Infinite Mage

Chapter 181: Reversal of the Law (1)

Chapter 181: Reversal of the Law (1)


Translator/Editor: Ryuu



“Fine, I'll explain. This place is called Purgatory, also known as the Prison of the Earth.”

“Purgatory? Here?”

“Yes, it's a prison on earth. It's where heretics who reject the laws live. Now it makes sense. You must have denied the existence of God in the land of the earth. That's why you ended up here.”

Shirone did not correct her misunderstanding. Explaining it wouldn't make her understand, and it wasn't entirely wrong. None of them believed in Aker anyway.

“You must be descendants of the Nor, given that you can use magic. Unfortunately, there's nothing left for you here in Purgatory except death. Eventually, you'll all die.”

“Yes, we will eventually die. But so will you.”

Kanya lifted her chin, looking a bit proud.

“Absolutely not. I am one of the chosen ones by God. I am guaranteed eternal life.”

Shirone recalled the myths of Kergos. If someone could grant eternal life, they would surely be considered a god.

But it didn't seem realistic.

All living things aged and eventually died. Not even magic could prevent death.

Now that Kanya understood who they were, she seemed more at ease. She disliked heretics, but these people were pitiful souls who had never even had the chance to receive divine power.

“It can't be helped. You're lucky. Follow me, I'll show you a place where you can stay.”

“Why are you being so nice all of a sudden? If you're a divine subject and we're heretics, shouldn't you be treating us badly?”

Kanya turned around, knowing no one would follow her.

“You're very suspicious, which proves you are descendants of the Nor. In Heaven, I would have driven you out, but here it's fine. In Purgatory, no law can protect divine subjects. We're in the same situation. Anyway, we need to hurry. It's dangerous after sunset.”

As they ventured deeper into the canyon, the cliffs grew taller. It was a desolate place with not even a single flying insect. There was some moisture and echoing sounds. In the vastness of nature, only their footsteps could be heard.

“We won't encounter anything strange, will we?”

“Don't worry. The Valley of the Vortex Serpent is governed by a powerful law, so dangerous monsters like the Dokgakgui don't live here.”

“What kind of law?”

“The Vortex Serpent. It's a monster said to have lived here for over ten thousand years. But it should be sleeping now. It doesn't come out during the day. That's why we need to hurry. We must reach the Nor's Haven before sunset.”

“You said we are descendants of the Nor. Then, aren't the Nor divine subjects?”

“Of course, they are.”

“Then why is there a Nor's Haven in Purgatory?”

Kanya felt frustrated but remembered where they had come from and added an explanation.

“There are three races in Heaven. The Nor are one of them. Divine subjects have a predetermined lifespan from birth, and when it ends, they gain eternal life. But it seems some Nor couldn't accept this. So, they escaped to Purgatory and created an independent society.”

Shirone didn't fully understand the concept of a predetermined lifespan, but he let it go for now. At least it was less strange than the idea of gaining eternal life.

He appreciated Kanya's consideration. She was guiding them to a society of the Nor because she believed they were descendants of the Nor.

“Thank you, Kanya. You're very kind.”

“What are you talking about? No divine subject is kind to heretics. We're going there because we need something too, so don't misunderstand. Once we reach the Nor's Haven, don't expect any acknowledgment from me.”

Despite her harsh words, she couldn't meet Shirone's eyes.

Seeing Kanya's shyness, Rena puffed out her cheeks and added a comment.

“That's right. My sister is going because she needs something. But I'm going because I genuinely want to help.”

“Haha! Thanks, Rena. You're very kind.”

Rena blushed at Shirone's compliment.

Kanya stopped walking. She understood that it was natural for her sister to be drawn to the stranger during this sensitive time, but as a divine subject under the law, such thoughts were unacceptable.

She grabbed Rena's wrist and pulled her towards the cliff. Shirone's group watched in confusion as she whispered urgently.

“Rena, what's wrong with you? You know we can never be with heretics. Even having such thoughts is blasphemy.”

“I know. But that guy is…”

“No means no! You may be naïve, but it's not all about looks. Choosing a man like that can lead to disaster.”

“How would you know? You don't have a boyfriend either.”

“You'll understand when you grow up. Anyway, listen to me, okay? From now on, be cold to that guy.”

“It's not because he's handsome, it's because he's kind.”

“Kind? That guy?”

Kanya looked at Rena in disbelief. How should she take her sister's words?

Shirone was certainly a unique boy but she felt that his free-spiritedness was because he was a heretic. Such freedom led to corruption. Associating with Shirone was dangerous.

“Tell me clearly. Do you like handsome guys or kind guys?”

Rena, at fourteen, was at the age to feel love. Kanya, who had to act as a mother soon, felt the need to correct her sister's thinking.

“Of course, both. He has to be handsome and kind.”

“Ugh, I really can't understand you.”

“Don't worry, sister. I won't fall in love with someone I've only known for a day. And... we're not so different from them right now.”

Divine subjects entering Purgatory without permission was a violation of the law. They could be punished, but it was something they couldn't give up.

However, bringing her sister along was something she regretted.

Even if Rena had a longer lifespan than she did, it was an irresponsible decision as her sister.

“I'm sorry, Rena. I…”

“I know, sister. Besides, I insisted on coming. You don't have to take on all the risks alone. I want to give our mother a gift too.”

Kanya patted Rena's head. The child who once cried for milk had grown up so much. She hoped Rena would receive the divine grace and enjoy eternal life.

Because she was a lovely child, Ra would surely grant it.

“Alright, let's go quickly.”

The canyon was turning into a maze. Shallow streams flowed through narrow paths, making the air damp.

Amy noticed, using her Red Eye, that Kanya's route was becoming erratic.

It was typical behavior for someone who was lost.

“It’s quite far. Is the Nor's Haven still a long way off?”

“We're not going there. We don't know where the Nor's Haven is.”

“What? You said we were going to the Nor's Haven.”

“That's our destination. There's no way we, divine subjects, would know where the place made by the escaped Nor is.”

Sensing Amy's frustration, Kanya added.

“Don't worry. We still have a way.”

“What way?”

“We'll use the drone. The Nor's Haven is an open market where anyone can go. A guide from the market is waiting in the Valley of the Vortex Serpent. We just need to find that person. So, the drone is searching for a place where someone could stay.”

Shirone looked up at the two drones flying in the sky.

Those flying machines would be considered ancient relics in his world. However, their technology was far more advanced.

He wondered what expression Nade would make if he saw them.

“I understand that the machine is scouting, but how do we see what it finds?”

Kanya poked her temple and said.

“It's connected to my head. It's called a frequency.”


“It's like an invisible signal. Think of it as similar to sound. It's called retinal vision. When the drone sends a signal to my frequency, an image appears on my retina. Look closely at my left eye.”

An electric field-like image appeared in Kanya's pupil, quickly displaying an aerial view of the canyon. Despite its small size, the resolution was high enough to see the unfolding scenery.

“This is the canyon from the drone's perspective. You might not see it clearly, but it takes up half my field of vision. The image appears directly on my retina.”

“Amazing technology.”

Tess couldn't hide her envy. She had always been fascinated by ancient relics, and drones could revolutionize espionage.

“Where can I get one of these?”

“You don't get it; they're issued. Only the Mecha tribe receives these. At twelve, you get a drone.”

“So you can't sneak one out?”

“No. They’re strictly controlled. If caught, you'd face severe punishment.”

“I see. I wish I had one...”

“Other divine subjects envy drones too. But even if you had one, it wouldn't work for anyone else. It has a personal encryption. If the owner changes, it deactivates immediately.”

Knowing it was an item for one person only, Tess felt even more frustrated. She wanted one. But being a state-issued item, it wasn't something she could buy.

Jealous, Tess fell silent.

“I found a place where the Nor might be staying. It's not far from here.”

Kanya started running, arriving at the cave entrance.

The drone landed on her hand, transforming into a gauntlet.

The final captured scene appeared on the surface. Comparing it to the view, Kanya confirmed it was the right place and approached the cave.

At that moment, Tess raised her hand to stop her.

“Wait. I smell blood.”

“Blood? I don't smell anything.”

“Haha, of course not. I’ve been trained since childhood. Your machine can’t smell?”

“What? The Mecha tribe's technology can distinguish 140,000 scents. The drone just doesn't have that function.”

Only then did the group realize Tess and the drone were having a subtle rivalry.

Indeed, the drone's reconnaissance ability was impressive. But Rian found Tess's jealousy towards a metal object ridiculous.

“Enough. Just get on with it. Don't feel inferior to a machine.”

Feeling better at Rian's words, Tess used her Sensory Schema to trace the scent of blood.

Taking a step into the cave, she scanned the interior and looked outside for a while.

After her analysis, she spoke to the group.

“There’s definitely a scent of blood inside. Someone is in there, but it seems they haven't left the cave.”

“Why? Isn't there any blood outside?”

“No. The scent is stronger inside, suggesting they didn't leave.”

“But you checked outside for a long time?”

“It's a kind of manual. If there was blood outside, the cave might be a trap.”

“So, it's not a trap. Let's go in.”

Shirone cast the lighting spell Shining.

As the orb of light floated above his palm, Kanya and Rena were startled. The Nor could use magic, but they had never seen such a spell in Heaven.

“Sister, did you see that? He made light with his body.”

“Yeah. The people from the land use strange magic.”

“Yes. But doesn’t that light... look like it?”

“Rena! Such thoughts are blasphemy. Apologize in your heart right now.”

Rena's expression turned sullen. The fact that her sister understood her thoughts meant she was thinking the same thing.

Nevertheless, blasphemy was a sin, so she silently asked Ra for forgiveness.

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