Infinite Mage

Chapter 174: The Gate of Goffin (1)

Chapter 174: The Gate of Goffin (1)


Translator/Editor: Ryuu



Shirone's party's eyes lit up as if electricity ran through the room. This was a new phase.

The reason Shirone recognized heaven as dangerous was due to the low probability of returning. But if there was an escape route, the story changed.

"Tell me in detail. What’s this way to return?"

"As you know, the wealth our master left us was confiscated by the Magic Association. We were left on the streets. We didn’t want to seek help from Alpheas either. While we were figuring out what to do, Harvest recalled an old memory. While you were at school, Arin and I traveled. We discovered a secret place that Archmage Viltor Arcane never wanted to reveal. Since he erased his memory, even the Magic Association couldn't find it."

"So, this secret place has a way to return from there?"

"No. It’s more than that. I’ll show you."

Arin took out a cubic box from her pocket.

It was engraved with patterns in relief and intaglio. It was almost black, but it reflected a rainbow-like light depending on the direction of the incoming light. It had seams like a cube, suggesting it could be turned by hand.

Tess had never seen the object Arin was holding. However, she had heard countless times about the iridescent hues and inimitable patterns.

"That's an ancient artifact. Made of a metal that doesn’t exist in this world, its surface is engraved with magical patterns. I’ve heard it can’t be used without unlocking a powerful seal. Am I right?"

"Yes. And the seal is already broken. It can be used right now."

Tess's eyes sparkled.

The Elzain family collected information on ancient weapons because of their immense power that could destabilize nations.

To her knowledge, unsealing an ancient artifact was internationally forbidden. If any country were to unlock such an artifact, it would be tantamount to declaring war on the world.

"Can I take a look?"

When Shirone asked, Arin handed him the artifact. The friends gathered around Shirone's bed.

Shirone rubbed the surface and examined the seams. As he turned it, something triggered, and the cube split along the centerline, revealing a glass tube inside.

Surprised, Shirone pressed on the cube, but it seemed fixed and wouldn’t close.

Indecipherable characters floated inside the glass tube. There was no way to know what it was used for, and the possibility of an explosion couldn't be ruled out.

"Wow, it's beautiful."

On the other hand, Tess's eyes sparkled. Growing up hearing stories about artifacts instead of fairy tales, her heart raced with excitement.

Receiving the cube from Shirone, she asked Canis.

"But what is this used for? I can’t figure out how to use it."

"I don't know the details either. Arin found it. Here, toss it over."

Tess carefully passed the cube, while Canis casually threw it to Arin, who handled it without any tension, suggesting she had already experimented with it.

Watching Arin manipulate the cube, Shirone realized that she hadn’t just stumbled upon its use by luck.

Most people, upon seeing an ancient artifact for the first time, would base their assumptions on familiar objects. Shirone thought of cubes and bombs. However, free from such constraints, she was able to identify its unique features.

Realizing the artifact's extraordinary power, Shirone listened intently to Arin's explanation.

"I don't know why, but pressing certain parts activates it. Like this... and then pressing here should do it."

Red light shot out from the glass tube, staining the room as if with blood. Amy covered her face with a pillow and screamed.

"What is it? Is it going to explode?"

She peeked over the pillow, ready for anything.

The beeping sound accelerated, then turned into a hum as the red light faded.

Arin picked up the ancient artifact and pointed to the spot where the cube had been.

"This is the spatial input. It remembers where the cube was placed. Now, let’s try again."

When Arin manipulated the cube, the glass tube emitted a blue light this time.

She looked around for an appropriate spot and placed the artifact near Shirone.

The tube turned white, and a large black sphere materialized in the air. A similar sphere appeared at the spot Arin had pointed to earlier.

"Oh, this is?"

Shirone was astonished.

It was the black hole he had seen in the space-time of the labyrinth. The ability to compress space and pierce through it. The purpose of this ability was clear.

"Now I get it. It’s a portal. A portal that pierces through space-time."

"Exactly. It’s a device called the Metagate. This will be our secret weapon. Let’s demonstrate with Harvest first."

Canis knew no one would volunteer to jump into the black sphere. Harvest, being lifeless, was perfect for the experiment.

When Harvest put his hand into the black hole, it emerged from the other black hole.

Amy and Tess leaped onto the bed.

The distance between the portals was three meters. Harvest was stretched across three meters, with parts of his body in each portal. If they had used a person, it would have been an even more bizarre sight.

"Heh, heh, heh, this is fun every time."

"Harvest, it’s dangerous. Come out now."

Arin spoke worriedly. According to their experiments, the portal lasted one minute.

When Harvest withdrew and the portal disappeared, Canis picked up the cube again and spoke proudly.

"What do you think? It’s a warp device that connects space-time by remembering a specific point. If we remember this location and use it in heaven, we can return anytime."

As the impossible became possible, a wave of emotion swept through Shirone's party.

Tess, with a trembling voice of awe, said.

"This is... incredible."

Only an Archmage like Arcane, who risked his life to visit heaven, could possess such an ancient artifact. That alone was a top national secret.

The most astounding fact was that the seal was broken.

If the existence of this artifact were revealed, it would undoubtedly cause diplomatic friction.

It wasn’t like the magic circle used by the Parrot Mercenary Band.

What if a spy infiltrated the royal palace and activated the Metagate? An army would pour in, threatening to overthrow the kingdom. Such was the power of an ancient artifact.

Amy reached the same conclusion. Its use aside, its monetary value was unimaginable.

No matter how much Arcane’s legacy had been left to Canis, this one item would be worth several times more.

"Could we... sell this?"

She knew it was a ridiculous thought but was curious nonetheless.

Frankly, she was dying to know. A hundred billion? A trillion? If they could sell it, her twelfth-generation granddaughter would bow before Amy's portrait every night. She began to understand why Canis had kept it a secret.

Tess considered it seriously. As if appraising an item, she examined the Metagate and shook her head.

"Honestly, no one can buy this. At the very least, it would have to be a national entity. The impact would be tremendous. Aside from nations, the most ideal buyer would be the Ivory Tower."

No mage residing in the Kingdom of Thormia could be free from the Magic Association. Other countries also had Magic Associations.

However, the Ivory Tower wasn’t bound by such concepts. They pursued magic regardless of world affairs. They were a transnational organization, capable of contending with the world.

"The Ivory Tower is known as the pinnacle of the world. I doubt they would move even for an ancient artifact."

"You might think that as a mage. But it’s possible. Look at the Ex Machina incident seventy years ago."

"Ex Machina?"

"It’s the name of an ancient weapon possessed by the country of Koteria. I heard from my father that Koteria strengthened Ex Machina’s security by relocating it thirty meters from its original position to a newly constructed bunker. The international community went into an uproar. It felt like a world war could break out at any moment. Do you understand what this means? The mere act of moving an ancient weapon thirty meters caused such a stir."

"That's terrifying. What kind of weapon is it?"

"The Elzain family also participated in the intelligence war but discovered nothing. Its form, size, and even the principle of activation are unknown. However, judging by the reactions of neighboring countries at the time, it’s likely a map weapon."

"A map weapon?"

"It means it’s not a weapon used on the field. It’s named for the fact that the highest leaders make decisions with a map. Although the seal hasn’t been broken, you never know. It’s been seventy years."

Map weapons are devoid of humanity. Maps don’t show who lives there, what culture they enjoy, or what must be protected. It’s a world calculated with a ruler, compass, and pencil.

Canis listened silently as they appraised the artifact.

He had no intention of selling his master’s artifact. The reason he kept it secret was to engrave his sacrifice. His desire to go to heaven was so strong that he was willing to reveal an ancient artifact.

"Hmm, Ex Machina... and this is Metagate."

Shirone murmured, then turned to Canis.

"Wait, how do you know its name? Didn’t Arcane erase his memory?"

"It was written on a note. Just a series of words. He must have wanted to prevent anyone from inferring its meaning, even if they found the secret place. It’s a meticulousness fitting of my master."

"What else was written?"

"Nothing significant. There was no mention of heaven. He must have been reluctant to reveal it. But we can explore it. Because we have the Metagate. What do you think? Is this enough for a deal regarding the Immortal Function?"

There was room to consider. The terrifying idea of heaven had turned into a small excitement. With Canis, the probability of survival would increase significantly. But... what was he aiming to gain?

"Why do you want to go to heaven? Just because Arcane went isn’t a convincing reason. There’s no detailed information. I need to know your motivation to judge."

Canis felt more trust in Shirone's thorough scrutiny. If they were to venture into danger, it would be far more efficient to have Shirone as a companion than a less competent mage.

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