Infinite Mage

Chapter 88: Battle of Wits (3)

Chapter 88: Battle of Wits (3)

Anyone immersed in the world of magic would recognize Alpheas as a man chosen by the gods. The problem was his tendency to flaunt his talent indiscriminately, regardless of time and place.

Once embroiled in a debate, he would see it through to the end, relentlessly digging into even the slightest mistake made by his opponent to extract an admission of defeat.

Only a few, like Klumph, knew that Alpheas's actions weren't driven by malice. He wasn't arrogant; he was simply too passionate, which often exhausted others.

In truth, Alpheas would graciously acknowledge his own mistakes and celebrate the victory of others. The problem was, such instances were rare.

Alpheas, seemingly bored even while waiting for his beer, wandered around the tables engaging with others. Klumph watched him, worried about potential trouble but too drained to intervene.

"Saroph! You're having a drink in broad daylight?"

Alpheas greeted Saroph, a native of the capital and one of his few rivals. Although always defeated in debates, Saroph was considered the most promising in the photon field if Alpheas were out of the picture. Saroph's feelings towards Alpheas were understandably complex, but Alpheas, unfazed, approached him.

"Right, Saroph, I heard you submitted a paper to the palace recently? I read a bit of it, quite interesting."

"What? Why did you read my paper?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm also specialized in photons, and the royal librarian is my avid follower. Anyway, I enjoyed it."

Saroph brightened at the praise but Alpheas didn't stop there.

"But there was one error. About the wave nature of light. That's a clearly wrong theory."

"What are you talking about? Light being a wave is a fact proven by experiments."

"That may be, but I disagree. Recent experiments suggest that light cannot be explained by wave theory alone. Perhaps light is closer to particles."

"Hah! Alpheas, now you resort to gossip? Critics have pointed out errors in particle theory experiments! If light is a particle, how do you explain its wave nature? They're completely different concepts!"

The debate over light being a particle or a wave was a hot issue in Alpheas's time. Although wave theory was prevalent, some scholars, including Alpheas, continually challenged it.

"Do you really trust those critics? I've seen the documents about errors in particle experiments too. But their approach wasn't scientific. Isn't that the real error?"

Saroph, already suffering from insomnia due to his paper, was infuriated by Alpheas's provocation.

"Enough! Who asked for your opinion? If you're so confident, why don't you publish your nonsense and amuse the world!"

"I'm concerned, that's why I'm saying this. Even if it's rejected now, you can improve it later, right? What matters isn't the paper but realizing the truth."

Unable to bear it anymore, Saroph exploded.

"Get lost! I won't even talk to you anymore!"

Alpheas returned to his table, unfazed by the conflict. He saw debates with rivals as mutually beneficial.

But Klumph worried for him.

They first met at a Bashuka inn. It had been a year since Klumph came to the capital from Creas and joined Alpheas. 

Frankly, Alpheas was unpopular. If even Klumph, a swordsman, thought so, imagine the feelings of rival mages?

"Alpheas, are you looking for a fight? If others can't do it, just leave it at that. Why must you correct them?"

"There's no 'others' in this. Wrong is wrong, and it should be corrected. That's true intellect."

"Really now. Do you know what people call you? 'Proud Alpheas.' That's your nickname these days."

"Ha ha! I like that! Much better than the cringy 'Light of Myrhe.'"

Magic was a realm of talent, and Alpheas was bestowed with more than his share. No matter how much he tried to hide it, his talent shone through. To him, humility was nothing but pretense.

"Such is the fate of a genius. Now, come on, don't worry so much and have a drink. Hey, Laphne, take special care with the appetizers. This guy eats more than a bear."

"Ho ho! Anything for Alpheas! You seem to have everyone swooning."

The waitress Laphne gazed at him adoringly. Klumph, who had little luck with women, felt a headache coming on.

Alpheas wasn't deeply involved in any serious relationships. Just flirting with women left and right, causing countless men to miss their chances. Not limited to magic, Alpheas was a public enemy among the local men.

"Now Laphne too?

 Why don't you have a proper relationship? What are you thinking?"

"Well, as you know, I am a lover of all. And it's not like I'm trying to seduce them. They just melt at my killer smile."

Alpheas grinned, demonstrating his charm. Klumph, unfamiliar with flirting, tried to imitate the smile.

"How's this? Do I have a killer smile too?"

"Ah, that's right! A real killer smile, huh? A murderer's smile. Haha!"

"Are you asking for a beating?"

"Hahaha! Just kidding. Actually, it looked pretty cool. Remember to wear that smile at the party later. The ladies will fall for it for sure."

"Party? Do I really have to go? I'm not even a mage."

Tonight, the Bastadd family was hosting a party titled 'A Night for Young Mages.' Although the family had little to do with magic, holding such events was a way for nobility to assert their status at the time.

"There's no rule saying only mages can attend. It's a social gathering for various circles, so you should build some connections too. Skills are important, but so are connections."

"Coming from you, that sounds funny."

"Well, what can I do? You need to climb high to spread your wings. Anyway, just come along. Who knows, you might find your other half there."

Klumph, brimming with zeal for swordsmanship, had no interest in networking. But the last remark intrigued him.

Who knows? Maybe the rustic swordsman from the countryside might fall in love with a sophisticated city girl.

Suddenly struck with a cough, Klumph cleared his throat repeatedly.

"Ahem! Well, why not take a look around?"

The Bastadd family's mansion, one of the wealthiest in the capital, was opulent and dazzling, nearly crossing the legal line that no noble's residence should outshine the palace itself.

The hall was adorned with 300 crystal chandeliers, and the marble tables with gold trim were lavishly set with delicacies from around the world.

To the accompaniment of musicians, nobles danced with their partners, while elder politicians chatted over wine on the side.

"Hello? My name is Klumph Ogent. Are you here alone?"


At the sight of Klumph, a woman screamed and ran away. How could she not be frightened by a man looking like a cattle thief, grinning creepily? It was indeed a killer's smile. Shocked, Klumph froze as Alpheas approached, laughing heartily.

"Hahaha! You actually did it? Oh, my sides!"

"Damn it! It's my fault for trusting you. By the way, where have you been until now?"

"Just chatting with some lovely ladies over there. Had to keep them company, you know."

Klumph looked where Alpheas pointed. Elegant city women were glancing at Alpheas, blushing.

"Damn. They're all looking at you, not me."

"Haha! Don't worry about it. Let's just enjoy the feast."

Intrigued by the exotic dishes he couldn't find back home, Klumph decided to indulge himself, ignoring the women and heading towards the tables. Alpheas chuckled. He liked this simple yet positive friend.

As Klumph devoured the food, Alpheas was busy attending to nobles approaching him every five minutes. When the head of the Bastadd family came to converse, all the nobles' eyes turned to Alpheas.

"Pleased to meet you. You must be the renowned Alpheas."

"Honored to be recognized, sir. Thanks for inviting me to this splendid party."

"Ho ho! Mixing with young intellectuals is my pleasure. Let's see more of each other in the future."

"Of course, I'd be delighted to attend any invitation."

The conversation was brief, but for the head of the Bastadd family to engage a young mage in more than a couple of sentences was a significant sign of favor.

Pleased, Alpheas turned back to find Klumph stuffing his face with meat, causing him to look bewildered. Clearly, Klumph was venting his unstoppable energy on the food.

"Doesn't your jaw ever tire? Where does all that food even go?"

Pointing to his biceps, Klumph mumbled through mouthfuls of meat. Alpheas shook his head, amused. He felt the gazes of numerous women but found them merely tedious. Then, his attention was caught by a woman darting between tables across the hall.


His first thought: definitely not a mage. She wore a simple dress, not the usual flamboyant gypsy-style attire, and her long black hair defied the short style symbolizing intellect. Carrying a plate and fork, she hopped around, completely out of sync with the decorum and dignity of the setting.

"Hey, isn't that the eldest daughter of the host?"

At Klumph's words, Alpheas became intrigued, only half-turning to ask.

"The host's eldest daughter?"

"You came to the party without even knowing that? You really lack manners."

"I didn't know. Go on, explain."

"Her name is Erina Bastadd, 19 years old. She's the sole troublemaker of the Bastadd family."

"Troublemaker? Because she's boisterous?"

"No. She's a bit slow."

Alpheas turned fully to Klumph, likely believing him. Klumph wasn't the type to joke cruelly.

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