Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Chapter 156 - The Calm After The Storm Part 3

* MIIA - Dynasty (Lyrics) *

"Find someone that is worthy of the sacrifices we made, and then... then ask them to help you achieve our goal, ok?"

Before he could promise her anything or even complain about how she dared leaving him alone, she was gone… 

"Tu, are you alright?" Raven asked, concerned as he seemed lost in thoughts. 

Smiling softly, he nodded. "Ah, I was just thinking that I may have found the person I was looking for, for a long time now…"

"Oh, and who's that?" She asked curiously.

"It's you, you silly," he laughed as while flicking her forehead gently.

"Eh, what do you mean?" She asked, trying to cover her embarrassment, while at the same trying to figure out the change in his personality.

'Why the sudden change? This first thing he had told me when we first met was to kill people.' she thought back to Lady Luck's hell. 'And even after that, he had helped me fight against Scott thinking he'd be able to escape from me…

'But now, he's saying that he was looking for me all along?' she wondered.

"Ah, it's alright, I'll tell you later," he smiled.

"You're acting all caring and easygoing," Kayla narrowed her eyes while hugging Raven tighter in jealousy, "that's sus to say the least, stay away from my Raven!"

"Hehe," chuckling, he raised his hands up in fake defeat. "I'm sorry, but I thought we were all partners here," he narrowed his eyes in return.

"Meh, nah, you came in late to the party buddy, she's mine and mine alone!" She stared at him in a challenging manner.

"Hm, I could swear I've known Raven before you were even a thing… weird," he smiled.

"Nah, you were useless anyway, didn't you try to leave her? Heh, go ahead, I'll give you a hand," she didn't back away.

"Hahaha!" Raven chuckled at their display, unable to hold herself. "Now, now, you're both dear to me, we're all staying together from now on, isn't that right?" She smiled.

"I won't be leaving you two any time soon, so no need for a fight," she smiled again.

"Mhn," moaning softly, Maria opened her eyes. "You're finally awake?" She muttered to Raven.

Seeing how she had a smile on her face made her heart warm up.

"Eh? I've been awake for a while now, you're the one who was asleep," Raven tilted her head.

"Un," Maria massaged her eyes. "You've been asleep for the past two days, I must have fell asleep for an hour or so while checking up on you."

"... Two days? What do you mean, two days!?"

"It's only natural though, after you have exerted your body to that extent, what did you expect?"

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Raven saw her real mother, the mayor, stroll in. "Oh, you're awake!"

She said while rushing to her side. It's been a while since the two have seen each other last. 

Knowing that, Kayla and Tu moved to the side to allow them some space together.

"I was so worried!" The mayor said as she hugged Raven tightly. "I was so happy you were alright, you have no idea what's been rushing through my mind…"

"Uhm, I'm glad you're okay too," Raven said, returning the hug, "I'm sorry, I haven't been keeping up with my promise and visiting often…"

Deep inside, Raven now didn't hate her real mother, but she still couldn't help but feel that she was distant from her, after what her dad had done.

'Wait, so I have three moms,' she thought in her mind with a smile, 'Maria, the mayor, and my real real mother that gave birth to be… talk about a complicated life…'

"It's alright," the mayor said, "I watch the news, and try to always call Maria to make sure you're doing good."

"Eh?" That was news to her since she's never realised that Maria was in contact with her.

"It's true," Maria smiled. "She always calls to check on you."

"Thank you," Raven muttered, not knowing what else to say. 

"No, it's my job as your mother," she said through her blurry vision. "I am aware of how hard it must be for you to forgive me after everything you've been through and the way I treated you before, but I'm glad to be able to see you doing well, that is all."

Staying like that and talking for a few more minutes, eventually the mayor left Maria and Raven alone as she had her job to take care of and to make sense of what had actually happened.

"Ma'am, can we-" a man in an EDA uniform tried to ask the mayor as she exited the hospital, but was instantly interrupted.

"Don't you f*cking dare!" The mayor said in a cold tone that shook the man's spine. "My daughter has risked her life and lost her friend for the sake of fighting against a huge danger to the city… why the f*CK did she have to go through all of that?

"Where have you or other strong rankers been during all of this?" She asked. 


"It was a rhetorical question," she shut him up. "I am well aware that you all were busy hiding your shaking a*ses in your moms' closests! 

"But don't worry, I will make sure this doesn't happen again." She said, storming through the press.

On each set of doors leading to the hospital, she had assigned some well known guards to prevent any EDA rankers or journalists from getting in the hospital.

She didn't want anyone interrupting her daughter's recovery as well as reminding her of the terrible incident she had to go through.

'This matter will have to be addressed as soon as possible,' the mayor thought to herself, feeling her rage increase by the moment. 'We are supposed to have certified rankers helping save civilians, but instead, a sixteen year old girl had to save us all… what a joke!

'And not just any little girl, but my adorable little girl!!' she clenched her fists. 'I will show them all!' 

Seeing the mayor from afar, a journalist who was planning to sneak past the guards and question the crimson-purple haired girl, changed her mind.

'Nope, my boss can go to hell…' she thought, 'the guards can't kill me, but the mayor can!' With that, she turned her car on and drove away.


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