Infinite Mage

Chapter 93: Genius Lost in Light (2)

Chapter 93: Genius Lost in Light (2)

"It's a wise decision. Ignoring nine for the sake of one is foolish. In any situation, never stop thinking. Everything in the world is determined by the amount of thought. Combat is no different."

"Don't be mistaken. I will never forgive you."

"Haha! If you're also determined, there's nothing more to ask for. Shall I guess? You grow in real combat. A school that teaches only standardized things doesn't suit you. How about it? Won't you join me? I'll make you the greatest mage."

"Don't talk nonsense. I respect the teachers here far more than a murderer like you."

"Then tell me. What have you learned here? Photon Cannon? Red wavelength? Or did they even advise you on Immortal Function?"

Shirone's eyes wavered slightly.

"How do you know that...?"

Arcane burst into laughter. This must be why he enjoys teaching. Gathering naive children and spouting nonsense to his heart's content.

"It's indeed rare. Immortal Function, is that an ordinary realm? But child, there are terrifying monsters in places you don't know. If you mingle with them joyfully..."

Arcane grinned slyly with one eye.

"Unlockers aren't that rare either."

Shirone swallowed dryly. How many life-and-death situations must one overcome to casually mention Unlockers as not rare? Regardless of skill, the accumulated experience alone made him a different entity.

"In 100 years, I've met seven. Four were decent, and I killed three. The uniqueness of Unlockers is distinct. The potential for distortion is infinite. But untrained uniqueness dies before greater stability."

It was undeniable, though bitter. Uniqueness could be a variable that ignores objective power, yet sometimes it's a double-edged sword, powerless before straightforward methods.

"You won't learn anything in a school that ignores uniqueness, teaching the same things. You need to sharpen your unique strengths. I can help you with that."

"I don't learn magic to defeat someone. Don't lump me with someone like you."

Arcane read the conflict in Shirone's eyes. Of course, without a similar obsession with magic, he wouldn't have reached his current position.

"You think everyone likes you now. But humans are naturally favorable to the great. It's not that they like you personally. How long do you think you can interact with such hypocrites?"

Everyone frowned at Arcane's words.

But Shirone just listened silently.

"Get stronger. Make them unable to ignore you forever. Otherwise, they will trample on you. Can you still avoid conflict with polished excuses when that happens?"

Arcane spread three fingers.

"Three years. I'll make you a mage no one on the continent can ignore within three years. Too short? I don't think so. If we maximize your uniqueness, it's not impossible."

To Shirone, it wasn't nonsense. As an Unlocker, staying in school seemed fruitless. At best, he would easily land a job in the mage society.

"Your words may be right."

Nade and Yiruki's faces darkened.


If it's the truth, there's no need to deny it. Unlockers hold a unique position in the mage society, and standardized education at a magic school has its limits in skill development.

"Maybe you're right. But still, I won't follow you. This academy isn't just a place for me to fight; it's where my life is. Teachers, friends, a sense of belonging. I don't think you can offer me those things."

Arcane frowned. Whatever Arcane did to brainwash the students was admirable.

"You're being deceived. Those things don't matter in life. If you weren't strong, you would have been just an average kid at school. Proving your strength is everything in life."

"If that's really everything, then what's left for you now? Everyone hates you. Aren't you lonely? No one cares about you, so you can only prove yourself this way."

Arcane ground his teeth, his face reddening.

"Nonsense. The strong are lonely. It's the weak who seek to band together. Look at the situation. Everyone is kneeling at my feet. I rule them. This is loneliness."

"No. You're just a murderer who nobody cares about."

The word 'murderer' ignited madness in Arcane's eyes.

"Haha! Maybe. But did you know? I once had comrades. But one led everyone to ruin. That's the Alpheas you respect."

Shirone didn't believe it. He had heard from Ethella about their enmity. The Alpheas he knew wouldn't lead anyone to ruin.

"I don't know what happened in the past, but I won't listen to you. You're a murderer. And you're still committing murder."

"Murderer, you say. Then isnt Alpheas... just like me?"

Shirone widened his eyes, shocked.

"Lies. What do you know about the headmaster?"

"Hahaha! Of course, I know. That kid was my disciple."


Shirone was speechless. Alpheas was a pioneer of light magic since his youth. How could someone who practices dark magic be his mentor?

Arcane looked up at the sky, reminiscing. Realizing something, he turned to Ethella.

"Did Alpheas ever marry?"

"No. He has devoted his life to education, living alone."

"I see."

A fleeting sadness passed through Arcane's eyes. Although he harbored hatred for Alpheas for 40 years, the only thing he possibly felt sympathy for was the matter of Erina.

"You might not know, but Alpheas was once married."

Ethella tilted her head in confusion. To her knowledge, Alpheas had always been single. Even if he had married and separated, it should have been documented as a union of houses.

"But Headmaster Alpheas is officially single."

"It seems his marriage was never acknowledged. But Alpheas was indeed married. They lived together for three years. Her name was Erina. A wonderful woman. She shone brighter and was more beautiful than anyone."

"What exactly happened between you two? Is it something worth harboring a grudge over, even after 50 years?"

"At that time, Alpheas was a rising star, recognized for his Photon Theory. Having received the Gold Circle Award from the Emperor, you can imagine his stature. He secured a position in the Thunder Dragons' Magic Department and set up a household with a woman from the Bastadd family. He had nothing to envy in the world. But he had his worries."

Arcane tapped his head as he spoke.

"His wife, Erina, was a bit slow. Her intelligence was around that of a ten-year-old."

"I see."

"But Alpheas didn't mind. He truly loved his wife. His affection was neither pity nor pretense."

Arcane's memory traveled back in time, to 40 years ago. It was when Arcane ruled the world, and Alpheas, a new star in the magic world, was dubbed a supernova.

"This year's Gold Circle Award! Alpheas Myrhe!"

Fanfares echoed in the Grand Hall. As Alpheas walked amid the colorful confetti, tears of joy welled in his eyes. The Gold Circle Award, given to the mage with the highest achievement of the year, ensured entry into Thunder Strike and support from numerous noble families.

"Congratulations, Alpheas. I knew you would win."

"Count on me in the future. Don't forget your old friends now that you're successful."

Many mages flocked around Alpheas, hoping to make an early impression, foreseeing his continuously rising value.

However, not all eyes were favorable. Saroph, who had been a close competitor until the end, looked sour as if he had swallowed something bitter.

"Hmph. Married an idiot and rose to fame. Myrhe and Bastadd's union, how can anyone compete with that?"

"It's true. It's really frustrating. But what can we do, the results are out. We need to watch our words around Alpheas now."

Saroph was aware too. As long as they were part of the magic society, it was wise to get on Alpheas's good side.

"What will you do, Saroph? Approaching subtly and seeking reconciliation might make it worse. Shall we leave it for later and go for a drink?"

"Sounds good. I don't want to stay here any longer."

Saroph left the castle with his friends. Although he narrowly missed the Gold Circle Award, no one paid attention to the loser.

Klumph heartily laughed, pulling Alpheas out of the crowd. Alpheas wanted a break, but soon found his face squeezed against Klumph's muscular arm.

"Hahaha! You did it, my friend! My friend won the Gold Circle! I can't believe it!"

"Ouch! It hurts!"

Alpheas screamed, but Klumph's celebration knew no bounds.

"When you were being a smart aleck, I really wanted to beat you up, but now I see, you're a genius! You did it, man!"

Alpheas felt dizzy but didn't think of escaping. It's the Gold Circle. When else would he experience such thrilling pain?

"Alright! Let's drink until our stomachs burst on this great day. I've booked a tavern, just bring your stomach, leave your brain!"

"Ah, I can't go right now. I need to stop by somewhere."

"What? The star of the night can't be absent. What's the matter?"

"I'm going home. I want to put the medal on my wife."

Klumph couldn't argue with that. Having married Erina a year ago, due to opposition from both families, they lived in a small house in a civilian area without any support.

It started with the Myrhe family. They couldn't accept their son, sent abroad for education, marrying a foolish woman.

The Bastadd family didn't back down either. They claimed that despite being nobles, they wouldn't be looked down upon, even if their daughter was a bit slow.

In the end, Alpheas and Erina had an unofficial wedding ceremony with only friends present.

"Right. There's Mrs. Erina. Why not bring her here?"

"No need. What wife would like to see her husband drunk? I'll just be back soon."

"Stubborn as always. Well, hurry back."

"Will do. Go ahead to the tavern!"

Alpheas rushed out of the castle. Despite being exhausted from relentless research, he felt exhilarated tonight.

'I did it! I made it!'

Winning the kingdom's most prestigious award meant that the Myrhe family would have to accept him back, paving the way for a formal wedding with Erina.

"Honey, I'm back."

Erina knew about the award day. In any other home, there might have been a surprise party, but she greeted him as usual from the kitchen.

"Are you back? Have you eaten?"

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