said that, I SHOULD NOT HAVE SAID THAT!!' she yelled in her mind, feeling helpless as regret fueled her despair.

'What if she absolutely had to go? Will she leave me? Why did I have to say that? F*CKKKK!!' Her sadness and anger suddenly all became directed towards herself.


-EDA HQ. Elite Classroom-

"Alright everyone," Jaime said with a smile while looking at the students in front of him, "we've finally finished the practical test, and your ranks have been decided.

"For your information, the scores will be public for everyone, so don't panic when we call your name and follow with your rank." At that, some students seemed to swallow loudly. "Any questions?" 

Seeing everyone shake their heads nervously, he proceeded. "Alright then, so to make it clear, I'll call out your names, your ranks, and then your role in the team.

"Note that some of you will be stronger than others, rank wise, yet that will not be the sole indication of one's position.

"So for those who are on top of the ranks, be aware that you may not be the leaders, am I making myself clear?" Jamie wanted to make everything clear from the start to avoid confusion.

Seeing that no one had any objections, he smiled. "Alright then, let's start!

"First, let me explain that we have two main teams: the Assault Team, the team that is responsible for attacking the enemies and conquering the battlefield, and the Support Team, the team that is responsible for supporting the Assault Team in various ways.

"This can be through providing protection, information, healing, cover fire, support attack, or even more.

"In some cases, the Assault team will heavily depend on the support team, so please don't feel discouraged in any way that you're not part of the Assault Team.


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